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(高考前18天)高三英语知识点综合训练及答案高考综合复习:Book 1 Unit 7-9 重点词汇、短语与句型:1.in ruins 成为废墟2.bringback to life 使苏醒,使生动3.pull down 拆毁,推翻4.set up 设立, 创立5.stand for 代表, 象征,支持6.because of 由于,因为7.speed skating 速滑 8.track and field 田径9.would rather 宁愿,宁可10.take part in 参加11.in preparation for为做准备12.stay in touch with 与保持联系13.call for 要求,需要14.according to 按照15.take over接收,接管16.succeed (in) doing sth. 成功地干成某事17.break down 毁掉,坏掉,中止18.sendinto space 把送入太空19.give in 屈服20.be under attack遭到进攻21.every +数词+名词 每22.in modern times 在现代23.compete in 参加比赛24.come up with 找到,提出25.stone by stone 一块石头、一块石头地26.be marked with 上面标有27.more than 不仅仅是28.change ones behavior 改变某人的行为方式29.do ones best (to do sth.)尽力做某事do all/everything sb. can (to do sth.) 做某人所能做的一切(来做某事)do what sb. can to help sb. 尽某人所能去帮某人30.on the go 忙个不停,跑来跑去31.add 的用法32.an electronic calendar 电子日历33.during ones lifetime 在某人的一生中34.cultural relics 文化遗产35.the same as 同一样36.win a gold medal获得金牌37.be based on以为基础38.dare的用法39.important events in history 历史上的重大事件 40.a sports star profile体育明星特写41.light the torch点燃火炬42.dream about a better future 梦想一个更好的未来43.提出意见和建议:Why not?Why dont you?What/How about?Shall we?Maybe we couldId like toCant we?44.同意和不同意:Absolutely.Thats exactly what I was thinking.Thats a good point.Thats just how I see it.Thats worth thinking about.I disagree./Well, yes, butYou cant be serious.Well ,Im not so sure about that.单元知识点归纳:1.in case (adv. conj. )以防,万一in case of sth. 假如,以防发生某事in this/ that case在这种那种情况下in no case 决不in any case无论如何,总之in the case of 就而言,至于,在情况下eg.In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.万一发生火灾,请拉响火警铃。Please take an umbrella, in case it rains.请带上雨伞以防下雨。Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting.乘坐出租车吧,以防开会迟到。I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some in case.我觉得用不着钱,但还是带上一些以防万一。In no case should you give up learning English.你决不要放弃学习英语。In any case , Ill go and have a look for myself.无论如何我要亲自去看一看。In that case, the whole house would be on fire.如果那样的话,整个房子就会着火。In the case of money itself, its no good or bad. 就钱本身而言,没有好与坏之分注:case 可表达多种意思:That isnt the case with Peter.彼得的情况并不如此(情况,情形)。The case will be tried in the court next week.下周要审这个案子(案情,案例)。The worst cases have been sent to hospital.情况最严重的患者已被送往医院(患者,病人)。高考题例:-Im afraid Mr. Wood cant see you until 4 oclock.-Oh, _ I wont wait.(2005全国高考浙江卷)A. no doubt B. after all C. in that case D. in this way分析:从语境中可理解题意为“要是那样的话,我就不等了”。答案:CI always take something to read when I go to the doctors _ I have to wait.(2005全国高考卷二)A. in case B. so thatC. in order D. as if分析:由句意可知“当我去医务室时总要带上点东西,以防等待” .in case “以防”, so that “为了”。答案:A2.use as把某物当作使用be used to do 被用于used to do 过去常常be/ get used to sth./ doing sth. 习惯于eg.Wood can be used to make desks and chairs.木头可以被用来制作桌椅。In ancient times, people used stones as tools for farming.古代,人民常用石头作为捕食动物的工具。 He used to play a funny role in TV plays.他过去常在电视剧中扮演滑稽的角色。He has got used to spending his holidays in the countryside.他已习惯于在乡下渡假了。We used to work in the same workshop.我们过去在同一个车间工作。be used to doing sth. 可用quite来修饰。如果强调由不同习惯到习惯这一过程的动作,常用get或become代替。如:He has become used to staying up late. 他已习惯于熬夜了。The food in England is strange at first but youll soon get used to it. 英国食物乍一吃很不习惯,但不久就能适应了。 After three months she had got used to the extreme heat.三个月以后她就适应酷热的环境了。3.remind vt. 提醒,使想起常用于下列句型:remind sb. of sth.remind (sb.)thatremind sb. to do sth.eg.He reminds me of his brother. 他使我想起了他的哥哥。I reminded him to answer that letter.我提醒他要回信。I reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须要在天黑前回家。Remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.提醒我明天带着药。The song reminds me of France.这首歌使我想起了法国。Travellers are reminded that malaria tablets are advisable.旅客须知要服用预防疟疾药。reminder n. 使某人回想起某事或某人的事物;提示The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchills greatness.这尊塑像使人永远缅怀丘吉尔的伟大功绩。The waiters were cleaning the tables , which served as a reminder that it was time to leave.服务员在收拾桌子,提醒顾客该走了。高考题例:In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.(2005全国高考江苏卷)A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped分析:从4个选项看,均为过去分词形式。那么,只需对句意理解和对4个过去分词的动词原形词义辨析便可选对。从题干所提供的语境看,可以排除C项,再从动词搭配来考虑,A项和D项都只能用不定式来直接作宾语,只有remind可接动词不定式作宾语补足语。答案: B4.add to 在中加上add to 增加,加强add up 加起来add up to总共,总共有eg.If you add five to five, you get ten.五加五得十。Dont add fuel to the flame.不要火上加油。I added sugar to tea.我往茶里加了糖。Every time I added up these figures I got a different answer.每次加起这些数字,我得到的答案都不一样。Your carelessness added to our difficulty.你的粗心增加了我们的困难。His whole schooling added up to no more than one year.他受到的全部学校教育加起来不超过一年。Travel adds to our understanding of the world.旅游增加了我们对世界的了解。5.late adj. adv. 迟的,晚的later是late的比较级, adv. 后来(常用于词组later on)latest 是late的最高级,“最新的,最近的”(可用于词组at the latest“最迟”)lately最近(=recently)latter 后者eg.She is always dressed in the latest fashion.她总是穿最新款的时装。 We have been doing lots of gardening lately.近来我们做了很多园艺工作。 His latest novel is a great success.他最近出版的小说十分成功。At first things went well, but later on we ran into trouble.起初事情进展的很顺利,但后来我们遇到了困难。One can travel by ship or plane. Most people choose the latter.乘船或乘飞机去均可,人们多取后者。Passengers should check in one hour before their flight time at the latest.乘客至迟应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。I sat up late last night. 昨夜我一直呆到很晚。6.under attack 遭受攻击under表示“在(状态)中,在(情况)下”eg.The city was under attack for 100 days. 这座城市被围困了一百天。The patrol came under attack from all sides.巡逻队遭到来自四面八方的攻击。The road is under repair and is closed to motor traffic.这条公路正在维修,禁止机动车辆通行。The problem is under discussion. 这个问题正在讨论中。The building is under construction.大楼正在建设中。The subject is under study.这个课题正在研究着。7.give in(vi.)投降,屈服,让步give in to(vt.) 向让步,迁就give up ( sth./ doing sth.) (vt. vi.)放弃,不再做(某事)give off: send out or emit sth. 送出或发出某物give sth./ sb. away 赠送,有意或无意泄露某事物或出卖某人give out 用完,消耗尽eg.She gave away state secrets to the enemy.她将国家机密泄露给敌人了。He gave away most of his money to charity.他把大部分钱捐给了慈善事业。After a month their food supplies gave out.过了一个月,他们的食物已消耗殆尽。The teacher gave out the examination papers.老师分发了考试卷。One of the planes engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.飞机在大西洋中部飞行时,其中一个发动机出了故障。The authorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnappers demands.当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象。The rebels were forced to give in.叛乱者被迫投降。The cooker is giving off a funny smell.锅里冒出股怪味。The fire doesnt seem to be giving off much heat.这炉火好像不太热。Believe in yourself and never give in.相信你自己,别屈服。The soldier didnt give in to the enemy.这个士兵没有向敌人屈服。高考题例:Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _ the shocking ending.(2002北京高考)A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off分析:give away此处为“泄露(秘密等)”,give out/off发出,give up放弃。答案:AWhat shall we use for power when all the oil in the world had _?(2005全国高考山东卷)A. given out B. put out C. held out D. used up分析:give out指“分发,放出,用光”, put out指“生产,出版,扑灭,提供”, hold out“举起,阻挡,使停顿”, use up“耗尽,耗费”。根据句意这里表示“耗尽,用光”,容易仅根据句意而误选D.但如果用 use up,需要用被动语态; give out表示“耗尽,用光”时是不及物的,不用被动语态.答案:A8.include:vt. “包括,列在里面”including:“包括”用在名词之前,表主动意义included: “被包括”用在名词或代词之后,表被动意义比较:contain着重指作为组成部分而被包含在内,可指具体的或抽象的事物。include 用法较广,它的宾语是所包含的部分内容,指整体中的一部分,通常用来附加或补充说明eg.The tour includes a visit to the Science Museum.这次参观包括去科学馆。All of us, including me/ me included, have read this book.所有的人,包括我在内,都看过这本书。Your duties will include putting the children to bed.哄小孩入睡也将是你工作的一部分。The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.(= The band played many songs, some of my favourites included.)这支乐队演奏了许多歌曲,其中有我最喜欢的。The box contains only a few warm-weather clothes.这个箱子里只有几件热天穿的衣服。We all went , myself included.(=We all went, including me.)我们都去了,其中包括我。I think youll find the plan includes most of your suggestion.我想你会发现这个计划包括了你的大部分建议。9.in pieces 成碎片,破碎,落空in ruins 成为废墟,落空in 表示某人(某事物)的状态或状况,常用于以下词组中:in order 整齐in a mess 凌乱in good repair 保养良好in a hurry 匆忙地in poverty 在贫困中in poor healthy 健康欠佳in anger(=angrily )愤怒地eg.I found the glass lying in pieces on the ground.他发现玻璃杯成了碎片散落在地上。An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.地震使整个城市沦为废墟。His career is in ruins.他已前途尽毁。He is in poor health.他的健康欠佳。He left in a hurry. 他匆匆地离开了。in 可表示“穿(戴)”(:wearing)eg.He is dressed in white.他身着白色服装。in 表示手段、材料等eg.The article was written in ink.这篇文章是用钢笔写的。Please speak in a loud voice.请大声说出来。in 表示比率eg.One in ten said they preferred their old brand of margarine.有十分之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油。in 表示“在某方面,至于”eg. It is a country rich in minerals.它是一个矿藏丰富的国家。He is behind others in reading, but a long way ahead in arithmetic.他在阅读方面比别人落后,但在算术方面遥遥领先。It is three feet in length.它的长度是三英尺。10.据说It is said thatis said to eg. It is said that you know his address.据说你知道他的地址。=You are said to know his address.It is said that he is the best player in his class.据说他是班里最好的队员。=He is said to be the best player in his class.It is said that the old temple is of great importance.据说那座古庙很重要。=The old temple is said to be of great importance.be said 还可和to have done连用,表示已发生的情况eg.He is said to have failed again.据说他又失败了。They are said to have won the game.据说他们赢了这场比赛。He is said to have written a novel about Long March.据说他写了一本关于长征的小说。高考题例:-Is Bob still performing?-Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official. (2005全国高考江苏卷)A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left分析:前者问Bob还在表演吗,后者回答恐怕不演了,据说因为他当官已经离开舞台了。从设空后的 already 一词可以明显看出Bob离开舞台是过去已经发生的事情,所以此处必须选用不定式的完成式,因而 A项为正确选项。答案:A11.pull down 拆除,推掉;使降低,使体质虚弱;拉下(事物)eg.The old government was pulled down.旧政府已被推翻了。The cinema he used to visit has been pulled down.他过去常去的那家电影院已被拆除了。Its easier to pull down than build up.拆比建容易。It was the written paper that pulled him down.是笔试使他落后了。Since his illness , he is very much pulled down.病后他身体远不如从前了。Would you please pull down the blinds?请你把窗帘拉下好吗?其他常用pull 短语:pull ahead (of sb./ sth.)领先(于某人/某事物)pull in/into (指火车)进站pull sb. round/ though(帮助某人)恢复知觉或健康pull (sth.) over (使车船等)闪到一边pull oneself together 控制自己,控制感情等The car pulled ahead as soon as the road was clear.路上稍一有空,那辆汽车就抢到前面去了。The team has pulled well ahead of the rest in the championship.这个车队在锦标赛中遥遥领先于其他队。The train pulled in right on time.这列火车正点到站。Passengers stood and stretched as the train pulled into the station.火车进站时旅客们站起来伸了伸懒腰。She was so ill that it seemed unlikely that she would pull through.她病得很厉害,看起来不大可能康复了。A sip of bandy helped to pull him round.给他喝一口白兰地有助于使他苏醒。Pull (your car) over and let me pass.把你的车闪开,让我过去。You must try to pull yourself together. Your family depend on you.你应该振作起来,你的家庭都指着你呢。12.by prep. 表示到事物的程度The bullet missed him by two inches.那子弹差两英寸就打中他了。The carpet is too short by three feet.那地毯短了三英尺。The population has increased by one million.人口已增加了一百万。*按照(某事物),根据By my watch it is two oclock.我的手表现在是两点钟。Judging by appearances can be misleading.凭外表判断是会误事的。*以连续的单位、批量或程度计The children came in two by two.孩子们两个两个地进来了。Little by little the snow disappeared.雪渐渐地融化了。They determined to move the temple stone by stone.他们决定一块石头一块石头地搬运这座庙。He is growing up day by day .他一天天地长大了。Step by step one goes far.千里之行始于足下。*以某事物为标准或单位He was paid by the month.他是按月领取薪水。We sell ice-creams by the thousand in the summer.我们在夏天出售的冰激凌数以千计。*表示运输方式They went there by air/ship/car.他们乘坐飞机/轮船/小汽车去的那里。*表示被触及、被抓住身体的部位或衣物某处take sb. by the hand 抓住某人的手seize sb. by the collar/hair 抓住某人的衣领、头发13.in modern times 在现代in ancient times 在古代times 常可以用来表示“时代,时期,境况,日子等”Times have changed and we should not fall behind them.时代变了,我们不应落后于时代。In ancient times, people lived on wild fruits and beasts.在古代,人们靠采摘野果、捕食野兽为生。Times are hard. I have my family to keep.日子过的很艰难,我得养家糊口。Time 短语:for the first time 第一次in time 及时on time 准时all the time 一直at the same time 同时at times 有时候ahead of time 提前in no time 立刻,马上behind the times 落后于时代from time to time 间或,偶尔kill time 消磨时光take ones time沉住气,慢慢来in time of 在时候have a good/ wonderful time 玩的高兴time and time again 再三,一遍又一遍at a time一次14.compete in 参加比赛compete with/ against sb. (for sth.)与竞赛(竞争)eg.A total of twenty athletes competes in the shot put.一共有二十名运动员参加了铅球比赛。Twenty girls competed in the race.二十位姑娘参加了赛跑。Several companies are competing against/with each other for the contract.几家公司正为争取一项合同而相互竞争。This is the horse that has competed in the Grand National four times.这就是参加过四次英国大赛马的马。*competition n. 比赛,竞赛He came first in the poetry competition.他获诗歌比赛第一名。We are in competition with several other companies for the contact.我们与另几家公司角逐争取这项合同。She took the second place in the beauty competition.她在选美比赛中获得了第二名。*competitor n. 竞争者,比赛者competitive adj. 比赛的,竞争的,不亚于或超过他人的The firm has better products than its competitors.这公司的产品比其对手的好。Our firm is no longer competitive in world markets.我们公司在世界市场上已不占优势。15.tie v. 绑,系;打成平局*tie to 把和系在一起tie (with sb.)与(另一参加者)得分相同tie sb. up 捆绑某人;缠住某人使之无暇顾及他事tie sth. up 捆或扎某物,难以动用(资金)The prisoners hands were tied back.犯人的手被绑在身后。He tied his dog to a big tree.他把狗栓在一棵大树上。The two teams tied (with each other).这两个队不分胜负。I tied up the parcel.我捆好了包裹。Most of the moneys tied up in property.他大部分资金都投在房地产上无法动用。The thieves left the night-watchman tied up and gagged.窃贼把夜班守卫员捆住,把他的嘴也堵住了。Im tied up in a meeting until 3pm.我开会直到三点钟方可离开。*tie n. 领带,连接物,束缚,平局Each team scored twice and the game ended in a tie.每个队都有两次得分,比赛不分胜负。The firm has ties with an American corporation.该公司与美国一家公司有关系。He was wearing a white shirt and a red tie.他身穿白色衬衫,戴着一条红色领带。Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.要想外出渡假时,宠物会成为牵累。16.join 指参加某个组织或团体,成为其中一员join (sb.)in sth./ doing sth.指参加活动或比赛,多用于日常口语。attend 正式用语,及物动词,指参加会议或仪式(如婚礼、葬礼、典礼等;上学、上课、听报告等) take park in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,强调参加这一活动的人在此项活动中所起的作用 go in for指参加某项比赛、活动、考试等;还有“爱好”的意思。enter for指报名参加某项比赛Will you join me in a walk?你和我一起去散步好吗?The teacher joined them in the experiment.老师和他们一起做实验。Almost all the class teams joined in the basketball match.我校几乎所有的班队都参加了这次篮球赛。How many people entered for the competition? 有多少人报名参加比赛?Jack has gone in for the high-jump, but I dont think he has a chance to win.杰克去参加跳高比赛了,但我觉得他获胜机会很小。He goes in for gymnastics.他喜欢体操。We will take part in social activities during the summer vacation.我们暑假期间将参加社会活动。Hell attend an important meeting tomorrow. 他明天要参加一个重要的会议。They didnt attend the wedding.他们没参加婚礼。He attended school at the age of six. 他六岁上学。My wish is to join the army after graduation.我的愿望是毕业后参军。 Her husband joined her in her search for this unknown radiation.她丈夫和她一起寻找这种不知名的射线。17.Why not? Why dont you? 为什么不?这两种句式都是向对方提出忠告或建议,前者是后者的省略形式,所以后接动词时不带to如:It looks like rain. Why not take a raincoat? 快要下雨了,你为什么不带件雨衣呢?Since you have to stay at home, why dont you do some reading?既然你必须呆在家里,为什么不读点书呢?另外,Why not? 也可以单独使用,表示“为什么不行?”“好啊”“请别客气”eg.-You shouldnt go out with me.-Why not?“你不该跟我出去。” “为什么不行?”-Lets go to the cinema.-Why not?“我们去看电影吧。” “好啊。(为什么不呢?)”注:Why+不带to的不定式用来表示某动作没有必要或意义。如:Why argue with him? Hell never change his mind.为什么要跟他争论?他永远也不会改变看法的。高考题例:-Lets go to a movie after work,OK?-_.(2005全国高考山东卷)A. Not at all B. Why not? C. Never mind. D. What of it?分析: Not at all用来回答Thank you; Never mind.用来回答道歉; What of it?=So what?表示“那又有什么重要的?”; Why not?“为什么不呢”表示非常同意对方.根据句意应选B,表示同意对方的建议.在选择交际用语时要注意说话的情景及说话者的真正含义.答案:B-How about putting some pictures into the report?-_. A picture is worth a thousand words.(2005全国高考江苏卷)A. No way. B. Why not? C. All right? D. No matter.分析:前者问对方在报告中插入一些图画如何,后者回答一副画能抵得上一千个单词,说明后者非常赞同前者的提议No way 表示拒绝对方要求的应答,No matter表示“没关系,不要紧,没什么大不了的”,All right表示“行吗?合适吗”,显示说话者的语气不确定所以只有B选项Why not?含有鼓励和赞同的意思,符合句意答案:B18.prepare vt. vi. 准备*prepare sth. 准备某物prepare for sth. 为某事做准备prepare to do sth. 准备做某事prepare sb. for sth./ to do sth. 使某人准备好做某事be (well) prepared for sth./ to do sth. 为做某事做好了准备They are preparing a book fair.他们正在筹备书展。Mother is preparing dinner in the kitchen.妈妈正在厨房里准备晚饭。We are preparing for the coming English exam.我们正在为即将到来的英语考试做准备。If the bus doesnt come, we must be prepared to walk. 如果公共汽车不来,我们必须准备步行。*preparation n.in preparation for(介词短语)为做准备make preparations for 为做准备She bought a new coat in preparation for winter.她买了一件新外衣准备过冬。We have made preparations for the coming exam.我们已为即将到来的考试作了准备。The meal is in preparation. 饭菜正在准备中。He packed his bags in preparation for the journey. 他打好提包,为旅行做准备。高考题例:-Whats that terrible noise?-The neighbors _ for a party. (2004全国高考北京卷)A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare分析:根据“Whats that terrible noise?”(那乱哄哄的声音是怎么回事),可知“邻居们正在为开一个派队而做准备”答案:B19.every adj. 与数词连用,表示“每,每隔”,表示时间或空间的间隔。*every+基数词+名词复数every+序数词+单数名词every few+复数名词 (每隔几) every other+单数名词 (每隔一)如:每两年/每隔一年:every two yearsevery second yearevery other ye


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