


1、Unit 1 People around us,Sara found an interesting photo yesterday. The photo was of her grandpa.,We often use a or an in front of a singular, countable noun when we mention it for the first time. We use the before the noun when we mention it again.,The Sun is shining brightly. There were lots of stars in the sky last night.,We also use the to talk about something that is the only one of its kind.,1.play/great computer game/yesterday/saving the Earth from aliens,S1: I played a great computer game。

2、Unit 6,Healthy diet,Reading 2,Review,Look at the food pyramid and talk about what a balanced diet is.,A balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. We should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain products, fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat .,Read the passage and answer the follwoing questions.,Detailed reading,a d g,b c e f,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,g,g,A,unhealthytoo much fat, oil and sugar,healthyless oil, fat and sugar, some vegetables, fruit and bread,B。

3、unit 2 Travelling around the World,n France flag wine Europe store south coast tower lift step stairs receiver date greeting address,adj French possible excellent perfect,v tick lie prefer ski finish,be famous for department store prefer to go on holiday go sightseeing,France,n. 法国,French adj 法国的,Europe,n. 欧洲,European adj 欧洲的,wine,beer,possible,adj. 可能的,impossible adj. 不可能的,Believe in yourself. Nothing is _________.,If __________, I would。

4、Unit 2 Travelling around the world,Grammar,Proper nouns,A proper noun starts with a (capital letter / small letter),A1 Look at the two lists below. What is the difference between the nouns in list A and list B? Can you think of some more examples?,west earth main road great wall,the West the Earth 52 Main Road the Great Wall,西部,西方,西方国家,陆地,地表,地球,干道,52大道,巨大的墙,长城,A2 Read the passage below. Some of the nouns should begin with a capital letter. Underline these nouns and writ。

5、Unit 2 Readingund the World,Reading,Get ready,Reading,Read an article about travelling in France.,Listening,Listen to an introduction to the Eiffel Tower.,Grammar,Learn how to use proper nouns and the conjunctions and, but, so.,Speaking,Talk about your holiday plans.,Writing,Write a postcard to a friend.,A. What do you know about ?,the Eiffel Tower,the Louvre Museum,the Champs-Elysees,the French Alps,A. What do you know about ?,French wine,vineyard,baguette,snail,Do you want to know。

6、Unit 3 Our animal friends,Why are you doing that?,Because I want to make friends with him!,a guide dog,a police dog,a rescue dog,1.What do you think the word“eyes“means in the story? 2.What is the story probably about?,1.Im blind and I cant go anywhere by myself.,not.any=no not.anywhere=nowhere not.anybody=nobody notanything=nothing,byoneself=alone=on ones own,I cant see anything and I can go nowhere alone.,2.With Charlies help,John put ,with ones help 在某人的帮助下 w。

7、Unit 3 Our animal friends,He blames himself for the mistake. She made herself a cup of tea. We should not think only of ourselves,We use a reflexive pronoun as the object to refer back to the subject of a sentence.,He did the homework himself . We can clean the kitchen ourselves,We can alsouse a reflexive pronoun to emphasize that someone does something without help.,myself,yourself,yourselves,ourselves,themselves,himself,herself,itself,Work out the rule Singular reflexive pronouns have the end。

8、Unit 7 Poems,Read more!,Dont smoke!,Lets go home!,Be quiet, girls!,Imperatives,give orders or advice postive and negative,Please read more. Turn on the light,please. Be careful,boys. Dont be late again.,Things to remember,It is more polite for us to use please . Add be before adjectives.,Work out the rule,We use the base form of a verb in (positive/negative) imperative. In a (positive/negative) imperative, we use dont before the base form of the verb.,What will the teacher。

9、Unit 8 From hobby to career,A sailing teacher,I grew up next to the __________. My dad took my sister and me for trips on his _______. I loved the water. I spent all my free sailing.,I got a job in a(n)______.Every _____, I still went sailing. One day, I decided to leave my job and make my________my career! I trained to be a sailing teacher. Now I love my ___________!,1.When did the womans dad take her for trips on the sea? 2.What happened when the woman got older?,3.How did the woman feel。

10、Unit 8 From hobby to career Reading (2),Welcome to my class!,完成 请亮,绿牌,Quiz 课前小测,Step 1: 互批 step 2:Correction:将错误的单词课后纠错5遍,找 组长重默,Pre-reading,Studying stars,Patrick Moore,What is his hobby?,My lifetime hobby studying stars Reading (2),1. 阅读天文学家关于职业生涯的自述,了解其将爱好转变为职业的经历。 2. 能够简单谈论自己的爱好和职业理想。,Learning objectives 学习目标,1. Patrick became interested in stars when he was eight. ( ) 2. Patrick used to go outside with his da。

11、UNIT 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Unit 7,grammar,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Who/that/which 定语从句,Relative clauses with who, that and which,the handsome (英俊) the tall the strong the clever the sick,boy,The boy is Tom.,The boy who is handsome is Tom.,The boy who is tall is Tom.,The boy who is strong is Tom.,The boy who is clever is Tom.,The boy who is sick is Tom., The boy is Tim. The boy is smiling.,The boy who is smiling is Tim. (主语),The boy is Tim. The boy has a roun。

12、UNIT 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Unit 7,writing,A report on a story,A,Study skillsP110,Read the tips and then answer the questions.,What is an outline? It is the general plan of an article. Why is an outline helpful? It is helpful in organizing ones thoughts and makes it much easier to write an article. What do you need to do to make a good outline? First, sum up the topic in one sentence or phrase. Second, brainstorm as many sub-topics as you can with the help of a spidergram. Finally, us。

13、Unit 5,Listening,Objectives,To listen to a conversation To learn to find the detailed (详细的) information when you listen,The Space Hotel,Discuss the following questions in group of four.,What will you do in the sports room? What will you buy in the shops? What will you see in the Moon Gardon/Space Room/ cinema? What will you eat at the Star Restaurant?,The Space Hotel,Cinema,Tomorrow: an exciting film about space. Times: _______ p.m.and _______ p.m.,Moon Garden,Grows _______ for our restaurant。

14、How can we solve these problems? What will the hotel be like?,Discuss the following questions.,What kind of problems will we have if we want to build a hotel on the Moon?,Pre-reading,Team racing,Activity,Read in groups and fill in the blanks. Which group will be the first.,Ready?,There will be hotels on the Moon in the future. They will have to be ______ and need a lot of ____ in them. The room in the hotels will have ___________. There will also be a ______________ for you to swim in, and you。

15、Unit 5,Visiting the Moon,ourselves without weak breathe if camera work garden rock postcard machine return,pron. 我们自己 prep. 没有,缺乏 adj. 虚弱的,无力的 v. 呼吸 conj.如果 n. 照相机 v. 运转,运行 n. 花园 n. 岩石 n. 明信片 n. 机器 v. 返回,more than be able to have to so that take photos as as that is such as,多于 能够 不得不,必须 以便 拍照 如同,像一样 也就是说 例如,diary space spaceship spacesuit nervous leave able tie,Words review,n. 日记,日记簿 n. 太空 n. 宇宙飞船 n. 宇航服 adj. 紧张的 。

16、Unit 8 From hobby to career,n career planet satellite velvet diamond knowledge,V shoot host last achieve sail decide train,adj. lively adv actually alone pron. anybody,in the future used to go outside look like more and more grow up go sailing,career,n.事业,Your career is the part of your life that you spend working.,A career is the job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life.,n.职业生涯,planet,n.行星,The picture shows the nine planets in the solar system.,This is our pla。

17、Unit 8 From hobby to career,When I was sixteen months, I could walk.,My story,When I was two years old, I began to play the piano .,When I was three years old, I began to sing .,When I was. (continue),A Adverbial clauses of time (when),When I was eight, I got a book about stars. I got a book about stars when I was eight.,We can put an adverbial clause of time at the beginning or the end of a sentence.,时间状语从句,主句,Work out the rule,When we use the conjunction when to link two clauses, we te。

18、Unit 2 Culture shock,Module 1 Explorations and exchanges,一、根据汉语写出英文单词 1. 度假营(n.) ___________________ 2. 国际的(adj.) ___________________ 3. (常指勉强)承认(v.) ___________________ 4. 空闲的;空余的(adj.) ___________________ 5. 失败(v.) ___________________ 6. 勉力完成(v.) ___________________ 7. 习语;惯用语(n.) ___________________ 8. 任何事物(pron.) ___________________ 9. 尤其;特别(adv.) ___________________ 10. 有教益的经历(n.) ___________________ 11. 国家的(adj.) _______________。

19、Unit 3 Our animal friends,n. radio programme rescue receptionist pet towel bottom airport,adj. blind helpful dark adv. anywhere finally pron. nothing,v. mean allow apologize lead bark wake appear act climb,arrive at by oneself lead(sb) to fall asleep wake up get down fire engine,blind,adj. 瞎的;失明的,He cant see the car. He is blind.,cant see anything =be blind cant hear anything =be deaf cant speak = be dumb,radio,n. 无线电广播,We can get some news on this radio.,His grandpa likes。

20、Unit 8,Surprize endings,Reading,Match the gift giving times in the box with the pictures below.,Lead-in,A. What do you know about,Christmas,Mothers Day,weddings,birthdays,graduation,Look at the picture, the title and the first paragraph of the short story on page 115. Then answer the questions below.,B. Before you read,1 When did the story take place? On the day before Christmas./On Christmas Eve. 2 Why did Della count her money? Because she wanted to buy a present. 3 What was Dellas problem。

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