
Unit 4 Growing up Period 1 Comic strip Welcome to the unit 重点单词 根据汉语意思 写出相应的英文单词 1 时期 时代 2 无论何时 3 以 凭借 4 很多 根据要求 写出下列单词的变形 5 time n n 次数 重点短语 根据汉。






5、______________________________________________________________________________________________________________课时备课表(教案)课题Module 1What is a wonder of the world?课型Listening and speaking第 1 课时教学目标知识目标To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening; to know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon;to understand theconversation about starting a school magazine involving different tenses .能力目标To use the words phrasessentences to describe the v。

6、Unit6 TV programmes,Reading,a football fan,1. 一周概要 2. 最新消息 3. 一个足球迷 4. 一些 5. 即将到来的世界杯,a number of,a weekly round-up,up-to-date information,the coming World Cup,Translation,6. 被现场直播 7. 许多亚洲流行歌星 8. 为在线投票 9.宣布结果 10. 文本信息 11. 一部恐怖电影 12. 一位富有的医生,be covered live,many Asian pop stars,vote online for,announce the results,text messages,a horror film,a wealthy doctor,13. 近距离观察 14. 多少危险 15. 停止猎杀 16. 一位动物热爱者 17. 赢得一个奖项 1。

7、第18课时 Modules 1012 九年级上册,自 学 反 馈,重 点 突 破,第18课时 Modules 1012 九年级上册,自 学 反 馈,height,sheep,generally,hate,central,自学反馈,重点突破,addition,win,feeling,recently,hopeless,pollution,magical,自学反馈,重点突破,第18课时 Modules 1012 九年级上册,keep sb./sth. away,brush sth. off sth.,compared with,be in with a chance,deal/do with,even though,自学反馈,重点突破,according to,第18课时 Modules 1012 九年级上册,protect sth. against sth.,read out,cut off,keep a diary,congratulations to。

8、Module 8,Module 8 Sports life,Unit 3,Language in use,1 look tired 2 train for 3 play against 4 stand for 5 no excuse 6 there is no difference between.and.,1 看起来很累 2 为.而训练 3 与打比赛 4 代表,象征 5 没有任何借口 6 和没有差异,学习目标:复习module8 的重点词组和短语,7 No way 8 face the truth 9 get no chance 10 remember to do 11 be mad at 12 cheer for,7 绝对不可能 8 面对现实 9 没有机会 10 记得要做某事 11 生某人的气 12 为欢呼,喝彩,学习目标:掌握unit 1 的重点词组和短语,学习目标:复习module8 的。

9、Unit 6,Healthy diet,Reading 2,Review,Look at the food pyramid and talk about what a balanced diet is.,A balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. We should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain products, fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat .,Read the passage and answer the follwoing questions.,Detailed reading,a d g,b c e f,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,g,g,A,unhealthytoo much fat, oil and sugar,healthyless oil, fat and sugar, some vegetables, fruit and bread,B。

10、UNIT 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Unit 7,grammar,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Who/that/which 定语从句,Relative clauses with who, that and which,the handsome (英俊) the tall the strong the clever the sick,boy,The boy is Tom.,The boy who is handsome is Tom.,The boy who is tall is Tom.,The boy who is strong is Tom.,The boy who is clever is Tom.,The boy who is sick is Tom., The boy is Tim. The boy is smiling.,The boy who is smiling is Tim. (主语),The boy is Tim. The boy has a roun。

11、UNIT 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Unit 7,writing,A report on a story,A,Study skillsP110,Read the tips and then answer the questions.,What is an outline? It is the general plan of an article. Why is an outline helpful? It is helpful in organizing ones thoughts and makes it much easier to write an article. What do you need to do to make a good outline? First, sum up the topic in one sentence or phrase. Second, brainstorm as many sub-topics as you can with the help of a spidergram. Finally, us。

12、1. Allen and Sally were classmates at university. After ten years, they see each other again. Do you think they can become lovers? 2. The cowboy has just come back from the bar. The man there wants to have a fight with him. Who will be the winner? 3. It is twelve oclock. Here I am, in front of a dark house. It looks empty. Should I go in? Or should I go back?,Romantic film,Western,Horror film,Guess what type of the film it is?,Revision,4. In 2150, Mary travels in a time machine and goes ba。

13、Hollywoods All-time best- Audrey Hepburn,Reading Two,Kittys favourite film star,Read the text and complete the passage.,Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywoods greatest actresses. She worked as a model before she became an (1)__________. Her successful (2)_________ lasted for about 40 years. In 1951, while acting in France, she met Colette, a famous French writer. Hepburns beauty and charm caught the writers (3) ____________. She (4) _________ that Hepburn was the right person for the lead。

14、语法互动(六)-副词,课标考点 1掌握副词原级、比较级和最高级的构成规则、基本句型及其用法。 2掌握形容词作状语的用法。,自学指导 一,任务:阅读中考宝典P131 ,【考点一】 了解副词的种类。 时间:3 分钟,副词的种类,方式副词,程度副词,地点副词,时间副词,频度副词,well, badly fast slowly ,very quite enough too ,home here there abroad back ,today yesterday tomorrow soon now ,always usually often never ever ,Tree Map,程度副词,方式副词,自学指导 二,任务:阅读中考宝典P131 ,【考点二 】 学习副词的位置。 时间:3 分钟,。

15、语法互动(四) 数词,课标考点 1掌握基数词和序数词的构成和用法。 2掌握年、月、日、时的基本表达方式和分数、加减法以及hundred、thousand、million等的用法。,自学指导 一,任务:阅读中考宝典P120 ,自学【考点一】 1.基数词的用法 2. 基数词的构成。 时间:3 分钟,考点一:基数词构成,1构成 (1)012单独记。如:zero,one,two,three等。 (2)1319词尾都是teen。如:fourteen,seventeen等,但13thirteen,15fifteen,18eighteen需要特殊记。 (3)20,30,40等整数的基数词均以ty结尾。如:20twenty,30thirty,40forty,50fifty,80eighty等。,。

16、Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A,Welcome back to school How was your summer holiday?,A: Where have you been?,B: I have been to.,A: Where have you been?,B: I have been to the park.,A: Where have you been?,B: I have been to Sydney.,B: I have been to the bank.,A: Where have you been?,A: Where has Mr. Brown gone? I cant find him.,B: He has gone to the restaurant.,A: Where has Jane gone? I cant find her.,B: She has gone to the library.,A: Where ha。

17、Unit 2 Topic 1,Pollution causes too many problems.,Section D,Acting Time,Acting Time,Acting Time,Acting Time,Burning gas, oil coal creates air pollution.,v. 造成;创造,People put lots of rubbish into the land.,n. 垃圾;废物,farmers use too many chemicals which destroy the soil.,v. 破坏;毁坏,Too much noise can cause high blood pressure.,n. 血压,1a,Read and understand,Read 1a and complete the table,谁是金话筒 Which group is the best?,Im feeling even worse.,He said that he was feeling even worse.,。

18、Revision,Unit 6,TV programmes,film,drama,Level 1,sports,MV (music video),documentary,fashion,drama series,comedy,chat show,travel,cartoon,news,Talk about the types of TV programmes you like,A: What type of TV programmes do you like best? B: I likebest . A: Why do you like it? B: Because A: What type of TV programmes do you like least? B: I like least. A :Why dont you like it ? B: Because ,Sports World,Beijing Music Awards,Murder in a Country House,Tiger Watch,sports,music,horror film。

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