九年级英语上册 Unit 2 colour Revision课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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9A Unit2 Colour Revision,Pair work (Speak up),Suppose you will attend your friends birthday party. You want to ask your partner for advice on what colours to wear. Make up similar dialogues.,A:,I will attend my friends birthday party this coming Saturday. Could you give me some advice? I dont know what to wear. B: Why dont you?,What / How about doing? Why dont you do? Why not do ? Shall we do? Lets do Perhaps you should Its a good idea to do Could you give me some advice?,No, I dont like Id rather do I prefer to do I preferto Maybe, what do you think?,Prefer sth./prefer to do sth. Prefer sth. to sth./ prefer doing to doing Would rather (not) do sth. Would rather do sth. than (do) sth. Prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.,考考你,prefer 与would rather 的用法,Competition!,A. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. Green represents new life and _ (生长). 2. She often feels _ (焦虑不安的) when she has an exam. 3. People living in hot _ (气候) like to wear cool colour clothes. 4. The powerful red _ (平衡) the calm white. 5. Wearing red can help you when you cant make a _ (决定). B. 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。 6. What he said on QQ made me _ (feel) unhappy. 7. Let him go to bed because he is feeling _ (sleep) now. 8. I would rather _ (wear) green than red. Red is a colour for girls. 9. The woman is _ (satisfy) with her sons progress. 10. How many of your friends _ (invite) to the party last week? Twenty.,100分,growth,stressed,climates,balances,decision,feel,sleepy,wear,satisfied,were invited,句型转换(同义句)100分 1.He would rather work than play. He _ _ _playing. 2.I prefer to live in the countryside I -_ _ _in the countryside. 3.Millie likes Maths better than English. Millie _ Maths_English 4.He prefers dancing to singing He _ _ dance rather than _. 5.Sandy preders flying to Qingdao to taking the slowest train there. Sandy_ _ _to Qingdao _ _the slowest train there.,prefers working to,would rather live,prefers to,prefers to sing,would rather fly than take,1. Hurry up, _ you will miss the bus. A. and B. but C. or D. so 2. Jack was so _ that she fell _ as soon as she was on the bed. A. asleep, sleepy B. sleepy, sleepy C. sleepy, asleep D. asleep, asleep,3. The boy _ short hair looks lovely in black and white T-shirt. A. has B. have C. with D. is 4. I have made a lot of friends since I _ to China. A. have come B. came C. come D. am coming,5. - Why dont you wear that black jacket? - _ A. That is a great idea. B. How about you? C. Really? D. Im sorry to hear that.,6. Colours can make us _ or sad. A. feel relax B. to feel relaxed C. feel relaxed D. to feel relax,7. - Is there _ in todays newspaper? - I havent seen it. A. anything strange B. strange something C. strange anything D. something strange,8. They would rather _ there by train than _ a plane. A. go, taking B. go, take C. going, take D. going, taking,( )1.Half of the class _done most of the work. The rest _very difficult. A.have; is. B. has; is C. have; are D. has; are ( ) 2. Yellow is the color of the sun ,It can a warm ,sunny day. A remind you about B remind you of C remind you D remind of you ( ) 3. Most of the students comic books to music . A prefer to read ,to listen B prefer reading ,to listen C prefer to read ,to listening D prefer reading ,to listening ( ) 4. Hed rather than . A reading books ,watching TV B to read books ,watch TV C read books ,to watch TV D read books ,watch TV ( ) 5. Daniel prefers playing computer games . A. to shop. B. to shopping C. than shop D. than shopping ( ) 6. Theres with your sons ears. So dont worry about him. A. nothing seriousB. something seriousC. serious nothing D. anything serious ( ) 7. The students were all tired, but of them stopped a rest. A. no one; to have B. all; having C. none; to have D. none; having ( ) 8. Daniel was a bad mood and didnt talk to . A. on; something B. with; anybody C. in; anybody D. in; somebody ( ) 9. This pair of jeans looks nice_ Sandy because she looks nice_ blue. A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in ( ) 10. The boy is so young that he cant _ himself. A. put on B. wear C. dress D. be in,100分,A,B,C,D,D,B,A,C,A,C,Lets do some exercises.,Writing,书面表达 请用60-80字简要介绍你的好朋友,内容必须包括以下要点,但不要逐词翻译。 1、李红,喜欢穿红色衣服,红色象征力量。 2、以前她喜欢白色胜过红色,因为她认为白色象征纯洁。 3、有人建议她改穿红色,因为她太害羞。,Enjoy Life,


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