
B Read and write。B Read and write。Unit 2 What time is it。Part B Read and write。Part B Read and write。45.It’s time for music class.。It’s 2。00.It’s time f。


1、Unit 1 My school,B Read and write,Warming up,Go to the library. Read a book. Go to the teachers office . Say hello. Go to the playground . Play football. Go to the garden Water the flower.,READY?,Go!,teachers office,art room,second floor,READY?,Go!,PHOTO4,PHOTO3,PHOTO2,PHOTO5,PHOTO1,PHOTO6,Do you have a ? Yes, / No, ,Is this/that ?,Where is the ? first/second floor/ next to.,Pair work,READY?,Go!,Library,Do you have a library? Yes. The libra。

2、Unit 2 What time is it?,Part B Read and write,music,hand,P.E.,have a try,short,Chinese,time,class,math,抢答,Its 9:45.Its time for music class.,u,m,i,c,s,music,Its 2:00.Its time for English class.,E,ng,i,sh,l,English,.,Its 3:00.Its time for Chinese class.,i,Ch,e,se,n,Chinese,Its 3:15.Its time for computer class.,9:45,Its 9:45.Its time for math class.,a,m,th,math,Its 4:30.Its time for P.E.class.,P.,E.,P.E.,Its 9:45.,Its time for math。

3、Unit 6 Shppping B Read and write,学习内容,设计思路: 1.复习本单元单词。 2.通过Amy参加庆六一的演出,需要一件裙子和一双鞋,复习本单元句子。 3.Lets read. 4.Read and write. 5.Look and write. 6.Lets check。,学习目标: 1.能够在图片的帮助下读懂小短文,并能正确的回答问题。 2.能够在图片的帮助下,仿照示范例句,在四线三格中正确描述自己的鞋。 3.完成Lets check.,nice gloves scarf pretty sunglasses umbrella cheap expensive,Lets read:,Whats missing:,Make a dialogue. (Amy wants a pretty dress and a blue shoes.)。

4、Unit 3 What would you like ?,Part B Read and write,1,Lets guess,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Lets chant,Grandpa likes delicious beef. Yifan likes sweet ice cream. Father likes fresh onions . Mother lik。

5、Unit3 What would you like?,B Read and write,1,I like coffee , I like tea. I like boys and boys like me. I like coffee , I like tea. I like girls and girls like me.,Lets。

6、Unit4Myhome Readandwrite WuYiSanGangprimaryschoolByMrLv 1 2 3 books phones chairs bags sofas TVs keys Thecatisinthebedroom 4 Thecatisinthe A B D C 5 Thebookisonthetable A B C D 6 A B C Thebookisonthe。

7、Unit3WeatherReadandwrite 1 It srainy 2 It swindy 3 It ssnowy 4 It scloudy 5 It ssunny 6 It s in What stheweatherlikein 7 TheLondonersgooutsidewillcarrybothsunglassesandanumbrella 伦敦的天气是变化无常。

8、第五课时 Unit2Myschoolbag BReadandwrite 1 2 What sinyourschoolbag 3 看图 补全对话 What sinyourdesk I two an andanotebook mydesk 4 看图 补全对话 What sinyourdesk Ihavetwocandy anEnglishbookandanotebook。

9、Unit4Whatcanyoudo PartBReadandwriteZhiyuanPrimarySchoolZhaona 1 Readthewordsorphrasesloudlyasquicklyasyoucan Whenyouread showthe OK sign please 以最快的速度大声读出单词或词组 并在读的过程中做出 OK 的。

10、Unit6MeetMyFamily PartBReadandwrite 1 familytree grandparents parents me babybrother cousin aunt uncle 2 He Shehasnojob Ihavenojob 3 Heisabasketballplayer 4 listentothetapeandcompletethetexe 听录音 补。

11、绿色圃中小学教育网http www L Unit4Thenandnow BReadandwrite 绿色圃中小学教育网http www L绿色圃中学资源网http cz L 绿色圃中小学教育网http www L rodeahorse rodeabike wentswimming wenthiking wentfishing boughtgifts atefreshfood Sharpeyes s。

12、BReadandwrite 人教PEP五年级下册 Unit2Myfavouriteseason Singasong season spring winter autumn summer Review goonapicnic goswimming pickapples makeasnowman Review Whichseasondoyoulikebest Ilike best Why Becaus。

13、PEP8Unit4ThenandnowBReadandwrite 火眼金睛 people could fast run slow drink second was dream cheetah cheetah Thecheetahcanrunveryfast t i t Present Past 现在过去 clean stay play wash watch cleaned stayed playe。

14、Unit4IhaveapenpalPartBReadandwrite 介绍自己的好朋友吧 Hello I mZhangpeng Ihaveagoodfriend HisnameisJohn Heisacleverboy butheisshy 害羞的 Helikesreadingbooksandlisteningtomusic Healsolikesplayingthepipa learn 对应词。

15、Unit6Howdoyoufeel PartBReadandwrite 绿色圃中小学教育网 绿色圃中小学教育网 绿色圃中小学教育网 Let schant 要配合动作哟 sad sad youareverysad angry angry I mangry worried worried Tomisworried afraid afraid she safraid happy happy happy。

16、Unit2Lastweekend BReadandwrite byGuanXiaoyufromChangpuPrimarySchool 绿色圃中小学教育网http www L Let ssing Goldeneyes readabook sawafilm wentboating wentshopping playedcomputergames hadacold listenedtomusic 绿色。

PEP英语四年级下册Unit 1 B Read and writeppt课件
PEP英语四年级下册Unit 6 B Read and writeppt课件
四年级上册unit4 B read and writeppt课件
unit4 I have a pen pal B read and writeppt课件
Unit4 What can you do B Read and writeppt课件
人教版六年级下册英语Unit4 read and write课件
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