PEP英语四年级下册Unit 2 B Read and writeppt课件

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,Unit 2 What time is it?,Part B Read and write,music,hand,P.E.,have a try,short,Chinese,time,class,math,抢答,Its 9:45.Its time for music class.,u,m,i,c,s,music,Its 2:00.Its time for English class.,E,ng,i,sh,l,English,.,Its 3:00.Its time for Chinese class.,i,Ch,e,se,n,Chinese,Its 3:15.Its time for computer class.,9:45,Its 9:45.Its time for math class.,a,m,th,math,Its 4:30.Its time for P.E.class.,P.,E.,P.E.,Its 9:45.,Its time for math class.,将单词补充完整,cl_ss m_th m_s_c _ngl_sh Ch_n_s_ P._,a,a,u i,E i,i e e,E.,Lets read,me,we,he,she,desk,egg,bed,pen,best,red,yellow,ten,nest,vest,second,get up,e,Read and write,Lets talk,Chinese,English,P.E.,假如你在街上碰到一个外国人,想问他现在几点, 该怎么问?,如果你是那个外国人,那你怎么回答?(假如:00),What time is it? 或 What is the time?,It is 5:00,问现在几点,一般都用 回答:,What time is it? 或 What is the time?,It is + 时间,注意:时间后面带有am的表示早上,pm的表示下午 例如:8:00am表示早上8:00,9:00pm则表示下午9:00,例如:8:00,It is 8:00,Zips Birthday,Zoom: Haha, Zips birthday. At 5:00. Its 3:00 now. Its time to go to bed. Animals: Happy birthday, Zip! Zip: Thank you! Welcome! Monkey: Its 5:00. Its time to sing.(Happy birthday to you.) Rabbit: Its 5:10. Its time to have the cake.(Yummy!) Elephant: Its 5:30. Its time to go home.(Bye!) Zip: Bye! Zoom: Oops! Its time for the party! Im hungry! Run! Run! Oh,no!,Bye-bye !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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