六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Then and now PartB read and write课件 人教PEP版.ppt

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六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Then and now PartB read and write课件 人教PEP版.ppt_第3页
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PEP8Unit4ThenandnowBReadandwrite 火眼金睛 people could fast run slow drink second was dream cheetah cheetah Thecheetahcanrunveryfast t i t Present Past 现在过去 clean stay play wash watch cleaned stayed played washed watched Present Past 现在过去 cry study worry carry copy cried studied worried carried copied Present Past 现在过去 stop plan trip beg shop stopped planned tripped begged shopped Present Past 现在过去 have is am are can run had was were could ran feel think felt thought dream 1 3 2 Whatanimalcanrunveryfast WhathappenedwhenRobingaveYifansomewater Thecheetahcanrunfast WuYifandrankitandsuddenlyhefeltgood Hecouldrunfastagain 忽然 再一次 又 s d nli DidWuYifanwintherace Why Whatmakesyoufeelworried No hedidn t SuddenlyWuYifantrippedandfell 绊倒 say give drink feel wake Criclethepasttime 圈出过去式 Wu sdream Inthefirstrace HewaswithhisfatherandMax Hisfatherranfast Heranslowly Then Robingavehimsomewater Inthesecondrace Heranlikeacheetah Hecouldwin Butatlasthetrippedandfell Hewokeup couldn t run fast gave drank had Ihadadreamlastnight Inmydream Isawmanyaliens 外星人Theyweresokind Weplayedcomputertogether Wehadabigdinner too Thentheywenthomebyspaceship Whatadream Homework ListenandreadP38 听书本38页的录音 并读一读 Tellyourdreamtoyourfriend 把你做过的梦告诉你的朋友 Thankyou Goodbye


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