
必修2 Unit2 课时作业七 Games 奥林匹克运动会.语音知识.情景对话M:Sir,did I do anything wrongW:1You ran through the stop sign.May I see your driv,选修7 Unit5课时作业三十五Travelling ab


1、必修2 Unit2 课时作业七 Games 奥林匹克运动会.语音知识.情景对话M:Sir,did I do anything wrongW:1You ran through the stop sign.May I see your driv。

2、选修7 Unit5课时作业三十五Travelling abroad境外游.单项填空1Why hasnt she come to the partyI am afraid she cant.She is beingher report.Aco。

3、必修2 Unit1课时作业六 Cultural relics 文化遗产.单项填空1If we want to have a bright future,we must learn to act in waysdo not harm othe。

4、必修2 Unit3课时作业八 Computers 计算机.单项填空1While there are some differences in the educational systems in many countries in the w。

5、必修2 Unit5课时作业十 Music 音乐.单项填空1Why can she keep such a good figureShegreat importance to regular exercise.AattainsBattract。

6、选修6 Unit 2 课时作业二十七Poems诗歌.语音知识.情景对话A:Hi.How are youB:1Whats newA:2Which do you want to hear firstB:Lets hear the good ne。

7、选修6 Unit3课时作业二十八A healthy life健康生活.单项填空1The old man said the accidentcareless driving,so a lot of moneybe paid by the dr。

8、必修5 Unit 3课时作业二十三Life in the future未来的生活.单项填空1The young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a badon the emp。

9、选修7 Unit3课时作业三十三Under the sea海下景观.单项填空1Usually a childs behavior is aof his family environment.ArecognitionBreflectionCr。

10、必修3 Unit 5课时作业十五CanadaThe True North加拿大真正的北方.单项填空1Would you care for a drinkNo,thanks.I.Awould rather notBwouldnt like t。

11、选修7 Unit1课时作业三十一Living well好好生活.单项填空1The disability makes everyday life difficult andsociety should treatdisabled with d。

12、选修6 Unit5课时作业三十The power of nature大自然的力量.单项填空1Disappointed,I was about to leavesomething occurred,whichmy attention.Awhi。

13、必修3 Unit 3课时作业十三The Million Pound BankNote百万英镑.单项填空1Where did she findold picturesShe found them in the drawer byacciden。

14、选修6 Unit1课时作业二十六Art艺术.单项填空1Jack is late again.It isof him to keep others waiting.AnormalBordinaryCcommon Dtypical2She bo。

15、选修8 Unit1课时作业三十六A land of diversity多元化的社会.单项填空1An uncle of mine livedcancer for over 20 years,and diedJanuary at the age。

16、选修8 Unit3课时作业三十八Inventors and inventions发明家及其发明.单项填空1Can I speak to Mr Brown,pleaseIll just see if hes here.ARing offBHo。

17、必修4 Unit1课时作业十六Women of achievement成就卓越的女性.单项填空1Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely toa good re。

18、必修3 Unit 1课时作业十一Festivals around the world世界各地的节日.单项填空12020届成都市摸底测试Young drivers under 25 have the highest number of acc。

标签 > 陕西专版金版新学案2020高三英语一轮课时作业[编号:5865243]

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