【陕西专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版必修3-3

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必修3 Unit 3课时作业(十三)The Million Pound BankNote百万英镑.单项填空1Where did she find_old pictures?She found them in the drawer by_accident.A/;/Bthe;theCthe;an Dthe;/2Stay awake!You should know that it_to sleep in class.Adoesnt permit Bis not permittedCwill not be permitted Dwas not permitted3I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.Oh,that was probably_I was seeing the doctor.Awhy BwhenCwhat Dthat4_should any money be given to a small child.AOn no account BBy any meansCIn that case DTo some degree5I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?_.Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCYes,indeed DI dont care6I have no_with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes.Adevotion BbeliefCpatience Dbalance7When he looked up,he suddenly found himself_by a group of teenagers,_looked at him anxiously.Ato be surrounded;whichBsurrounded;whoCbe surrounded;whoDhaving been surrounded;which8Its wise of you to_your fathers advice when you come to any difficulty.Aask BseekCtry Dattempt9When the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police_.Ain a spot Bon the spotCoff the spot Dto the spot10(2020年南昌调研)I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident._,lets go and see him.AIf not BIf soCIf necessary DIf possible11The poor young man is ready to accept_help he can get.Awhichever BhoweverCwhatever Dwhenever12I had finished my homework and_watch the Olympics when the power was cut off.Awas going to Bwas about toCwas to Dwould13If you have any trouble_the work within the time,please tell me.Ato finish BfinishCwith finishing Dfinishing14He has behaved in the most extraordinary way;I cant_his behavior at all.Aresult from Bdepend onCwatch out Daccount for15Do you think it is_good manners to hear others conversations in_curious manner?Athe;a B/;/C/;a Dthe;the.完形填空(2020年湖南三十校联考)Valentines Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life.Over the years I fondly (天真地) thought_1_him as my “Valentine man”My first recollection of the_2_he could bring to Valentines Day came when I was six.That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a giftwrapped package at my chair.The card was_3_“Love,Dad” and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to_4_my birthstone,a ruby (红宝石)There is_5_difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six,and I remember_6_that ring with pride that all the cards in the world_7_not surpass (超越)_8_I grew older,the gifts gave_9_to heartshaped boxes filled with my_10_chocolate and always included a_11_card signed “Love,Dad”In those years my thankyou became_12_of a perfunctory (敷衍) response.The cards seemed less_13_,and I took for granted that the Valentine would_14_be there.I had_15_my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from “significant others” and “Love,Dad” just didnt seem quite_16_.His final card remains on my desk today.Its a_17_of how special fathers can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a_18_of love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.Those things never_19_,nor does the memory of a man who never_20_being my valentine.1.A.of BaboutCup Dover2A.memory BmagicCpuzzle Dpresent3A.read BwrittenCshown Dsigned4A.recover BresembleCrepresent Dreplace5A.much BlittleCgreat Dless6A.having BowningCwearing Dwatching7A.could BdidCmust Dshould8.A.Because BSinceCWhen DAs9A.room BwayChonour Dseat10A.favorite BlovelyCdear Dprecious11A.usual BcommonCstrange Dspecial12A.less BlittleCmore Dmuch13A.important BbeautifulCfamiliar Dstandard14A.surely BalwaysCregularly Doften15A.let BkeptCplaced Dremembered16A.suitable BenoughCeffective Dsacred17A.signal BcertificateCconsequence Dreminder18A.tradition BhobbyChabit Dcustom19A.lose BdieCmiss Dappear20A.thought BwantedCtried Dstopped.阅读理解(2020年合肥三模,D)Marriages improve after children grow up and move out,according to an academic study,which suggests an “empty nest” is not always a bad thing.Popular wisdom has it that parents relationships may suffer once their young fly the coop,because they feel they have lost their purpose in life.However,a new study by researchers at the University of California,Berkeley,has found that many couples actually feel happier when their children leave home because they are able to enjoy spending time together.In total,123 American mothers born in the 1930s were tracked for 18 years and asked to rate their satisfaction levels shortly after marrying,when they were bringing up babies,once their children reached their teenage years and finally at age 61,when almost all had “empty nests”Although not all said they were happier in general,most claimed their marriages had improved since their children had left home.Researchers believe this is not just because the spouses were spending more time together,but because they were able to enjoy each others company more.One of the participants in the study,which is published in the journal Psychological Science,said:“Once the kids grow up.theres some of that stress removed.that responsibility removed,so things are a little more relaxed.”Psychologist Sara Gorchoff,who carried out the investigation,said:“The takehome message for couples with young children is hang in there” Her coauthor Oliver John added:“Dont wait until your kids leave home to schedule quality time with your partner.”However,Dr Dorothy Rowe,from the British Psychological Society,said the effects of living in an “empty nest” will depend on the parents relationship with their children.“If youre just waiting for them to leave home so you can get on with your life,then of course youll be pleased to see them go,” she said,“But if youve built your life around your children youll be terribly lonely.For some parents,their world falls apart when their children leave.”1It is commonly believed that_.Amarriages improve after children leave homeBan “empty nest” is always a happy thingCparents relationships may suffer once their young grow up and move outDparents will be pleased after their children leave home2When did many couples feel happier according to the study?AAt age 61,when almost all had “empty nests”BShortly after marrying.COnce their children reached their teenage years.DWhen they were bringing up babies.3Marriages improve after children fly the coop not because_.Amany couples are able to spend time togetherBmany couples are able to enjoy each others companyCthings are a little more relaxedDmany couples neednt work at all4The author of the passage tends to agree that_.Aparents should build their life around their kidsBparents should schedule quality time with each other before kids leave homeCparents relationship with their kids has no effect on marriages at allDparents should be pleased to see their kids leave home.单项填空1D考查冠词。第一空特指这些旧照片;by accident是固定结构,意为“偶然;无意中”。2B考查时态和语态。it is not permitted不允许。句意为:别睡觉!你应该知道,上课睡觉是不允许的。3B这是一个表语从句。在从句中when既起引导作用又在从句中作时间状语。4A题干是倒装句,应选择一个表示否定意义的短语。on no account (by no means,in no case决不,绝对不)位于句首时句子要倒装;by any means无论如何;in that case在那种情况下;to some degree在某种程度上。5A本题考查交际用语。由答语Im not using it anyhow.可知是答应对方请求。Sure,go ahead,意为“当然可以,用吧!”6C句意为:对于那些总是抱怨他们的不幸的人我没有耐心。devotion热爱;belief信任;patience耐心,忍耐;balance平衡,天平。7B考查非谓语动词和定语从句。“发现自己被一群十几岁的孩子包围了。”用过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动,第二处用who引导定语从句,修饰teenagers。8Bseek ones advice意为“征求某人的建议”。A应为ask for ones advice,C、D构不成有意义的词组。9B本题考查spot短语的用法。句意为:当那个人试图闯入银行时,他被警察当场抓获了。on the spot在现场,当场,与本句的语境一致;in a spot陷入困境;off the spot不准确,离题;而D项是一个不存在的结构。10Bif not如果不的话,if so如果那样,if necessary如果有必要,if possible如果有可能。根据语境,选择B。11C句意是:那位可怜的年轻人准备接受他能得到的任何帮助。whatever引导一个宾语从句,并在从句中作定语,修饰help。12Bbe about to do.when.表示“正要做这时”,符合语境和语意。13Dhave trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.是固定句型,意为“做某事有麻烦/困难”。14D句意为:他的行为非常怪异,我无法理解他为什么那样做。result from (因)发生;depend on依靠;取决于;watch out当心;account for解释的原因。15Cgood manners“礼貌”前不加冠词,而in a.manner为固定搭配,所以选C。.完形填空1Athink of.as.是固定短语,意为“把视为/看做”。2B语境:我对情人节的记忆最早是从我六岁那年开始的。依据下文的描述可知,作者对这个情人节的记忆特别深刻,所以用magic来描述那种难以忘怀的感觉。3D卡片上有父亲的签名。该选项从第三段第一句中的“included a.card signed Love,Dad”可得到提示。4C礼物是一个戒指,上面镶着一片红色的玻璃来代表我的诞生石红宝石。其他选项不符合语境。5B依据下文的with pride可知,该处用little。对一个六岁的孩子而言,红玻璃和红宝石没有什么不同。6C表示佩戴首饰只能用wear。7A上文提及作者佩戴这个礼物时的自豪之情,所以这里选A,认为这是最好的,世界上所有的卡片都不能超过它。8Das在此处引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。9B随着我年龄的增加,礼物变成装满了我最喜爱的巧克力的心形盒子。give way to是固定短语,意为“为所代替”。10A该题可采用排除法,修饰巧克力不能用“可爱的;亲爱的;宝贵的”,但可以用“最喜爱的”。11D父亲的卡片是特殊的,特别的。12C该处语境为“而我的感谢越来越成为一种敷衍的回应”。从上下文可知,此处是与以前相对比。13A这些贺卡看起来似乎不再那么重要。14B我想当然地认为情人节年年都有。正是如此,才有了后文的不珍惜及上文提及的说感谢的话也成了敷衍的回应。15C我把希望和梦想放在收到那些来自“重要的其他人”的卡片和礼物上。place意为“(小心或有意)放置,安放”,用在此处能反映出作者当时对父亲的爱的漠视。16B来自父亲的贺卡似乎远远不够(满足女儿的需要)。与上文的from “significant others”相照应。17D父亲送我的最后一张卡片在提醒着我:父亲对子女的爱是多么特别又是多么重要。看到父亲的卡片,就想起了父亲和卡片的意义,所以这张卡片具有“提示”的功能,故选D。18A由上文可知,父亲一直都在这么做,所以用tradition(传统)。19B语境:这些事情永远不会消逝,就如同我对一位男子的记忆,他永远是我的情人。这句话表达了女儿对父亲永远的怀念。die在此表“消逝”。20Dstop doing sth.停止做某事,符合语境。stop与上文提及的两个never正好照应。.阅读理解【语篇解读】孩子们长大了,飞出去了,拥挤但却温馨的家庭一下子变得空荡荡的。那么我们的父母会不会因孤独而心烦,整天吵个不停呢?1C考查细节理解。由第二段第一句话可知,人们普遍认为,当他们的小孩长大离家之后,父母因失去了生活的目的,关系会变得紧张,所以C项正确。2A考查细节理解。由第三、四段可知,他们对123位美国母亲追踪调查了18年,让她们分别说出她们在刚结婚后、初为人母时、孩子十来岁时和她们61岁时(也就是空巢之后)的幸福度。她们普遍反映,孩子离家之后她们的婚姻关系提高了。3D考查细节理解。根据第四段最后半句话可排除B项;根据第五段可排除A、C两项;故D项为本题答案。4B考查细节理解。由倒数第二段最后一句话可知,不要等到孩子都离家之后才来规划和你爱人高质量的生活。


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