【陕西专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修7-3

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选修7 Unit3课时作业(三十三)Under the sea海下景观.单项填空1Usually a childs behavior is a_of his family environment.ArecognitionBreflectionCreturn Drecord2All his attention_on the computer game he was playing,so he even didnt notice his mother enter the room.Ahas been fixed Bwas fixingCwas fixed Dfixed3Most young girls were scared_stay outside after 1000 pm.because they were scared_being robbed in the city.Ato;to Bto;ofCof;to Dof;of4People have planted a great many trees in order to_wind and sand in the desert.Ahold down Bhold upChold back Dhold out5I was just about to jump into the river_the guide stopped me saying “Dangerous”Awhile BwhenCif Dbecause6The police turned the whole house_looking for clues.Aupside down Bout frontCside by side Ddown to earth7The search was_when night came,even though the child had not been found.Aapproved BacquiredCachieved Dabandoned8All his classmates_his happiness when he won first prize in the competition.Ashared Bshared fromCshared with Dshared like9Before the storm,fishes in the pond usually_themselves out of the water to get fresh air.Athrow BrunCswim Descape10It was really a_experience.Afterwards everybody was very_.Aterrifying;shocking Bterrified;shockingCterrifying;shocked Dterrified;shocked11Like some of my classmates,I cannot live up to my teachersexpectations;_I let them down.Ain other words Bafter allCwhats more Dmore or less12We are now enjoying the cool air in the room._,the farmers are harvesting crops in the hot sun.ATherefore BBesidesCAs a result DIn the meantime13We were_the most important scientific development of the century.Aseeing BwatchingClooking Dwitnessing14Im dead tired.I cant walk any farther,Jenny._,Tommy.You can do it.ANo problem BNo hurryCCome on DThats OK15_clearly aware of the danger ahead,he accepted the task without fear.AAs if BThoughCIf DAs though.完形填空(2020年江西师大附中、临川一中联考)Recently Ive completed my college degree.The_1_course was sociology and the last project was called “smile”,which asked us to go out and smile at three people and_2_their reactions.It was freezing.My husband and I went out to McDonalds.We were standing in line,waiting to be_3_,when all of a sudden everyone around us began to_4_away from their position.As I turned around I smelled a_5_“dirty body” smell,and there standing behind me were two poor_6_men.As I looked down at the short gentleman_7_to me,he was smiling and his beautiful sky blue eyes searched for_8_.To sit in the restaurant and_9_up,they had to buy something.When the young lady at the counter asked what they wanted,he said coffee because that was all they could_10_.I smiled and asked the lady for two more breakfast meals on two_11_plates.I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a_12_spot.I put the plates on the table and_13_the blueeyed gentlemans cold hands with my hands.With tears in his eyes,he said,“Thank you.” I noticed all the_14_in the restaurant were set on me.My husband_15_at me and gave me a big hug.I returned to college and handed in a paper about this story as my_16_to the instructor.She read it and then asked,“Can I _17_this?” I nodded.Just at that time I realized in my own way I had_18_the people at McDonalds,my husband,the instructor,and every soul that shared the classroom.I_19_with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learnunconditional acceptance.We shouldnt_20_people based on their appearance.1.A.last BfirstChardest Deasiest2A.recognize BrecordCdescribe Dimagine3A.paid BtreatedCserved Dcharged4A.throw BgiveCtake Dback5A.horrible BcuriousCdull Dfamiliar6A.old BhealthyChomeless Ddisabled7A.close BdueCsuperior Dsimilar8A.assistance BacceptanceCadvice Dadmission9.A.breakBpickCcheer Dwarm10A.afford BenjoyCspend Ddrink11A.big BseparateCbeautiful Dspecial12A.resting BeatingCvisiting Dwatching13A.shook BsharedCclapped Dcovered14A.customers BhandsCeyes Dsounds15A.laughed BsmiledCshouted Dstared16A.homeworkBprojectCassignmentDachievement17A.share BspareCcare Dsupport18A.involved BcontactedCinvestigated Dtouched19A.graduated BaccomplishedCdisappeared Dsucceeded20A.estimate BguaranteeCjudge Dapproach.阅读理解(2020英语周报模拟十)Frankly,I appreciate myself very much.Yes,I admit Im in many aspects not as good as other people,but I dont think Im always not good.When I find what Ive done or written is okay,Ill remain pleased with myself for quite a few days,and if I receive praise for it,Ill even become so excited as to add a few words to reward myself.True,Im not modest at all.People may call me conceited (自负的)But I think otherwise.I appreciate other people.I appreciate anything good.Isnt it unfair to forget appreciating myself while appreciating others?We Chinese generally tend to be modest,and we take pride in being so.For example,a Chinese man will call his own wife zhuojing,meaning“my humble wife”,and his own writings zhuozuo,meaning“my poor writings”But if you call his wife a “rustic (乡村的) woman” or his writings“trash”,he would,Im sure,declare he would make a clean break with you angrily.As a matter of fact,there is probably no difference at all between what is said by him and you.I dont think its wrong of you to freely praise yourself if youre really worthy of praise.As we know,there is an old Chinese saying disparaging (蔑视) a melon seller,named Lao Wang,who keeps praising his own goods.Well,why cant he praise his melons if they are really sweet and juicy?Lao Wang sells melons for a living.How could he carry on business if he,by imitating the affectations (装模作样) of us intellectuals,were to show false modesty about his melons?He would sure enough die of starvation.Selfappreciation is therefore a key to professional dedication and enjoyment of work.Needless to say,the same is true of those who make a living with their pen.One will lose confidence in writing when he stops admiring his own essays.1We know from the first three paragraphs that the author_.Ais modest in some wayBis pleased to be a good writerCis too conceitedDthinks it unfair to appreciate others2What do we know about the authors attitude towards Chinese modesty according to Paragraph 4?ASupportive. BNegative.CNeutral. DCareless.3The author mentions the example of Lao Wang to prove that_.ALao Wang is very proud of himselfBmelon sellers should praise their goodsCreasonable selfappreciation is goodDwriters should learn from Lao Wang4The purpose of the passage is to encourage readers to be_.Amodest BconsiderateCrespectful Dconfident.单项填空1B本题考查近义词辨析。A项意为“认出,辨别出”;C项意为“归类,归还”;D项意为“记录”。句意为:通常一个孩子的行为是其家庭环境的一个反映。2C考查时态、语态。句意为:他的全部精力都集中在正在玩的电脑游戏上了,因此甚至没有注意到母亲走进房间。fix ones attention on表示“集中精力”,attention是动词fix的宾语,所以attention与fix之间是被动关系。3Bbe scared to do sth.害怕去做某事;be scared of doing sth.害怕做某事,两者均为固定搭配。4Chold down压制,限制;hold up(使)推迟,耽搁,支撑;hold back阻挡,抑制;hold out维持,坚持。句意为:人们种了大量的树以阻挡沙漠中的风沙。由此可知只有C项符合句意。5B考查固定句型。be about to do.when.表示“正要干这时”。句意为:我正要下河,这时导游阻止了我并且说“危险”。6Aupside down上下翻转,turn sth.upside down把翻得乱七八糟。out front在大门外;side by side肩并肩;down to earth从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中来。7D根据题意“尽管没有找到小孩”,可知放弃了搜索。abandon在此题中意为“放弃”。the search与abandon之间为动宾关系,故用被动语态。approve赞成;acquire获得;achieve完成,达到。8Ashare sth.(with sb.)(与某人)分享某物,share不与like和from连用。9A句意为:暴风雨来临之前,池塘里的鱼儿通常要跃出水面呼吸新鲜空气。throw themselves out of the water在此意为“跃出水面”。10Cterrifying常与物连用,表示“令人恐惧的”;terrified常与人连用,表示“感到恐惧的”。shocking令人震惊的,与物连用;shocked感到震惊的,与人连用。11A句意为:像我的一些同学一样,我不能达到老师期望的目标;换言之,我让他们失望了。in other words意为“换言之”;after all意为“毕竟”;whats more意为“而且”;more or less意为“或多或少”。12D题中前后两句表达不同的意思,没有因果关系,故可排除A和C项。第二句话也不是对第一句话的补充,故可排除B项。in the meantime与此同时,符合题意。13D本题考查同义词的辨析。see表示看见的结果、内容;watch表示仔细观察或观看电视、比赛等;而look表示看的动作,且为不及物动词,后不能跟宾语。14C句意为:“Jenny,我累极了,再也走不动了。”“坚持,Tommy,你能行的。”用come on表示“坚持,加油”。A项表示“没问题”;B项表示“别着急”;D项表示“好吧”,都不符合语境。15B在though/as if等引导的从句中,谓语是be,而从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,从句的主语与be可同时省略。根据题意应选B项。.完形填空【语篇解读】本文作者在麦当劳吃饭时给两个流浪汉买了早餐,受到众人关注。作者把这次经历作为研究课题交给导师,得到了导师的肯定。通过这个故事作者告诉我们:不要以貌取人。1A根据第一段首句“Recently Ive completed my college degree.”可知,“我”要完成社会学这门最后的课程,所以选last。2B对三个人微笑并记录他们的反应。3C由“.went out to McDonalds.We were standing in line,waiting.”可知,应是等候served (服务)。4Dback在此处是动词,意思是“后退”,与下文“I smelled a_5_dirty body smell”照应。5A“dirty body” smell肯定是horrible (讨厌的)。6C根据下文可知他们是到麦当劳避寒的,所以应该是homeless (无家可归的)。7Aclose to的意思为“接近”,是形容词短语作gentleman的后置定语,符合上下文的语境。8B本题选用acceptance (接受),20空前面的一句也有暗示。9D第二段第一句“It was freezing”暗示出他们到麦当劳的目的是warm up (取暖)。10A“.they had to buy something”暗示出本空应该用afford (买得起)。afford常与情态动词can/could连用;spend的直接宾语是金钱、时间等。11Btwo more breakfast meals自然是分别装在两个不同的盘子里,所以用separate (单独的,分开的)。12A根据上下文可知,他们已经点了咖啡,并选了座位当做a resting spot (休息处)。13D“cover ones hands with ones hands”意为“用某人的手盖住另一个人的手”,符合语境。而shake的搭配为shake ones hand,shake hands with sb.。14Cset eyes on sb.为固定短语,意为“看见,注意到”,此处用的是被动语态。15B由本句后面的“gave me a big hug”可以推出此处用smiled。16Bproject专题研究,文章第一段的“the last project”有暗示。17A我能(和大家)分享你的故事吗?share (和某人)分享,共享,符合语境。18Dtouch(使)感动,符合语境。19A根据文章的第一句“Recently Ive completed my college degree.”可知,这里用graduated。20C我们不要以貌取人。judge “判断”,符合语境。.阅读理解【语篇解读】人要学会欣赏自己,因为能够欣赏自己的人,才能敬业乐业,才能够更好地、乐观地面对人生和自己的事业。1A细节理解题。作者在第一段中承认自己在有些方面是不如他人的,由此可看出,作者还是谦虚的,故选A项。2B作者态度题。第四段中作者指出中国人谦虚,并以此为荣。然后举出“拙荆”“拙作”的例子。但同时指出如果别人用同样意思的不敬词语来称呼他的妻子或作品,他肯定会生气并与该人绝交,由此可见,作者并不赞成中国人这种过度谦虚的作法,故选B项。3C推理判断题。文章最后提到大家都在蔑视“老王卖瓜,自卖自夸”的行为,但是,如果老王卖的瓜确实又脆又甜,他为何不能夸自己的瓜呢?如果不这样做,他肯定就会饿死。以此为例,作者在最后一段指出,自我欣赏对于敬业乐业也非常重要,故C项符合作者的观点。4D写作意图题。作者在文中指出要学会欣赏自己,不要只是一味谦逊,要懂得展示自己自信的一面,故选D项。


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