【陕西专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修6-3

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选修6 Unit3课时作业(二十八)A healthy life健康生活.单项填空1The old man said the accident_careless driving,so a lot of money_be paid by the driver.Awas due to;was due toBdue to;was due toCis due to;has due to Dis due to;was due to2Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people_smoking.Aquit BdeclineCprevent Dreserve3Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_.Aability BforceCstrength Dmind4Im not_up so early yet but I have to_myself to it.Yeah.Just as the saying goes,“An early bird catches the worm”Aused to getting;adaptBaccustomed to getting;accustomCused to get;adaptDaccustomed to get;accustom5The new survey shows that the number of students_computer games has been on the increase in recent years.Adevoted to Brelated toCconnected to Daddicted to6Do you feel like_there or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk,but since there isnt much time left,Id rather we_a taxi.Ato walk;take Bwalking;tookCto walk;took Dwalking;take7David felt_of the foolish thing he had done in the classroom.Ashameful BashamedCshamed Dshaming8How do you find Qingdao,Mary?Its a beautiful seaside city.I have_it for my next holiday.Adecided on Btried onCtaken on Dcarried on9If you insist on continuing like this,I think you take a risk of_to leave the company.Ato force Bto be forcedCforcing Dbeing forced10_full preparations,we decided to put off the meeting till the next week.AWe did not make BWe had not madeCNot having made DHaving not made11(2020年贵州遵义模拟)_youve got a precious chance,you might as well make full use of it.AIn case BNow thatCEven though DThe moment12They were surrounded by the enemy,but they_at last from the village.Amanaged escaping Btried to escapeCmanaged to escape Dtried escaping13To tell the truth,_is my belief that parents shouldnt give children whatever they want.Aas BitCwhat Dthat14May I use your printer?_.Go ahead.ABy all means BIm afraid you cantCAbsolutely not DYou are welcome15Hearing that most of the members voted against her,she_a smile.Awore BmanagedCperformed Dcontrolled.完形填空(2020年济宁一模)My wife and I had just finished the 150mile trip home from our daughters college.It was the first time in our lives that we would _1_ for any length of time.We wondered how other people had _2_ it.Later in bed,I _3_ the time I started college.My father had driven me,too.My mother had to stay home to keep the _4_from getting into the crops.I,the fourth in a line of brothers,was the first to _5_ college.The truck was slow,and I was glad.I didnt want to get to the city _6_.I shook hands with my father in the truck and he didnt say a word.But I knew he was going to make a little _7_.He finally said,“I never went to college and _8_of your brothers did.I cant say dont do this or that,because everything is _9_and I dont know what is going to come up,but I think things will _10_.When you get a job,be sure to be honest and work hard.” I knew that soon I would be _11_in the big town and I would be _12_the life home.Then my father_13_the Bible (圣经) that he had read so often.I knew that he would miss it but I must_14_it.He just said,“This can help you _15_you will let it.”When I finished school I took the Bible _16_to my father.But he said he wanted me to _17_it.Now,too late,I remember.It would have been so _18_ to give it to my daughter when she got out of the car.But I didnt.My father could give me only a Bible,but I dont really believe now that I gave her half as _19_as my father gave me.So the next morning I_20_up the book and sent it to her.I wrote a note.“This can help you.” I said,“if you will let it.”1.A.worry BseparateCstay Dtravel2A.left BstoodCenjoyed Dtried3A.wasted BspentCremembered Dkilled4A.policemen BworkersCcattle Dsoldiers5A.graduate from Bgo away toCbe dismissed from Dset up6A.very late Bfar awayCtoo soon Donce again7.A.speech BlivingCpromise Dprogress8A.some BoneCnone Dall9A.impossible BdifferentCdifficult Dfavorite10A.work out Bdie outChold out Dbreak out11A.happy BaloneCfree Dlost12A.losing BspendingCmissing Dliving13A.brought about Bbrought outCbrought up Dbrought down14A.refuse BmarkCfollow Dtake15A.if BunlessCbut Dthough16A.down BupCback Daway17A.keep BreturnCpost Dsell18A.popular BstrangeCready Dnice19A.much BmanyCfar Dgood20A.set BturnedCgave Dwrapped.阅读理解(2020年唐山一模,A)During my high school years,the most important thing was what I was wearing to the Friday night dance and who I was taking.Although college was talked about,it was the least of my worries.When I was graduating eighth grade and starting high school,my older brother was graduating twelfth grade and going onto college.For my graduation,he gave me a card in which he wrote,“Enjoy your four years.They go by fast.” I remember not believing him then,but looking back.He was right.Those four years shaped who I was as a person,pushed me to my limit and encouraged me to become an adult.However,I was so completely absorbed in my junior and senior years of high school,that when someone spoke of college I brushed it off.I wasnt ready to leave my comfort zone of having all of my closest friends together and knowing what every single day was going to be like.Studying was something I did only AFTER I nailed my halftime dance performance.I knew my parents wanted me to go to college,so I told them I would go to community college (社区学院) and I didnt worry about my SAT (美国大学入学考试) scores.When my senior year passed and everyone graduated and went off to their own colleges,I started to wish I had done the same.My friends were living away,meeting new people,and discovering new places,while I was living at home and driving to and from class every day.It seemed exactly like high school.I hated it!I thought college was supposed to be different!Why didnt I take more time to research colleges and do the same?I ended up loving college and wishing I had four years to enjoy the campus (大学校园) atmosphere instead of two.My advice to anyone thinking about attending college is to think about it very seriously and look into all of your choices well ahead of time.Now I have graduated and I am working fulltime and I would do anything to go back to my high school days for a second chance!1Why didnt the author worry about his SAT scores?AHe wanted to go to community college.BHe had been admitted for his gift in dance.CHe was well prepared for the exam.DHe believed his brother would help him.2When in high school,the author_.Adrove to and from class every dayBburied himself in his study all the timeCenjoyed talking about future college lifeDlived in the school except on holidays3What did the authors brother mean by “Enjoy your four years.They go by fast.”?AHe wished the author to have more dance.BHe advised the author to value the years.CHe encouraged the author to leave his comfort zone.DHe suggested the author aim at a community college.4Talking of his high school years,the author feels_.Aregretful BlonelyCangry Dpleased.单项填空1Adue to由于,起因于,常用做表语,第一个空应填was due to;第二个空填was due to,due为形容词,意思是“合理的,应支付的”。money与其后作定语的动词不定式具有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式应用被动式。2A句意为“医生们正在研究以便发现当人们戒烟时,他们身体上将会发生什么情况”。decline下降;prevent阻止;reserve预订。3Cbuild up ones strength强身健体。4B第一空表示“习惯于干某事”,可用be used to doing或be accustomed to doing,故排除C、D两项,第二空可用adapt/accustom oneself to使自己习惯于。5Dbe devoted to致力于;be related to与有联系;be connected to与相关联;be addicted to对上瘾的。6Bfeel like doing sth.想做,愿意做;would rather后引导从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气,即要用一般过去时,表示“宁愿做”。7Bshameful通常用来作定语;be ashamed of感到惭愧;shame作及物动词时,表示“使感到羞愧”,C、D是其两种分词形式,一般不构成固定搭配。结合语境和空格后的介词可知应选B。8Adecide on选定;try sth.on试穿(衣物);take on呈现;carry on进行某事,继续做。结合空后面的for my next holiday,可知选A。9Dtake a risk of doing sth.冒险做某事,因force与you之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故选D。10C此题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。对于非谓语动词的否定直接在其前加not。11Bin case假设,万一;now that既然;even though即使;the moment引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。12Ctry to do尽力做;manage to do设法做成功。13B此题考查it作形式主语的用法,代替从句表示真正的主语。14Aby all means意为“当然可以”。15B本题考查动词辨析。根据前一句话的意思分析,此处应该表示“不高兴”,所以使用manage a smile强作微笑。.完形填空【语篇解读】在我们的一生当中,父母无时无刻不在给我们关怀。有物质的当然更有精神上的。本文作者讲述了父亲通过给他一本圣经而给了他莫大的精神支持。1B考查动词。根据题意:妻子和我把女儿送到大学。这是我们第一次将要面对分离。2B考查动词。对我们来说很不易,我们就想其他的父母是怎样忍受这种别离之苦的。stand表忍受,其他选项均不符合句意。3C考查动词。躺在床上,我记起了我上大学的时候。通过下文可知是作者在回忆过去,所以用remember。waste浪费;spend花费(时间、金钱);kill time消磨(时间)。4C考查名词。父亲开车送我,母亲则留在家里以防牛进入庄稼地。keep.from doing意为“防止做某事”。由crops提示可知C项正确。5B考查动词短语。我是家里四个兄弟中第一个离家上大学的人。通过下文,父亲送我上学,可知我这是要离家go away to college去上大学,现在还没graduate from college呢。其他两项容易排除。6C考查副词。由上文“The truck was slow,and I was glad”可知,too soon与前面slow构成对比,更表现了作者对家那种依依不舍之情。7A考查名词。父亲一句话都没说(didnt say a word),但我知道他一定会说点什么。make a speech做演讲,讲话;make a living谋生;make a promise作出许诺;make progress取得进步。8C考查代词。父亲说:“我从未上过大学,你的兄弟们也是”与上文我是家里第一个上大学的人相对应。none表全部否定。9B考查语境理解。我不能说该做这个或那个,因为事物是不同的(要具体问题具体分析)。10A考查动词短语。句意为:我不知道会发生什么事,但事情一定会顺利发展。work out计算出,顺利发展;die out灭绝;hold out伸出、坚持;break out(战争、火灾)爆发。11B考查形容词。根据上下文可知,作者离家出来上大学,在这个城市自然是孤身一人。alone单独的,独自的。12C考查动词。通过上下文可知作者离家求学,只身在外自然会想家的即miss the life home。13B考查动词短语。父亲拿出圣经要送给我。bring out拿出;bring about导致;bring up带大,呕吐;bring down降低。14D考查动词。父亲要送我圣经,我要拿着。refuse拒绝;mark做标记;follow跟随;take拿着,在这里意为接受。15A考查连词。根据文章最后一句:“This can help you”“if you will let it.”可知答案。16C考查副词。根据题意可知:大学毕业后,我把圣经拿回给父亲。take back to拿回,带回;take down记下;take up占据,从事;take away拿走。17A考查动词。父亲让我保留圣经。keep保留;return还回;post邮寄;sell卖。18D考查形容词。根据上文“too late”以及下文不难猜测作者很后悔,可知他觉得在送女儿到大学的时候把这本圣经送给女儿,是件非常美好的事情。(可是没有这样做)19A考查代词。父亲通过给我圣经给了我莫大的精神支持,相比而言,我给女儿的不及父亲给的一半。as much(指代不可数名词)as;as many(指代可数名词复数)as和一样多;as far as和一样远;as good as和一样好。20D考查动词。因为后悔当时没给女儿圣经,我决定把圣经包裹起来寄给她。set up建立;turn up出现;give up放弃;wrap up包裹。.阅读理解1A细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知作者打算上社区学院,因而不担心自己的大学入学考试成绩。2A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“.while I was living at home and driving to and from class every day.It seemed exactly like high school.”可知A项正确。3B推理判断题。第二段提到作者当时不相信哥哥的话,后来回想起自己的高中生活,才意识到他的话非常正确。由此可推断哥哥是在奉劝作者珍惜高中的时光。4A作者态度题。第一段中提到作者在高中期间热衷于参加舞蹈活动,丝毫不关心上大学的事情;第四段提到作者非常希望自己能和其他同学一样进入大学学习;最后一段又提到作者渴望重新上一次高中。由此可推断作者对自己的高中生活感到十分“遗憾”。


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