


1、第2课时 七年级上册 Units 6 9 一 完形填空 xx山东济南高新一模 Henry was not good at math Even when the teacher explained something a second time he still couldnt 1 it Never mind Ill sit next to the boy。

2、第11课时 八年级下册 Units 7 8 一 完形填空 2019预测 The Adventures 冒险 of Tom Sawyer My favorite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Tom lives 1 his aunt Polly in the quiet street。

3、第3课时 七年级下册 Units 1 6 一 完形填空 2019智乐星好题 A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London He walked and walked and became 1 He walked into a restaurant where he found a 2 at an empty table。

4、题型加练六 单词拼写 一 xx山东枣庄中考 1 Where are from 2 I have no problem the mountain which is not too high 3 Of the two boys who do you think is more 4 I just hid behind my father and never anythin。

5、题型加练二 完形填空 一 2019原创 It was a beautiful sunny spring day I had just driven my daughter to the 1 to catch an early morning flight My sons and I then went to a fast food place for breakfast T。

6、题型加练三 阅读理解 一 xx山东枣庄中考 Last year I went to Beijing Qizhi Special Education School for munity service 社区服务 Before we took the bus my friend asked me a question Why are you here I did。

7、第7课时 八年级上册 Units 7 10 一 完形填空 2019预测 Mr Smith gave his wife 10 pounds for her birthday ten pretty new pound notes The day after her birthday Mrs Smith went 1 She waited for a bus got on。

8、第4课时 七年级下册 Units 7 12 一 完形填空 xx山东枣庄中考改编 One Friday night a poor young man stood at a gate of the railway station playing his violin Many people put money into the hat 1 in front o。

9、第16课时 九年级 Units 7 8 一 完形填空 2019预测 When I was about twelve I went to a restaurant for dinner with my family It was winter and on that night it was really 1 As my mom and I headed towards t。

10、题型加练九 书面表达 一 xx山东枣庄中考 Write a review of the following story in about 90 words The review has to include the following points 1 The name of your review 2 The idea s of your review 3 The。

11、第12课时 八年级下册 Units 9 10 一 完形填空 xx江苏兴化适应性训练一改编 Have you ever run in the rain It was raining outside We all stood near the door of the 1 waiting Suddenly I heard a sweet 2 Mom le。

12、第6课时 八年级上册 Units 4 6 一 完形填空 xx山东枣庄中考 When I was 13 years old a boy gave me an important gift It was a 1 It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school and my old s。

13、题型加练四 语法填空 一 xx山东枣庄中考 Most of us have probably been angry with our friends parents or teachers Perhaps they 1 say something you didnt like or you felt they 2 be unfair sometimes people。

14、题型加练七 完成句子 一 xx山东枣庄中考 1 知道如何有礼貌地请求帮助是重要的 It is important to know how to help politely 2 昨天那则好消息使我们都高兴 The good news all of us yesterday 3 他可能是科学家 he。

15、第13课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 完形填空 xx山东枣庄台儿庄期中改编 Now more than 40 million foreigners around the world are learning Chinese The relationship 关系 between the United States and China is be。

16、第14课时 九年级 Units 3 4 一 完形填空 2019原创 Jimmy was five years old and lived with his parents the Watsons in Smithville in the southern United States He loved his big black 1 Big Boy Last week in。

17、第17课时 九年级 Units 9 10 一 完形填空 xx山东淄博周村期末 On a cold November afternoon my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store We had bought many things We were dressed warmly and I。

18、第9课时 八年级下册 Units 3 4 一 完形填空 2019预测 A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress 压力 management He raised a glass of water and asked them How 1 do you think this glass of water。

19、第5课时 八年级上册 Units 1 3 一 完形填空 xx山东济南槐荫期末改编 Mr and Mrs Harris always spent their summer holidays in a small hotel at the seaside near their hometown Last year however Mr Harris mad。

20、第18课时 九年级 Units 11 12 一 完形填空 xx山东枣庄中考改编 Henry Bond was about ten years old when his father died His mother found it 1 to provide for a large family By good management however she 2。

标签 > 山东省枣庄市2019中考英语一轮复习[编号:714489]

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