


1、MODULE8Photos PujiangShiyanMiddleSchoolShaoXiangyang 教学内容 目标与要求 题材内容本模块的中心话题是照片 对话内容是关于Tony为了参加比赛在学校舞会上赶拍照片的经过 阅读课文以公布上一年摄影比赛的结果为依托 介绍了各种不同题材的照片 课文从听说读写都围绕着 谈论照片 而展开 很好地融合了以which和who引导的定语从句的学习与运用 学情分析。

2、NSEBook12Module3Unit1 Itooksomephotos go eat have read take run is are 说说下面动词的过去式 want start do rain DamingwenttoaparkwithSimonandhismum WhatdidDamingdo 1 Whendidtheygotothepark 2 Whatdidtheytake 3 Wh。

3、模块能力提升,.根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写单词。 1Please look at the m________ (菜单) and choose what you would like to eat. 2Please a________ (添加) some salt to the chicken noodle soup. 3The。

4、Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos 1教学目标 a.语言知识目标:巩固复习一般过去时,学会单词:funny, left, quickly, funny day, had a picnic, took photos. b.语言技能目标: 1.运用语言知识谈论过去的活动。 2.归。

5、Unit 3 Language in use,.用which, who或whom填空。 1The nurse ________ looks after my sister is very kind. 2The letter ________ I received three days ago is from my uncle. 3Mr. Liu is the person。

6、模块能力提升,.根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写单词。 1Please look at the m________ (菜单) and choose what you would like to eat. 2Please a________ (添加) some salt to the chicken noodle soup. 3The。

7、2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 11 Photos Unit 2(第2课时)教学案 (新版)外研版 课题: M11Unit2The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min(第二课时) 知识目标:1. 词汇及短语tonight, winner, co。

8、话题写作实境运用,本模块的主题是“摄影”, 要求同学们能够通过摄影作品及摄影活动谈论自己的体会和感受。“摄影”这一话题贴近学生生活,现代社会中人们大都会对日常生活的各种事物进行拍照留念,进而与别人分享自。

9、话题写作实境运用,本模块的主题是“摄影”, 要求同学们能够通过摄影作品及摄影活动谈论自己的体会和感受。“摄影”这一话题贴近学生生活,现代社会中人们大都会对日常生活的各种事物进行拍照留念,进而与别人分享自。

10、MODULE3 Unit1 Itooksomephotos 1 Whendidtheyhaveafunnyday 2 Wheredidtheygo 3 Whatdidtheytake 4 Whatwastheweatherlike 5 Whoatethesandwiches TheyhadafunnydayonSaturday Theywenttoapark Theytooksandwiches。

11、Module3unit1 Module3Unit1Itooksomephotos WhatdidDamingdolastweekend 1 Wheredidtheygo 2 Whatwastheweatherlike Theywenttothepark Itwasrainy He toaparkwithSimonandhismum They sandwichesandtheywantedto T。


13、Canada,China,Li Ming will go home.,Listen to the tape and answer the question .,What is Li Ming doing?,He is getting ready to go home next week.,准备,听录音回答问题。,Read the text silently and quickly.快速默读文本,What did Li Ming find?,He found some photos.,find-found,Lets talk,Look! I found these photos!,May I see them?,Sure !,What can you see in these photos?,Warm-up,Lets talk,Danny wanted to play basketball with a ping-pong ball!,What did Danny want to do?,Lets talk,Danny said the basketbal。

14、Module3Unit1Itooksomephotos 1 Whendidtheyhaveafunnyday 2 Wheredidtheygo 3 Whatdidtheybring 4 Whatwastheweatherlike 6 Whoatethesandwiches TheyhadafunnydayonSaturday Theywenttoapark Theybroughtsandwiche。

15、Module3Itooksomephotos Hilingling IhadaveryfunnydayonSaturday IwenttoaparkwithSimonandhismum Wetooksandwichesandwewantedtohaveapicnic Therewasabiglakeintheparkandtherewerelotsofducks Thenitstartedtora。

16、2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 11 Photos Unit 2(第1课时)教学案 (新版)外研版 课题: M11Unit2The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min(第一课时) 【教学目标】 知识目标:1. 词汇及短语tonigh。

17、2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 11 Photos Unit 1(第2课时)教学案 (新版)外研版 课题: Module 11 Photos学案 Unit 1 Hes the boy who won the photo petitions last year(第二课时) 【教学目标】 知识目。

18、Lesson 20 Looking at photos 教学目标 : 1、正确运用过去时。 2、掌握单词remember, forget, find-found. 3、熟读课文,理解内容,结合自己积累的单词进行创造性的应用。 4、提高看图对话的能力,实现由读到说的。

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