
Lesson 7 What would you like。shop [ʃɒp] 商店 buy [baɪ]。


1、Lesson 7 What would you like?,shop p 商店,buy ba 买,drink drk 喝 ,饮料,tea ti: 茶,juice du:s 果汁,bottle btl 瓶子,carrot krt 胡萝卜,New words,shop p 商店 buy ba 买 drink drk 喝,饮料 tea ti: 茶 juice du:s 果汁 feel fi:l 感觉 much mt 多,非常,something sm 某事(物) would wd 将要 bottle btl 瓶子 carrot krt 胡萝卜 would like 想要 a cup of 一杯 a bottle of 一瓶,a cup o。


3、Unit9 Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike SectionA11a 2d Lookatthepictureof1aandthinkaboutthequestions 1 Howmanypeoplearethereinthepicture 2 Wherearethey 3 Whatarethetwogirlsdoing 4 Canyoudescribethepeopleinthepi。

4、Unit5What shelike Let ssing Let schant Grandmaisold butmotherisyoung Fatheristall butbrotherisshort Uncleiskind butteacherisstrict Zipisthin butZoomisfat Theyareveryfunny Theyareveryfunny What she she。

5、Whatdoeshelike Lesson5 Review listen听music音乐TV电视film电影always总是listentomusic听音乐seefilms看电影watchTV看电视 Review Whatdoeshelike 他喜欢什么 Whatdoesshelike 她喜欢什么 Let slearn WhatdoesPetelike 彼得喜欢什么 Helikesseeingfi。

6、Unit1 What shelike old年老的 HeisFatherChristmas Heisanoldman 他是圣诞老人 他是一位老人家 Reviewwords young年轻的 Myuncleisayoungman 我的叔叔是一位年轻人 tall高的 short矮的 funny滑稽可笑的 strong强壮的 Heisastrongman 他是一个强壮的男人 thin瘦的 Mymatht。

7、Module 1 Unit 1,Whats the weather like?,Its ________.,Whats the weather like?,windy,New words,Its ________.,Whats the weather like?,sunny,Its ________.,Whats the weather like?,raining,Listen, point an。

8、What would you like to eatId like .hamburger sandwich saladvegetable chicken beef What would you like to drinkId like。

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