


1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 基础考点聚焦 Unit 4 Cyberspace 北师大版必修2 1.connect v 联系 2.conveniently adv. 方便地 3.develop v. 发展 4.explore v. 探索 5.solve v. 解决 6.simplify v. 简化 7.eq。





6、Unit 3 Looking good feeling good A卷 单项填空 1 2018泰兴质量检测 For sustainable development the government has decided to give to those energyconserving and environmentfriendly businesses in many asp。

7、Unit 2 Growing pains A卷 单项填空 1 2018常熟中学调研 While mobile phones are thought to double the risk of developing brain cancer many businesses have made claims the safety of their products A in ne。

8、Unit 1 School life A卷 单项填空 1 He is a man of and he has a lot of interesting in his life A much experience experiences B many experiences experience C much experience experience D many experiences。

9、第一部分必修1Unit3 第一部分必修1Unit3 第一部分必修1Unit3 第一部分必修1Unit3 第一部分必修1Unit3 压力 包括 化学物质 化学的 起作用 有效果 奏效 分支 分部 树枝 大约 跳过 略过 蹦跳着走 适当地 身体 器官 系。

10、第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 品牌 类型 纽带 联系 债券 枷锁 使 牢固结合 虚假的 伪造的 错误的 人。

11、数据 统计 统计数字 统计资料 肥料 化肥 细菌 营养 滋养 食物 循环 流传 晒黑的 特级的 超级的 产量 输出 庄稼 农作物 产量 矿物 矿石 根 根源 画底线标出 强调 decade occupation summary regret ment focus therefore reduce struggle expand hunger hungry export import discove。

12、Unit1 School life 品句填词1The world Meteorological Organization says the 2015 is on course to be the warmest year on record with global ____________(平均的) temperature reaching 1 degree Celsius abo。

13、Unit 2Growing pains.单项填空1(2016常熟中学调研) While mobile phones are thought to double the risk of developing brain cancer, many businesses have made claims________the safety of their products.Ain。

14、Unit2 Wish you were here 品句填词1Something __________(异乎寻常的) happened in that hospital.The elderly man, officially declared dead, suddenly came to life.答案:extraordinary2As you __________(漫。

15、Unit1 Tales of the unexplained 品句填词1Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be ________(假定) that the latter is due to the former.答案:assumed2To my great surprise, he somehow manage。

16、Unit2 What is happiness to you 品句填词1I want to get a new passport but I dont know the ____________(程序)答案:procedure2His health condition will become more serious if he doesnt ___________。

17、Unit3 Looking good, feeling good 品句填词1I can work well with other people, but I usually ____________(更喜欢) working independently.答案:prefer2The scenery in Switzerland is ____________(吸引人的)。

18、Language.单项填空1Tom told us all that________he said at the meeting was really true.AthatBallCwhat DwhichC解析:考查主语从句。句意:汤姆告诉我们所有的人,在会议上他所说的是真的。这里的all和us是同位语,作主句的宾语,that引导的是宾语从句。

19、Unit3 Amazing people 品句填词1Of the two books, I think this one is ____________(更好的) to that one.答案:superior2The old methods ____________(证明是) to be the best after all.答案:proved3He ___。

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