高考英语总复习 基础考点聚焦 第一部分 模块2 Unit3 Amazing people高效演练跟踪检测

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高考英语总复习 基础考点聚焦 第一部分 模块2 Unit3 Amazing people高效演练跟踪检测_第1页
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高考英语总复习 基础考点聚焦 第一部分 模块2 Unit3 Amazing people高效演练跟踪检测_第2页
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高考英语总复习 基础考点聚焦 第一部分 模块2 Unit3 Amazing people高效演练跟踪检测_第3页
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Unit3 Amazing people 品句填词1Of the two books, I think this one is _(更好的) to that one.答案:superior2The old methods _(证明是) to be the best after all.答案:proved3He _(渴望) to prove his courage in the battle.答案:desired4Only in this way can they better _(应用)theory to practice.答案:apply5_(出席) at the meeting were those who had achieved great success in the field of ancient history.答案:Present6The third failure _(使气馁) him completely.答案:discouraged7The teacher _(激励) us to try again.答案:inspired8In order not to be _(打扰), Lin Feng spent the whole afternoon locked in the study, preparing the paper.答案:disturbed9_(与相比) to the children living in the mountain areas, these children are very lucky.答案:Compared10His _(热衷) of too much time to sports is plain to see.答案:devotion 完成句子1The family_(还有他们的狗)were trapped on the roof by the flood.答案:as well as their dog2It was his brother _(帮助) Lily do the homework yesterday.答案:that/who helped3If _(正确吃药), the medicine should work well.答案:taken correctly4It was _(直到他病倒了)that he realized how important health was.答案:not until he fell ill5Answer these questions, _ (如果可能的话), without referring to the book.答案:if (it is) possible 单项填空1(2016扬州中学月考)True happiness does not _the possession of money, but the joy of achievement.Acontribute toBconsist inCresult in Dadd toB解析:句意: 真正的幸福不在于拥有金钱, 而在于取得成就的快乐。consist in “在于” 。2(2016启东中学模拟)Many people learned to program with little understanding of computers or applications _ computers could or should be applied.Athat BwhichCabout which Dto whichD解析:考查定语从句。这是 “介词关系代词” 结构的定语从句, be applied to是固定搭配。句意: 许多人虽然已经学过编程序, 但对计算机或计算机的各种应用及潜在用途尚不了解。3If you _faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.Acome across Bcare aboutClook for Dfocus upon A解析:句意: 如果你发现这辆自行车有毛病但还是想要, 你就要求这家商店的营业员减价。come across “偶然遇到”; care about “关心, 在乎”; look for “寻找”, 侧重于“寻找”的动作; focus upon “专注于”。4It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.Ahow BthatCwhich DwhereB解析:考查强调句。 其结构为It is/was.that/who.此句强调状语 “along the Mississippi River”。将原句还原后应为 “Mark Twain spent much of his childhood along the Mississippi River.” 。故正确答案应为B项。5Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? Yes._, Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.AIf ever BIf busyCIf anything DIf possibleD解析:if ever如果有过的话; if busy是if I am busy的省略, 与下文语意矛盾; if anything 意思是 “有可能的是, 总之” ; if possible如果可能的话。答语句意为 “如果可能的话, 我将去城里的一些老年之家看看”。 【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1孩子往往对任何新奇事物都感到好奇。2我们不应该阻止他们探索新事物, 而应该激励他们这样做。3如果利用得好, 好奇心很可能会带来成功。4即使不成功, 对孩子来说也是一种经历, 他们会从中学到许多有益的东西。提示: 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version: Children are often curious about any new and strange thing.We should not discourage them from exploring them but inspire them to do so.If made good use of, curiosity is very likely to result in success.Even if they dont succeed,its also an experience for your children, where they can benefit a lot.


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