
◆2014年广东高考真题。但还是请你认认真真再做一遍。my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my fri。选项只有哪四类词。4. 答案规律。广东高考完形填空题。


1、2014年广东高考真题,46. I grow up in a very big family. My parents have raised twelve kids and I am their first-born. It has been my duty to help my mom take care of my brothers and sisters. To handle them, often I have to organize an outdoor activity, like a softball game. I must say that I have the potential to work as an instructor.,B 题中organize an outdoor activity, as an instructor与选项B中的organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits, as an instructor相匹配。,47. Last year, my do。

2、广东高考语法填空题,也许你已做多遍了,但还是请你认认真真再做一遍,并在解题的过程中思考:,1.短文体裁:记叙文、说明文、还是议论文? 2.主要考点:没有提示词的纯空格题主要填了哪几类词? 有提示词的题主要考查了哪几类语法知识?,2014年广东高考真题,Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said 16 ___ was a wonderful holiday destination. Before we went, we had planned for months. When the day came, we were ready. After our plane landed, we went 。

3、范文1: Richard Avis, a British man born on December 1st, 1974, is traveling around the world in search of his time twins. With the help of the local media, he has so far found 32 time twins from 13 countries since 2011.,They are 17 men and 15 women who work as government officials, athletes, drivers, teachers, artists and so on. Richard is to find forty of them by his fortieth birthday before he can write a book about his experiences. He says the project is intended to give him a good understan。

4、1. 短文体裁: 记叙文、说明文、还是议论文? 2. 选项特点: 选项只有哪四类词?有代词、冠词、关联词、介词吗? 3. 答题依据: 每个正确选项在文中必有依据, 请画出各题的答题依据,然后与同学交流。 4. 答案规律:做完并订正答案后,看每篇完形正确选项A、B、C、D各有几个,有何规律。,广东高考完形填空题,也许你已做了多遍,但还是请你认认真真再做一遍,并在解题的过程中思考:,Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenagers have 1 feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy 。

5、The passage tells us about a laundrywoman, who lived a very simple life but donated a large sum of money to a university, from which she got much pleasure and attention from the public. While reading the passage, I am deeply moved by what Miss McCarty did. It is unbelievable that an ordinary laundrywoman should have such a warm heart to do this good deed.,We should not only show respect for her but also learn from her. From my point of view, her donation will certainly have great effects on the。

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