
1.It was ________ (慷慨的。s mother asked him in a ________ (温和的) voice.。t you ________ (倒) yourself an。3.He has ________ (赚) a。Unit 2 The Olympic Games。


1、111Unit 1Great scientists.单词拼写1In respect of this problem, we dont have to draw a________(结论)quickly.2Be________(谨慎的)as the road is frozen.3By________(分析)the parts of the sentence we learn more about English grammar.4It has been________(通知)that Mr. John and Miss Smith will get married next week.5The UN sent food aid to Haiti________(严重地)affected by the earthquake.6It is a great________(挑战)for him to govern the country well.7The river has been________(污染)seriously。

2、111Unit 2The United Kingdom.单词拼写1We are________(感到激动)to hear the wonderful piece of news that the people living in the mainland can fly direct to Taiwan.2The second Childrens Palace of Guangzhou sits in a______(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.3I hope that what I say will________(澄清)the situation.4I keep my reference books near my desk for________(方便)5The Tower of London is a great________(吸引)to tourists.6We have________(完成)all we set out to do.7What he wr。

3、111Unit 3Travel journal.单词拼写1Thanks to the modern ________ (运输) system, a large number of passengers could return home for the sevenday National Day holiday.2Many people prefer ________ (骑自行车) to driving to the work site.3The tight ________ (日程表) often keeps him busy all the time.4He is as ________ (固执的) as a donkey.5Whats your ________ (态度) towards this problem?6Do you know how much the ________ (车费) is?7________ (毕业生) from our school are working all over t。

4、111Unit 4Wildlife protection.单词拼写1The manager ________ (雇用) another 20 workers for the new positions.2On just the second day of the trip, I was ________ (咬) on the leg by a snake.3There is a ________ (凶猛的) dog to guard the house. Please knock at the door before you enter.4The book ________ (包含) all the information you need.5His death means a great ________ (损失) to science.6If you really like the job, ________ (距离) is not a problem.7He took the poor children under his _。

5、111Unit 1Cultural relics.单词拼写1Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one ______ (幸存)2Who has been ________ (挑选) to take part in the project?3This course is ________ (设计) as an introduction to the subject.4I dont ________ (喜欢) going out in such bad weather.5We ________ (装饰) the house for Christmas.6He ________ (除去) the mud from his shoes.7These flowers are very ________ (稀有的) in this country.8I paid only 3,000 for this used car but its ________。

6、111Unit 2Poems.单词拼写1A steam engine ________ (转换;转化) heat into power.2The companys head office is in the city, but it has ________ (分支机构;部门) all over the country.3The ambassador personally ________ (传达) the presidents message to the premier.4Which dress is more ________ (适当的) for the party, this one or that one?5She found a company to ________ (资助) her through college.6You need to be more ________ (灵活的) and imaginative in your approach.7He hanged himself in __。

7、111Unit 4Global warming.单词拼写1There are large ________ (数量) of rain in the area of the country every summer.2Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into ________ (存在)3A rainbow is a natural ________ (现象) especially after a heavy rain.4Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous ________ (结果)5The ________ (平均数) of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.6Several cars are available within this price ________ (范围)7The personnel manager ________ (浏览) down the list o。

8、111Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero.单词拼写1It was ________ (慷慨的,大方的) of her to contribute such a large sum of money.2He intends to take ________ (法律的) action.3There is a newspaper article ________ (抨击) the Prime Minister.4The little boy ________ (乞求) his father to stay at home.5Peoples ________ (观点) differ on this matter.6We should take an ________ (积极的) part in afterclass activities.7He examined the ________ (质量) of the furniture carefully.8The ________。

9、111Unit 1Festivals around the world.单词拼写1You must be ________ (饿了)! Come and have lunch.2I am now ________ (收集) convincing information for my paper.3My father told me he hadnt much ________ (信任) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.4It is hard to know the ________ (起源) of the human race, that is, how the human race came out.5No one is to see the document without the ________ (许可) of the writer of the report.6Its ________ (很显然) that you need more time to th。

10、111Unit 2Healthy eating.单词拼写1Mary has been on a ________ (节食) for weeks but still hasnt lost any weight.2He pushed against that big stone with all his ________ (力气)3There is a time ________ (限制): you must finish it in 30 minutes.4The two men in the fight ________ (怒目而视) at each other.5You will ________ (受益) a lot from morning exercises.6Dont be particular about food. A ________ (平衡的) diet is very important for health.7The letter was not addressed to me but I。

11、111Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars.单词拼写1What do you think of the new ________ (制度)?2“What happened?” Johns mother asked him in a ________ (温和的) voice.3Before the Earths protective ________ (大气层) was formed, there was no life except in the sea.4With the ________ (引力) of the moon and the sun each day, tides (潮汐) roll in and roll away.5He managed to finish the race, ________ (不像) more than half of the competitors.6His face wore a ________ (困惑的,迷惑的) expres。

12、111Unit 5First aid.单词拼写1Cal replied with a polite but ________ (坚决的) “no”!2The Tshirts are available in a wide ________ (各种) of colors.3Why dont you ________ (倒) yourself another drink?4As everybody knows, cancer doesnt show any ________ (症状) in its early stages.5These days, I cant fall asleep because the coming final exam is putting great ________ (压力) on me.6The bridge was damaged by a flood, so a ________ (临时的) one was built in its place.7Two pl。

13、111Unit 1Art.单词拼写1It was________(典型的)of her to forget.2The money was collected for a________(特定的)purpose.3The magazine is intended to________(吸引)to working women in their 20s and 30s.4Beauty is________(抽象的)but a house is not.5Teamwork is required in order to achieve these________(目标)6We cant________(预测)future events.7Im interested in________(当代的)Chinese literature.8They finally________(采用)our advice on how to finish the work.9He________(试图)to watch the。

14、111Unit 3A healthy life.单词拼写1He felt they had________(滥用,妄用)his trust by talking about him to the press.2Youve put me in an________(令人尴尬的)position.3Her position in the party has________(加强)in recent weeks.4He didnt work hard and was fired________(最终)5The employee________(辞职)from the company because he was not promoted.6He used to get up late but now he is________(习惯于)to getting up early.7He admitted that he was an________(不合法的)immigrant.8The heating syste。

15、111Unit 4Earthquakes.单词拼写1Without ________ (电), life would not be so convenient today.2The building was completely ________ (毁坏) by fire.3They are working under ________ (极大的) pressure at the moment.4After the war they saved those who were alive and ________ (埋葬) the dead.5They were ________ (困住) in a deep hole and couldnt get out.6The ________ (法官) sentenced him to five years in prison.7She ________ (突发,爆炸) into tears at the news that her father had passed away。

16、111Unit 5Music.单词拼写1Its not a good idea to discipline the class by giving them ________ (额外的) homework.2His research ________ (形成) the basis of his new book.3He has ________ (赚) a lot of money this month by working on a parttime job.4I hear the concert will be ________ (广播) live on TV tomorrow evening.5Applying for jobs can be a long and ________ (痛苦的) process.6She is in a relaxed, ________ (自信的) mood.7He ________ (表演) quite successfully on the stage last ni。

17、111Unit 1Friendship.单词拼写1All the plan was ________ (打乱) by the sudden change of the weather.2He prefers to work ________ (在户外), for he can have more time to get close to nature.3It will be a long time for him to ________ (恢复) from the bad cold.4When I saw him in the street, I stopped and smiled, but he ________ (不理会) me and walked on.5The snow is very ________ (松的) and there is a lot of air in it.6My son has ________ (定居) happily in America.7We are ________ (感激的) to yo。

18、111Unit 2The Olympic Games.单词拼写1We will all have a course in ________ (古代的) history this term.2Can I have a ________ (自愿者) to wash the dishes?3Electric lights have ________ (取代) candles.4Theyve been very ________ (迅速的) to deny these rumors.5We attended a dinner party ________ (做东,招待) by the president of the company.6If you want to sell your product, you must ________ (做广告) it.7He made a ________ (定期的) visit to his parents.8The ________ (基本的) theme of these stor。

19、111Unit 3Life in the future.单词拼写1We are________(乐观的)that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future.2He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has no________(先前的)experience of this kind of job.3The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was________(不断地)hit by war.4The________(周围的)scenery is very beautiful.5The project failed due to________ (缺乏)of money.6If you________(按)the button, the machine will start.7He________(带领)us through the narrow s。

20、111Unit 4Making the news.单词拼写1Building such a skyscraper is not an easy job; we must have enough ________ (专业的) engineers.2He ________ (获得) a knowledge of computers by careful study.3She doesnt want to take her new boyfriend home in case her parents dont ________ (同意)4It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioners were in great ________ (需求)5Visitors to the museum are not allowed to take ________ (照片)6He is a ________ (有天赋的) musician and promises to be a。

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