


1、111Unit 1Cultural relics.单词拼写1Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one ______ (幸存)2Who has been ________ (挑选) to take part in the project?3This course is ________ (设计) as an introduction to the subject.4I dont ________ (喜欢) going out in such bad weather.5We ________ (装饰) the house for Christmas.6He ________ (除去) the mud from his shoes.7These flowers are very ________ (稀有的) in this country.8I paid only 3,000 for this used car but its ________。

2、Unit 2Healthy eating.单词拼写1Just to satisfy my________(好奇心), how much did you pay for your car?2We spent two hours analysing the teams strengths and__________(缺点)3That young woman has a。

3、第一章 算 法 初 步 人 教 A 版 数 学 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 第一章 算 法 初 步 人 教 A 版 数 学 Evaluation only. Created with A。

4、Unit 2Healthy eating.单词拼写1Just to satisfy my________(好奇心), how much did you pay for your car?2We spent two hours analysing the teams strengths and__________(缺点)3That young woman has a。

5、第13章 课后强化作业,1“百湖”楼盘依湖而建,湖边有多座小桥,远处有青山,被誉为都市中的桃源。请从环境宜人的角度为“百湖”楼盘写一段宣传文字,要求语言生动。 【答案】出门归来,远远地看见自己的房子倒映在微波荡漾的湖面上,小桥流水、连绵青山,映衬在霞光余晖中,仿佛一幅令人心动的风景画。你在湖边看风景,家人在百湖的楼上深情地看你!,2请根据示例给“人性光辉”栏目写一则导语,要求语言生动形象,句式。

6、必修一 Module 2My New Teachers.用所给词的适当形式填空amuse, energy, intelligent, patient, strict, avoid, immediately, admit, science, similar1Looking after children requires ________.2The work deman。

7、111Unit 4Sharing.单词拼写1They moved slowly along the________(泥泞的)footpath.2She thinks that marriage is an oldfashioned________(观念)3The plane went down in a________(偏僻的)forest area.4She must have missed the train,________(否则)shed be here by now.5The books were________(捐赠)by a local publishing company.6Members can ________ (参加) in any of the trips organized by the club.7________ (调整) the heat so that the soup doesnt boil.8A small flower ________ (安排) on。

8、111Unit 2Robots.单词拼写1These days, he was very annoyed, because his wife decided to ________ (离婚) him.2We all have great ________ (同情) for the victims of the earthquake.3To my ________ (满意), my son passed the examination.4Mr. Smith, do me the ________ (帮忙) to open the window.5There is nothing to get ________ (惊恐的) about.6Children under 14 must be ________ (陪同) by an adult.7Youll have to ________ (遵守) the rules if you want to live there.8Dont lie to her. She。

9、111Unit 3Under the sea.单词拼写1They have appealed for________(目击者)to come forward.2Black and white are________(相反的事物)3A newborn baby was found________(被抛弃的)on the steps of a hospital yesterday.4________(关系)between people of different cultures are often extremely difficult.5We are fully________(意识到的)of the gravity of the situation.6How much is his ________ (年度的) salary?7Hotel ________ (住宿) was scarce during the Olympic Games.8We waited while Graham ________ (暂停)。

10、111Unit 5Travelling abroad.单词拼写1Chance usually ________ (支配) the outcome of the game.2Can you ________ (代替) for the singer who is ill?3Previous teaching experience is a necessary ________ (资格) for this job.4Its a great ________ (安慰) to the mother to see the children growing happily, especially after her husband died.5Most of the bedroom is ________ (占据) by the big bed.6Products strongly ________ (推荐) to customers by salesgirls are not necessarily of good quality.7。

11、2019年高考英语 7 Revision课后强化作业 外研版必修5 .单项填空 1He is considering ________ the girl for she is considered ________ a very good girl. Ato marry, to be Bto marry, being Cmarr。

12、111Unit 1Living well.单词拼写1He was just not ________ (适合的) for the job.2The space available is not ________ (足够的) for our needs.3Her ________ (缺席) meant that she had to give up such a good position.4He didnt get ________ (恼怒) with you for your behavior.5He makes every effort to ________ (造福) mankind.6The remote desert area is ________ (可进入的) only by helicopter.7We have had to ________ (适应) quickly to the new system.8The concert is ________ (指挥) by a famous musici。

13、2019年高考英语 1.1 Introduction Reading课后强化作业 外研版必修5 .单词拼写 1He had developed a slight American ________(口音) after living in America for some time. 2It was ________(显然的)to eve。

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