高考英语一轮 Unit1 《Living well》课后强化作业 新人教版选修7

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111Unit 1Living well.单词拼写1He was just not _ (适合的) for the job.2The space available is not _ (足够的) for our needs.3Her _ (缺席) meant that she had to give up such a good position.4He didnt get _ (恼怒) with you for your behavior.5He makes every effort to _ (造福) mankind.6The remote desert area is _ (可进入的) only by helicopter.7We have had to _ (适应) quickly to the new system.8The concert is _ (指挥) by a famous musician.9The little boy was anxious to join his _ (同伴) in playing football in the playground.10One of his _ (雄心,目标) is to become a doctor.答案:1.suitable/fit2.adequate3.absence4.annoyed5benefit6.accessible7.adapt8.conducted9.companions10.ambitions.完成句子1_ _ _(总而言之), he is a noble man who cares little for himself.2He will go to look for a job next week;_ _ _(也就是说), he has graduated from college.3She takes private pupils_ _ _(也)teaching in school.4We were_ _ _(上气不接下气)when we reached the top of the tower.5The decision was made_ _ _(我不在时)答案:1.All in all2.in other words3.as well as4.out of breath5.in my absence.单项填空1In order to help_disabled to lead a normal life and enjoy_fruits of social development, we need to continue the construction of disabledaccess facilities.Athe; / Bthe; theCa; the D/; the答案:B考查冠词。第一空考查“theadj.”表示一类人;第二空本来出现可数名词的复数直接表示类别种类来泛指,但由于后面有of结构来作后置定语,所以在fruits前要加上the,表示社会发展的特定的成果。2His_to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight.Adestination Binspiration Cambition Dpromotion答案:C考查名词。句意:由于视力不好,他想成为飞行员的追求无法实现了。ambition“雄心,追求”;destination“目的地”;inspiration“灵感”;promotion“促进,增进”。3(2012宜春模拟)Ive never found a better job._.ASorry to hear that BToo badCCongratulations DDont worry答案:C句意:我找到了一份最好的工作。祝贺你。此题的关键是要正确理解第一句话的含义,比较级的否定表示最高级。4(2012泰安模拟)Jane _ from the company and moved to her hometown to set up her own business.Areturned BresignedCescaped Dlearned答案:B句意:简从公司辞职,回到家乡,建起了自己的事业。resign“辞职”符合句意。5(2012济南模拟)Its really a surprise that the manager should have no idea about the plan.Of course he doesnt, for the plan was made in his _.Ashortage BanalysisCabsence Dpresence答案:C句意:经理竟然不知道这个计划真让人吃惊。他当然不知道,因为计划是在他不在的时候制订的。shortage“不足”;analysis“分析”;absence“不在,缺席”;presence“出席,到场”。6When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we were all _ but we were very happy.Aout of sight Bout of reachCout of breath Dout of danger答案:C考查短语辨析。out of breath“上气不接下气”;out of sight“看不见”;out of reach“够不着”;out of danger“脱离危险”。7_ smooth and soft, this kind of cloth made of silk _ well.AFelt; sells BFeeling; is soldCFelt; is sold DFeeling; sells答案:D考查非谓语动词和主动表被动。第一空考查非谓语动词作状语,cloth与feel构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以选feeling形式;第二空考查主动表被动,某些可以和well,easily,smoothly等副词连用的不及物动词如read,write,wash,clean,draw,burn,cook,sell,lock,open,shut,且主语是非生命的名词或代词,用主动结构表被动意思,再如:The pen writes smoothly.这支钢笔很好用。8(2012杭州模拟)Our neighbour has _ ours.Aas a big house asBas big a house asCthe same big house asDa house the same big as答案:B考查asadj.a/an名词as结构。句意:我们邻居有一个和我们的一样大的房子。9(2012武汉模拟)When did he leave the classroom?He left _ you turned back to write on the blackboard.Athe time Bthe distanceCthe minute Dthe place答案:Cthe minuteas soon as“一就”。10The British government often says that providing children with _ to the information superhighway is of great importance.Aprevention BprotectionCallowance Daccess答案:D句意:英国政府经常说为孩子提供使用信息高速公路的机会是很重要的。access“可接近性”常与to连用。11The buttons in the lifts should be easy for a person in a wheelchair _, and the doors be wide enough _.Ato reach; to be enteredBto be reached; to enterCto reach; to enterDto be reached; to be entered答案:C考查不定式作定语。句型:主语be形容词to do,此结构中,不定式和主语有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式用主动而不用被动形式。12The new comers found it impossible to _ themselves to the climate to make permanent homes in the new country.Asuit BadaptCregulate Drelate答案:B考查词义辨析。句意:这些新来者发现,在这个国家要适应这儿的气候并永久定居下来是不可能的。adapt (oneself) to sth.“适应某物”,符合句意。suit“适合某人”;regulate“(用法律)管制;控制(机器、设备);调节”;relate. to. “把同联系在一起”。13Your plan is much better than your classmates _.Ain the way Bby the wayCin many ways Din this way答案:C句意:你的计划在很多方面要比你同学的好很多。in many ways“在很多方面”;in the way“挡道,碍事”;by the way“顺便说”;in this way“按照这种方法”。结合语境,C项为正确答案。14While Mr. Yang was examining the composition his son had finished_the possible spelling mistakes in it; the mistakes he got used to_him a lot.Ato correct; annoying Bcorrecting; annoyed Cto correct; annoyed Dcorrecting; annoying答案:C这是一道典型的陷阱题。第一空中his son had finished是the composition的定语,可以不予考虑,意为“他儿子写完的作文”,第一空就该用不定式表示目的,“检查是为了改正可能出现的拼写错误”,在第二空中出题老师又设置了一个陷阱,he got used to其实又是后置定语,中间省略了that,所以整个句子缺少谓语动词,只能选择过去式annoyed。15He is never absent_school_.Afrom; despite of his serious illnessBof; though seriously illCfrom; despite his serious illnessDof; except when he is ill答案:Cbe absent from“缺席,不在”。句意:即使生了重病,他也从没有缺过课。despite是介词,后面不能再用其他介词,相当于in spite of。.完形填空Shay and his father walked past a park where some boys were playing baseball. Shay asked, “Do you think theyll let me play?” Knowing that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a muchneeded sense of_1_in spite of his handicaps(肢体残疾), Shays father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not_2_much. The boy looked around for guidance and a few boys nodded_3_, why not? So he said, “Welcome aboard!”The father was really happy at his son being_4_. Very excited to be able to play in the field, Shay_5_over.At the end of the last period, Shays team was one run behind. Now, Shay was scheduled to take the_6_winning run. At this very moment, do they let Shay bat and_7_their chance to win the game?_8_, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible_9_Shay didnt even know how to hold the bat properly._10_, as Shay stepped up, the pitcher(投手), realizing the_11_team putting winning aside for this moment in Shays life, threw the ball softly so Shay could_12_be able to make contact.Shay swung clumsily and hit a_13_ground ball right back to the pitcher, who purposely threw the ball out of_14_of all teammates. Everyone started yelling, “Shay, run to first! Run to first!” Never in his life had Shay ever run that far but_15_to first base. And then,_16_his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second, the third, the home.Shay was cheered_17_the hero who hit the “grand slam” and won the game for his team! And for the first time, he was so_18_of himself making his father so happy._19_a physically handicapped child like Shay comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human_20_presents itself, and it comes, in the way other people treat that child.文章大意:如何对待残疾儿童,本文就是一个很好的例子。1A.loss BhumorCbelonging Ddirection答案:Ca muchneeded sense of belonging“急需的归属感”。2A.knowingBexpectingClearning Ddoubting答案:BShay的父亲去问,但没报多大希望。expect“期望,希望”。3A.understandingBgreetingsCthanks Dapproval答案:D点头当然是“同意”。approval“同意”。4A.acceptedBpossessedCrecognized Dreplaced答案:A由上一段可知,Shay被那些孩子接纳了。accept“接受,接纳”。5A.fellBrushedCmarched Dstruggled答案:D由1空后的“his handicaps(肢体残疾)”可知,他艰难地走过去。struggle“艰难地行进”。6A.constantBfantasticCdifficult Dpotential答案:D现在轮到Shay去跑可能会赢的那一圈。potential“潜在的,可能的”。7A.give awayBgive inCgive out Dgive back答案:A在这个时候,他们会让Shay击球而失去赢得比赛的机会吗?give away “失去,丧失”;give in“投降,让步”;give out“散发,分发”;give back“归还,送回”。8A.NaturallyBFortunatelyCSurprisingly DGenerally答案:C令人吃惊的是,他们把球拍给了他。surprisingly“令人惊讶的是”。9A.even ifBbecauseCif Dthough答案:B每个人都知道一下击中的可能性极小,因为Shay甚至不知道怎么正确握球拍。10A.ThereforeBHoweverCAnyhow DInstead答案:B由前后句意可知,此处是转折。however“然而”;therefore“因此”;anyhow“不知怎么地”;instead“代替”。11A.followingBwinningCvisiting Dopposing答案:D投手意识到对方球队把胜利放到了Shay身上了。opposing team“对方球队”。12A.at mostBat allCat least Dat last答案:C所以投手把球扔得很慢,这样至少Shay会触到球。at least“至少”;at most“至多,最多”;at all“根本”;at last“最后”。13A.slowBfastChard Dsmall答案:A此处与12前的“threw the ball softly”对应。14A.touchBreachCsight Dcontrol答案:Bout of reach of.“超出了的范围”。out of touch“失去联系”;out of sight“视野之外”;out of control“失去控制”。15A.made the wayBmade contributionsCmade it Dmade sense答案:Cmake it“成功”;make the way“前往”;make contributions“做贡献”;make sense“讲得清,有道理”。16A.catchingBfeelingCwasting Dsaving答案:Acatch ones breath“恢复正常呼吸”。17A.forBwithClike Das答案:DShay被当作英雄受到了欢呼。as“当作”。18A.sureBafraidCproud Dfond答案:CShay以让父亲那么高兴而感到自豪。be proud of.“以为骄傲;因为而自豪”。19A.WhenBBeforeCUnless DWhether答案:A当一个残疾孩子来到这个世界的时候,就会有一个认识人的本性的机会,这个机会就在别人对待这个残疾孩子的时候。20A.experienceBnatureChealth Dcreativity答案:Bhuman nature“人性,人的本性”。.书面表达北京将每月22日定为“让座日”,在公交车上经常让座的乘客将有机会获得奖励。对此,网民看法不一。请根据下面所提供的调查结果,写一篇英语短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。51% 的网民认为合理,因为乘车时主动为老、弱、病、残、孕等乘客让座是我们国家的传统美德,需要大家发扬。49%的网民则认为让座应出于自愿,不应该强迫。我认为注意:1不要逐条翻译;可根据需要适当调整顺序,适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2词数120左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:netizens 网民Beijing named the 22nd of every month as“Seatgiving Day”to encourage passengers on public transport to give seats to those in great need, and those commuters who refuse to do so will get criticized. This activity arouses different opinions among netizens._范文借鉴Beijing_named_the_22nd_of_every_month_as“Seatgiving_Day”to_encourage_passengers_on_public_transport_to_give_seats_to_those_in_great_need,_and_those_commuters_who_refuse_to_do_so_will_get_criticized._This_activity_arouses_different_opinions_among_citizens.51% of citizens are for the activity. They think, for one thing, it is one of the Chinas traditional virtues to offer seats to the aged, pregnant women, children and the disabled. For another thing, more passengers offering seats can leave a good impression on visitors both home and abroad.49% of citizens, however, object to the activity. In their opinion, giving seats is a matter of willingness, and passengers should not be forced to do so. Moreover, if some passengers get criticized only because of their refusal to offer seats, fewer commuters will approve the activity.As far as Im concerned, this activity is surely of great help to set a better image of Beijing. Through such activity, Beijing will see an increasing number of people willing to do so and an improvement of peoples behavior.111


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