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2022年考博英语-北京大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题In science the meaning of the word explain suffers with civilizations every step in search of reality. Science cannot really explain electricity, magnetism, and gravitation; their effects can be measured and predicted, but of their nature no more is known to the modern scientist than to Thales who first speculated onthe electrification of amber. Most contemporary physicists reject the notion that man can ever discover what these mysterious forces really are. Electricity, Bertrand Russell says, is not a thing, like St. Pauls Cathedral; it is a way in which things behave. When we have told how things behave when they are electrified, and under what circumstances they are electrified, we have told all there is to tell. Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea. Aristotle, for example, whose natural science dominated western thought for two thousand years, believed that man could arrive at an understanding of reality by reasoning from self-evident principles. He felt, for example, that it is a self-evident principle that everything in the universe has its proper place, hence one can deduce that objects fall to the ground because thats where they belong, and smoke goes up because thats where it belongs. The goal of Aristotelian science was to explain why things happen. Modern science was born when Galileo began trying to explain how things happen and thus originated the method of controlled experiment which now forms the basis of scientific investigation.1.Bertrand Russells notion about electricity is ( ).2.The passage says that until recently scientists disagreed with the idea that ( ).3.The expression speculated on (Line 4) means( ).问题1选项A.disapproved of by most modern scientistsB.in agreement with Aristotles theory of self-evident principlesC.in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward how things happenD.in agreement with scientific investigation directed toward why things happen问题2选项A.there are self-evident principlesB.there are mysterious forces in the universeC.man cannot discover what forces really areD.we can discover why things behave as they do问题3选项A.consideredB.suspectedC.expectedD.engaged in buying and selling【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A【解析】1.细节推理题。题干:伯特兰罗素关于电的见解_。文章引用了罗素的见解之后有一句“Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea”,此句是not until句型的变形,提取了disapproved中的否定部分后,可理解为“直到现在科学家们才赞成这个说法”,可知罗素的见解与当代科学家们是符合的。文章最后一句提到“Galileo began trying to explain how things happen and thus originated forms the basis of scientific investigation”,说明当代科学是研究“how things happen”。因此C选项符合题意。2.细节题。题干:这篇文章说,直到最近科学家们才同意这种观点_。题干部分的理解与上题选项一致。科学家们同意的是罗素的观点,而作者引用罗素是为了说明“Most contemporary physicists reject the notion that man can ever discover what these mysterious forces really are”,因此C选项符合题意。3.词义题。定位句说到,科学不能真正解释电、磁、重力,它们的效果能被测量和预测。对于它们的本性,现代科学家并不比希腊哲学家泰利斯知道得更多。所以对于琥珀带电这件事,泰勒斯应该停留在思考阶段,还不能说是怀疑。因此A选型符合题意。2. 单选题All the mountains are stunningly beautiful, and there are( )valleys and the smell of peat from every cottage.问题1选项A.woodenB.woodedC.woodingD.woods【答案】B【解析】考查形近词辨析。有题干得知,空格后为名词,因此应填入形容词。wooden“木制的;呆板的”;wooded“树木繁茂额,森林多的”;wooding无形容词用法;woods“木材”,也无形容词用法。修饰valley“山谷”的词应为wooded,因此B选项符合题意。3. 单选题It has been revealed that nearly one in five degree courses has been ( )since the tripling of tuition fees to 9,000 a year.问题1选项A.scratchedB.scrapedC.scrabbledD.scrapped【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。空格处需要填写的是动词过去分词形式。scratch“抓,搔”;scrape“刮掉,擦掉”;scrabble“摸索,挣扎”;scrap“废弃”。句意:据透露,自从学费翻了三倍至每年9000英镑后,近五分之一的学位课程被废弃了。因此D选项符合题意。4. 名词解释The year of 2009 will bring an avalanche of books, lectures, television programs and articles on Charles Darwin. (1) It is 200 years since he was bom and 150 years since he was pushed to publish his on the Origin of Species earlier than he intended by the arrival of a letter from AlfredRussel Wallace, the naturalist who, independently, had the same theory of natural selection thatDarwin had supposed all his own.Since Darwin wasnt alone in thinking up the theory of natural selection or in assembling evidence in support of evolution, are we right to make such a song and dance of his anniversary? The short answer is “yes”.(2) the Origin o f Species is the most important biology book yet written and Darwin has done as much as anyone, including Copernicus, Newton, Marx and Freud,to change how we see ourselves.Why does Darwinian worldview matters more than ever? Above all, Darwin decenters humanity. In this he completes the work that Copernicus and Galileo began. We are not the centre of the Universe. The Universe existed long before we came on the scene. (3) This decentering does not, of course, mean that we matter any the less. Rather, it helps us to appreciate that we do not sit in a distinct category from the rest of creation. The great apes that are heading towards extinction in the wild and are still used in some countries for medical research really are our relatives.Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWER SHEET (2).【答案】1:He was born 200 years ago and his On the Origin of Species was published 150 years ago, which was earlier than he had planned, because a naturalist called Alfred Russel Wallace had written to Darwin to encourage him to do so. Alfred shared the theory of natural selection that Darwin had thought out by himself.2:The book On the Origin of Species is more important than any other biology book that has ever been written, and Darwins contribution to change our worldview equals those of Copernicus, Newton, Marx and Freud.3:Certainly, the fact that we are not the center of the universe does indicate that we are not important.5. 单选题The() British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking once said in an interview that heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.问题1选项A.imposingB.loftyC.prominentD.eminent【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。空格处应填入形容词修饰physicist。imposing“壮观的,威风的”;lofty“崇高的,高傲的”;prominent“突出的,显著的”;eminent“杰出的,有名的”。句意:英国杰出的理论物理学家斯蒂芬霍金曾在一次采访中说,天堂是为害怕黑暗的人准备的童话故事。因此D选项符合题意。6. 单选题The professor stopped for a drink and then( ) with his lecture on the Indian culture.问题1选项A.proceededB.processedC.preferredD.presented【答案】A【解析】考查短语辨析。proceed with“继续进行”;process和prefer没有与with搭配的用法; present with“赠礼物与”。句意:教授停下来喝了一杯,然后继续他关于印度文化的讲座。因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题The contribution genes make to intelligence increases as children grow older. This goes against thenotion that most people hold that as we age,environmental influences gradually overpower the geneticlegacy we are bom with and may have implications for education. “People assume the genetic influencegoes down with age because the environmental differences between people pile up in life,”says RobertPlomin. “What we found was quite amazing, and goes in the other direction.”Previous studies have shown variations in intelligence are at least partly due to genetics. To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age, Plomins team pooled data from six separate studies carried out in the US, the UK, Australia and the Netherlands, involving a total of 11,000 pairs of twins. In these studies, the researchers tested twins on reasoning, logic and arithmetics to measure a quantity called general cognitive ability, or “G”. Each study also included both identical twins, with the same genes, and fraternal twins, sharing about half their genes, making it possible to distinguish the contributions of genes and environment to their G scores.Plomins team calculated that in childhood, genes account for about 41 percent of the variation inintelligence. In adolescence, this rose to 55 percent; by young adolescence, it was 66 percent. No one knows why the influence from genes should increase with age, but Plomin suggests that as children getolder,they become better at exploiting and manipulating their environment to suit their genetic needs,and says “ Kids with high G will use their environment to foster their cognitive ability and choose friendswho are like-minded. ” Children with medium to low G may choose less challenging pastimes andactivities, further emphasizing their genetic legacy.Is there any way to interfere with the pattern? Perhaps. “The evidence of strong heritability doesntmean at all that there is nothing you can do about it,” says Susanne Jaeggi,“From our own work, theones that started off with lower IQ scores had higher gains after training. Plomin suggests that genetic differences may be more emphasized if all children share an identical curriculum instead of it being tailored to childrens natural abilities. “My inclination would be to give everyone a good education, but put more effort into the lower end,” he says. Intelligence researcher Paul Thompson agrees: “It shows that educators need to steer kids towards things drawing out their natural talents.”1.What is the common notion that people hold about genes?2.The study by Plomins team aims to find out ( )3.From the experiment with twins, Plomins team draws a conclusion that( ) .4.The word “pattern” in paragraph four is closest in meaning to( ) .5.Which of the following might Plomins team least agree to?问题1选项A.Humans can do little to change the genetic differences between people.B.Genetic influence becomes stronger when people receive education.C.Genes contribute more to ones intelligence than environmental factors.D.Environmental factors lessen the influence of genes on ones intelligence.问题2选项A.whether variations in intelligence are caused by genetic differencesB.how to overpower genetic factors with new educational approachesC.whether genetic contribution to ones intelligence varies with ageD.the relationship between environment and genes问题3选项A.genetic contribution increases when one grows olderB.genetic influence decreases when age increasesC.environment has more impact on fraternal twins than identical twinsD.it remains a mystery how genes and environment co-influence people问题4选项A.cognitive abilityB.strong heritabilityC.genetic legacyD.challenging pastimes问题5选项A.An identical curriculum to school children.B.A differentiated course design to children with varied IQ.C.More effort directed at children with medium or low G.D.Education tailored to childrens natural abilities.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节题。题干:人们对基因的普遍看法是什么?由第一段第二句中的“as we age,environmental influences gradually overpower the genetic legacy we are bom with and may have implications for education”可知大多数人认为,随着年龄增长,“environmental influence环境影响”将逐渐大于“genetic legacy基因遗传”。因此选项D符合题意。2.细节题。题干:Plomin的研究小组的目的是找出_。根据关键词“Plomins team”定位到第二段第二句,往前有“To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age”可知他们的目的是找出基因贡献是否随着年龄增长而增加。因此选项C符合题意。3.细节推理题。题干:从双胞胎的实验中,Plomin的团队得出了一个结论_。第二段最后提到了双胞胎实验,第三段开头讲到实验结论“Plomins team calculated that”,第三句中“No one knows why the influence from genes should increase with age”可推出实验结论就是基因影响随着年龄的增长而增加。因此选项A符合题意。4.词义推测题。题干:第四段中的“pattern”最接近_。定位点在第四段第一句,因此答案需往前文第三段找。第三段中,Plomin认为G较高的孩子会利用环境培养自己的认知能力并选择志同道合的朋友;而G较低的孩子可能会选择不那么有挑战的娱乐和活动,进而强化了他们的基因遗传。可知这里说的“pattern”就是孩子们认知能力的发展。因此选项A符合题意。5.细节题。题干:下面哪个选项可能是Plomin的团队最不同意的?由本文最后一段可知,Plomin的团队认为应该进行差异化教育,对于G中低等的孩子应投入更多精力。因此选项A符合题意。8. 单选题The organization issued a cry of alarm last week, citing ( ) evidence that those children are not receiving the same quality of education as their richer peers.问题1选项A.comparingB.completingC.compellingD.composing【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。comparing“比较的”;completing“完成”;compelling“引人注目的;令人信服的”;composing“起镇静作用的”。句意:该组织上周发出警告,称有“有力的证据”表明,这些孩子接受的教育质量不如他们富裕的同龄人。因此C选项符合题意。9. 单选题Microsoft founder Bill Gates has ( ) about being a parent, stating that 13 is an appropriate age for a childs first cell phone.问题1选项A.opened upB.taken upC.put upD.held up【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。open up“坦诚地说,开辟,打开”;take up“开始从事,占用”;put up“提供,提出,建造”;hold up“举起”。句意:微软创始人比尔盖茨坦言为人父母之道,表明13岁是孩子拥有第一部手机的合适年龄。因此A选项符合题意。10. 填空题Any parent with a child (1) _ the ages of 3 and 11 can tell you (2) _ technology has crept into nearly (3) _ aspects of playtime and nearly every type of toy. The Hyper Dash, introduced recently from Wild Planet, is a (4) _ in point. Its the perfect blend of technology, learning and exercise, says an educational psychologist. Wild Planet has (5) _ unveiled a younger version of Hyper Dash, for kids 3 to 5, (6) _ Animal Scramble, which is due (7) _ stores in September. In (8) _, the firm will soon release Hyper Jump. Play and technology are (9) _, says Claire Green of the nonprofit Parents Choice Foundation. Theres (10)_ putting the genie back in the bottle.Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWER【答案】1. between2. that3. all4. case5. already6. called7. in8. addition9. merging10. no【解析】1. 考查介词。空格前是“child”,后面是年龄区间,因此表示“年龄在3到11岁之间的孩子”,应填入between。2. 考查关系词用法。空格前有动词tell,后面应为“告诉你”的具体内容,而后面句子中不缺少其他成分,因此填入that即可。3. 考查上下文语义。科技几乎涉及娱乐时间的方面。应填入all。4. 考查固定搭配。上文说到,科技几乎涉及所有类型的玩具,因此这里应是举出实例,a case in point“恰当的例子”。应填入case。5.考查副词用法。此处为现在完成时,不缺主要成分,因此空格处是修饰词。联系上下文,本句是说Wild Planet已经公布了一种为年龄更小的孩子所设计的版本。6. 考查上下文语义。空格后是一个专有名词,空格前是这个名词的解释,因此填入called。7. 考查介词用法。在商场销售应使用介词in搭配。8. 考查上下文语义。上文说到公司的一些举措,空格后又提到了公司将发布Hyper Jump,说明是又一项举措,in addition“另外”符合题意,9. 考查上下文语义。综合全文,本文说的是游戏和科技的密切关联,它们正融合在一起。因此填入merging。10. 考查语义。“putting the genie back in the bottle”是惯用语,表示形势复原。综合全文,此处应指无法复原。因此填入no。11. 单选题Many adults may think they are getting enough shut-eye, but in a major sleep study almost 80 percent of respondents admitted to not getting their prescribed amount of nightly rest. So, what exactly is the right amount of sleep? Research shows that adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep a night for optimal functionality. Read on to see just how much of an impact moderate sleep deprivation can have on your mind and body.By getting less than six hours of sleep a night, you could be putting yourself at risk of high blood pressure. When you sleep, your heart gets a break and is able to slow down for a significant period of time. But cutting back on sleep means your heart has to work overtime without its allotted break. In constantly doing so, your body must accommodate to its new conditions and elevate your overall daily blood pressure. And the heart isnt the only organ that is overtaxed by a lack of sleeps. The less sleep you get, the less time the brain has to regulate stress hormones, and over time, sleep deprivation could permanently hinder the brains ability to regulate these hormones, leading to elevated blood pressure.We all hang around in bed during our bouts of illness. But did you know that skipping out on the bed rest can increase your risk of getting sick? Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions, but researchers have also found a direct correlation between “modest” sleep deprivation less than six hours and reduced immune response. So try to toughen up your immune system by getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, and maintaining a healthy diet. Youll be glad you got that extra hour of sleep the next time that bug comes around and leaves everyone else bedridden with a fever for three days.During deep REM sleep, your muscles (except those in the eyes) are essentially immobilized in order to keep you from acting out on your dreams. Unfortunately, this effort your body makes to keep you safe while dreaming can sometimes backfire, resulting in sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is aroused from its REM cycle, but the body remains in its immobilizing state. This can be quite a frightening sensation because, while your mind is slowly regaining consciousness, it has no control over your body, leaving some with a feeling of powerlessness, fear and panic. Most people experience this eerie phenomena at least once in their lives, but those who are sleep deprived are more likely to have panicked episodes of sleep paralysis that are usually accompanied by hallucinations, as well. For a second, imagine all of your memories are erased; every birthday, summer vacation, even what you did yesterday afternoon is completely lost, because you have no recollection of them. Its a chilling thought, but that is what a life without sleep would be like. Sleep is essential to the cognitive functions of the brain, and without it, our ability to consolidate memories, learn daily tasks, and make decisions is impaired by a large degree. Research has revealed that REM sleep, or dream-sleep, helps solidify the “fragile” memories the brain creates throughout the day to that they can be easily organized and stored in the minds long-term cache.1.According to the passage, what is the meaning of “sleep deprivation”?2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?3.Why is there the so-called “sleep paralysis”?4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?5.What effects of sleep deprivation on human mind and body are discussed in this passage?问题1选项A.To sleep for an average period of time.B.To sleep deeply without dreaming.C.To sleep less than needed.D.To sleep modestly.问题2选项A.When everyone else gets a fever, those with sleep deprivation will be abele to sleep longer.B.When everyone else gets a fever, those who usually have adequate sleep will be alright.C.Only modest sleep deprivation could weaken the immune system,D.Prolonged sleep deprivation will not have impact on the immune system.问题3选项A.It occurs when you are unable to wake up from dreams while you are sleeping.B.It occurs when you brain immobilizes your body in order to keep you from dreaming.C.Because you are usually too frightened to move your body when waking up from deep REMsleep.D.Because your body, immobilized when dreaming, may still be unable to move even when yourbrain is waking up.问题4选项A.Memories are part of the cognitive function of the brain.B.Memories created during the daytime are usually fragile and impaired.C.You are likely to lose your memories of yesterday after a nights sleep.D.Long-term memory cannot be formed without dream-sleep.问题5选项A.High blood pressure, a toughened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.B.Blood pressure, immune system, sleep paralysis, and long-term memory.C.Blood pressure, immune system, the brain and the body, and memory.D.High blood pressure, a weakened immune system, sleep paralysis, and memory loss.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.语义题。题干:根据本文,“睡眠不足”指的是什么?文章第三段中“Prolonged sleep deprivation has long been associated with diminished immune functions, but researchers have also found a direct correlation between “modest” sleep deprivation less than six hours and reduced immune response”说明“modest”sleep deprivation指的是少于6小时的睡眠,而成人需要7-9小时的睡眠。因此C 选项符合题意。2.判断推理题。题干:根据第3段,下列哪个陈述是正确的?第三段最后一句“Youll be glad you got that extra hour of sleep the next time that bug comes around and leaves everyone else bedridden with a fever for three days”,别人生病后就会意识到多睡一小时的好处,对应B选项的内容。3.细节题。题干:为什么会有所谓的“睡眠瘫痪症”?第四段第三句中提到了“Sleep paralysis


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