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2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 问答题Since the United States maintained its dubious distinction of having the highest divorce rate in A Bthe world, the temporary decline in divorce did not occur to the same extent in Europe. Contrary Cto fears of the experts, the role of breadwinner and homemaker was not abandoned. D【答案】试题答案:A; Although/While【解析】考查连词。由“the United States maintained its dubious distinction of having the highest divorce rate in the world(美国的离婚率仍然是世界上最高的,这一点令人怀疑)”和“the temporary decline in divorce did not occur to the same extent in Europe(在欧洲,离婚率的暂时下降并没有达到同样的程度)” 可知此处表示转折关系,故用although或while。2. 单选题The number of female bosses of large firms remains stubbornly small. Not single one on Frances CAC 40 share index or on Germanys DAX index is run by a woman. In America,only 15 chief executives of Fortune 500 companies are women. Britain does better, but not much: five of the FTSE-100 firms have female bosses.On July 6th the European Parliament passed a resolution calling for EU-wide legislation stipulating that at least 40% of seats on listed companies supervisory boards will be reserved for women by 2020. This does not oblige member states to do anything, but it reflects a spreading mood. The German government is considering whether to impose quotas. America is not, but new rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission will require firms to reveal what, if anything, they are doing to increase diversity at the top table.Viviane Reding, the EU commissioner for justice, argues that compulsion is the only way to overcome entrenched discrimination. In March, she posted a “Women on the Board Pledge for Europe” on her website. Only seven companies have signed up so far.There is a powerful business case for hiring more women to run companies. They are more likely to understand the tastes and aspirations of the largest group of consumers in the world, namely women. They represent an underfished pool of talent. McKinsey, a consultancy, recently looked at 89 listed companies in Europe with a very high proportion of women in senior management posts and compared their financial performance with the average for firms in the same industry. It found that these firms enjoyed a higher return on equity, fatter operating profits and a more buoyant share price. The authors described the correlation between promoting women and doing well as “striking”,though they admitted that they could not prove what was causing what. It is possible that firms that are already doing well tend to hire more female directors. On the other hand, a study by Amy Dittmar and Kenneth Ahem of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan found that firms that were forced to increase the share of women on their boards by more than ten percentage points saw one measure of corporate value (the ratio of market capitalization to the replacement value of assets, known as Tobins Q) fall by 18%.If quotas arent the answer, what is? The question is fiendishly complex. In most rich countries, women do as well as men or even better at school and university. In America, most new masters degrees are awarded to women. Women also hold more than half of the entry-level jobs at American blue-chip companies.But corporate women start to fall behind their male peers right from the beginning. They are less aggressive than men when negotiating their first salary and every subsequent pay rise. Linda Babcock of Carnegie Mellon University found that her male graduate students secured starting salaries 7.6% higher than her female graduate students. In general, men are four times more likely to ask for a pay rise than women are. Compounded over time, this makes a huge difference.The higher you gaze up the corporate ladder, the fewer women you see. According to Catalyst, a researcher in New York, women are 37% of the middle managers in big American firms, 28% of the senior managers and a mere 14% of executive-committee members.The way patronage and promotion work within the corporate world may count against women. Nearly all the executives who rise to the top have had a powerful backer, according to Sylvia Ann Hewlett,the author of “The Sponsor Effect”,a report for the Harvard Business Review. Yet women often fail to cultivate what Ms. Hewlett calls “relationship capital”. They hesitate to call in favors for fear of seeming pushy. And many are afraid of the gossip that a close relationship with a senior male colleague might provoke.No doubt all of this plays its part. But a much bigger obstacle to putting more women in boardrooms is that so many struggle to balance work and a family. Partly because it is so tricky to juggle kids and a career, many highly able women opt for jobs with predictable hours, such as human resources or accounting. They also gravitate towards fields where their skills are less likely to become obsolete if they take a career break, which is perhaps one reason why nearly two-thirds of new American law graduates are female but only 18% of engineers.Some governments try hard to help women combine a career and family. France and the Scandinavian countries help with child care. Creches and nurseries arc subsidized. State schools will hang on to the little monsters well into the evening. This contrasts starkly with American and British schools, which boot them out long before an adults work day is over. American parents must also square the circle of ultra-short holidays for grown-ups and absurdly long ones for kids.Women bring unique strengths to a company, reckons Lisa Gersh, the boss of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, a merchandising and media firm founded by a lifestyle guru. They are more collaborative than men, says Ms Gersh, and better at multitasking. Those with children quickly become efficient. They know that they have to be home at a certain time.1. Which of the following best summarizes the main focus of this passage?2. Which of the following statements can be inferred true according to the passage?3. All of the following are believed to account for the disproportionate representation of women inbusiness top EXCEPT( ).4. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of career women according to the passage?5. To highlight his/her points and convince the readers, the author of this passage mainly relies on( ).问题1选项A.The dilemma of business women.B.The discrimination against women in the field of business.C.The concern about the fact that top women executives are so few and why it is soD.How to eradicate the discrimination against women in business and the effect问题2选项A.Scandinavian countries are more egalitarian and feminine than Britain and USAB.People unanimously welcome the quotas system to incorporate more women into the boardroom.C.Women who benefit from quotas practice invariably promote the development of their businesses.D.American women are in general the best educated and also the most equally treated in business.问题3选项A.Women are held back by the dilemma of dealing with family and work.B.The powerful backers available to successful men are denied of women.C.Women dont enjoy the same opportunity for better education than menD.Women are less aggressive and lag behind their counterparts from the very beginning of their career.问题4选项A.CooperativeB.MultitaskingC.EfficientD.flextime问题5选项A.data and figuresB.personal experiencesC.assertions based on personal observationsD.appealing to readers sentiments and emotions【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文主要提出了高级女主管很少的现象,并且对此分析了原因。2.推理判断题。由倒数第二段“Some governments try hard to help women combine a career and family. France and the Scandinavian countries help with child care. This contrasts starkly with American and British schools, which boot them out long before an adults work day is over. American parents must also square the circle of ultra-short holidays for grown-ups and absurdly long ones for kids.一些政府努力帮助女性把事业和家庭结合起来。法国和斯堪的纳维亚国家帮助儿童保育。这与美国和英国的学校形成了鲜明的对比,美国和英国的学校在一个成年人的工作日结束之前就把他们赶出去了。美国的父母还必须为成年人安排超短的假期,为孩子安排长得荒唐的假期。”可知法国和斯堪的纳维亚国家比英国和美国更加平等,更加重视女性,故A项正确。3.细节事实题。由倒数第四段及第三段“The way patronage and promotion work within the corporate world may count against women. Nearly all the executives who rise to the top have had a powerful backer, according to Sylvia Ann Hewlett,the author of “The Sponsor Effect”,a report for the Harvard Business Review. Yet women often fail to cultivate what Ms. Hewlett calls “relationship capital”. They hesitate to call in favors for fear of seeming pushy. And many are afraid of the gossip that a close relationship with a senior male colleague might provoke.No doubt all of this plays its part. But a much bigger obstacle to putting more women in boardrooms is that so many struggle to balance work and a family. 在企业界,赞助和晋升的工作方式可能不利于女性。西尔维亚安休利特(Sylvia Ann Hewlett)是哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)的一篇报告赞助商效应(the Sponsor Effect)的作者,她认为,几乎所有升到高层的高管都有一个强有力的支持者。然而,女性往往无法培养出休利特所说的“关系资本”。他们不愿寻求帮助,担心会显得咄咄逼人。还有很多人担心与男同事的亲密关系会引发流言蜚语。毫无疑问,所有这些都发挥了作用。但让更多女性进入董事会的一个更大障碍是,太多女性难以平衡工作和家庭。可知ABD项在文中都有提及,故C项正确。4.细节事实题。由最后一段“They are more collaborative than men, says Ms Gersh, and better at multitasking. Those with children quickly become efficient. They know that they have to be home at a certain time. 她们比男性更善于合作,Gersh女士说,而且更擅长多任务处理。那些有孩子的人很快就会变得有效率。她们知道她们必须在特定的时间回家。”可知职业女性的优势是善于合作,能够处理许多任务,并且高效。故答案D。5.推理判断题。全文通过一些数据来分析女性高管少的现象及原因。故A项正确。3. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into English.不列颠的超市业主们很少如此心怀忐忑地期待着圣诞节的销售业绩。 在2014年,大部分超市,特别是乐购(TESCO)这个市场领头羊,过得很艰难。超低折扣商铺,持续挖它们 的墙角,侵吞他们的市场份额,而下降的食物价格也使得超市的利润率降低。临近圣诞节和新年的几周通常是超市的旺盛销售时期,它们在此期间能否喘一口气?涂鸦画可能最终会消失。但是直至现在,这种爱好仍然受到人们的尊敬。一位涂鸦画家说,他有很多朋友曾经痴迷于在火车车皮厢上作画。现在有了妻儿,他们只有周末去废弃的仓库墙上大展身手。这己经成了周日下午的惯例一种比坐在电视机前看足球略微健康的消遣。【答案】Rarely have the Christmas results for Britains supermarkets been awaited with such trepidation. Most of them, especially the market leader, TESCO, struggled in 2014. The hard-discount stores continued to undercut them, gobbling up market share, while falling food prices ate into their profits. Would the several weeks leading up to Christmas and New Years Day, generally the strongest sales period, bring them some relief?Graffiti may eventually disappear. But until now this hobby is still respected by people. One graffiti artist says that he has a lot of friends who were once obsessed with painting on the surface of train compartment. Now with wives and children, they only have time at the weekend to paint on the walls of abandoned warehouses. It has become something to do on a Sunday afternoon a slightly healthier alternative to sitting watching the football.4. 单选题Cigarette smoke has been shown to contain numerous compounds that are known to cause A Bcancer in experimental animals and they appear to be strongly linked to human cancer, C Despecially cancer of the lung.问题1选项A.Cigarette smokeB.are known toC.theyD.linked【答案】C【解析】考查关系代词。and连接两个并列的定语从句,修饰先行词compounds(化合物)。试题答案:C; that5. 问答题Ambition, (A) as opposed to mere fantasizing about desires, implies work and discipline to achieve goals, personal and social of a kind (B) society can survive without. Ambition (C) is intimately connected with family, for men and women not only work party for their families, but (D) harbor some of their most ardent ambitions for their children.【答案】B;改成society cannot survive without。6. 翻译题Translate the following English into Chinese.Historically, economists have said that well-being is a simple function of income. However, it has bean found that once wealth reaches a subsistence level, its effectiveness as a generator of well-being is greatly diminished. This paradox has been referred to as the Easter in paradox. This means that aspirations increase with income; after basic needs are met; relative rather than absolute income levels influence well-being. Happiness economists hope to change the way governments view well-being and how to most effectively govern and allocate resources given this paradox. However, other research suggests that no paradox exists, and happiness is linearly related to the logarithm of absolute (real, PPP-adjusted) income, with little or no relative income component.Money correlates with happiness, but the rate diminishes with more money. In 2010, two economists found that higher earners generally reported better life satisfaction, but peoples day-to-day emotional well-being only rose with earnings until a threshold annual income of $75,000. Other factors have been suggested as making people happier than money. One study, when corrected for social status, showed no correlation between income and happiness.【答案】从历史上看,经济学家曾说过经济收入能影响幸福指数。然而有研究发现,当财富达到基本的生活水平,它对幸福指数的影响力就会极大地减少。这个悖论被称为伊斯特林悖论。这意味着愿望随着收入而增加;在基本需求得到满足之后;收入水平对幸福的影响是相对的,而不是绝对的了。鉴于这一悖论,幸福经济学家希望改变政府看待幸福的方式,以及如何最有效地管理和分配资源。然而,其他研究表明这种悖论不存在,幸福指数与绝对(实际的,根据购买力平价调整后的)收入的对数成线性相关,与收入的构成没有什么关系。金钱与幸福相关,但随着金钱的增加,这一比率会下降。2010年,两位经济学家发现,高收入者总体上表现出更好的生活满意度,但是只有当年收入达到75000美元后,人们日常的情感幸福才会随着收入的增加而增加。其他因素比金钱更能使人快乐。一项针对社会地位的研究表明,收入和幸福之间没有相关性。7. 问答题We are without choices in many aspects, but we do choose how we shall live;(A) courageously or in cowardice, (B) honorably or inhonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide (C) what is important and what is trivial in life. And as we decide and choose (D) so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.【答案】B;改成honorably or dishonorably。dishonorably灰溜溜的。8. 单选题It was once thought that air pollution affects only the area immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a “greenhouse effect” holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the worlds average temperature. If this view is correct and the worlds temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be under water.Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earths temperature a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen (though one recent government report prepared by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very likely). Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will offset each other and the worlds temperature will stay about the same as it is now.1.As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution ( ).2.As far as the greenhouse effect is concerned, the author( ).3.The word “offset” in the second paragraph could best be replaced by( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage tha( ).5. This passage is primarily concerned with( ).问题1选项A.caused widespread damage in the countrysideB.affected the entire eastern half of the United StatesC.had damaging effects on healthD.existed merely in urban and industrial areas问题2选项A.shares the same view with the scientistsB.is uncertain of its occurrenceC.rejects it as being ungroundedD.thinks that it will destroy the world soon问题3选项A.slip intoB.make up forC.set upD.catch up with问题4选项A.raising the worlds temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth.B.lowering the worlds temperature merely a few degrees would lead many major farming areas to disaster.C.almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade.D.the worlds temperature will remain constant in the years to come.问题5选项A.greenhouse effectB.he burning of fossil fuelC.the potential effect of air pollutionD.the likelihood of a new ice age【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段第一句“It was once thought that air pollution affects only the area immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic.”人们曾经认为,空气污染只会影响那些有工厂和/或交通严重的大城市周围的地区。因此D选项“只存在于城市和工业区”符合题意。2.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中“At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen.”目前,我们不确定这两种情况是否会发生,可知作者对温室效应会产生哪种情况是不确定的,因此选B。3.词义题。slip into 意为“滑进”;make up for 意为“补偿”;setup 意为“建立”;catch up with 意为“追上”。单词“offset”位于文章第二段最后一句中“Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will(也许,如果我们幸运的话,这两种趋势将相互) offset each other and the worlds temperature will stay about the same as it is now(世界气温将保持目前的水平).”根据单词前后的句意再结合选项意思,可知A选项最为恰当,offset意为“抵消,补偿”。4.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中“. blocking sunlight and lowering the earths temperature a result that would be equally disastrous(灾难性的). A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas.”可知降低地球的温度会导致灾难性的结果,哪怕只降低几度也会使许多农业地区受到影响,因此B选项“将世界的温度降低仅仅几度会导致许多主要的农业地区发生灾难”符合题意。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了空气污染问题,提及的两种观点可能会带来全球的影响,因此选C,文章主要涉及空气污染带来的潜在影响。9. 问答题If Snow had owned his own benefits, or approached health care as a consumer, as theadministration wants people to do, hed certainly be singing a different tune. Had Snow stashed Aa few thousand dollars in a health savings account,which is one of the administrations chief Bproposals to reduce the rising number of uninsured, he likely wouldnt have enough cash to C Dafford chemotherapy.【答案】试题答案:C; the uninsured【解析】考查冠词。此处表示“没有保险的人”,需要在uninsured前面加定冠词the,表示某类人。10. 问答题While many people use competition as an excuse for not doing something, those who really A Bwant to succeed see competition as an opportunity, and theyre willing to do the tough work Cnecessarily to win. D【答案】试题答案:D; necessary【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据the tough work和to win之间存在“必要的”逻辑关系,因此将副词necessarily改为形容词necessary。11. 填空题Tidiness means keeping things out of sight and yet available when (1) _. It implies that there is a (2) _ for everything and that each thing used finds its (3) _ back to its place by a continuous process,


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