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2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, premodern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus, it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bachofens 1861 treatise on Amazons women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece.Starting from the premise that mythology and legend preserve at least a nucleus of historical fact, Bachofen argued that women were dominant in many ancient societies. His work was based on a comprehensive survey of references in the ancient sources to Amazonian and other societies with matrilineal customs societies in which descent and property rights are traced through the female line. Some support for his theory can be found in evidence such as that drawn from Herodotus, the Greek “historian” of the fifth century B.C.,who speaks of an Amazonian society, the Sauromatae, where the women hunted and fought in wars. A woman in this society was not allowed to marry until she had killed a person in battle.Nonetheless, this assumption that the first recorders of ancient myths have preserved facts is problematic. If one begins by examining why ancients refer to Amazons, it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical facts real Amazonian societies but rather to offer “moral lessons” on the supposed outcome of womens rule in their own society. The Amazons were often characterized, for example, as the equivalents of giants and centaurs, enemies to be slain by Greek heroes. Their customs were presented not as those of a respectable society, but as the very antitheses of ordinary Greek practices.Thus, I would argue, the purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders was didactic, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous. Myths about the Amazons were used as arguments for the male-dominated status quo, in which groups composed exclusively of either sex were not permitted to segregate themselves permanently from society. Bachofen was thus misled in his reliance on myths for information about the status of women. The sources that will probably tell contemporary historians most about women in the ancient world are such social documents as gravestones, wills, and marriage contracts. Studies of such documents have already begun to show how mistaken we are when we try to derive our picture of the ancient world exclusively from literary sources, especially myths.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to( ).2. All of the following are stated by the author as problems connected with the sources for knowledge of premodern cultures EXCEPT( ).3. Which of the following is presented in the passage as evidence supporting the authors view of the ancient Greeks descriptions of the Amazons?4. It can be inferred from the passage that the probable reactions of many males in ancient Greece to the idea of a society ruled by women could best be characterized as ( ).5. The author suggests that the main reason for the persisting influence of Bachofens work is that( ).问题1选项A.compare competing new approaches to understanding the role of women in ancient societiesB.investigate the ramifications (影响,后果)of Bachofens theory about the dominance of women in ancient societiesC.explain the rapidly increased interest among historians in determining the actual status of women in various societiesD.criticize the value of ancient myths in determining the status of women in ancient societies问题2选项A.partial completenessB.restricted accessibilityC.difficulty of interpretationD.limited quantity问题3选项A.The requirement that Sauromatae women kill in battle before marrying.B.The failure of historians to verify that women were ever governors of ancient societies.C.The classing of Amazons with giants and centaurs.D.The well-established unreliability of Herodotus as a source of information about ancient societies.问题4选项A.confused and dismayedB.wary and hostileC.cynical and disinterestedD.curious but fearful问题5选项A.feminists have shown little interest in ancient societiesB.Bachofens knowledge of Amazonian culture is unparalleledC.reliable information about the ancient world is difficult to acquireD.ancient societies show the best evidence of women in positions of power【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章第一段主要提到了由于前现代文化的许多可靠的资料难以获得,所以巴霍芬关于亚马逊女性统治社会的论文具有长期的参考性和影响力。第二段接着介绍了巴霍芬论文的核心,主要是介绍了亚马逊女性统治社会的特点。第三段中作者展开讨论,认为有关于古代社会的这些最初记录的资料或论文存在一些不合理性。最后一段提及了古希腊的男性记录亚马逊的女性统治社会的原因是具有教诲性的,并且提出单靠一些古代的文学资源或者资料,尤其是古代的神话,来获得我们对古代社会的印象会具有一定的误导性。可判断出作者写这篇文章的主要目的是批判了古代神话在研究并确定古代社会妇女地位问题中的价值。2.事实细节题。由题干关键词“premodern cultures”定位到文章第一段“Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, premodern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory.”,可知尽管现代时期已经取得了很多成就,但前现代文化被证明面临着更多困难:来源在数量上受到限制;不完整性;难以理解并且经常存在争议。可判断出作者陈述的关于前现代文化的知识来源的问题,包括资源来源的不完整性(partial completeness)、难以解读性(difficulty of interpretation)以及数量受限(limited quantity),所以不包括restricted accessibility,故选项B符合题意。3.判断推理题。由题干关键词“the ancient Greeks descriptions of the Amazons”定位到文章第三段“. ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical facts real Amazonian societies but rather to offer “moral lessons” on the supposed outcome of women s rule in their own society. The Amazons were often characterized, for example, as the equivalents of giants and centaurs, enemies to be slain by Greek heroes.”可知作者认为古希腊对这种社会的描述,并不是要过多地去表现观察到的历史事实真正的亚马逊社会而是要就妇女在其社会中的统治地位的预期后果提供一种道德教训。例如,亚马逊人经常被描述为等同于巨人族和人马族,他们都是被希腊英雄杀死的敌人。而根据文章第三段第一句“Nonetheless, this assumption that the first recorders of ancient myths have preserved facts is problematic.”可判断作者对于古希腊人对亚马逊人的描述持有不赞同的态度,认为其存在问题。所以下文利用亚马逊人都是人马族和半马族的这种描述,表达其不合理性,与作者观点相符,故选项C符合题意。4.判断推理题。由题干关键词“probable reactions of many males in ancient Greece”定位到文章第四段“the purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders was didactic, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous.”可知,对于古希腊的男性来说,记录亚马逊人的目的是教诲性的,是为了告诉所有的希腊人:从传统社会分离出去而形成的女性统治社会或团体都是危险的,具有毁灭性。可判断出古希腊的男性对于女性统治社会可能会有反应是持有谨慎态度的,并且会有抵触敌对心理。选项B符合题意。5.判断推理题。由题干关键词“Bachofens work”定位到文章第一段“premodern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus, it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bachofens 1861 treatise on Amazons women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece.”可知前现代文化存在许多问题和困难,如资料数量有限、残缺不完整、难以理解等问题,这使得人们很难得到关于这些文化的信息或资料,所以一些早期的学术研究和著作在现今都未受到挑战,具有长期性的影响力,Bachofen的论文和著作就是其中的典例之一。可判断出作者认为Bachofen的论文能够长期具有影响力的原因是人们现今很难获得关于古代社会的可靠信息或资料。选项C符合题意。2. 问答题The new conflict is more dangerous than the traditional one between man and his fellow man, (A) where the (B) protagonists at least shared a common language, but (C) while it comes to the reactions of the ecosystems to the (D) onslaught of modern technology, there is no common language.【答案】C;“while”改为“when”。【解析】考查从句引导词。句意:这种新的冲突比传统的人与人之间的冲突更危险,在传统的冲突中,主人公们至少有一种共同的语言,但在当涉及到生态系统对现代技术冲击的反应时,却没有共同的语言。句中的“while”引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”,而“while”引导的时间状语从句中谓语部分需为延续性动词,为进行时态,“when”引导的时间状语从句既可以用延续性动词也可以用短暂性动词,既可以用一般时态也可以用进行时态,所以将“while”改为“when”。3. 翻译题Translate the following from Chinese into English.在人际关系上我们不要太浪漫主义,人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人吋首先看到的都是他或她的优点,这一点颇像是在赞馆里用衩的经验。开始吃头盘或冷碟的吋候,印象很好。吃头两个主菜吋,也是赞不绝口。愈吃愈趋于冷静。吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就都找出来了。于是转喜为怒,转赞美为贵备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。这是因为:第一,开始吃的时候你正处于饥饿状态,而饿了吃糖甜如蜜,饱了吃蜜也不甜。第二,你初到一个餐馆, 开始举筷吋有新鲜感,新盖的茅房三天香,这也可以叫做“陌生化效应”吧。【答案】We should not be too romantic in interpersonal relations. People are very interesting. When we first meet someone for the first time, we only notice his or her merits. This is quite like the experience of dining in a restaurant. At the beginning, when we take the first course or cold dishes, we are full of praise. We also praise the first two main courses. The more we take, the calmer we become. After we finish the dinner, all kinds of faults are found out. Then delight turns into angry, praise into complaint, a nodding head into a sharking one. This is because:first, you are in a state of hungry when you start to eat. When one is hungry, husk will taste as sweet as honey; but when one is full, even honey will not taste sweet. Second, when you begin to eat in a new restaurant, everything is fresh to you. A new latrine smells fragrant. This can also be called defamiliarization effect.4. 问答题A conflict (A) waged to ensure the survival of the human (B) species is bound to bring humans closer together. Technological progress has thus proved to be a double- edged sword, (C) giving rise to a new form of conflict: a (D) crash between Man and Nature.【答案】D;“crash”改为“clash”。【解析】考查名词。句意:为确保人类生存而进行的斗争必然会使人类更紧密地结合在一起。因此,技术进步被证明是一把双刃剑,引发了一种新的冲突形式:人与自然的冲突。名词“crash”作名词时词义为“(交通工具)坠毁,碰撞声”,而句意为“人与自然的矛盾冲突”,所以将名词“crash”改为“clash”。5. 单选题Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet. A B C D问题1选项A.Hardly he hadB.the officeC.thatD.had forgotten【答案】A【解析】考查部分倒装。当含有否定意义的副词位于句首时,其后要采用部分倒装结构,即将助动词或情态动词移至主语之前。试题答案:A; hardly had he6. 问答题The (A) fantastic achievements of modern technology and the speed (B) with which scientific discoveries are (C) translated into technological applications (D) attest to the triumph of human efforts.【答案】B;“with”改为“at”。【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:现代技术的惊人成就和科学发现转化为技术应用的速度证明了人类努力的胜利。句中“with which”引导定语从句,修饰先行词“speed”,因为有固定搭配“at the speed”表示“以的速度”,所以将B项的介词“with”改为“at”。7. 问答题 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE In some quarters (A) qualitative easing is still a tainted term,associated (B) both with mercantilism, as a weapon in a currency war, or(C) monetary adventurism. But the stigma is fading. Indeed some centralbanks now say they are doing QE even when (D) they dont. The Bank ofKorea, for example, (E) has resolved to buy unlimited amounts of bonds from financial institutions that promise to (F) repurchase themafter three purchases. Few economists would describe them as QE. But far from (H) resistthe term,( ). (I) Ever inthe field of central banking have so many worried so little about buying somuch.【答案】1.A,改成quantative easing。2.B,改成either with。3.D,改成they arent。4.H,改成resisting。5. I,改成Never in the field of。【解析】1.句意:在某些领域,QE仍是一个有污点的术语。此段讲的是“量化宽松(QE)”,其全程应为quantative easing。2.句意:要么与重商主义(作为货币战争中的武器)有联系,要么与货币冒险主义有联系。根据后面的连词or可知,B处应该是“either with”,“eitheror”表示“要么要么”。3.句意:一些央行现在确实表示自己正在实施量化宽松政策,尽管他们并没有这么做。这里用了省略,实际上应该是“when they are not doing QE”。4.句意:但韩国银行并没有抵制这一术语。Far from在此表示 “远飞,绝不,并没有”,后面应该接doing sth.。5.句意:在中央银行领域,从来没有这么多人对购买这么多债券如此不担心。根据句意可知,这里表示否定,所以应该是否定词never放句首,后面用了倒装。8. 翻译题Translate the following passage from English into ChineseIt is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: without demands, without abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Such work as they did would not be for themselves but for the collectivity. Competition would never enter in, conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. The stress of creation would be at an end. Art would no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its functions. Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and on, with ambition long departed from the human heart.There is a strong view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does this mean that success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events?That not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating?【答案】一个缺少抱负的世界会是什么样的,这不难想象。它可能会是一个更友好的世界:没有欲望,没有摩擦,没有失望。人们将有时间进行反思。他们所做的工作并不是为了他们自己,而是为了集体。竞争将永远不会出现,冲突将会消除,紧张局面将成往事。产生的压力将会结束。艺术将不再煞费苦心,它的作用纯粹是为了庆祝。人的寿命将会更长,因为由激烈拼争引起的心脏病和中风所导致的死亡将减少。焦虑将会消失。时光飞逝,而抱负早已远离人心。有一种流行的观点认为,成功是一种神话,因此抱负是虚无缥缈的。这是否意味着成功并不真实存在?成就最终都是徒劳的?男性与女性的努力,以及政治运动与重大历史事件的力量,都是毫无意义的吗?显然,并不是所有的成功都值得敬仰,也不是所有的抱负都值得追求?9. 单选题Thanks in no small part to A1 Gore and his film producers, the American public is waking up to the seriousness of global warming. What is not so widely appreciated is that unless the US government acts urgently and decisively, this problem could very quickly get very much worse.For reasons both economic and political coal is poised to be the fuel of choice in the coming decades as the US weans itself off foreign oil. Coal combustion generates half the USs electricity and releases about 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year. If present trends continue, these figures will more than double by 2050, much to the detriment of the worlds climate. Without an alternative fuel, the only solution is to capture and store carbon dioxide from burning coal.Overcoming the engineering obstacles in the way of large-scale sequestration of carbon dioxide will be hard enough, but the bigger challenge is one of political will. US companies as yet have no incentive to capture carbon emissions. While moves at state and congressional levels are pushing in the right direction, the ambiguity in the administrations policy is counterproductive.It is time for the US government to put a price on carbon emissions so utilities that invest in technologies to reduce carbon emissions will see their efforts rewarded. Such a move would not only reduce the risks associated with global warming, but also go a long way to restoring Americas green credentials.1.According to the author, what adds to the seriousness of global warming?2.Which of the following is true about the obstacles for effectively capturing carbon emissions?3.What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem?问题1选项A.The American public was ignorant of the problem.B.The American government is doing nothing to deal with the problem.C.The US will choose coal as the major fuel which will have large carbon emissions.D.There is no alternative fuel other than foreign oil which has large carbon emissions.问题2选项A.The existing technology is only able to deal with large-scale carbon emissions.B.The companies are not highly motivated in adopting new technologies.C.The government policy for using coal and oil is counterproductive.D.The companies feel reluctant to be involved in political issues.问题3选项A.The government should charge carbon emissions so as to encourage companies to adopt new technology.B.The governments should reward utilities that invest in the technologies to reduce carbon emission.C.The government should make long-time efforts to encourage people to plant more trees.D.The government should pay for large-scale carbon emissions.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。文章第一段中提到“What is not so widely appreciated is that unless the US government acts urgently and decisively, this problem could very quickly get very much worse.”可知美国政府对全球变暖问题没有积极主动地采取相应措施。第三段中提到“While moves at state and congressional levels are pushing in the right direction, the ambiguity in the administrations policy is counterproductive.”虽然美国各州和国会的行动正朝着正确的方向推进,但政府在政策上的模糊性却产生了相反的效果。”可知美国政府在全球变暖这个问题上什么也没做,因此选B。2.细节事实题。文章第三段中提到“US companies as yet have no incentive to capture carbon emissions. ”到目前为止,美国公司还没有捕捉获碳排放的动力。可知B选项“公司在采用新技术方面没有很强的积极性。”因此B选项符合题意。A选项“现有的技术只能处理大规模的碳排放”;C选项“政府对使用煤炭和石油的政策是产生相反的效果”;D选项“公司不愿意卷入政治问题”。3.推理判断题。文章最后一段的大意为:现在是美国政府为碳排放定价的时候了,使投资于技术使碳排放减少的公用事业将看到他们的努力得到回报。这一举措不仅会降低全球变暖带来的风险,而且对恢复美国的环保信誉也有很大帮助。因此A选项“政府应该征收碳排放,以鼓励公司采用新技术。”符合题意。10. 单选题The New York male and the London male: two species of dude so similar, in many respects they seem to have been separated at birth. Both stomp triumphantly around financial and media capitals. Both feel they live at the centre of the known universe. And both spend far too much time on their hair. But there are marked differences between these tribes, from confidence and sense of humour to mating rituals and dress sense.So whos best? Theres only one way to find out: wholly unscientific means of anecdotes from people who have lived in both cities.MasculinityAlexander T., a British-born doctor living in Harlem, thinks that “maleness” is a much more consciously performed thing in Manhattan than in London. “Your clothes, what you order in a restaurant, your ability to deliver a sincere patter about your goals and passionsthese are things that will help get you laid in New York. Sometimes the London approach of just relying on being funny and self-deprecating will fail to impress.” But only sometimes, Alexander stresses. “For every woman who judges you harshly for your lack of a five-year plan, there will be others driven so mad with trauma by wretched and disgusting New York males that a few hours of you listening and being a nice guy will make you seem like the catch of the century.”AppearancesJulia B. is a fundraiser in London, who lived in New York for seven years. “London men dress better in general, and look a million miles better in suits. For some reason, New Yorkers are obsessed with boxy, ill-fitting suit jackets, Wall Street types being the worst offenders. New York men are probably more muscular, and more image-conscious in general.” New Yorkers seem much more reluctant to grow up, she thinks. “New York men try and retain their youth for longer. There are more 45 year olds with skateboards in Williamsburg, Brooklyn than there are in Hackney. London men will want to settle down sooner than New Yorkers. As a woman, theres more danger of being single in New York since men want to stay 20 in their minds forever, so women dont want to commit either, because they see all these immature dudes around. In London, men understand womens biological clocks a little better.HumourThe commonplace New Yorker has an annoying reputation, but graphic designer Michael L. says the two years he spent in London upended that stereotype for him. “London guys wear a grim, unpleasant face a lot of the time. People in New York were a lot more willing to be friendly. And thats what English people will describe as fake. They think the New York niceness is not genuine. So there you have it. Are you a London man seeking fun? You should definitely spend a few weeks in New York. Your superior wardrobe, mature behavior and refreshing self-deprecation will land in fertile, man-boy traumatized soil in the City That Never Sleeps. But London women? Avoid the siren song of the New York male.


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