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2022年考博英语-西南林业大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题She is very resourceful, and she can always find a way around any problem.问题1选项A.delightfulB.responsibleC.industriousD.smart【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 delightful “可爱的,可喜的;讨人喜欢的;令人愉快的”;B选项 responsible “负责的,可靠的;有责任的”;C选项 industrious “勤勉的”;D选项 smart “聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;厉害的;潇洒的;剧烈的;时髦的”。句意:她足智多谋,总能找到解决任何问题的办法。结合此处关键词 resourceful “足智多谋的;机智的”,得知D为正确答案。2. 单选题We often _ our energies in trivial occupations.问题1选项A.dissipatedB.indulgedC.unscrambledD.took【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 dissipated“消散;浪费 ”;B选项indulged “沉溺;满足;放任”;C选项unscrambled “使还原;译出;理顺,理清”;D选项 took “拿;取;接受”。句意:我们经常我们的精力在琐碎的工作上。根据单词trivial occupations (琐碎的工作),可推测我们经常会浪费我们的精力在一些琐碎的工作上,结合此处语境,选项A为正确答案。3. 单选题Mr. Obama is the first president since Richard M. Nixon to be _ and elected while living in a city neighborhood.问题1选项A.appointedB.nominatedC.representedD.positioned【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 appointed“任命;约定;命令;受权处置的”;B选项 nominated“提名为候选人;任命的”;C选项 represented“代表;表现;描写”;D选项 positioned “放置;确定的位置”。句意:奥巴马是自理查德M尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)以来,第一位居住在城市社区并被提名和选举的总统。根据句意,C项以及D项都可排除,A项appointed的意思是“任命;委任”,指不经过选择的官方委任,也可排除。B选项nominated通常指为某一公职的候选人,因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls sold _.问题1选项A.collectivelyB.invariablyC.reluctantlyD.individually【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项 collectively “集体地,共同地”;B选项 invariably “总是;不变地;一定地”;C选项 reluctantly “不情愿地;嫌恶地”;D选项individually “个别地,单独地”。句意:相互般配的珍珠,串成一条项链,就能卖到比同等珍珠卖出的好得多的价钱。根据句意,A选项及C选项都可排除。D选项“individually”也不符合句意,也可排除。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题It is a well-documented fact that women still live longer than men. A 1998 study by Harvard Medical School geriatrician Thomas Perls offers two reasons: one is the evolutionary drive to pass on her genes; the other is the need to stay healthy enough to rear as many children as possible. A mans purpose is simply to carry genes that ensure longevity and pass them on to his children.Okay, so thats the legacy of our cave-dweller past. But what is it about a mans lifestyle that reduces his longevity? As action moviemakers know all too well, men are supercharged with testosterone. Aside from forcing us to watch frenzied movies like The Matrix Reloaded, the testes-produced hormone also triggers riskier behavior and aggression, and increases levels of harmful cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease or stroke. Meanwhile, the female hormone chops harmful cholesterol and raises “good” cholesterol.As Perlss study points out: “Between ages 15 and 24, men are four to five times more likely to die than women. This time frame coincides with the onset of puberty and an increase in reckless and violent behavior in males. Researchers refer to it as a “testosterone storm”. Most deaths in this male group come from motor vehicle accidents, followed by homicide, suicide.and drowning. ”While all this jumping from tall buildings may result in some accidental death, it still doesnt account for the onset of fatal illnesses at an earlier age. Statistically, men are crippled more quickly by illnesses like heart disease, stroke and cancer. A Singapore study found that while men were diagnosed with chronic illness two years earlier than women, women were also disabled by their illnesses four years later. Men more often engage in riskier habits like drinking alcohol and using recreational drugs, as well as eating to excess. And the stereotype about men being adverse to seeing a doctor on a regular basis? Studies have shown its true.If your goal is to become the first 100-year-old man on your family tree, there are some things you can do to boost your odds. One is to examine what centenarians are doing right. According to the ongoing New England Centenarian Study, the largest comprehensive study of centenarians in the world, they can fend off or even escape age-associated diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimers. Ninety percent of those studied were functionally independent for the vast majority of their lives up until the age of 92, and 75% were just as autonomous at an average age of 95. “Centenarians disprove the perception that the older you get, the sicker you get. Centenarians teach us that the older you get, the healthier youve been.”1. This passage mainly discusses_.2. According to Thomas Perls, which of the following is a major factor contributing to the relative longevity of women over men?3. The author mentions “the legacy of our cave-dweller past” to _.4. According to the passage, testosterone is a hormone that_.5. Compared with women, men as a whole_.问题1选项A.why women lead a healthier life than menB.how women can live longer and stay healthyC.what keeps men from enjoying a longer life spanD.whether mens life style leads to their early death问题2选项A.Their natural urge to remain healthyB.Their greater natural drive to pass on genesC.Their need to bear healthy offspringD.Their desire to have more children问题3选项A.support the argument about womens role in rearing childrenB.summarize a possible cause of different life expectanciesC.challenge the theory about our ancestors behavior patternsD.illustrate the history of human evolution process问题4选项A.increases as men grow olderB.reduces risk factors in male behaviorC.leads to aggressive behavior and heart diseaseD.accounts for womens dislike for violent films问题5选项A.suffer from depression more oftenB.suffer from diseases later than womenC.are reluctant to have physical checkupsD.are not affected by violent movies【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干,通读全文,以及定位到文章首段第一句 “It is a well-documented fact that women still live longer than men.” 中文翻译为:女人仍然比男人活得长,这是一个有据可查的事实。A选项 “为什么女性比男性生活得更健康。”文章中虽提及,但并不是文章的主要内容。C选项“是什么让男人不能享受更长的寿命呢。”在文章的第二段有所体现,但这篇文章不能简单地概括为“男人不能享受更长的寿命。”D选项的意思跟C选项大体一致,也可排除。由此可知B选项符合题意。2.细节事实题。由题干关键字“Thomas Perls”可以定位到原文第一段 “one is the evolutionary drive to pass on her genes; the other is the need to stay healthy enough to rear as many children as possible.” 中文翻译为:一个是遗传基因的进化动力;另一个是需要保持足够的健康来抚养尽可能多的孩子。 因此可知B选项 “她们天生就有传递基因的动力”符合题意。3.作者意图题。由题干关键句“the legacy of our cave-dweller past” 可定位到原文第二段 “Okay, so thats the legacy of our cave-dweller past”,中文翻译为:好吧,这就是过去穴居人留下的遗产。根据后文转折,可以得知C选项“挑战关于我们祖先行为模式的理论”为正确答案。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词“testosterone”可定位到原文第二段“the testes-produced hormone also triggers riskier behavior and aggression, and increases levels of harmful cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease or stroke. ”,中文翻译为:测试产生的荷尔蒙还会引发更危险的行为和攻击性,增加有害胆固醇的水平,增加患心脏病或中风的风险。可知C选项“导致攻击性行为和心脏病”正确。5.细节事实题。通过题干可以定位到第四段最后一句 “And the stereotype about men being adverse to seeing a doctor on a regular basis? Studies have shown it true. ”中文大意:还有关于男人不喜欢经常看医生的刻板印象? 研究表明这是真的。由此可知C选项“与女性相比,男性总体上不愿意做身体检查”正确。6. 单选题Diet-related diseases also cost society in terms of decreased work productivity, increased absenteeism, poorer school performance, and reduced fitness on the part of military _, among other negative effects.问题1选项A.recruitsB.reengineeringC.weaponD.scene【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 recruits“新兵;新成员”;B选项 reengineering “企业再造;再造工程;重建”;C选项weapon “武器,兵器”;D选项scene “场面;情景;景象;事件”。句意:与饮食有关的疾病也对社会造成负面影响,如工作效率下降、旷工增多、学习成绩差、身体素质下降等。根据military(军队)以及fitness(身体素质)可推测空白处应该填“人”的单词,因此B、C、D选项都可排除。A选项recruits(新兵)符合,结合句意,A选项为正确答案。7. 单选题Europa is the smallest of planet Jupiters four largest moons and the second moon out from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistiC.Then came the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft Voyager 2, and within days, Europa was transformedin our perception, at leastinto one of the solar systems most intriguing worlds. The biggest initial surprise was the almost total lack of detail, especially from far away. Even at close range, the only visible features are thin, kinked brown lines resembling cracks in an eggshell. And this analogy is not far off the mark.The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europas surface ice resembles Earths Antarctic ice cap. The eggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometers thicka true shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that, in turn, encases a rocky core. The interior of Europa has been kept warm over the eons by tidal forces generated by the varying gravitational tugs of the other big moons as they wheel around Jupiter. The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle. The resulting internal heat keeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The crack like marks on Europas icy face appears to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below.Soon after Voyager 2s encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images of Europa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europas subsurface ocean might harbor life. Life processes could have begun when Jupiter was releasing a vast store of internal heat. Jupiters early heat was produced by the compression of the material forming the giant planet. Just as the Sun is far less radiant today than the primal Sun, so the internal heat generated by Jupiter is minor compared to its former intensity. During this warm phase, some 4.6 billion years ago, Europas ocean may have been liquid right to the surface, making it a crucible for life.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?2. It can be inferred from the passage that astronomy textbooks prior to 1979 _.3. It can be inferred from the passage that Europa and Antarctica have in common which of the following?4. According to the passage, what is the effect of Jupiters other large moons on Europa?5. According to the passage, Voyager 2s images led researchers to develop which of the following theories?问题1选项A.The effect of the tides on Europas interiorB.Temperature variations on Jupiters moonsC.Discoveries leading to a theory about one of Jupiters moonsD.Techniques used by Voyager 2 to obtain close-up images问题2选项A.provided many contradictory statistics about EuropaB.considered Europa the most important of Jupiters moonsC.did not emphasize Europa because little information of interest was availableD.did not mention Europa because it had not yet been discovered问题3选项A.Both may have water beneath a thin, hard surfaceB.Both appear to have a surface with many cratersC.Both have an ice cap that is melting rapidlyD.Both have areas encased by a rocky exterior问题4选项A.They prevent tides that could damage Europas surfaceB.They prevent Europas subsurface waters from freezingC.They produce the very hard layer of ice that characterizes EuropaD.They assure that the gravitational pull on Europa is maintained at a steady level问题5选项A.Jupiter may be hotter today than it once wasB.Europa is far older than scientists originally thoughtC.Europas temperature is maintained by Jupiters vast store of internal heatD.The ocean waters of Europa could contain some forms of life【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文主要说明了一些关于木卫二的理论,因此C选项“这些发现导致了关于木星一颗卫星的理论”正确。A选项“潮汐对木卫二内部的影响”,B选项“木星卫星上的温度变化”,D选项“旅行者2号用来获得特写图像的技术”对应的都是文章中的一段,不全面。2.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段中“Europa is the smallest of planet Jupiters four largest moons and the second moon out from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistic.”,中文翻译为:木卫二是木星四个最大的卫星中最小的,也是木星的第二个卫星。直到1979年,这只是天文学教科书上的数据。知C选项“没有强调木卫二是因为没有什么有趣的信息”正确。3.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段“The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europas surface ice resembles Earths Antarctic ice cap. The eggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometers thicka true shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that, in turn, encases a rocky core.”,中文翻译为:木卫二的表面几乎是纯净的水冰,但几乎完全没有陨石坑,这表明木卫二的表面冰类似于地球的南极冰盖。蛋壳的类比可能相当准确,因为冰层可能只有几公里厚一个真正的外壳,围绕着一个可能是地下液态海洋的地方,而这个海洋反过来又包裹着一个岩石核心。因此,A选项“两者在薄而坚硬的表面下都可能有水”正确。4.推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文第二段“The resulting internal heat keeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The crack like marks on Europas icy face appears to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below.”,中文翻译为:由此产生的内部热量使原本可能是冰的东西几乎融化到表面。在木卫二冰冷的表面上有类似裂缝的痕迹,似乎是水或泥浆从下面渗出的裂缝。故B选项“它们可以防止木卫二的地下水结冰。”最符合题意。5.推理判断题。根据题干可以定位尾段“Soon after Voyager 2s encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images of Europa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europas subsurface ocean might harbor life.”,中文翻译为:1979年,“旅行者2号”与木星相遇,获得了木卫二的最佳图像,之后不久,研究人员提出了一个令人吃惊的想法,即木卫二的地下海洋可能孕育着生命。可以得知D选项“木卫二的海水可能含有某种生命形式。”正确。8. 单选题There are over 6,000 different computer and online games in the world now. A segment of them are considered to be both educational and harmlessly entertaining. One such game teaches geography, and another trains pilots. Others train the player in logical thinking and problem solving. Some games may also help people to become more computer literate, which is more important in this technology-driven era.But the dark side of the computer games has becomes more and more obvious. “A segment of games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and crude language,” says David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and Family. “Unfortunately, its a segment that seems particularly popular with kids aged eight to fifteen. ”One study showed that almost 80 percent of the computer and online games young people preferred contained violence. The investigators said “These are not just games anymore. These are learning machines. Were teaching kids in the most incredible manner what its like to pull the trigger. What they are not learning are the real-life consequences.”They also said “The new and more sophisticated games are even worse, because they have better graphics and allow the players to participate in even more realistic violent acts.” In the game Carmageddon, for example, the player will have driven over and killed up to 33,000 people by the time all levels are completeD.A description of the outcome of the game says: “Your victims not only squish under your tires and splatter blood on the windshield; they also get on their knees and beg for mercy, or commit suicide. If you like, you can also dismember them.”Is all this stimulated violence harmful? Approximately 3,000 different studies have conducted on this subject. Many have suggested that there is a connection between violence in games and increased aggressiveness in the players.Some specialists downplay the influence of the games, saying that other factors must be taken into consideration, such as the possibility that kids who already have violent tendencies are choosing such games. But could it be that violent games still play a contribution role? It seems unrealistic to insist that people are not influenced by what they see. If that were true, why would the commercial world spend billions of dollars annually for television advertising?1. According to one study, most computer and online games_.2. What does the word “dismember” in Paragraph 4 mean?3. Many studies have suggested that_.4. The author uses “television advertising” as an example to illustrate that_.5. The best title for passage is_.问题1选项A.allow the players to take part in killing actsB.that young people like involve violenceC.teach the players to be antisocialD.make the players forget the real life results问题2选项A.To cut somebody into piecesB.To kick somebody outC.To dismiss somebodyD.To stab a knife into somebody问题3选项A.more and more young people appreciate cruel computer gamesB.there are now far more incidents of violence due to computer gamesC.violence in computer games makes their player more aggressiveD.simulated violence in computer games is different from real life问题4选项A.other factors must be considered as possible causes of violence in real lifeB.there is a close link between computer games and increasingly growing violence in real lifeC.computer and online games are not the only cause of increased violence in realityD.the commercial world is contributing to the increased violence in reality问题5选项A.The Development of Violent Computer GamesB.A study on the Influence of Computer and Online GamesC.The Dark Side of Computer and Online GamesD.Computer and Online GamesAdvantages and Disadvantages【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。由题干可以定位到原文第二段“A segment of games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and crude language.” says David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and Family. 中文翻译为:国家媒体与家庭研究所所长大卫沃尔什说,部分游戏以暴力、性和粗俗语言为反社会主题。A选项 “允许玩家参与杀戮行为”可排除。B选项 “年轻人喜欢使用暴力” 可排除。D选项“让玩家忘记现实生活的结果”可排除。C选项“教导玩家要反社会”最符合题意。因此C选项正确。2.词义推测题。由题干可以定位到文章第四段中最后一句“you can also dismember them.” 中文翻译为:你也可以肢解它们。B选项“把某人赶出去” 排除。C选项“解雇某人” 不符合题意。D选项 “用刀刺某人”也可排除。由此可知A选项“把某人切成碎片”正确。3.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章倒数第二段 “Approximately 3,000 different studies have conducted on this subject. Many have suggested that there is a connection between violence in games and increased aggressiveness in the players.” 中文翻译为:大约有3000个不同的研究在这个问题上进行。许多人认为游戏中的暴力行为和玩家攻击性的增强之间存在联系A选项 “越来越多的年轻人喜欢残酷的电脑游戏”不符合题意,故排除。B选项“现在有更多的暴力事件是由于电脑游戏”不符合题意,故排除。C选项“电脑游戏中的暴力使玩家更具攻击性”符合题意。因此C选项正确。D选项 “电脑游戏中的模拟暴力不同于现实生活”不符合题意,故排除。4.作者意图题。根据题干关键词“television advertising”定位到原文第六段 “If that were true, why would the commercial world spend billions of dollars annually for television advertising?”,中文翻译为:如果这是真的,为什么商业世界每年要花费数十亿美元在电视广告上。联系上下文,D选项“现实中,商业世界正在助长暴力的增加”最符合题意,因此选项D正确。A选项“其他因素也必须被认为是现实生活中暴力的可能原因”不符合题意,故排除。B选项“电脑游戏和现实生活中日益增长的暴力之间有着密切的联系”不符合题意,故排除。C选项“电脑和网络游戏并不是现实中暴力增加的唯一原因”不符合题意,故排除。5.判断推理题。A选项“The Development of Violent Computer Games”暴力电脑游戏的发展,文章不仅仅讲暴力游戏的发展,故A选项排除。B选项“计算机和网络游戏的影响研究”,文章对于计算机并未提及,故B选项排除。C选项“电脑和网络游戏的黑暗面”,在文章第一段也讲述了网络游戏的益处,故C选项排除。D选项“电脑和网络游戏的优点和缺点”最符合题意,故选D。9. 单选题The loss of his_ stems from giving promises easily and never fulfilling them.问题1选项A.credibilityB.cradleC.corruptionD.convention【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 credibility “可信性;确实性”;B选项 cradle “摇篮;发源地;发祥地;支船架”;C选项 corruption “贪污,腐败;堕落”;D选项convention “大会”。句意:他之所以失去,是因为他轻易地做出承诺,却从不兑现。根据后文giving promises easily and never fulfilling them.(轻易地做出承诺,却从不兑现)可以推测他不是一位守信的人,结合句意A选项正确。10. 单选题Failure in a required subject may result in the _ of a diploma.问题1选项A.refusalB.betrayalC.denialD.burial【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 refusal “拒绝;优先取舍权;推却;取舍权”;B选项 betrayal “背叛;辜负;暴露;违约”;C选项 denial “否认;拒绝;拒绝给予;节制;背弃”;D选项 burial“埋葬;葬礼;弃绝”。句意:如果某门必修科目不及格,可能会被吊销学位证书。结合此处语境,C为正确答案。11. 单选题It is a classic case of the bored-housewife syndrome doing nothing all day but drink and go shopping.问题1选项A.hindranceB.synthesisC.systemD.symptoms or signs to form a recognizable pattern【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 hindrance “障碍;妨碍;妨害;阻碍物”;B选项 synthesis “综合,化学 合成;综合体”;C选项 system “制度,体制;系统;方法”;D选项 symptoms or signs to form a recognizable pattern “形成可识别模式的症状或体征”。句意:这是一个典型的无聊家庭主妇综合症整天无所事事,只喝酒和购物。结合此处关键词 syndrome “临床 综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位”,得知B选项正确。12. 单选题The authorities claim that the rate of crime is declining, but statistics show _.问题1选项A.clockwiseB.otherwiseC.elsewhereD.likewise【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项 clockwise“顺时针方向地”;B选项otherwise“另外,否则”;C选项 elsewhere“在别处;到别处”;D选项likewise“同样地;也”。句意:当局声称犯罪率正在下降,但数据却没显示。根据but可知,句型表示转折,只有选项B表示转折,因此B选项符合题意。13. 单选题The term “print” has several meanings, so it is important to u


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