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2022年考博英语-南开大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题If you dont want to talk to him, Ill speak to him( ) .问题1选项A.on your behalfB.on your accountC.for your partD.in your interest【答案】A【解析】名词性短语含义辨析。on ones behalf“为.的利益, 代表”;on ones account“为了某人”;for ones part“就某人来说”;in ones interest“符合某人利益”。句意:如果你不想和他谈, 我就代表你去和他说。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss ( ) the bread-winners death.问题1选项A.at the cost ofB.on the verge ofC.as a result ofD.for the sake of【答案】C【解析】副词词义辨析。at the cost of以.为代价;on the verge of濒临于,接近于;as a result of因此,由于;for the sake of为了。句意:人寿保险为被保者的家属提供经济保障, 以防止因养家糊口的人去世而造成的损失。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题The discovery of new oil-fields in various parts of the country filled the government with ( ) hope.问题1选项A.eternalB.everlastingC.ceaselessD.infinite【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。句意:全国各地新油田的发现使政府充满了无限的希望。eternal“永恒的, 不朽的”;everlasting“永恒的, 接连不断的”;ceaseless“不间断的;无休止的”;infinite “无限的;极大的”。选项D更符合语境。4. 单选题I recently conducted a survey to see what people thought and knew about Martin Luther King, Jr. I did this by bringing up the subject of MLK Day in casual conversations with people and gauging their reaction. (The sampling was 23 friends, colleagues, and strangers; 10 Black, 9 White, 3 Hispanic, 1 Asian; 4 were between the ages 42 -35 and 19 were 34 -20. ) All knew King as the famous black civil rights leader who was killed, but few knew much more. The majority of people under 30regardless of raceknew little more, in fact.How is it that Jill (black, 27, college educated) did not know that MLK was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient? Or that Tim (white, 31, college educated) was clueless about Kings nonviolent approach to civil rights activism?Darlene (black, 23) thought she should have the day off to sleep in. She had no idea the MLK day is really about doing something to inspire others.What is the point of having a day to mark the man if we do not understand the significance of his life? How is it that not only one of the greatest Americans, but one of the most influential humans in the history of our planet is not better known in this country? Had King been a football player or a musician, he may have registered better with the present generation.Martin Luther King, Jr. was more than just an inspirational black leader. His desire and ability to rise above his own failings and those of fellow humans uplifted us allboth those who were living at the time and those who have come after. Even if we do not know it, our world is a better place because of his light.Dr. Kings life was extinguished more than 30 years ago, but not his light. It is still here for each of us to carry, and to illuminate even brighter with our own unique creativity and contributions.Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15,1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. After graduating from Morehouse College and becoming a minister, he made his way to Montgomery, Alabama in 1954. This was an important decision for it was in the same city that, on December 1 of the following year, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. King was elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association and led a boycott of Montgomery buses throughout 1956, which brought him national recognition.Kings legacy of non-violent activism was influenced by the teachings of Jesus and Gandhi. King reinforced and expanded his Biblical convictions during a visit to India in 1959, where he studied Gandhis methods of non-violent protests during the early 1960s.A gifted orator, King ignited the world and a generation in the cause for American civil rights with his “I Have a Dream” speech on Aug 28 1963 to a crowd of 250 000 in Washington, D. C.“We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protests to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force”.“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”.“When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”Dr. King received the Nobel Peace Prize and was named Time magazines “Person of the Year” in 1964. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he said, “Non-violence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflicts a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”King was one of the most extraordinary humans to ever grace our planet. He was a man who met hate and hopeless with love and inspiration. He used non-violence to point out the obscenity of violence.Martin Luther King was gunned down at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis on April 4, 1968. Some call it irony. I choose to think of it as his final lesson to us.1.The Purpose of the author in writing the passage is to ( ) .2.“Had King been a football player or a musician, he may have registered better with the present generation.” (Para. 4) can be best interpreted as “ ( ) ”.3.According to Dr. King, what is the solution to major political and moral problems?4.Which of the following statements about Martin Luther King, Jr. is true?5.The overall tone of the article can be best summarized as ( ) .问题1选项A.condemn the terrorist action of Martin Luther King, Jr.s assassinationB.honor Martin Luther King, Jr. since MLK Day is drawing nearC.criticize the present generations for their ignorance of Dr. KingD.highlight the significance of the beliefs and spirit of Dr. King问题2选项A.King is not remembered by the present generation as a football player or a musicianB.The present generation is ignorant of King who gave his life for the peoples of the worldC.If King had turned to music or sports he would have been more successfulD.It is meaningless to have a day to mark King since he is not famous enough问题3选项A.Non-violence.B.Armed struggle.C.Violent activism.D.Believing in God.问题4选项A.His Nobel Prize acceptance speech was the famous “I Have a Dream” speech.B.He was the first one who adopted a non-violent approach in political struggle.C.He had a firm belief in God, which helped to form his non-violent activism.D.He was named “Person of the Year” because of his “I Have a Dream” speech.问题5选项A.emotionalB.furiousC.indifferentD.matter-of-fact【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。结合文章内容可知, 本文提到马丁路德金不仅仅是一位伟大的黑人领袖, 更重要的是他的信念和精神一直鼓舞着人们。作者写这篇文章的目的不是为了谴责刺杀马丁路德金的恐怖主义和人们对他的无知,也不仅仅只是为了纪念他,最主要的还是强调其信念和精神的重要性,所以选项D正确。2.推理判断题。这句话的意思是说“如果马丁路德金是一位足球员或者音乐家, 他可能会被现在的人所记住。”潜在的意思就是说, 马丁路德金没有被当代人所记住, 由第三段也可以看出,所以选项B正确。3.事实细节题。根据倒数第三段的第二句“Non-violence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time.”非暴力是我们这个时代解决政治和道德问题的关键。选项A符合原文。4.细节判断题。本题可采用排除法。“我有一个梦想”不是马丁路德金获得诺贝尔奖发表的演讲,而是在引导美国民权运动时发表的,所以选项A错误;马丁路德金的非暴力行动主义是受耶稣和甘地教义的影响, 由此可知他不是第一人, 所以选项B错误, 选项C表述正确;马丁路德金被评为“年度人物”不是由于他的演讲,而是因为他为人类的和平和发展做出的杰出贡献, 所以选项D也不正确。只有选项C正确。5.态度判断题。结合全文可知,作者只是客观的陈述事实,没有掺杂个人情感色彩。所以选项D正确。5. 单选题People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in ( ) populated areas.问题1选项A.denselyB.intenselyC.abundantlyD.highly【答案】A【解析】副词词义辨析。表示人口密集应该用densely,所以选项A正确。6. 单选题The diversity of tropical plants in the region represents a seemingly ( ) source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.问题1选项A.InexhaustibleB.exploitedC.remarkableD.controversial【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。inexhaustible“取之不尽的,用不完的”;exploited“被开发利用的”;remarkable“卓越的,非凡的”;controversial“有争议的”。句意:该区域热带植物的多样性似乎是取之不尽用之不竭的原料来源,其中只有少数得到利用。选项A符合句意。7. 单选题After four years in the same job his enthusiasms finally ( ) .问题1选项A.dispersedB.deterioratedC.dissipatedD.drained【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。句意:干了四年同样的工作后,他的热情终于消耗殆尽了。dispersed分散的;deteriorated恶化,变质;dissipated消散,浪费;drained流干,耗尽。dissipate相当于waste,drain相当于use too much,所以选项D更恰当。8. 写作题Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Your composition should be no less than 200 words.【答案】Why People Are Attracted to Dangerous Sports?9. 单选题I think you can take a(n) ( ) language course to improve your English.问题1选项A.middleB.intermediateC.mediumD.average【答案】B【解析】近义词辨析。middle“中间的,中部的”, 侧重方位;intermediate“中间的,中级的”, 侧重难易的程度;medium“中等的”, 侧重尺寸上的大小;average“平均的,普通的”。句意:我觉得你可以上一门中级语言课程来提高你的英语水平。选项B符合语境。10. 单选题You must let me have the annual report without ( ) by ten oclock tomorrow morning.问题1选项A.failureB.hesitationC.troubleD.fail【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。without fail为固定搭配, 表示“必定, 务必”。句意为:你必须在明天早上十点之前把年度报告交给我。所以选项D正确。11. 单选题Reporters and photographers alike took great ( ) at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview.问题1选项A.annoyanceB.offenceC.resentmentD.irritation【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。take offence at sth.表示“对.感到生气”。句意:记者和摄影师都对演员在采访中的粗鲁行为感到十分生气。irritation一般与feel搭配,所以选项B正确。12. 单选题Crisis would be the right term to describe the ( ) in many animal species.问题1选项A.minimizationB.restrictionC.descentD.decline【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。minimization最小化;restriction限制;descent下降;decline衰退。既然是危机,表示事态比较严重,所以用衰退来形容许多动物物种最为恰当。选项D正确。13. 单选题My mother raised me as best as she could, taking on odd jobs in the neighborhood for money. Still without a father to tell me how to act and what was expected of me, I felt lost. I wandered for years and got involved with tough guys on the East Side of New York. They would fight madly over a dropped coin. They would steal to get what they wanted. I wanted to be like them.It was lucky for me that I left the city and entered a world of discipline, after following my mothers advice. During three years of military service, I had time to rethink my life, and my thoughts often ran to my mother. I realized suddenly just how much of a heartache I must have been to her, how little I had noticed her suffering. When my father left this world, my mother was completely alone. To support us, my mother cleaned apartments and took in washing and ironing from the neighbors. And as she worked hard at this labor, she kept her head high. Each week she would bring a pile of books home from the library and read to us. My mother had wanted nothing more than for me to turn into an honest responsible man. But I had acted against her. Finally, almost too late I had the sense to feel shame.Ten years passed and I returned to the apartment on the East Side. I knew I wouldnt fall back in with the wrong people, although I still wasnt sure where I was heading. My mother, I could tell was worried about me. In my neighborhood, to become a police officer or a firefighter was a mark of significant social success and achievement. For me it was an opportunity for a real start in life. I wondered if I was up to it, but I knew that it was time to try. When I found myself in the big hall raising my hands to take the firefighters oath of office, my mother was sitting a few rows behind with a smile of relief. She knew that at last I was off on lifes road and moving steadily. Her smile said, “My job is finally done.”1.From this story, we may guess that the East Side of New York must be a ( ) area.2.The author used to behave himself ( ) .3.From the context, we understand that “odd jobs” in the first paragraph refer to jobs ( ) .4.In the first sentence of the second paragraph, the author says “It was lucky for me that.” The lucky experience he talks about here is his experience of ( ) .5.What is NOT true according to the passage?问题1选项A.commercialB.richC.poorD.distant问题2选项A.oddlyB.toughlyC.remarkablyD.badly问题3选项A.of cleaning, washing and ironingB.which are not regular or fixedC.which one can make extra money withD.with house work问题4选项A.the three years of military serviceB.leaving a world of disciplineC.leaving the city and his motherD.fighting with tough guys问题5选项A.After her husband died, his mother did all available jobs to support the family.B.The author was surprised that he was accepted as a firefighter.C.The author finally realized that his mother always wanted him to be an honest and responsible man.D.In face of poverty, his mother never lowered her head. She bravely struggled on.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段“They would fight madly over a dropped coin. They would steal to get what they wanted.”他们会为一枚掉在地上的硬币疯狂地打斗, 他们会去偷想要的东西。由此可以推断, 这个地区很贫穷, 选项C正确。2.信息推断题。根据第二段的首句“It was lucky for me that I left the city and entered a world of discipline,.”我很幸运, 在听从了母亲的建议后, 我离开了这座城市, 进入了一个有纪律的世界。根据“discipline”可推测, 作者以前的表现应该是badly, 选项D最恰当。3.事实细节题。根据关键词定位到第一段, 可知“odd jobs”是母亲做的工作。再根据第二段“To support us, my mother cleaned apartments and took in washing and ironing from the neighbors.”所以选项A符合原文。4.事实细节题。根据第二段的第二句“During three years of military service, I had time to rethink my life, .”可知, 作者觉得幸运的经历是在部队服役的三年经历。选项A正确。5.信息推断题。根据第二段后半部分的内容可知选项A和D正确;根据第二段最后三句“My mother had . the sense to feel shame.”可知选项C也正确;所以本题选B。14. 单选题Id like to take this opportunity to ( ) my heart-felt gratitude to the host.问题1选项A.increaseB.prolongC.intensifyD.express【答案】D【解析】动词词词义辨析。句意:我想借此机会向东道主表示衷心的感谢。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题As regards to the development of moral standards in the growing child, ( ) is very important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality.问题1选项A.persistenceB.regularityC.consistencyD.conformity【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。persistence持续,固执;regularity规则性,整齐;consistency一致性;conformity一致,符合。句意:关于成长中的孩子道德标准的发展,一致性在父母的教学中是非常重要的。今天禁止一件事,明天又原谅它,这不是道德的基础。强调一致的性质,所以选项C更恰当16. 单选题A good teacher must know how to ( ) his ideas to the students, as generally agreed by educational experts.问题1选项A.displayB.transmitC.conveyD.illuminate【答案】C【解析】动词词性及搭配。句意:一个好老师必须知道如何把他的想法传达给学生。传达思想,想法等用convey,选项C正确。17. 单选题There are ( ) differences between theory and practice.问题1选项A.legibleB.radicalC.medievalD.laden【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。legible“清晰的, 易辨认的”;radical“激进的, 根本的, 彻底的”;medieval“中世纪的, 老式的, 原始的”;laden“负载的, 装满的”。句意:理论和实践之间有着根本的区别。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题As a salesman, he works on a(n) ( ) basis, taking 10% of everything he sells.问题1选项A.incomeB.commissionC.salaryD.pension【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。根据下半句句意:从他销售的每件商品中抽取10%。由此推断,填空处应该指佣金,所以选项B正确。pension指退休金,抚恤金。19. 单选题We should always keep in mind that ( ) decisions often lead to bitter regrets.问题1选项A.urgentB.hastyC.instantD.prompt【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。根据句意可知,既然是痛苦的后悔,说明决定很草率,选项B符合语境。20. 单选题Science and technology actually help to ( ) the useful and pleasant parts of traditional culture.问题1选项A.preserveB.prevailC.reserveD.precede【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。句意:科学技术实际上有助于保存传统文化中有用的和讨人喜欢的部分。选项中只有A和C有保留,保存的意思。preserve强调保护东西完好无损;reserve指保存储备留作后用。根据句意可知,选项A更符合语境。


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