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2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Put the following 3 Chinese sentences into English and 3 English sentences into Chinese.没有永远的优点,也没有永远的缺点。这篇文章告诉我们,对待优点和缺点应当采取客观的态度。具体地说,盲目地崇拜他人的优点必定会伤害我们的自信,而完全忽略自身缺点则会导致自负。总而言之,两种极端都会使我们失去充分发挥自身优势的机会。因此,我们需要找到合适的方法释放自己的优势,并且把暂吋的缺点转化成优点。数字表明自我雇佣的英国人大多为男性,工作的吋间比全职工作的员工长而且赚得少。事实上,2007至2016期间,自我雇佣者的实际薪水要比受雇佣员工下降得更快。这或许能解释为何英国近几年的生产率提高速度如同蜗牛爬行。对于以音乐为爱好的研究者来说,音乐有助于他们的研究。把他们的头脑从实验的结构严密性以及数据的乏味中解脱出来,使之徜徉在韵律与节奏的世界里会帮助他发挥科学创造性。一位研宄者发现,令人满意的表演持续几天甚至仅几个小吋之后,常给他开展研究的灵感。US military has begun deploying a missile defense system in South Korea. The THAAD system is designed to shoot down incoming missiles. China says it will take unspecified measures against it. And many Korean and Chinese are irritated and they have been protesting against South Koreas irresponsible action of this deployment.In some cases, a longer resume might be in order. For example, graphic designers or visual artists might benefit from creating an illustrated resume, and academics, researchers, or long-time executives may need more than one page to capture the breadth of their experience. But in general, its best to avoid overburdening busy recruiters with a resume that drags on and on.China is coming up with financial incentives to encourage couples to have a second child, as surveys show many are reluctant to expand their families due to economic constraints. An officer of the National Health and Family Planning Commission revealed the potential move at a social welfare conference. To have a second child is the right of each family in China, but affordability has become a bottleneck that undermine the decision, he said.【答案】There are no permanent merits or defects. This article tells us that we should treat these merits and defects objectively. Specifically, it would hurt our self-confidence to admire others merits blindly, while completely ignoring our own shortcomings will lead to self-esteem. In short, we would lose our opportunities to give full play to our advantages because of these extremes. Therefore, we need to find appropriate ways to release our advantages and turn the temporary defects into defects.The figures show that most self-employed Britons are men. The self-employed work longer hours and earn less than the full-time employees. Actually, the real salary of self-employed fell faster than that of employed employees between 2007 and 2016. This may explain why Briton productivity has grown at snails pace in recent years.For researcher interested in music, music is helpful to their research. Releasing their minds from the structural rigor of the experiment and the tedious data, to roam the world full of rhythm would be useful for him to play scientific creativity. One researcher found that a satisfactory performance often lasted for a few days or even after several hours, and often inspired him to do research.美国军方已开始在韩国部署导弹防御系统。萨德系统旨在击落来袭导弹。中国将采取一定措施表示反对。许多韩国人和中国人都很愤怒,他们一直在抗议韩国不负责任的部署行动。在某些情况下,可能需要篇幅长的简历达到整齐美观效果。例如,平面设计师或视觉艺术家可能会从制作带插图的简历中获益,而学者、研究人员或资深管理人员可能需要一页以上的页面来展示他们的丰富经验。但总的来说,最好避免给让招聘人员在一份冗长拖沓的简历上花费过多的精力。中国正在考虑鼓励夫妇生育二胎的经济激励措施,因为调查显示,由于经济限制,许多人不愿扩大家庭成员。国家卫生和计划生育委员会一位官员在一次社会福利会议上透露了这一潜在的举措。他说,“在中国,生第二个孩子是每个家庭的权利,但负担能力却成了阻碍这个决定的瓶颈。”2. 单选题The plane( ), its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.问题1选项A.smashedB.crushedC.plungedD.crashed【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。smash意为“打碎,打破,撞击”;crush意为“压坏,压碎”;plunge意为“暴跌,骤降”;crash意为“碰撞、坠落,坠毁”,根据习惯用法,飞机失事,动词都是用crash。句意:飞机坠毁了,其炸弹在撞击地面时爆炸。3. 单选题The officer murmured his consent.问题1选项A.stutteredB.noddedC.mumbledD.uttered【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。murmur意为“低语,喃喃细语”;stutter意为“口吃,结结巴巴地说”;nod意为“点头”;mumble意为“嘟哝,低声说”;utter意为“说,出声”。句意:警官低声表示同意。4. 单选题There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service (1)(VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment,(2) there are opportunities for overseas service for(3)technicians in developing countries. Some people,(4) those who retire early,(5)their technical and business skills in countries(6) there is a special need.So in considering voluntary or(7) community service there are more opportunities than there(8) were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time(9) , and depend very much on volunteers and part-times. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different(10) some ways they many seem more casual and less efficient, but one should not(11) them by commercial criteria. The people who work with them do so for different reasons and with different(12) , both personal and(13) . One should not join them(14) to arm them with professional expertise, they must be joined with commitment to the(15) , not business efficiency. Because salaries are (16) or non-existent, many voluntary bodies offer modest expenses. But many retired people take part in community service for(17), simply because they enjoy the work.Many community activities possible(18) retirement were also possible during ones working life but they are to be undertaken(19) seriously for that. Retired people who are just looking for something different or unusual to do should not consider(20) community service.问题1选项A.over seaB.overseaC.overseasD.over seas问题2选项A.soB.asC.thatD.then问题3选项A.qualifyingB.quantityC.qualifiedD.quality问题4选项A.partlyB.partiallyC.passionatelyD.particularly问题5选项A.operateB.orderC.occupyD.offer问题6选项A.whereB.whichC.thatD.as问题7选项A.paidB.payingC.payD.to be paid问题8选项A.latelyB.beforeC.everD.never问题9选项A.numberB.teamC.crowdD.staff问题10选项A.byB.inC.throughD.with问题11选项A.commentB.look atC.judgeD.enjoy问题12选项A.subjectB.subjectiveC.objectsD.objectives问题13选项A.organizationalB.organizationC.organizingD.organized问题14选项A.to expectB.expectingC.expectedD.being expected问题15选项A.causeB.courseC.cautionD.case问题16选项A.smallB.littleC.bigD.large问题17选项A.freedomB.freeC.somethingD.money问题18选项A.onB.beforeC.atD.in问题19选项A.very muchB.muchC.no lessD.no more问题20选项A.to takeB.to be takenC.being takenD.taking【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D第6题:A第7题:A第8题:C第9题:D第10题:B第11题:C第12题:D第13题:A第14题:B第15题:A第16题:A第17题:B第18题:D第19题:C第20题:D【解析】(1)考查逻辑关系。由后半句中的“for overseas service”可知此处填overseas,作副词,意外“在海外,在国外”,voluntary service overseas指“海外志愿服务”。(2)考查固定句型。(just)as.so. 意为“正如,就像”。(3)考查词义辨析。qualifying意为“使具有资格的”;quantity意为“数量,大量”;qualified意为“具备的学历(或资历),具备的知识(或技能),符合资格的”;quality意为“质量,品质”。因此填qualified作定语修饰technicians,指“符合资格的技术人员”。(4)考查副词辨析。partly意为“一定程度上,部分地”;partially意为“部分地,不完全地”;passionately意为“充满热情地,激动地,炽热地”;particularly意为“特别,尤其”。可将“44 those who retire early”看作一个插入语,表示“特别是那些退休早的人”。(5)考查动词辨析。operate意为“运转,操作”;order意为“命令,指挥”;occupy意为“使用,占用”;offer意为“提供,给予”。此句的主语为Some people,宾语为technical and business skills,空格处为谓语动词,“提供技术和商业技能”最符合逻辑,因此选D。(6)考查定语从句。定语从句中不缺少主干成分,且先行词countries表示地点,故选关系副词where。(7)考查非谓语动词。or连接的是两个并列成分,故空格处与voluntary(自愿的)相对,表示“付费的”修饰community service(社区服务),因此用paid过去分词作前置定语,含被动意义。现在分词作定语,含主动意义,不定式作定语,表将来。(8)考查副词辨析。lately意为“近来,最近”;before意为“以前,过去”;ever意为“(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经”;never意为“从不,从来没有”。由“there are more opportunities than there _were”可知是将现在的情况和以前的情况相比,因此选C。(9)考查名词辨析。number意为“数字”;team意为“组,对”;crowd意为“人群,观众”;staff意为“全体职工(或雇员)”。由后面的“depend very much on volunteers and part-times(非常依赖志愿者和兼职)”可推测推测空格处表示全职员工少,因此选D。(10)考查固定搭配。in some ways为固定搭配,意为“在某些方面,在某种程度上”。(11)考查动词辨析。comment意为“议论,评论”;look at意为“看,考虑”;judge意为“评判,判断”;enjoy意为“享受,欣赏”。由后面的“by commercial criteria(按商业标准)”可知C选项最符合逻辑。(12)考查词义辨析。subject意为“主题,话题,学科”;subjective意为“主观的”;object意为“物体”;objective意为“目标,目的”。and连接的是两个并列成分,由前面的“different reasons and different_(不同的原因和不同的_)”可知D选项最符合逻辑。(13)考查词义辨析。organizational意为“组织的”;organization意为“组织”;organizing意为“组织上的”;organized意为“有组织的,有条理的”。由“both. and(两者都)”可知与personal(个人的)相对的为organizational,因此选A。(14)考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构,“One should not join them”为主句,“_to arm them with professional expertise”为伴随状语,故用现在分词表示主动意义,选B。此处表示“一个人加入到他们当中,不要期待着给他们专业经验”。(15)考查名词辨析。cause意为“(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,原因”;course意为“课程,讲座”;caution意为“小心,谨慎”;case意为“事例,实例,实情”。be joined to the course意为“加入到事业中”,因此选A。(16)考查形容词辨析。small意为“小的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只作客观地描述;little意为“小的”,通常带有一定的感情色彩(如高兴、满意、同情等);big意为“大的”,指程度,范围,规模,容积,重量,数量等方面;large意为“大的”指面积,范围,可表示数和量。由空格后的“or non-existent(或者不惨在的)”可推测salaries(薪水)是很少的,因此选A。(17)语义题。由“simply because they enjoy the work(仅仅因为他们喜欢这份工作)”可知很多退休的参加社区服务不是想要得到什么,仅仅是因为喜欢,再根据前面提到的薪水,可推测他们是无偿加入社区服务的,for free意为“免费”,因此选B。(18)考查固定搭配。由“during ones working life(在工作期间)”可推测前面指不在工作期间,即退休后,in retirement为固定搭配,意为“退休后”,因此选D。(19)考查词义辨析。very much意为“非常,确实”;much意为“非常,很”no less意为“仍然,依旧,还是”;no more意为“不再,也不”。由but可知此处表示转折关系,表示“但退休后他们还是会认真地做这些工作”,因此选C。(20)考查固定搭配。considering doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”。此句意为“正在寻找不同或不寻常的事情的退休人士不应该考虑接受社区服务”。5. 翻译题It was a bleak, rainy day, and I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyns house. But she had insisted that I come and see something at the top of the mountain.Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old pine needles. Huge black green evergreens towered over. Gradually the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a cornerand I stopped and gasped in amazement.From the top of the mountain, sloping for several acres across folds and valleys were rivers of daffodils in radiant bloom. A profusion of colorfrom the palest ivory to the deepest lemon to the most vivid salmonblazed like a carpet before us. It looked as though the sun had tipped over and spilled gold down the mountainside.A riot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?As we approached the home that stood in the center of the property, we saw a sign: ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS I KNOW YOU ARE ASKING. The first answer was: ONE WOMANTWO HANDS, TWO FEET AND VERY LITTLE BRAIN. The second was: ONE AT A TIME. The third: STARTED IN 1958.As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen that I could scarcely speak. “She changed the world,” I finally said, “one bulb at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.” The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if Id had a vision and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished?”【答案】【参考译文】凄风细雨,山路蜿蜒,我毫无兴致驱车前往女儿卡罗琳的家。可女儿一定要我前去看看山顶上的景致。转过一条狭窄的小道我们停下车出来,沿着铺满厚厚一层松针的小路走去。头顶上高大的墨绿色常青树耸入云霄。渐渐地这地方的平和宁静开始令我陶醉。然后我们拐了个弯,我停下了脚步,惊诧不已。从山顶往下好几英亩的山坡上,满是怒放的水仙花,犹如江河直下,越过山坳,穿过峡谷,一片五彩缤纷:有洁净无比的象牙白,有极其浓郁的柠檬黄,有鲜艳夺目的鲑鱼橙,如同一幅地毯展现在我们而前,令人眼花缭乱。仿佛太阳倾翻了,把一片金光溢泻到了山坡上。一大堆问题在我的脑海中翻腾。谁创造了这种美景?为什么要创造?又是如何创造的?我们走近这块宝地中央的屋子,只见一块牌子上写着:我知道你要问的问题,答案如下。答案一:一位妇女,一双手,两只脚,而且天资不高。答案二:一次种一株。答案三:开始于1958年。驱车回家的路上,我为所见的一切感动不已,无言以对。“她改造了世界,”我终于说道。“一次种一株。她几乎40年前就开始了。当时也许只是一念之闪,但她持之以恒。”这一奇观令我回味良久。“试想,”我说道,“如果我有一个梦想,并为之努力,每天干一点,最后我会做出怎样的成绩呢?”6. 单选题He had heard the very bad news; but when he spoke, he _ his remarks to a few hints that sales had slipped.问题1选项A.boundB.polishedC.optimizedD.confined【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项bound“绑;装订;包扎;凝固”;B选项polished“抛光,擦亮;修改,润色;(使)完美,改进”;C选项optimized“优化;持乐观态度;使最优化,使完善”;D选项confined“限制,使局限;禁止离开,关押;卧床分娩”。句意:他听到了这个坏消息,但当他对员工们讲话时,他把自己的话_在一些暗示销售下滑的迹象上。此处填“限制”一词最符合句意,所以D选项正确。7. 翻译题我国高等教育大众化过程需要更加关注4个问题:理解高等教育规模扩大的本原,加强人文素质教育,平衡优秀与平等的关系,协调大学与政府、市场间的关系。所有这些都要以明析高等教育哲学的一个根本问题为前提,即大学的根本使命和目标如何定位的问题。现代大学一定要使学生和公众都能够理解大学最终和最基本的使命是什么。大学不是提供获利的手段和就业单位的场所,而是要激发他们理性的光辉和力量,培养学生坚持长远地、全面地看待个人、社会与历史的发展所需要的能力。【答案】【参考译文】More attention should be paid to four issues during the massification of Chinese higher education: (1) how to understand the prime cause of the expansion of higher education; (2) how to reinforce liberal education; (3) how to balance the relationship between equality and excellence; and (4) how to harmonize the relationship between the university, the government and the market. All these are based on the orientation about the ultimate mission and goal of universities. Modern universities must make students and the public understand their ultimate mission. A university is not a place where stratagems for profits and opportunities of employment are provided; rather, it should inspire students rationalistic potencies, cultivate their ability to look upon the development of individuals, society and history from a long-term and all-around perspective.8. 翻译题In formulating hypotheses, a common error is the uncritical acceptance of apparent commonsense but untested assumptions. Thus in the field of psychology, it was for many years automatically assumed that the main cause of forgetfulness is the interval of time elapsing between successive exposures to a learning stimulus. Experimentation, however, was subsequently undertaken, and several other factors, such as motivation and the strength or effectiveness of the stimulus, turned out to have an ever more important bearing on the problem. A somewhat similar error arises from neglect of multiple causes. Thus two events may be found to be associated, e.g. when the incidence of a disease in a smoky industrial sector of a city is significantly higher than that in the smoke-free zones, a research worker might infer that the existence of the disease is due to the smokiness of the area when in fact it might equally well be found in other reasons, such as the under-nourishment of the inhabitants or over-crowding.【答案】【参考译文】在提出假设的过程中,一个常见的错误是不加批判地接受表面上是常识但未经检验的假设。因此,在心理学领域,多年来不经思索地认为健忘的主要原因是消逝在连续受到学习刺激之间的时间间隔。但是后来的实验表明了还有其他几个因素在这个问题中起重要的作用,比如动机和刺激的强度和效力。一个有些类似的错误源自忽视原因的多样性。因此,两个事件可能会被发现有关联,例如,当一种疾病的发病率在烟雾弥漫的城市工业区明显高于无烟区域时,研究人员可能会推论疾病的存在是由于该地区的烟雾的关系,而事实上可能是由于其他的同样可以造成这种疾病的原因,比如居民的营养不良或过分拥挤。9. 单选题What is her prognosis?问题1选项A.solutionB.symptomC.problemD.expectation【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。prognosis意为“(对病情的) 预断,预测,展望”;solution意为“解决”;symptom意为“症状”;problem意为“问题”;expectation意为“预料,预期,期望”。句意:她的预测是什么?10. 翻译题We have inherited a world of relative abundance, one where we can still for the most part meet our needs. We can be thankful for the wisdom of our forebears, who evidently took their responsibility for the future seriously. Yet, imagine a world without the amazing diversity of species from which we now benefit, a world without decent soil to farm, air to breathe, or water to drink. Such a world is one that any generation could inherit if its predecessor did not find wisdom in its responsibility to the future.What we are today depends to a great extent upon how we have been formed by the generations that have preceded us. When we look to future generations, our position toward them is analogous to the position of past generations toward us. We are the data out of which the future will be formed. What we are and do today will limit or create their options, and in this way we profoundly help to shape their destiny. What kind of world we leave to the future is essentially a question of moral responsibility.【答案】【参考译文】我们继承了一个相对富饶的世界,在这个世界里,我们仍能在很大程度上满足自己的需求。我们应该感谢我们祖先的智慧,他们显然认真地承担了他们对未来的责任。然而,想象一个没有我们现在受益的惊人物种多样性的世界,一个没有像样的土壤可以耕种、没有空气可以呼吸、没有水可以饮用的世界,那么在这样的世界中,如果前辈们没有从对未来的责任中发现智慧,任何一代人都能对其进行继承。我们今天是什么样子,在很大程度上取决于我们的前辈如何塑造我们。当我们对将来的几代人负责时,我们对他们的态度就类似于过去几代人对我们的态度。我们是构成未来的“数据”。我们今天的状况和所作所为将会限制或塑造他们的选择,而通过这种方式,我们在他们命运形成的过程中具有深远意义。我们留给未来什么样的世界,从本质上说,是一种道德责任的问题。11. 翻译题Confucius said, “Since the age of 15, I have devoted myself to learning; since 30, I have been well established; since 40, I have understood many things and have no longer been confused; since 50, I have known my heaven-sent duty; since 60, I have been able to distinguish right and wrong in other peoples words; and since 70, I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules.”The average life expectancy at the Spring and Autumn Periods and Warring States Periods was, according to some research, about 19 years. Confucius lived 72 to 73 years, a rare god of longevity in deed. It was even hard for those with power and leisure to reach such an age. Therefore, Confucius could be very well learned, far from what an ordinary person could expect at his times.The statistics in 2001 shows that the world life expectancy is 62.27 with the Japanese taking the lead to be 79.66 while China gaining a position surpassing all developing countries by its 69.98. However, the Chinese have not yet reached the age to do what they intend freely without breaking the rules. Thus, rules are hard not to be broken.Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established. To have no confusion, one has to spend 25 years. To truly understand the purpose of English learning, one has to do it for 35 years. It takes 45 years if one wants to distinguish right and wrong in other peoples words, and 55 years to manipulate English language freely without breaking the rules.【答案】【参考译文】子曰“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。”根据一些研究,在春秋战国时人的平均寿命大约为19岁。孔子活到了72到73岁,是少有的寿星。在那时,即使是那些有权且生活闲暇的人也很难达到孔子的高寿。所以,孔子的修行是很高的,在当时,非一般人所能企及。2001年的统计数据显示,世界人口平均寿命为62.27岁,其中日本人的平均寿命最高,达到79.66岁,而中国人以平均寿命69.98岁而超过所有发展中国家人口的平均寿命。然而,中国人还没有活到随心所欲而不越出规矩的年龄。因此,不逾矩很难。若以孔子志学的时间推算,我们学习英语10年,还远远不够,因为还没有到而立之年。要想没有疑问,得学25年;要想真正懂得学习英语的目的,得学35年;要想辨别他人英语的好坏,得学45年;要想随心所欲且不逾矩地运用英语,得学55年。12. 翻译题3.正是因为不停地追求进取,我们才感到生活幸福。一件事完成后,另一件随之而来,如此连绵不绝,永无止境。对于往前看的人来说,眼前总有一番新天地。虽然我们蜗居于这颗小行星上,整日忙于琐事且生命短暂,但我们生来就有不尽的希望。只要生命犹在,希望便会不止。【答案】【参考译文】3.We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in an endless series. There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hoping is prolonged until the term of life.13. 单选题Terry Wolfisch Cole may seem like an ordinary 40-year-old mom, but her neighbors know the truth: Shes one of the “Pod People.” At the supermarket she wanders the aisles in a self-contained bubble, thanks to her iPod digital music player. Through those little white ear buds, Wolfisch Cole listens to a playlist mixed by her favorite disc presenterherself.At home, when the kids are tucked away, Wolfisch Cole often escapes to another solo media podbut in this one, shes transmitting instead of just receiving. On her computer web log, or “blog”, she types an online journal chronicling daily news of her life, then shares it all with the Web.Wolfisch Colewho also gets her daily news customized off the Internet and whose digital video recorder (DVR) scans through the television wasteland to find and record shows that suit her tastesis part of a new breed of people who are filtering, shaping and even creating media for themselves. They are increasingly turning their backs on the established system of mass media that has provided news and entertainment for the past half-century. Theyve joined the exploding “iMedia” revolution, putting the power of media in the hands of ordinary people.The tools of the movement consist of a bubbling stew of


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