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会计学1第一页,共38页。第1页/共37页第二页,共38页。一单词一单词(dnc)讲解:讲解: alibi n. 不在犯罪现场不在犯罪现场prove an alibi establish an alibi set up an alibi 法法 提出不在犯罪现场的辩护提出不在犯罪现场的辩护eg:They all had alibis for that night . commit (1)v. 犯(罪、错)犯(罪、错)eg:He must have committed a crime . eg:A robbery was committed near here .commit suicide 自杀自杀 ; commit murder 杀人杀人commit a blunder 犯了大错犯了大错第2页/共37页第三页,共38页。(2)把)把委托于委托于.交付、投入交付、投入.eg:They committed the patient to the mental hospital . eg:He was committed to prison . 他被关入监狱他被关入监狱。commit on sth ; commit to do sth ; commit to doing sth 承诺承诺(chngnu)某人某事某人某事eg:She didnt want to commit herself on that matter .eg:The government committed itself to reduce / reducing taxes.eg:He committed himself to the antiwar 第3页/共37页第四页,共38页。 inspector (1)视察员)视察员an inspector of factories 工厂工厂(gngchng)的的视察员视察员(2)n. 探长探长inspect (1)v. 详细调查、检查详细调查、检查eg:You should inspect the car well before you buy it .买车之前你应该检查它。买车之前你应该检查它。第4页/共37页第五页,共38页。 inspector (2) 视察视察eg:The Minister of Education inspected our school.inspection n. 检查检查(jinch)、审查、审查undergo a medical inspection 接受健康检查接受健康检查(jinch)eg:They made an inspection of the factory .第5页/共37页第六页,共38页。 employer n. 雇主雇主 employee employment 就业、雇用就业、雇用 unemployment full employment 充分就业充分就业eg:Weve in the employment of the company . employ (1) v. 聘请、雇用聘请、雇用employ sb as 雇用某人雇用某人.eg:The firm employs two interpreters interpreter int:prit n.译员译员(yyun);解释者;翻译器;解释者;翻译器eg:He employed the girl as a typist . 第6页/共37页第七页,共38页。(2) 使用使用 (物、能力)(物、能力)(use ) eg:You should employ your finds more wisely . employ English as a common language 以英语作为以英语作为(zuwi)官方语言官方语言employ oneself in be employed in 忙于忙于;从事于从事于eg:She was busily employed in preparing dinner for five guests .第7页/共37页第八页,共38页。 confirm v. 确认确认(qurn),证实,证实confirm + 名(名(sth)eg:He confirmed the rumor .confirm (that) / wh- 确定某事物确定某事物eg:The president conformed (that) he would visit France the following month . confirmed adj. 已被确认已被确认(qurn)、已被证实、已被证实confirmation n. 确定确定eg:The rumor lacks confirmation . 第8页/共37页第九页,共38页。 suggest (1)v. 提醒提醒(t xng)、使想、使想起起suggest + sth +(to sd)eg:The skyscrapers suggest giant matchboxes .eg:What does the word black suggest to you ?suggest itself to (想法等)浮现在(想法等)浮现在.的心中的心中.eg:An idea suggested itself to me then . 第9页/共37页第十页,共38页。2) 提议提议(ty)、见议、见议suggest + doing suggest + sth(n.) eg:May I suggest going there by train?eg:He suggested another development program to the government .suggest that ./ wh- 建议建议、表明、表明.eg:She suggested(that) we should have lunch at the new restaurant .第10页/共37页第十一页,共38页。3) 委婉地说、暗示委婉地说、暗示eg:Are you suggesting (that) Im not suited for the job ?suggestion n. 建议建议suggestive adj. 富于暗示(启发富于暗示(启发(qf)) 的的suggestive comment 富于启发富于启发(qf)评评论论第11页/共37页第十二页,共38页。 truth (1) n. 真相真相 liefact 真相、事实真相、事实truth 指与虚假、错误相对的事实指与虚假、错误相对的事实fact 指实际指实际(shj)存在的客观事实存在的客观事实eg:My father says that truth will come out in the end .eg:Tell me the truth.第12页/共37页第十三页,共38页。(2) 真理真理the truths of science 科学的真理科学的真理in truth的确,事实上的确,事实上the truth is that the truth is 老实说老实说eg:I dont want to tell the truth .true 真实真实 false f:ls a.错误的;假错误的;假的,伪造的;虚伪的的,伪造的;虚伪的truthful (指人)诚实(指人)诚实(chng sh)的的 、不说、不说谎的;(指叙述)谎的;(指叙述) 真实的、时在的真实的、时在的第13页/共37页第十四页,共38页。间接间接(jin ji)引语引语He said that He told me that He asked that 第14页/共37页第十五页,共38页。三课文三课文(kwn)讲解:讲解: At the time the murder was committed, I was travelling on the 8 oclock train to London, said the man. at the time at the moment whentrain to London 第15页/共37页第十六页,共38页。Do you always catch such an early train? asked the inspector. catch an early train 赶这样早的火车赶这样早的火车miss an early traincatch the early trainsuch an early trainsuch后面后面(hu mian)加名词或名词短语,而加名词或名词短语,而 so 加形容词或副词加形容词或副词such an early train so early a train第16页/共37页第十七页,共38页。Of course I do, answered the man. I must be at work at 10 oclock. My employer will confirm that I was there on time. on time 准时准时(zhn sh) ; in time 及时及时第17页/共37页第十八页,共38页。 Would a later train get you to work on time? asked the inspector. get get sb to do sth 说服说服(shu f).、使做使做eg:Ill get him to do the work . eg:Youll never get her to agree . 第18页/共37页第十九页,共38页。let sb do 让让做做get sth doing 使使发动发动(fdng)eg:Let me try now . Ill get the car going . get + done 被被eg:I got caught for speeding . on time 准时准时 on the button on the dot准时地准时地in time 及时及时第19页/共37页第二十页,共38页。I suppose it would, but I never catch a later train. suppose 认为认为(rnwi) think expect eg:Will you be late ? eg:I dont think so .eg:I dont suppose so . eg:I dont expect so .第20页/共37页第二十一页,共38页。 At what time did you arrive at the station?At ten to eight. I bought a paper and waited for the train.And you didnt notice anything unusual? And you didnt notice anything unusual?这是由陈述句加问号这是由陈述句加问号(wnho)的问句的问句第21页/共37页第二十二页,共38页。 Of course not.I suggest, said the inspector, that you are not telling the truth. I suggest that you did not catch the 8 oclock train, but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time. the 8.25 指指8点点25分的火车分的火车(huch)第22页/共37页第二十三页,共38页。 You see, on the morning of the murder, the 8 oclock train did not run at all. It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line. break down 抛锚抛锚(po mo)eg:Many cars broke down on the cause . be taken off the line 被取消被取消第23页/共37页第二十四页,共38页。(1)you see在口语中经常作为插入语出现,句在口语中经常作为插入语出现,句首、句中或句尾均可以首、句中或句尾均可以(ky),表示,表示“你知道你知道”、“事实上事实上”等等 You see, He was not really interested in the film, you see. You see, My leg isnt all right yet, you see, so I cant climb the hill with you. (2)run可以可以(ky)指火车、公共汽车、船等指火车、公共汽车、船等“定时定时/定期行驶定期行驶”、“(在两地间)往来(在两地间)往来”: Buses run every ten minutes here. This ship runs between Dover and Calais. 第24页/共37页第二十五页,共38页。复习复习(fx)宾语从句重难点的有关知识宾语从句重难点的有关知识 宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词(jic)的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。 难点一、作动词宾语难点一、作动词宾语 例:例:He told us(that)he felt ill. Do you know whose dictionary it is 【注意】:【注意】: 1.ask 的用法:在宾语从句中是的用法:在宾语从句中是“问问”的意思,所以后面的从句肯定是存在的意思,所以后面的从句肯定是存在“是是”或者或者“否否”的意思,所以引导词是的意思,所以引导词是if,whether或者或者wh-疑问词以及疑问词以及how(how引导引导的短语)的短语)第25页/共37页第二十六页,共38页。例:例:She asked me if / whether his brother would come back the next day. My teacher asked us who cleaned the classroom. 2. doubt(怀疑)的肯定句接(怀疑)的肯定句接if/ whether 引导引导(yndo)的宾语从句,但否定句和疑问句接的宾语从句,但否定句和疑问句接that引引导导(yndo)的宾语从句。的宾语从句。 例:例:I doubt whether/if he will succeed. I do not doubt that he can recite the poem. Do you doubt that he will win ?第26页/共37页第二十七页,共38页。难点二、作介词的宾语难点二、作介词的宾语 例:例:He was deeply displeased by what had occurred that day. Your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it. He goes to the library every day except when it is raining. 【注意】:【注意】:that 引导的宾语从句只用在少数引导的宾语从句只用在少数(shosh)介词后,如:介词后,如:except, in, but 等。此时等。此时,that 不能省略。不能省略。 例:例:I know little about him except that he lives downstairs. He differed from his classmates in that he devoted his spare time to reading. 第27页/共37页第二十八页,共38页。难点三、作形容词的宾语难点三、作形容词的宾语 例:例:I am not sure what I ought to do. Im afraid (that) you dont understand what I said. Im surprised (that) I didnt see all that before. 【注意】:【注意】: be afraid that 和和be sure that 等句型等句型(j xn)是重点句型是重点句型(j xn)。第28页/共37页第二十九页,共38页。难点四、用难点四、用it作形式宾语的情况作形式宾语的情况 1和和it 作形式主语一样,我们作形式主语一样,我们(w men)常用常用it来作形式来作形式宾语,把真正的宾语从句放在句末,这种情况尤其出现宾语,把真正的宾语从句放在句末,这种情况尤其出现在带复合宾语的句子中。在带复合宾语的句子中。 例:例:We thought it strange that Xiao Wang did not come yesterday. He has made it clear that he will not give in. 第29页/共37页第三十页,共38页。 2由于由于that 引导的宾语从句一般不可以直接作介引导的宾语从句一般不可以直接作介词的宾语,因此当介词后面需要用词的宾语,因此当介词后面需要用that 从句作宾语从句作宾语时,必须使用时,必须使用(shyng)it 作形式宾语。作形式宾语。 例:例:You may depend on it that I shall always support you. Ill see to it that your problem will be dealt with immediately. 第30页/共37页第三十一页,共38页。难点五、宾语从句难点五、宾语从句(cn j)的否定转移的否定转移 在在think, consider, believe, suppose, expect, fancy 等动词后的宾语从句等动词后的宾语从句(cn j),如有否定意思,一,如有否定意思,一般要把否定词前移到主句的语上,从句般要把否定词前移到主句的语上,从句(cn j)的的谓语用肯定的形式。谓语用肯定的形式。例:例:I dont think he can do it better than me. I dont believe they have finished their work yet. I dont suppose he cares, does he?第31页/共37页第三十二页,共38页。【注意】:在下列情况下,宾语从句不否定转移【注意】:在下列情况下,宾语从句不否定转移: 1think等词前有副词等词前有副词(fc)和表示强调的和表示强调的do 例:例:I really expect he wont fail the examination. I do think that he is not fair. 2think 等词和其他词构成并列谓语:等词和其他词构成并列谓语:I think and hope that he wont cheat at cards. 3think 等词作为插入语等词作为插入语 例:例:His decision is not wise, I think. 第32页/共37页第三十三页,共38页。 难点六、难点六、if和和when 的辨析:的辨析: 演绎法:演绎法:If 可以引可以引导宾语从句和条件导宾语从句和条件(tiojin)状语从句,在宾从中状语从句,在宾从中,翻译成,翻译成“是否是否”,在状语从句中,译成,在状语从句中,译成“如果如果” 在宾语从句中,在宾语从句中,if放在动词的后面,且一般放放在动词的后面,且一般放在句中;而在状语从句中,他们一般放在句首或在句中;而在状语从句中,他们一般放在句首或句中。句中。 E.g.: I wonder if my friend will come to school tomorrow .(宾语从句)(宾语从句) If you come to school tomorrow, I will tell you the news.(状语从句状语从句)第33页/共37页第三十四页,共38页。When 也可以引导宾语从句和时间状语从句。也可以引导宾语从句和时间状语从句。在宾从中,翻译成在宾从中,翻译成“什么时候什么时候”,在状语从句中,在状语从句中,译成,译成“当当的时候的时候”。位置。位置(wi zhi)与与if引导引导的句子位置的句子位置(wi zhi)是一致的。是一致的。 E.g.: I want to know when my mother will come back home. When my mother came back, I was doing my homework.第34页/共37页第三十五页,共38页。难点七、难点七、 if, whether在宾语从句中的区别在宾语从句中的区别(qbi) 1. if和和whether在作在作“是否是否”解时解时,引导宾语从句常引导宾语从句常放在动词放在动词know, ask, care, wonder, find out等等之后之后,介词后一般不用介词后一般不用if 2. 少数动词少数动词,如如:leave, put, discuss, doubt后的后的宾语从句常用宾语从句常用whether. 3. whether后可以加后可以加or not,但是但是if不可以不可以. 4. 在不定式前只能用在不定式前只能用whether. 如:如:I cant decide whether to stay. 5. 避免歧异时避免歧异时,我们常用我们常用whether而不用而不用if.第35页/共37页第三十六页,共38页。第36页/共37页第三十七页,共38页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结会计学。Yousee,Mylegisntallrightyet,yousee,soIcantclimbthehillwithyou.。Imafraid(that)youdontunderstandwhatIsaid.。Imsurprised(that)Ididntseeallthatbefore.第三十八页,共38页。


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