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2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 翻译题In economics the most fundamental of these central problems is the theory of value. The theory of value must explain how the comparative values of different goods and services are established. Until that problem is solved, it is not possible to analyses for scientific purposes what will be produced and in what quantities, how the resources will be employed in producing the menu of outputs, and how the resources will be valued. Without a theory of value the economists can have no theory of international trade or possibly a theory of money. This central problem of value does not change in its essential concern if one seeks to explain values in rural or urban societies, or in agricultural or industrial societies.【答案】在经济学中,这些核心问题的最基本部分是价值理论。价值理论必须解释出不同商品和服务的比较值是怎样生成的。只有这个问题解决了才有可能从科学的目的去分析生产什么产品、生产数量和生产项目单上的这些产品需要雇用多少劳力,以及怎样利用以实现这些劳力的最大价值。没有价值论,经济学家就不会知道国际贸易理论,可能也不会知道货币理论。如果人们试图从农村城市社会或是农业工业社会去解释价值,则基本上价值的核心问题不会改变。2. 单选题Dr. Elizabeth Hurdon distinguished herself as a surgeon at a time in which medical profession was ( )male.问题1选项A.onlyB.occasionallyC.predominantlyD.regrettably【答案】C【解析】句意:在医学界以男性为主导的时代, Elizabeth Hurdon博士作为一名外科医生而闻名。predominantly主要地, 占主导地位地, 选项C符合句意。3. 单选题He( )a messenger to tell the king what had happened.问题1选项A.dispatchedB.authorizedC.nominatedD.entrusted【答案】A【解析】dispatch派遣;authorize授权;nominate任命;entrust委托。句意:他派了一个使者去告诉国王发生了什么事。选项B和C太过于正式;选项D不符合语境;所以选项A更恰当。4. 单选题In North America, the first canoes were constructed from logs and( )by means of wooden paddles.问题1选项A.dockedB.propelledC.chokedD.perceived【答案】B【解析】dock使靠码头;propel推进, 驱使;choke阻塞, 抑制;perceive觉察, 感知。句意:在北美, 最早的独木舟是用原木建造的, 并由木桨推动前行。选项B符合语境。5. 单选题I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was as aware of my presence as I _.问题1选项A.was of hisB.was of himC.did himD.did of his【答案】A【解析】考查句子省略。句意:我盯着他阴沉的脸,想知道他是否注意到我的存在,正如我知道他的存在一样。as到句尾是状语从句,从句还原为as I was as aware of his presence,这里和前面if引导的宾语从句部分重复,故省略重复的部分,A选项was of his符合题意。其余选项语法错误。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题The fire started on the first floor of the hospital _ were elderly and weak.问题1选项A.many of its patientsB.many of which patientsC.many patients of whomD.many of whose patients【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。句意:大火从医院的一楼开始蔓延,在一楼有许多年老体弱的病人。横线到句尾部分是修饰first floor的定语从句,patients和first floor是所属关系,用引导词whose,D选项many of whose patients符合题意。A选项中its不是引导词,不引导从句;B选项中which不表示所属关系;C选项中whom用在先行词是人的情况。因此D选项正确。7. 单选题Economic liberalism was the prevailing economic philosophy in much of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and the U.S. economy developed within its framework. Economic liberalism promoted freedom of action for the individual and the firm through the doctrines of free trade, self-interest, private property, laissez-faire, and competition.According to this philosophy, individuals were free to seek their own occupations, to enter any business, and to act as they saw fit to improve their economic welfare. Economic society was held together by self-interest. Self-interest was thus the motivating force of the economy. For example, to increase personal economic welfare, an individual might decide to produce goods and sell them for profit. But in so doing, that individual automatically benefited the community as wellby purchasing raw materials, providing employment, and supplying goods or services. A worker seeking increase his or her wages could do so by increasing productivity. This, too, benefited the employer and the community in general. According to Adam Smith, the individual, in seeking personal gain, was led by an invisible hand to promote the welfare of the whole community.Competition was the regulation of the economy under economic liberalism. Business competed with one another for consumer trade by developing new and better products and by selling existing products at lower prices. Free entry into the market ensured adequate competition, and prices were determined by the free forces of supply and demand. Competitive foresees determined not only the prices of goods and services bust also wage rates.Since a beneficial self-interest was the motivating and driving force of the economy and since competition was to serve as the regulator of the economy, a policy of laissez-faire prevailed. According to this policy, the government kept its hands off the economic activities of individuals and businesses. Its economic rolls were strictly to protect private property, to enforce contracts, and to act as a judge in economic disputes.1.Concerning “economic liberalism”, which of the following is true?2.According to the passage, people exchange goods and services in order to ( ).3.Which of the following is the best interpretation for Adam Smiths theory?4.Competitive forces have the following functions except ( ).5.According to the policy of laissez-faire, the government should ( ).问题1选项A.It was an influential philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries.B.The development of the U.S. as a nation owes much to this philosophy.C.It is about the freedom of action in the field of economic.D.It is about the doctrines of private-sector economy.问题2选项A.satisfy the needs of other peopleB.satisfy their own needsC.form a societyD.promote division of labor问题3选项A.Individuals are keen on their own interestB.In their sub-consciousness, people wish to serve the communityC.In pursing their self-interest, individuals bring benefits to society.D.The individuals economic behavior is regulated by some invisible being.问题4选项A.forcing the businesses to develop new and better productsB.giving every individual a fair chance of a better jobC.to help determine the process of goods and servicesD.to help regulate the wages of people employed问题5选项A.frequently intervene the marketB.strictly regulate the marketC.given the market much freedomD.intervene the market only when it likes【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.根据第一段的内容可知, 选项A表述不准确, 应该是19世纪以及20世纪初期;选项B“owes much to this philosophy”在文中没有提及;根据第一段最后一句“Economic liberalism promoted freedom of action for the individual and the firm.”可知选项C正确, 选项D错误。经济自由主义是关于经济领域行动自由的讨论, 而不是关于私营经济的理论。所以本题选C。2.根据第二段第四句“.to increase personal economic welfare, an individual might decide to produce goods and sell them for profit.”可知, 人们交换商品和服务是为了满足个人需求。选项B符合原文。3.根据第二段最后一句“According to Adam Smith, the individual, in seeking personal gain, was led by an invisible hand to promote the welfare of the whole community.”根据Adam Smith的观点, 个人在追求自身利益时, 被一只看不见的手牵着, 以促进整个社会的福利。也就是说, 在追求自身利益的过程中, 个人给社会带来了利益。选项C符合原文。4.根据第三段的内容可知, 竞争可以促使公司开发新产品, 决定商品的价格和服务, 甚至还会影响工资比率。选项A,C,D均有提及, 只有选项B没有提及。5.根据最后一段第二句“According to this policy, the government kept its hands off the economic activities of individuals and businesses.”根据这项政策, 政府不干涉个人和企业的经济活动。选项C符合原文。8. 单选题Ive been writing for most of my life. The book Writing Without Teachers introduced me to one distinction and one practice that has helped my writing processes tremendously. The distinction is between the creative mind and the critical mind. While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so.Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest barrier to writing that most of us encounterIf you are listening to that 5th grade English teacher correct your grammar while you are trying to capture a fleeting (稍纵即逝的)thought, the thought will die. If you capture the fleeting thought and simply share it with the world in raw form, no one is likely to understand. You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking that it is.The practice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls “free writing”. In free writing , the objective is to get words down on paper non-stop, usually for 15-20 minutes. No stopping, no going back, no criticizing. The goal is to get the words flowing. As the words begin to flow, the ideas will come out from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.Now you have raw materials that you can begin to work with using the critical mind that youve persuaded to sit on the side and watch quietly. Most likely, you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the page as the deadline draws near.Instead of staring at a blank screen start filling it with words no matter how bad. Halfway through your available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to finished product. Move back and forth until you run out of time and the final result will most likely be far better than your current practices.1.When the author says the creative mind and the critical mind “cannot work in parallel” (Line4 Para. 1) in the writing process, he means( ).2.What prevents people from writing on is( ).3.What is the chief objective of the first stage writing?4.One common concern of writers about “free writing” is that( ).5.In what way does the critical mind help the writer in the writing process?问题1选项A.no one can be both creative and criticalB.they cannot be regarded as equally importantC.they are in constant conflict with each otherD.one cannot use them at the same time问题2选项A.putting their ideas in raw formB.attempting to edit as they writeC.ignoring grammatical soundnessD.trying to capture fleeting thoughts问题3选项A.To organize ones thoughts logicallyB.To choose an appropriate topicC.To get ones ideas down.D.To collect raw materials问题4选项A.it overstresses the role of the creative mindB.it takes too much time to edit afterwardsC.it may bring about too much criticismD.it does not help them to think clearly问题5选项A.It refines his writing into better shapeB.It helps him to come up with new ideas.C.It saves the writing time available to himD.It allows him to sit on the side and observe【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第二段最后一句“You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking that it is.”如果你想让写作成为思考的工具,你必须先学会创作,然后再修改。所以作者说二者不能并行的意思是不能同时使用,选项D正确。2.细节事实题。根据第二段第一句“Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest barrier to writing that most of us encounter.”在飞快的写作过程中修改可能是我们大多数人遇到的最大障碍。选项B符合原文。3.细节事实题。根据第三段最后一句“As the words begin to flow, the ideas will come out from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.”当文字开始流畅起来时,想法也会从阴影中浮现出来,并呈现于记事本或屏幕上。由此可知,第一步写作的主要目的是将想法记录下来,选项C符合原文。4.推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Most likely, you will believe that this will take more time than you actually have and you will end up staring blankly at the page as the deadline draws near.”很有可能,你会认为这比你实际拥有的时间要长,而且随着最后期限的临近,你最终会茫然地盯着这一页。由此可推断,对自由写作的担忧是写作的人对自由写作的担忧是之后的编辑时间太长,选项B符合原文。5.推理判断题。根据第五段的内容,不要盯着空白的屏幕,用文字来填满它,无论这些文字多么糟糕。在你可用的时间的一半,停下来,把你之前的写作重写成更接近成品的东西。反复修改,直到时间耗尽,最终的结果很可能比之前的练习要好得多。由此可知,批判性思维能够帮助写作更加完善。选项A正确。9. 单选题Before the 19th century, there were almost no channels of social ( ).问题1选项A.mobilityB.availabilityC.adaptabilityD.probability【答案】A【解析】social mobility为固定搭配, 意为“社会流动性”。句意:十九世纪以前几乎不存在社会流动性的渠道。选项A符合语境。10. 单选题Even sensible men do( ) things sometimes.问题1选项A.abruptB.absurdC.acuteD.apt【答案】B【解析】abrupt生硬的,唐突的;absurd荒谬的,可笑的;acute严重的,激烈的;apt恰当的,灵敏的。句意:即使明智的人有时也会做荒唐的事。选项B符合语境。11. 单选题He told us a lot of jokes and had us _ all through the meal.问题1选项A.laughingB.laughC.laughedD.to laugh【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:他给我们讲了好多笑话,让我们在吃饭的时候笑个不停。A选项have sb./sth. doing“让某人做某事,让某情况发生”,含有动作正在进行之意,had us laughing“让我们笑”;B选项have sb. do“请/派别人完成某事;经历某种不幸”;C选项have sth. done“请/派别人完成某事;完成某事(可能参与);遭受某种不幸”;D选项have sth. to do“有某事要完成”。这里指的是笑话让我们一直笑,有强调状态的含义,A选项laughing符合题意。因此A选项正确。12. 单选题The child is _ all the evidence for his opinion.问题1选项A.not encourage either to be critical for his opinionB.encouraged either to be critical nor to examineC.either encouraged to be critical or to examineD.neither encouraged to be critical nor to examine【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查定语从句。句意:孩子_被鼓励批判,_被鼓励检验支持他的观点的所有证据。A、B选项用法错误;C选项eitheror“要么要么”;D选项neithernor“既不也不”。批判和检验都有判断是非对错的含义,属于同样的意思,D选项neithernor比较符合题意。因此D选项正确。13. 单选题The financial problem of this company is further( ) by the rise in interest rates.问题1选项A.increasedB.strengthenedC.reinforcedD.aggravated【答案】D【解析】increase增加;strengthen加强;reinforce増强,加固;aggravate恶化,加剧。句意:利率的上升使这家公司的财务问题进一步恶化。选项D符合句意。14. 单选题Maya Lin was an undergraduate student at Yale when she was _ to create the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1981 because she won the public design competition for the memorial.问题1选项A.commissionedB.conditionedC.streamlinedD.aggregated【答案】A【解析】考查定语从句。A选项commissioned“正式委托(谱写或制作、创作、完成)”;B选项conditioned“训练,使习惯于,使适应”;C选项streamlined“使增产节约”;D选项aggregated“总计,合计”。句意:1981年,玛雅林在耶鲁大学读本科时被_设计越南退伍军人纪念馆,因为她赢得了纪念馆的公共设计竞赛。玛雅林赢了设计比赛,可知这里指的是和设计相关事宜,A选项commissioned“正式委托(谱写或制作、创作、完成)”符合题意。因此A选项正确。15. 单选题The Smiths went into the department store to buy things, leaving their cars engine( )over.问题1选项A.tickingB.tumblingC.turningD.running【答案】C【解析】tick over进展缓慢;tumble over打翻;turn over发动;run over复查。句意:史密斯一家到百货公司购物,没有关掉车的引擎。也就是说车的引擎还发动着,选项C符合句意。16. 单选题Samantha sobbed uncontrollably and hid in the locker room, so _ was she about having lost in the finals of the state tennis championship.问题1选项A.pragmaticB.dejectedC.jubilantD.indifferent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项pragmatic“务实的”;B选项dejected“沮丧的”;C选项jubilant“欢呼雀跃的”;D选项indifferent“漠不关心的”。句意:萨曼莎控制不住哭泣,躲在更衣室里,非常_她输掉了州网球锦标赛的决赛。输掉比赛以后萨曼莎哭泣,躲在更衣室里不想见人,B选项dejected“沮丧的”符合题意。因此B选项正确。17. 单选题She had been charged with being an( )to the embezzlement of funds from a cooperative farm.问题1选项A.accessB.accessoryC.accessibilityD.accession【答案】B【解析】access使用权, 通路;accessory配件, 附件, 从犯;accessibility易接近, 可得到;accession增加, 就职。句意:她被指控为挪用一个合作农场资金的从犯。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题He wants to follow in his fathers footsteps to be a teacher because he regards teaching as an honorable ( ).问题1选项A.callingB.taskC.employmentD.duty【答案】B【解析】句意:他想追随他父亲的脚步成为一名教师, 因为他认为教学是一项光荣的任务。选项A和C表示职务, 教学不是职务, 所以不正确;选项B更符合语境。19. 翻译题21世纪是一个将我们联系在一起的网络时代。无论我们愿意与否, 我们的社会生活与经济生活已密不可分。我们意识到先进的电子网络使我们能够跨越时空限制, 利用以前难 以想象的商机。这个网络世界己开辟了一个崭新的创新发展的天地, 把我们带入一个前所未有的网络智能吋代。这个网络智能新时代表明, 我们可以将自己的知识和创造力结合起来, 取得经济增长和社会发展的新突破。【答案】The 21st century is a network age binding us together. Whether we are ready or not, our social life has been inseparable from economic life. And we realize that the advanced electrical network can make us cross the time and space limitations to take advantage of the previously unimaginable business opportunity. The network time has opened up a new world for innovation and development, bringing us into an unprecedented era of network intelligence. This new age of network intelligence shows that we can combine our knowledge and creativity and make new breakthrough in the economic growth and social development.20. 翻译题现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学,人数在急剧增加。他们的家长对国外的教育抱有不切实际的幻想。外国院校举办的教育展览把国外的学校说的天花乱坠,使他们听了介绍之后便心动变为行动。可是,把小孩子送到国外学习并不一定带来好的结果。许多学生缺乏适应性和灵活性,他们很难融入到国外新的环境,由于在文化上难以适应,即缺乏在国外陌生环境下生存的能力,他们往往会受到所谓“文化震荡”的冲击。缺乏必要的观察能力,使他们难以理解东道主国家人民的行为表现,他们也就无法与当地人打成一片,缺乏适应性以及交流和交往能力必然会使自己感到孤立。感到孤独和生活上不能自理,他们会经常想家和情绪低落。更重要的是,由于他们在学习上没有打好坚实的基础,不能适应外语环境下的学习,由于他们缺乏独立学习的能力,所以就不可能取得所期望的进步。于是,许多人便不得不半途而废,放弃来之不易的学习机会。因此,过早地送小孩子到国外学习不一定是件好事情。如果想要孩子到国外去见见世面,可以让他们集体参加短期的国外游学项目,住在外国人的家里,参加暑期班的学习,在所在地开展一些旅游活动,但这些团组必须有专门的老师陪同,提供全程性的指导和帮助。【答案】There is a growing trend of sending teenage students abroad to studythe number has been increasing dramatically. Their parents have unrealistic illusions about foreign education. Attracted by the educational exhibitions presented by foreign universities and colleges which paint many rosy pictures and tell many glow tales , they are prompted into action.However, sending children to study abroad doesnt necessarily produce good outcomes. Many young students lack adaptability and flexibility. They find it hard to adapt themselves to new environment in foreign countries. Because of the lack of cultural toughness the ability to live in an alien culture, they usually suffer from the so-called “cultural shock”. Without adequate perceptual ability the ability to understand why the host-country people behave as they do, they find it difficult to empathize with them. And due to the lack of self-orientation, the ability to communicate and interact effectively with host-country nationals, they tend to find themselves isolated.Feeling lonely and being unable to take care of themselves make them homesick and down in spirits. And more importantly, because these young students dont have a sound academic foundation and the ability to pursue study in a foreign language, they dont know how to work independently and often fail to make the progress they desire.Therefore, many students have to give up their hard-earned learning opportunity halfway. Hence, sending children to study abroad when they are still young is not necessarily a good thing.If parents want to broaden the vision of their children, it is advisable to send them abroad in groups for short home-stay study programs. They can live with a host family, attend a summer school, and join in excursions in and around the host city. But these groups must be accompanied by a designated teacher who can provide orientation, guidance and assistance all the


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