(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(九)Units 1-2(八上)试题

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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(九)Units 1-2(八上)试题_第1页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(九)Units 1-2(八上)试题_第2页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(九)Units 1-2(八上)试题_第3页
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课时训练(九)Units 12(八上)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.2019淮安Betty has a beautiful . She wants to be a singer in the future.A.voiceB.lookC.noiseD.sound2.2019河北Ken was late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.A.stillB.alwaysC.alreadyD.almost 3.2019连云港While watching the film yesterday, I couldnt stop laughing at some moments. A.humorousB.challengingC.dangerousD.surprising4.2019镇江调研Andy, would you please the report for me and see if there is any mistake?Of course I will.A.look aroundB.look throughC.look upD.look after5.2019重庆BThe Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the worlds cross-sea bridge, won another international prize in December, 2018. A.longB.longerC.longestD.the longest6.2019眉山I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.A.readB.to readC.readingD.reads7.2019江西What do you think of the bands performance?It could be . I think theyre feeling very nervous.A.goodB.betterC.badD.worse8.In the past five years, China has played an important role in the Belt and Road.It has many nations a great chance to communicate. A.offeredB.supportedC.includedD.directed 9.2019眉山Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please?Of course. We can buy one than this, but it.A.a better; better thanB.a worse; as good asC.a cheaper; as good asD.a more important; not as good as10.Ms Wang, Im afraid I cant finish the work in two days.Dont worry. Ill give you days. A.two anotherB.two moreC.more twoD.two many.词汇A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。11.2019常州(在期间) his stay in Beijing, he made some foreign friends.12.Father Christmas is (慷慨的) and all the children like him very much. 13.2019南京Since it will be rainy tomorrow, we have to (选择) a different time to go jogging.14.English is one of the most important (语言) in the world. 15.He will (讨论) this problem with his parents tomorrow. B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。16.Emilys mother didnt allow her to watch her favorite programme Keep Running and it made her (happy).17.Yang Jiang, a well-known writer, went to England for (far) study in 1935.18.The swimming pool is at (little) 80 metres long. 19.2019常州As a good teacher, she is never (patient) with her students.20.Drinking a lot of water is very important in our (day) life. .2019宁夏阅读理解One morning,Emma discovered that her classroom had changed.She found that the desks were no longer in rows,but pushed together to make eight bigger desks.She was so excited about it for the first two days that she couldnt listen to the teachers carefully.But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement(安排).“Now our class is quieter,” said Emma.“Whats more,we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion.Its a better way to study.”David liked it,too.“Group members first discuss,” he said,“and then show to the whole class. It encourages us greatly.” This was part of a reform(改革) at Davids school.The school made this reform because they wanted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss.“Our school hopes to improve students abilities to study by themselves and work in groups,” said Linda,an English teacher.However,the reform has demanded(要求) more from teachers.Now they have only 15 minutes to give a lesson that would have been taught in 40 minutes before.It is difficult to teach in such a short time.The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively(有效地).“The reform demands more,but Im sure it is helpful,” added Linda.21.After the new classroom arrangement,Emma found .()A.their class was noisier all the timeB.they could learn more through discussionC.they couldnt come up with their own ideasD.it was a harder way to study22.The school made the reform in order to offer students to study.()A.easier waysB.better classroomsC.more seatsD.larger space23.Which of the following statements is NOT true?()A.The desks are no longer in rows now.B.The reform has demanded more from teachers.C.Its easy for teachers to give a lesson in 15 minutes now.D.Emma and her classmates like the new classroom arrangement.24.The best title of this passage may be. ()A.Discussion in ClassB.Teachers HopeC.Students FriendshipD.New Look in Class.2019阜宁调研任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。A man called Ali was in need of money and he asked his boss to help him out.However, his boss didnt give him money at once.He said, “If you spend a whole night on the top of a mountain, you will receive a great reward.But if you fail, you will have to work for me for free.”When Ali left his bosss office, he noticed that an icy wind was blowing.He felt afraid and decided to ask his best friend, Aydi, if he thought he was mad to accept the wager(赌注).After considering the matter for a moment, Aydi answered, “Dont worry, I will help you.Tomorrow night, when you are sitting on the top of the mountain, look straight ahead.Ill be on the top of the mountain that is opposite yours.Ill keep a fire burning all night for you there.Look at the fire and think of our friendship, and that will keep you warm.Youll make it through the night, and then Ill ask you for something in return.”Ali won the wager, got the money, and went to his friends house.“You said you wanted some payment in return,” Ali said.“Yes, but it isnt money.Promise that if ever a cold wind blows through my life, you will light the fire of friendship for me,” Aydi said.Title: The Fire of 25.What was Alis problem?Ali 26. money and asked his boss for help.His boss refused to offer him help 27. he won the wager.28. did Alisfriend help him?Ali spent the whole cold night sitting on the top of the mountain, looking straight ahead and 29. of their friendship.Aydi kept a fire burning all night on the top of the mountain 30. Alis.Ali felt warm with the help of Aydi through the night and received the great reward.What did Ali pay in 31.?What Ali should pay in return is not money, but a 32.Ali should 33. the fire of friendship whenever Aydi is in trouble.Remember that a friend in need is a friend 34.【参考答案】.1.A2.D联系下一句“他刚进教室铃就响了”可知,肯差一点就迟到了,故选D。3.A4.B5.C6.Cspend(in) doing sth.花费做某事。故选C。7.B由后半句I think theyre feeling very nervous. 可知,如果不紧张可能会更好。故选B。8.A9.C由句中than可知第一个空应用比较级cheaper“更便宜的”,第二个空应用as good as,表示“和一样好”。故选C。10.B.11.During12.generous13.choose14.languages15.discuss16.unhappy17.further18.least19.impatient20.daily.主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了艾玛的学校开展小组合作学习后,带给老师和同学们全新的冲击和感受。21.B细节理解题。根据第一段最后艾玛的话“Whats more, we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion.” 可推知艾玛发现他们能学到更多的东西,故选B。22.A细节理解题。由第二段中“The school made this reform because they wanted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss.”可知这次改革的目的是给学生提供更简易的学习方式,故选A。23.C细节理解题。由第三段中“It is difficult to teach in such a short time.” 可知授课时间缩短对老师教学来说是困难的事情,C项表述含义与之不符。故选C。24.D主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了艾玛的学校开展小组合作学习后,带给老师和同学们全新的冲击和感受。故选D。.主旨大意本文主要讲述了Ali向老板借钱,老板给他下了一个赌注。若是Ali能够独自一人在山顶熬过孤独而又寒冷的整个夜晚,他便可以获得一大笔报酬,若是他失败的话,他需要免费为老板工作。Ali非常犹豫,于是他询问了他最好的朋友。他的好朋友Aydi说在那天晚上会在对面的山上为他燃起一团火,陪着他坐在对面的山上。挑战成功后,Ali问他需要什么回报,Aydi说当他的人生有寒风刮过的时候,他希望Ali也能为他点燃友谊之火。25.Friendship26.needed27.unless28.How 29.thinking30.opposite31.return32.promise33.light34.indeed


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