2020年中考英语总复习 基础语法 专题九 被动语态试题

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2020年中考英语总复习 基础语法 专题九 被动语态试题_第1页
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2020年中考英语总复习 基础语法 专题九 被动语态试题_第3页
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专题九被动语态学前自测(发现考点)( )1. Dont worry. Your package _ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.A. has kept B. will keep C. has been kept D. will be kept( )2. John _ to come to the teachers office just now. He may be in trouble.A. was told B. told C. has told D. tells( )3. I havent seen John for many years. Hows he going? He broke the law and _ to prison 2 years ago.A. has sent B. were sent C. was sent D. was sending( )4. Where are your dogs, Mickey? The dogs _ to the pet centre last week.A. is sent B. was sent C. are sent D. were sent( )5. Some beautiful flowers _ to her daughter on her last birthday.A. are given B. are giving C. were given D. were giving( )6. Its difficult for the village children to cross the river to school. I agree with you. I think a bridge _ over the river.A. will build B. is built C. should be built D. was built( )7. Mr Green _ 2 minutes to think about the final decision.A. gives B. gave C. was given D. will give( )8. Sandy _ to be hard-working by her parents. So am I.A. asks B. is asking C. asked D. is asked( )9. I wonder if the talent show _ next month. If they _ it, I must get ready for it.A. will hold; hold B. will hold; will hold C. will be held; hold D. is held; will hold( )10. The garden _ while the Greens were away from home.A. took good care of B. was taken good care ofC. taken good care of D. was taking good care常考考点知识清单(研习考点)英语动词有主动语态和被动语态之分。 主动语态的句子中主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态的句子中主语是动词的承受者。 只有及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语动词,才能构成被动语态。考点一 各种时态被动语态的构成时态被动语态构成例句一般现在时is/ am/ are + done The classroom is cleaned every day. 教室每天被打扫。一般过去时was/ were + done The dumplings were made yesterday. 饺子是昨天包的。现在进行时 is/ am/ are + being + done The room is being cleaned now. 现在房间正在被打扫。过去完成时had + been + doneThe two roads had been built by the end of last month. 到上个月末为止,两条公路被建成了。一般将来时shall/ will + be + doneA new hospital will be built next year. 明年一个新的医院将被建成。过去将来时should/ would + be + doneMike said a new film would be shown. 迈克说一部新电影将上映。含有情态动词情态动词+ be + done The work must be finished on time. 必须按时完成这项工作。考点二 被动语态的用法1. 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。Some new computers were stolen last night. 昨晚一些新电脑被偷了。2. 强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。The homework must be handed in on time. 作业必须按时交上来。3. 说话或发表意见时,为了显得客观公正,也常用被动语态。 常用句型:It is said that 据说 It is reported that据报道It is hoped that 希望 It is believed that 人们相信考点三 主动语态转化为被动语态的方法1. 把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。2. 把谓语动词变为被动结构(be+过去分词),注意虽然其人称和数随主语的变化而变化,但动词的时态保持不变。3. 把主动语态中的主语放在介词 by 之后作宾语,若主语是人称代词,则把主格变为宾语(by 短语可以省略)。考点四 被动语态的几种特殊情况1. make, see, watch, hear, notice, feel 等使役动词和感官动词在主动语态中与省略 to 的动词不定式连用,但变为被动语态时,必须还原 to。I often see the old man run in the morning. 我经常看到这位老人在早上跑步。The old man is often seen to run in the morning. 这位老人经常被看见在早上跑步。2. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应视为一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。The little dog must be looked after well. 这条小狗必须被好好照顾。考点五 主动语态表被动意义的几种情况1. 不及物动词与状语连用,用以表示主语的品质和状态。 常见的动词是:cut, sell, read, write, fill, cook, lock, wash, drive, keep 等。The books sell well. 这些书卖得很好。2. 系动词无被动语态。The apples taste nice. 苹果尝起来很好吃。3. 不定式在某些形容词之后,且与主语有动宾关系。The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题是很难回答的。4. “have/ get+宾语+过去分词”这个结构也表达了一种被动的意思。Ill have the bike repaired soon. 我将尽快请人修理这辆自行车。5. 在 need 后面,主动的-ing 形式表达被动的意思。Your vegetables need watering. 你的蔬菜需要浇水了。巧记: 被动语态强调宾(语),用 be 加上过去分(词),行为对象作主语,逻辑主语 by 来引。巩固训练(夯实基础)一、单项选择( )1. How do you like the soccer game last Tuesday? Oh, it was surprising. The strongest team of our school _.A. was beaten B. won C. beaten D. is beaten( )2. Can you go out now? No. I cant go out until my homework _.A. finishes B. is finished C. has finished D. finished( )3. The leader said that much attention must _ these details.A. pay B. be paid C. pay to D. be paid to( )4. The kitchen _ now. But who _ it?A. was being cleaned; was cleaning B. is cleaned; cleanedC. is being cleaned; is cleaning D. was cleaned; cleaned( )5. The old man is seen _ every morning. So he is.A. running B. run C. to run D. ran( )6. Mrs Green, your vegetables need _. I know.A. to water B. being water C. watering D. watered( )7. The tallest building _ by the end of last month. Thats good news.A. has been built B. had been built C. was built D. were built( )8. The books should _ to the library on time. All right.A. be got B. send C. give back D. be returned( )9. What did Tom say just now?He said that a new film _ the next day.A. is shown B. shown C. would be shown D. will be shown( )10. I _ to go out at night. Thats a strict rule.A. am allowed B. am not allowed C. allow D. was not allowed二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. A new international airport _ (complete) in the city next year.2. Whos the little girl in the photo, Laura?Its me. This photo _ (take) when I was five.3. The weatherman says a rain shower _ (expect) this afternoon in the south.4. People, especially the young, _ (easily influence) by their friends.5. The game _ (play) next month.6. Dr Bethune _ (still remember) in both China and Canada today.7. Look at the trees on both sides of the streets. They _ (plant) last spring.8. Paper-making _ (invent) by the Chinese in the Western Han dynasty.9. You neednt throw it away. It can _ (recycle).10. We Chinese _ (encourage) by the touching documentary Amazing China.答案:学前自测1-5 DACDC6-10 CCDCB巩固训练一、1-5 ABDCC6-10 CBDCB二、1. will be completed2. was taken3. is expected4. are easily influenced5. will be played6. is still remembered7. were planted8. was invented9. be recycled10. are encouraged6


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