(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 七上 考点强化练2 Unit 5-9试题

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(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 七上 考点强化练2 Unit 5-9试题_第1页
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(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 七上 考点强化练2 Unit 5-9试题_第2页
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(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第一部分 七上 考点强化练2 Unit 5-9试题_第3页
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考点强化练2七年级(上册)Unit5Unit9.单项填空。1.(2018安徽合肥庐阳二模改编)His classmates said goodbye to him and headed back home the activity.A.afterB.sinceC.atD.during答案A解析句意:活动之后他的同学们和他告别并且返回家。after“在之后”。2.(2018安徽当涂毕业联考)It was crazy him to let such a young child drive his car.I agree with you.Its impossible so young a child to do it.A.about;forB.for;ofC.of;forD.for;about答案C解析句型“Its+adj.+for/ofsb.+todosth.”中。当表语形容词说明的是不定式逻辑主语的品质特征时,介词用of。当表语形容词说明的是不定式的性质、特点时,用for。故本题选C项。3.(2018湖北恩施)Have you seen the movie Titanic,Wangwei?Yes.The music in it .A.looks greatB.sounds greatC.feels greatD.smells great答案B解析句意:“王伟,你看过电影泰坦尼克号吗?”“是的,里面的音乐听起来很美妙。”sound“听起来”。4.(2018江苏徐州)I love these hair clips. are they?They are ten yuan.A.How manyB.How muchC.How oldD.How heavy答案B解析由答句可知,上句询问价格。故选B项。5.(2019原创)I go swimming every day.Wow!Thats a good .It keeps you healthy.A.adviceB.taskC.habitD.dream答案C解析句意:“我每天游泳。”“哇,那真是一个好习惯。它让你保持健康。”habit“习惯”。只有C项符合语境。6.(2019原创)Fruit is good for health,so I often have breakfast with one .A.candyB.cakeC.appleD.hamburger答案C解析句意:水果对健康有好处,因此我经常早餐时吃一个苹果。四个选项中,只有C项属于水果。7.(2019原创)The information he provided us is really .It really helps us a lot.A.usefulB.interestingC.amazingD.exciting答案A解析由第二句“他提供给我们的信息真地帮助了我们”,判断“他提供的信息是有用的”。因此选A项,useful“有用的”。8.(2019预测)Do you know the Smiths left Shanghai?Im not sure about the date.I only remember it was a Sunday.A.ifB.whyC.howD.when答案D解析由答句可知,上句询问Smith一家离开上海的时间,故选D项。导学号567140369.(2019原创)We must the food and then decide what to buy this afternoon.A.think aboutB.look forC.depend onD.deal with答案A解析句意:我们必须考虑吃什么,然后决定今天下午买什么。thinkabout考虑;lookfor寻找;dependon依靠;dealwith处理;应付。故选A项。10.(2019预测)Isnt the movie interesting?.I like it very much.A.No,it isntB.Yes,it isC.Yes,it isntD.No,it is答案B解析由答语可知,事实是“很喜欢那部电影”。故空格处是肯定回答。因此选B项。.完形填空。(2018安徽蚌埠禹会二模改编)Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came.She pointed to something and asked Mike 11 it was.Mike felt quite surprised,but he told 12 it was a sparrow(麻雀) and got back into reading.Several minutes later,his mother pointed to the 13 sparrow and asked the same question again.Mike got a little angry 14 still answered her question.After a little while,his mother did the same thing once more.This time Mike 15 not control his anger.He shouted at her for disturbing him again and again.The old lady silently took out a(n) 16 diary,turned to a page and showed it to Mike.Though a little impatient,Mike began to read it.“Today,I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a bird on the grass and asked me what it was.I smiled at him,17 it was a sparrow and kissed him.After a while Mike asked me again and I did the same.Pointing to the same sparrow,little Mike asked me what it was twenty 18 and I kept on answering his question and kissing him every time.”Something gently touched Mikes heart.His face turned 19 with shame for being so impatient with his mother and he hugged (拥抱) her tightly.Your 20 have given you many things in their lifetime,but you may not realize that until they are gone.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了迈克对妈妈问同样的问题感到厌烦,而在他小时候妈妈对他问的同一个问题却不厌其烦地回答。文章告诉我们:父母一生为我们付出很多,不要等到他们走了你才明白。11.A.whenB.whyC.howD.what答案D解析由下句可知,Mike告诉妈妈那是麻雀。故判断此处妈妈问Mike那是什么。故选D项。12.A.meB.herC.himD.us答案B解析此处her指代Mike的妈妈。13.A.smallB.littleC.sameD.short答案C解析由下句可知,妈妈指着同一只麻雀问同样的问题。故选C项。14.A.butB.andC.soD.because答案A解析句意:Mike变得有点生气,但是仍然回答了她的问题。由“Mikegotalittleangry”和“still”可知,空格处表转折,选A项。15.A.neededB.couldC.mustD.might答案B解析由下句可知,这次Mike不能控制自己的怒气。could“能够”。故选B项。16.A.longB.bigC.dearD.old答案D解析由下文的whenlittleMike可知,这篇日记记录了Mike小时候的事情。故判断Mike的妈妈拿出一本旧日记。故选D项。17.A.wroteB.saidC.knewD.remembered答案B解析由上句可知,Mike问妈妈草地上的鸟儿是什么。故判断妈妈说那是一只麻雀。因此选B项。18.A.daysB.timesC.weeksD.hours答案B解析由上文可知,小Mike问了妈妈很多遍麻雀是什么。time在此处意为“次数”。故选B项。19.A.whiteB.greenC.redD.black答案C解析由上文可知,妈妈告诉Mike,在他小时候妈妈不厌其烦地回答他的问题。但是现在他对妈妈问同一个问题感到生气。故判断他的脸变红了。因此选C项。20.A.teachersB.friendsC.classmatesD.parents答案D解析上文叙述了Mike和妈妈的故事。故选D项。导学号56714037.补全对话。(2018安徽蚌埠禹会二模)At break,Amy meets Ken in the hallway.Amy:Hi,Ken.Janes birthday is coming.Have you received her invitation?Ken:Yes.21Amy:Me too.Im just thinking about the gift.22Ken:Well,she likes writing.Why not get her pens and books?Amy:23 I think shell be happy to get them.Ken:Yeah.By the way,how will you buy the gift?Will you ask your parents for money?Amy:24 Ive already saved my pocket money.Ken:Youre right.I think we should learn to manage pocket money.I just spend it on the things I really need.Amy:Thats true.25Ken:What a kind girl!Learning to save and use money is important to us.A.Yes,please.B.Sounds good.C.Of course not.D.How about you?E.Can you come to my party?F.Have you got any good ideas?G.I also use it to help others in need.答案2125 DFBCG.阅读理解。A(2018河北)DIYYourOwnDessertsWe offer different kinds of classes to you all.A very popular class we are offering these 10 days is the class named “DIY Your Own Desserts”.Can you imagine how happy your beloved one will be when you give him/her your DIY desserts on the special days like birthday,Mothers Day and Fathers Day?Come to our class and make your own desserts.Give your beloved one some surprises!The class runs daily and it is a completely hands-on personal cooking experience lasting up to 4 hours learning 34 recipes(食谱) each lesson.The teacher will first show how to cook different recipes in front of you.And then he will guide you on how to prepare and make the food.At the end of the class you can either eat the meal prepared during the class or take it home with you.Whats more,youll be able to take home the copies of all the recipes.Costs:$30eachlesson.Youcanstartatanytime.Gotoourwebsitetogetmoreinformationabouttheclass.Youcaneithere-mailusorcometoourofficeforattendingit.【主旨大意】本文是一篇广告,主要介绍了“DIYYourOwnDesserts”课程的主要内容和课程费用以及报名方式。26.You can join the class if you like to .A.offer some recipesB.teach how to cookC.make desserts yourselfD.get some surprises答案C解析根据第二段中“Cometoourclassandmakeyourowndesserts.”,可知选C项。27.You will in the class.A.eat the meal with the teacherB.celebrate the special daysC.learn 23 recipes each lessonsD.have a hands-on experience答案D解析根据第三段中“Theclassrunsdailyanditisacompletelyhands-onpersonalcookingexperiencelastingupto4hourslearning34recipes(食谱)eachlesson.”可知在课堂上可以有亲身实践的烹饪经历,选D项。28.You will pay for five lessons.A.$30B.$60C.$120D.$150答案D解析根据“$30eachlesson”可知,五节课需要$150,故选D项。29.How can you attend the class?A.Make a phone call to them.B.Send them an e-mail.C.Get information from parents.D.Come to the class directly.答案B解析根据“Youcaneithere-mailusorcometoourofficeforattendingit.”可知,可以通过发送邮件或直接去办公室报名参加,故选B项。B(2018北师大蚌埠附校月考二)The World Wide Web(万维网) turned 25 years old on March 12th.It has become a very important part in our daily lives.We cant imagine living without the Web.The Web has greatly changed the way people live.With a click(点击)of a mouse we can read news,buy things,make friends and learn anything were interested in.Now,25 years after its birth,how will the Web influence life in the future?Scientists believe there are both advantages and disadvantages.Scientists warn us that if we share personal information on the Internet it could get into the wrong hands.Its not wise to spend a whole day in front of the screen.People need to get close to nature and enjoy the sun.Never be controlled by the Internet.30.How old is the World Wide Web?(不超过5个词)答案25 years old.31.What can we do by clicking a mouse according to the passage?(不超过15个词)答案We can read news,buy things,make friends and learn anything were interested in.32.What does the scientists warn us?(不超过15个词)答案Dont share personal information on the Internet.导学号56714038.单词拼写。33.(2018安徽蚌埠禹会二模)W is the fourth day of a week.答案Wednesday34.(2018安徽)My grandparents are b(忙碌) making zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival.答案busy35.(2019原创)I went shopping and only bought three c(胡萝卜).答案carrots36.(2019原创)Have you f(完成) reading that book?答案finished37.The company has raised the p(价格) of its cars.答案price.书面表达。(2018安徽蚌埠禹会二模)为了配合“足球进校园”活动,你们班开展了一次主题班会。请你以足球迷的身份,用英语向同学们介绍足球这项运动。要点如下:1.足球历史悠久,深受人们喜爱;2.男生女生皆可参加;3.培养团队精神;4.有利于身体健康。注意:1.词数80100;2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称;3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。4.可适当发挥,使行文连贯。Dear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020.参考范文Dear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020.Football has a very long history.People all over the world like it.The FIFA World Cup takes place every four years.Playing football brings us lots of advantages.First,both boys and girls can take part in it.Second,it helps develop team spirit.Whats more,playing football is good for our health.Im a football fan.Messi is my idol.He has a gift for playing football.My dream is to become a famous football player like Messi.I hope China will hold the FIFA World Cup someday.8


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