2020年中考英语总复习 专题5 名词练习题(基础版含解析)

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2020年中考英语总复习 专题5 名词练习题(基础版含解析)_第1页
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2020年中考英语总复习 专题5 名词练习题(基础版含解析)_第3页
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专题5:名词单选题1 Would you like some ? Oh, yes, just a little.A. milk B. apple C. pears D. oranges2 What do you think of the birthday cake in our shop? I like the _. It is really delicious.A. color B. price C. taste D. size3 Its said that there were 239 people on board the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, including 154 . What a pity!A. ChineseB. Chineses C. Chinas people D. China people4There are many _ shops in this street. I want a pair of _ shoes.A. shoe, sport B. shoes, sport C. shoe, sports D. shoes, sports5 What should we do before we use the blender? I think we must read _.A. information B. instructions C. notes D. opinions6Where are you going? _.My grandma is ill in it. A. Shop B. Hospital C. Supermarket D. Cinema7wish you a pleasant journey, my son! Thanks, mom. Ill give you a _as soon s I arrive in BeijingA. call B. courage C. ride D. touch 8 As the _ grows larger, the world itself seems to be smaller.A. population B. pollution C. problem D. province 9-Forget your and smile to your life-OK, I will. Thank you for your advice.A. troubleB.chance C.successD.happiness10Kelly takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of _.A. knowledge B. courage C. change D. energy11 Can you imagine what the world will be like in _ time?A. 30 years B. 30 years C. 30-years D. 30-years12-Could you please move over a little and make some _ for me? -Sure, please.A. place B. seat C. room D. ground13Its raining hard outside. Take an _, please.A. umbrella B. eraser C. article D. ice cream14Winter holiday is coming. Traveling to Hainan is a good _.A. excuse B. reason C. promise D. idea15I like orange best. Whats your favorite _?A. food B. fruit C. snack D. color16 - Could you tell me how to write an application letter?- With pleasure. Remember that the letter should be written in the formal _.A. value B. effectC. mood D. style17We can get more _ about the international affairs on the Internet than beforeAinformationBmessageCnoticeDadvertisement18 What took you so long? I got lost. I have no _ of direction.A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense19Im sorry I went out for a smoke. I was so tired. Theres no for this while you are at work.A. cause B. excuse C. matter D. choice20There are two and five in the zoo.A. sheep; deer B. sheep; giraffeC. bears; deersD. sheeps; tigers 专题5:名词1A【解析】试题分析:句意:你想要点儿牛奶吗?好的,就来一点点儿。根据后文回答可知上句问的是不可数名词。故选A,milk,不可数名词。2C【解析】试题分析:color颜色;price 价格;taste 味道,品味;size尺码。句意:你认为我们商店的蛋糕怎么样?我喜欢这种味道。太美味了。故选C。3A【解析】试题分析:句意:据说有239人登上马来西亚航空公司的航班mh370,包括154名中国人。太遗憾了!China中国,Chinese汉语,中国人。当Chinese“中国人”解释时,单复数形式一样。所以选A。4C【解析】试题分析:句意为:这条街有很多鞋店,我想买一双运动鞋。名词用作形容词修饰名词时,前面的名词不用复数;当表示“运动”时,英语习惯用sports,如sports shoes,sports meeting等。故选C。5B【解析】试题分析:句意:-我们在用这台搅拌器之前,我们应该做什么?-我想我们必须阅读说明书。分析:information信息;insructions 说明书;notes笔记;opinions看法。结合句意使用一台电器之前应该先阅读说明书。故选B考点:考查名词的用法。6B【解析】逻辑判断考查题。这是两个人之间的对话,第一个人说:“你去哪呀?”第二个人说:“医院,我的祖母生病住院了”。根据My grandma is ill in it.可判断出应该是医院,Shop商店 Hospital医院 Supermarket超市 Cinema电影院,故选B。7A【解析】试题分析:句意:儿子,祝你旅途愉快。-谢谢你妈妈。我一到北京我就给你打电话。give sb a ride ,让搭车。give sb a call,给打电话。根据句意,故选A8A【解析】试题分析:句意:随着人口越来越多,世界本身似乎更小了。population人口, pollution污染,problem 问题,province省。根据语境可知人口变多,世界似乎变小,故选A.考点:考查名词9A【解析】试题分析:句意:-忘记你的麻烦,笑着面对生活。-好的,我会的。谢谢你的建议。trouble 烦恼,麻烦;chance 机会;success 成功;happiness 快乐,幸福。根据句意可知,微笑着面对生活就要忘记烦恼。故选。10D【解析】试题分析:句意: 凯利每天进行很多锻炼,她总是充满活力。A. knowledge知识,B. courage勇气, C. change变化,D. energy能量,活力。依据词意,故答案选D。11A【解析】试题分析:句意:你可以设想三十年后世界将会变成什么样吗?in+一段时间, 一般用于将来时表示将要发生的事情。故选A。考点:考查年份的表达方法。12C【解析】试题分析:place地方,住所;seat座位,所在地;room房间,空间;ground地面,土地,句意;你能动一点,给我让出点空间吗?当然了,请吧。结合语境可知选C。13A【解析】试题分析:句意:外面在下大雨。请带一把雨伞。A. umbrella雨伞;B. eraser橡皮擦;C. article文章;D. ice cream冰淇淋。下雨时要带遮雨的,故选A。14D【解析】句意:寒假即将来临,去海南旅行是个好主意。A. excuse借口;B. reason理由;C. promise诺言; D. idea主意,想法。结合句意可知,答案为D。15B【解析】试题分析:我最喜欢桔子了。你最喜欢的水果是什么?前句说自己最喜欢的桔子是水果,本句承上,也应问的水果。故选B。16D【解析】试题分析:句意:-你能告诉我怎样写申请信吗?-很乐意帮助你。记得这样的信应该用正式的格式来写。value 价值;effect 影响;mood 语气;style 风格,样式。根据句意可知选D。17A【解析】试题分析:句意:通过因特网我们可以比以前获得更多关于国际事务方面的信息。Information信息,指来自于书本资料电视媒体等,不可数名词;message 信息,指用来传递的口信,留言,或短信等,可数名词;notice通知,可数名词,advertisement广告,可数名词。More,更多的,后加不可数名词或可数名词的复数。故选A.18D【解析】试题分析:feeling感觉,感情;ability能力;knowledge知识;sense观念,道理。句意:什么让你用了这么久?我迷路了。我没有方向感。结合语境可知选。19B【解析】试题分析:句意:对不起,我出去吸了一会烟。我太累了。在你工作期间没有借口做这些事。A. cause 原因, B. excuse借口;C. matter 物质,事件;D. choice选择。根据while you are at work.可知此处是在在工作时出去,是不对的,对于别人的解释不合理时,我们说那是借口,故选B。20A【解析】试题分析:句意为:动物园里有两只绵羊和五只鹿。可数名词的复数形式通常在词后加s或es,但是也有部分名词的复数形式是不规则变化。在英语中,deer、sheep的复数形式是不规则变化,即单复数形式相同。故选A。5


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