2020年中考英语总复习 基础语法 专题十四 情景交际试题

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2020年中考英语总复习 基础语法 专题十四 情景交际试题_第1页
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专题十四 情景交际学前自测(发现考点)( )1. Its a bit cold today. Would you mind closing the window? _.A. Never mind B. Yes, of course C. Of course not D. No, thanks( )2. We will study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school. _A. Ill take your advice. B. The same to you. C. Congratulations! D. Me too.( )3. Good luck and have a nice weekend. _. Bye.A. The same as you B. You have it too C. You are too D. The same to you( )4. Its said that shopping online is safe. _. Youd better be careful.A. That depends B. I agree C. I think so D. No problem( )5. Hello! May I speak to John, please? Yes. _.A. Im John speaking B. This is John speaking C. Here John is D. Here I am( )6. It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. _ . You can make it!A. Congratulations B. Take it easy C. Look out D. Have a good time( )7. Would you mind my using your pen? _ . I dont need to use it at the moment.A. Sounds great B. Im not sure C. Yes, please D. Of course not( )8. I put my coat here? Sorry, you .A. Must; mustnt B. Do; dont C. Cant; neednt D. May; cant( )9. You look smart today! _.A. Thank you. B. Not good. C. Thats OK. D. What a shame!( )10. Jackie, Im going on business. Please look after yourself. _, Dad. I will.A. I hope to B. Id love to C. Dont worry D. Dont mention it常考考点知识清单(研习考点)学习语言的最终目的是交际。 在近几年的中考试题中,情景交际题目所占的比例越来越大。 目前,情景交际既通过最新的听说合一的考查方式进行,还通过笔试进行,即通过笔试来测试考生的语言综合运用能力。考点一 打电话方面的交际用语1. 请给某人/ 某单位打电话。Would/ Could/ Can you ring up? 请你给打电话好吗? 除了用 ring up 外,还可用 call, call up, telephone 等,意思相同。2. 电话拨不通时常说:The line is busy. I cant get through. 电话占线,我打不通。 / Ill try again later. 我过一会儿再打。如果信号不好可以说 Sorry, I cant hear you.3. 电话拨通后相互打招呼:Hello, (Your name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello, is thatspeaking? 你是吗? / Who is (that) speaking/ calling(,please)? 你是谁?应答时常说:Yes, (this is)speaking. 是的,我是。 / Yes, itshere. 我是。4. 打电话请对方找人或留言:Isin/ at home? 某某在家吗? / Can/ May/ Could I speak to, please? 请接电话好吗? / Will/ Would you give a message to, please? 请给捎个口信好吗? / Would you tell him my telephone number, please? 请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗? / Can/ Could you askto ring me back, please? 请叫给我回个电话好吗?应答时常说:Hold on/ Wait a minute/ One moment, please. 请等一等。/ Im sorryis not in/ at home now. 对不起,现在不在。 / Can I take a message? 我能给你捎口信好吗? / Ill ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。考点二 劝告和建议方面的交际用语1. Youd better (not)do sth. 你最好(不)干。 / You should do sth. 你应该干。 / You need (to) do sth. 你需要干。2. Why dont you do sth. ? 为什么不? / Why not do sth. ? 为什么不? 这是以反问的方式提出劝告或建议,含有建议对方去干某事的意思,而不是询问对方为何不去干某事的原因。3. What/ How about+名词或动名词? 这种句型表达随便的建议,有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对方一起做某事。4. “Shall we?”这种句型用于建议对方与自己一起做什么,是一种普通的表示建议的方法。 它和“Lets, shall we?”句型可以互换,在回答时,如果赞成这个建议,常用“Yes, lets. ”或 “OK, lets. ”5. 用 suggest 作谓语的陈述句。这种句子用于表达比较正式的建议,在会议上和讨论中使用较多,也常用于书面形式,后面常跟名词、动名词或 that 从句作宾语。 注意跟从句时,从句中动词用动词原形:should+动词原形。6. 用 Lets 开头的祈使句。这是最普通的表达建议的方法,建议对方和自己一起做什么,lets 后接动词原形。 若句尾加上“shall we?”,“OK?”等用于征求对方意见的词语,能使语气变得委婉得多。注意:对对方的建议表示同意时常用的答语为:Great! 太好了! Thats a good idea. 真是个好主意。对对方的建议表示不同意,或根本不能满足对方的要求而表示歉意时的常用答语为:Im afraid that我担心;我恐怕。 / Im afraid not. 恐拍不行。7. 用 should, ought to 等情态动词来表示“劝告”。8. 用动词 advise,名词 advice 表示劝告。考点三 问候与应答方面的交际用语1. 一般打招呼用语,答语通常是重复对方的话。Hello! 你好! Hi! 嗨! Good morning(afternoon, evening). 早上(下午、晚上)好。2. 您好! 初次见面打招呼的用语 How do you do? / Glad to meet you.答语也是 How do you do? / Glad to meet you.3. 对有一段时候没有见面的熟人可选用这些句型:How are you? / How have you been? 你(您)好吗?答语往往是:“Fine, thank you. And you?”4. 向认识但不常见面的人打招呼,可选用这些表达法。 Hows everything with you? / How is everything going? / How are you getting on? / Whats up? 近来怎么样?答语可用: Pretty well. / Very well. Everything is OK. (一切顺利) Not too bad. 还好。5. 对于不认识想要叫他(她)停下来时,可选用这些说法:Hey, sir(madam). 喂,先生(小姐) / Just a moment, sir(madam). 等一下,先生(小姐)。注意: 此时不能说:“Hey! You!”考点四 感谢与应答方面的交际用语1. Thank you. / Thanks(a lot). 谢谢! / Thank you so/ very much. 非常感谢! / Im really grateful to you. 非常感谢你!Thats very kind of you. 你心眼儿真好。 / Youre kind! 你真好。2. 如果别人想为你办事,可你觉得不必麻烦他或者别人替你办事没有办成但你还要感谢他,这时你可以说:Thank you just the same. 同样感谢你的好意。 / Thank you all the same. 同样得感谢你。3. 在回答别人的感谢时,常说:Youre welcome. 没关系。 / Not at all. 没事儿。 / Dont mention it考点五 祝愿、祝贺及应答方面的交际用语1. 当某人取得成功时I have passed the examination! 我已经通过考试了。Congratulations(to you)祝贺你!2. 当某人外出旅行时Good luck with your trip! 祝您们旅途平安! Have a good trip/ journey. =I wish you a good trip/ journey. 祝你旅途愉快。 祝你一路顺风。 / Good trip to you. / Nice journey to you. 祝你旅途愉快。 Have a nice/ pleasant/ wonderful time. =I wish you a nice/ pleasant/ wonderful time. 祝你过得愉快。 祝你玩得痛快。3. 当某人生日时Happy birthday to you! 生日快乐! Thank you! 谢谢!4. 当某人即将做某事时I will take the exams tomorrow. 我明天将参加考试。Good luck (to you)! (I wish you success!)祝您顺利! (祝您成功!)注意:上述几点中祝愿(贺)的回答可用: Thanks/ Thank you / Thanks a lot. 或 Its kind of you to say so. 谢谢。 / 多谢。 / 谢谢您。 / 谢谢你这么说。5. 在公共节日里Happy New Year(to you)! 新年快乐! / Merry Christmas!Thanks. The same to you! (Happy New Year to you, too!)谢谢! 您也一样! (也祝您新年快乐!)考点六 请求允许和应答方面的交际用语1. Can I/ Could I/ May I? 我可不可以?这个是请求对方允许自己做某事的最普通的交际用语,其中 Could I? 语气最婉转;May I? 常用在比较正式的场合;Can I? 用得最广泛。对于所提出的请求表示允许或同意时,可说:Yes. / Sure. / Certainly. 当然可以。 Of course, you may. 当然可以。Yes, do please. 请吧。 Go ahead, please. 请吧。 Thats OK. / All right. 好的。对于所提出的请求表示不允许或不同意时,可说:No, pleased dont. 请不要。 Im sorry you cant. 对不起,你不可以。 Im sorry, but对不起,但是。 Youd better not你最好别。2. Do you mind if I do? 如果我干某事,你反对/ 介意吗?”或“我干某事,好吗?”这是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。 句中的 mind 作“介意”、“反对”解。注意:当我们用“Do you mind if”时,if 从句中的谓语动词一般用现在时;当我们用“Would you mind if”时,if 从句中的谓语动词一般用过去时,这时语气更加婉转。应答时,如果表示“允许/ 不介意”,常说:No, I dont mind. 我不介意/ 我允许。 Certainly not / Of course not. 当然不介意。 No, go ahead. 不介意,你干吧。 / Not at all. 一点也不介意。如果表示“不允许/ 介意”时,常说:Im sorry you cant很抱歉,你不能。 / Im afraid恐怕。 / Im afraid its not allowed. 恐怕这是不允许的。3. I wonder if I could/ can? 我想知道我能否?这也是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。 句中的 wonder 作“想知道”解,后面常跟 if 从句,用以委婉地提出请求。应答时,如果允许,常说:Sure, go ahead. / Yes, please do. 可以,请吧。 Yes. / Of course. / Certainly. 当然可以。如果不允许,可以说:Im sorry, but对不起,。 / Im afraid not. 恐怕不行。 / No, please dont. 请不要 。 / Youd better not你最好别。考点七 请求与应答方面的交际用语1. 用 may(can, could)来表达。表示同意请求的应答:Yes, you may(can). 是的。 / Certainly. ( =Of course. / Sure. )当然可以。 / Yes, do please.好的,请吧。注意:上述回答中 can 不能换成 could 因为 could 在一般疑问句中表示委婉的请求,而在肯定句中,则无此功能。表示不同意请求的应答:No, you mustnt. 不可以。 / No, you cant. 不能。 No, youd better not. 你最好不这样。 / Please dont. 请不要这样。 / Sorry, Im afraid not. 对不起,恐怕不能。2. 用 shall 来表达表示同意的请求应答:Yes, Id like to. 好的,我愿意。 / All right. / OK. 好的。 / (Thats a)Good idea. 好主意。 /Yes, Lets好的,让我们走吧。表示不同意请求的应答:Please dont. 请不要这样。 / I dont think so. 我认为不要这样。 / Im afraid not. 恐怕不能。3. 用 Would(Will)you please? / Would you like? 来表达。表示同意请求的应答:Yes, Id like to. / Yes, Id love to. / Yes, Ill be glad to. 是的,我愿意。 / With pleasure. 十分愿意。注意: 上述回答中介词 to 均不能省略。表示不同意请求的应答:Id like (love) to, but Im busy. 我很想,但我很忙。 / Im sorry, but Im busy. 对不起,我很忙。 / Im afraid not. 恐怕不能。 / Id really like to, but I have no time. 我的确很愿意,可我没时间。4. 用 please 来表达。表示同意请求的应答:OK. / All right. 好的。 / Of course. / Sure. / Certainly. )当然可以。 / With pleasure. 十分愿意。表示不同意请求的应答:Im sorry, but Im busy. 对不起,我很忙。 / Im afraid not. 恐怕不行。考点八 邀请与应答方面的交际用语1. 用一般疑问句形式Will / Would / Can / Could you come to? 是被邀请人接受的可能性较大。 表示“请您来好吗?”例如:Will you come to take part in my party? 你来参加我的聚会好吗?Would you like +名词(代词) / 不定式/ sb. +不定式? 此句型表示“您愿意? 或你是否愿意?”,此时邀请人不知对方是否接受邀请,是商量、询问及试探性的邀请、请求或表示个人的想法、看法。 例如:Would you like to go there with him? 你愿意与他一道去那儿吗?Yes, Id like(love) to 好的,我愿意。 (类似肯定表达法:Yes, Id be happy to. 好的,我很乐意。 / Yes, its very kind / nice of you to invite me. 好的,谢谢您邀请我。 / Yes, its very kind of you. 真是太好了,谢谢。)2. 用陈述句形式I like sb. to do sth. / Id like you to come to这是向某人发出邀请的常见句式。 表示“希望(想叫)某人做某事”,常与 would 连用,是一种客气的邀请。 例如:Id like to invite you to see a film with me. 我想请你和我一起去看电影。Id like(love) to, but Im very busy. 我很想,但我很忙。 (类似委婉拒绝表达法:Id love toIm afraid我想去,恐怕。 / Thank you for inviting me, but谢谢你的邀请,但是/ Its very kind of you to invite me, but Im busy. 谢谢你邀请我,但我很忙。)考点九 问路及应答方面的交际用语1. 问路时,首先说“Excuse me. ”意思是“请原谅”、“请问”、“劳驾”,表示因为打扰而道歉,然后再问路,应答时可根据实际情况回答。2. 常用的有以下几种表达:Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to? 劳驾,请告诉我去(地方)怎么走? / Excuse me. How can I get to? 劳驾,怎样去(地方)? / Excuse me, please, where is? 劳驾,请问去的路怎么走? / How far is it from here? 它离这里多远?回答常常有:Its aboutmetres from here. 它离这里大约米远。 / Its aboutyards/ meters down this street. /Go straight ahead till you see沿着这条街走约米就到了。 / Go straight ahead till you see照直走到(地方)为止。 / Go down/ along this street. 沿着这条街走下去。 / Take this street/ road. 走这条街/ 大路。 / Go through the gate and youll find the entrance to穿过大门,你就会看到的入口处。 / Go down/ along this street till you get to沿着这条街走到(地方)为止。 / Turn right/ left at the first/ second crossing. 在第一/ 二个十字路口向右/ 左转。 / Youd better take a taxi/ No. 5 Bus你最好坐出租车/ 乘 5 路公共汽车。考点十 就餐方面的交际用语1. 就餐时,当主人询问客人想吃/ 喝点什么时,主人常说:Would you like sth. (to eat / to drink)? 你想吃/ 喝点吗? / What would you like (to have)? 你想要吃点什么? / Would you like some more? 你还要点吗? / How about (some more)? (再)来点怎么样?2. 就餐时,当主人主动请客人吃/ 喝点东西时,主人常说:Help yourself to? 你吃/ 喝点吧。 / Let me give you? 让我给你拿点吧。 / Make yourself at home. 请随便吃,不要客气。3. 当客人表示愿意或同意吃/ 喝点东西时,常回答:Yes, please. 好的。 / Id like我想来点。 / Well, just a lit-tle, please. 好的,请来一点儿。4. 当客人表示不想吃/ 喝东西或表示已经吃饱/ 喝好了时,常回答:No, thanks. 谢谢,不要了。 / Thank you, Ive had enough. 谢谢,我已经吃/ 喝够了。 / Im full, thank you. 谢谢,我吃饱了。巩固训练(夯实基础)一、单项选择( )1. Excuse me, I cant find my seat. Could you help me, sir? _. May I see your ticket, please?A. It doesnt matter B. Great C. I cant D. Sure( )2. Would you like to have dinner with me, Jane? _. But Im busy revising for my English exam.A. Dont mention it B. Id love toC. Thats all right D. My pleasure( )3. Hello, may I speak to Lily, please? _.A. Yes, he is B. Good idea C. Speaking D. Fine( )4. Youd better not eat too much chocolate. Its bad for your health. _.A. Its a joke B. Youre welcomeC. It doesnt matter D. Thanks for your advice( )5. Im going to have a trip to South Korea this summer holiday. _.A. Enjoy yourself B. I agree C. Thank you D. Good luck( )6. Would you mind opening the window? _. Its raining outside.A. Of course not B. Youd better not C. I have no idea D. Its up to you( )7. My iPad is broken. Could I use yours? _, but you must return it tomorrow.A. Im not sure B. No problem C. You cant D. You may not( )8. _? Yes, I want to buy a dress.A. May I help you B. May I know you C. How much is it D. How do you do( )9. Excuse me, how can I get to the City Stadium? _.A. Turn left at the second crossing B. Its all rightC. I dont think so D. Youre welcome( )10. May I talk to Lucy, please? Sorry, she is out. _A. You can go. B. Can I take a message for you?C. Hold on, please. D. Who are you?答案:学前自测1-5 CBDAB6-10 BDDAC巩固训练1-5 DBCDA6-10 BBAAB9


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