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2022年考博英语-西南大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题An obvious change of attitude at the top towards womens status in society will( )through the current law system in Japan.问题1选项A.permeateB.probeC.violateD.grope【答案】A【解析】考察动词词义辨析。permeate “渗透”;probe “探索”;violate “违反”;grope “摸索,探索”。句意:上层社会对女性在社会中地位的态度发生了明显的变化,这种变化对日本现行的法律体系产生了影响。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题Within ten years they have tamed the ( )hill into green woods.问题1选项A.vacantB.barrenC.weirdD.wasteful【答案】B【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。vacant “空虚的;空的”; barren “贫瘠的;不生育的”; weird “怪异的”; wasteful “浪费的”。句意:十年时间他们把荒山变成了绿色林地。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题Before the bank was willing to lend him money, it had to ( )that he was the true owner of the house.问题1选项A.verifyB.entrustC.acknowledgeD.grant【答案】A【解析】考察动词词义辨析。verify “核实,查证”;entrust “委托,信托”;acknowledge “承认,答谢”;grant “授予”。句意:在贷款给他之前,银行会先证实他是否是这房子真正的主人。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ( ).问题1选项A.luxuryB.accommodationC.entertainmentD.refreshment【答案】A【解析】考察名词、形容词词义辨析。luxury “奢侈”;accommodation “住处,膳食”;entertainment “娱乐”;refreshment “清爽,提神之物”。句意:在这个贫穷的国家,生存是头等大事,其他都是奢求。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题The age of the general practitioner is over. More and more graduates of medical schools tend to ( ), that is, to concentrate on limited areas of their research.问题1选项A.generalizeB.rationalizeC.studyD.specialize【答案】D【解析】考察动词词义辨析。generalize “概括”;rationalize “使合理化”;study “研究,学习”;specialize “专攻”。句意:全科医生的时代过去了。越来越多的医科学校的毕业生倾向于专攻,即专心把精力集中在有限的领域。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题I have found that the effect of comic books to be first of all anti-educational. They interfere with education in the larger sense. For children, education is not merely a question of learning, but is a part of mental health. They do not “learn” only in school; they learn also during play, from entertainment, and in social life with adults and with other children. To take large chunks of time out of a childs lifetime during which he or she is not positively, that is, educationally, occupiedmeans to interfere with healthful mental growth. To make a sharp distinction between entertainment and learning is poor pedagogy, and even worse psychology. A great deal of learning comes in the form of entertainment, and a great deal of entertainment painlessly teaches important things. By no stretch of critical standards can the text in comics qualify as literature, or the drawings as art. Children spend an enormous amount of time on comic books, but their gain is nil. They do not learn how to read a serious book or magazine. They do not gain a true picture of the West from the “Westerns.” They do not learn about any normal aspects of sex, love, or life. I have known many adults who have treasured throughout their lives some of the books they read as children. I have never come across any adult or adolescent who had outgrown comic book reading who would dream of keeping any of these books for any sentimental or other reason. In other words, children spend a large amount of time and money on these publications and have nothing positive to show for it. And since almost all good childrens reading has some educational value, comics by their nature are not only non-educational; they are anti-educational. They fail to teach anything that might be useful to a child; they do suggest many things that are harmful. 1.The author would most likely agree that comic books ( ).2.In line 2, the underlined word “question” most nearly means( ).3.The author criticizes those who would “make a sharp distinction” (line 7) because the author believes that( ).4.In lines 11-13, the three sentences beginning with they” primarily serve to( ).5.The tone of this passage can best be described as( ).问题1选项A.impair social developmentB.could benefit from self-regulationC.have no educational valueD.are obtained too easily问题2选项A.matterB.requestC.objectionD.possibility问题3选项A.the best educators are also entertainers of a sortB.without entertainment little learning takes placeC.entertainment and learning are closely interrelatedD.textbooks often adopt certain humorous techniques问题4选项A.lament students lack of interest in traditional learningB.condemn those who profit by pandering to childrenC.indicate ways in which children are shortchangedD.specify how comic books might be improved问题5选项A.facetiousB.severeC.sarcasticD.analytical【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.考察判断推理。文章第一二句I have found that the effect of comic books to be first of all anti-educational. They interfere with education in the larger sense.提到作者认为连环漫画册是反教育的,在很大程度上干扰了教育。教育受阻碍,社会发展肯定会被阻碍。选项A符合题意。2.考察词义。文章第一段第三句For children, education is not merely a question of learning, but is a part of mental health提到对于孩子来说,教育不仅仅是学习的问题,而是精神健康的一部分。question与matter是近义词,选项A符合题意。3.考察判断推理。文章第二段第一句To make a sharp distinction between entertainment and learning is poor pedagogy, and even worse psychology.提到把娱乐和学习区分开来是错误的教学方式,更是糟糕的心理学教育。由此可以看出作者认为娱乐与教育是密不可分的。选项C符合题意。4.判断推理题。文章第二段第四句Children spend an enormous amount of time on comic books, but their gain is nil提到孩子们花费大量时间在漫画连环册上,但是没有从中学习到任何东西。作者接下来用了三个以 “they”开头的句子来说明现在的孩子对传统的学习方法不感兴趣:他们不学习怎样去阅读严肃的书籍或者杂志;他们并不能从Western这部电影中真正了解西部人;他们也没有学习到关于性别、爱情或者生活的知识(They do not learn how to read a serious book or magazine. They do not gain a true picture of the West from the “Westerns.” They do not learn about any normal aspects of sex, love, or life)。选项A符合题意,作者对此感到惋惜。5.考察观点态度。作者在文章中有理有据,通过各种事实来分析漫画连环册对教育的干。选项D符合题意。facetious “诙谐的”;severe “严峻的”;sarcastic “讽刺的”;analytical “分析的”。7. 单选题In recent years, we have all watched the increasing commercialization of the campus. The numerous advertising posters and the golden arches of fast food outlets may be an affront to our aesthetic sensibilities, but they are, arguably, no worse than ugly. Some of the other new features of commercialized campus life do, however, constitute a serious threat to things we rightly revere. “Privatization” and the “business model” are the potential menace.What do these notions mean? To me, they involve an increased dependence on industry and philanthropy for operating the university; an increased amount of our resources being directed to applied or so-called practical subjects, both in teaching and in research; a proprietary treatment of research results, with the commercial interest in secrecy overriding the publics interest in free, shared knowledge; and an attempt to run the university more like a business that treats industry and students as clients and ourselves as service providers with something to sell. We pay increasing attention to the immediate needs and demands of our “customers” and, as the old saying goes, “the customer is always right”.Privatization is particularly frightening from the point of view of public well-being. A researcher employed by a university-affiliated hospital in Canada, working under contract with a pharmaceutical company, made public her findings that a particular drug was harmful. This violated the terms of her contract, and so she was fired. Her dismissal caused a scandal, and she was subsequently reinstated. The university and hospital in question are now working out something akin to tenure for hospital-based researchers and guidelines for contracts, so that more public disclosure of privately funded research will become possible. This is a rare victory and a small step in the right direction, but the general trend is the other way. Thanks to profit-driven private funding, researchers are not only forced to keep valuable information secret, they are often contractually obliged to keep discovered dangers to public health under wraps, too. Of course, we must not be too naive about this. Governments can unwisely insist in secrecy, too, as did the British Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food in the work they funded in connection with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic. This prevented others from reviewing the relevant data and pointing out that problems were more serious than government was letting on.1.From the first paragraph we can learn that the campus life become ( ).2.The author believes that we should pay( ).3.The researcher mentioned in the third paragraph was fired because( ).4. It is implied in the passage that( ).5.The author argues for( ).问题1选项A.more convenientB.rather uglyC.somewhat harmfulD.no more aesthetic than before问题2选项A.more attention to the immediate needs and demands of our customersB.due attention to the public interest in free, shared knowledgeC.little attention to applied subjectsD.considerable attention to the commercial interest in the secrecy of research results问题3选项A.she worked for a pharmaceutical companyB.she was obliged to keep her discoveries secretC.she failed to keep her research results secretD.she committed herself to a contract with a company问题4选项A.the general public is too naive to accept the “privatization”B.it is a general trend that there will be more public disclosure of privately funded researchC.the notion that the customer is always right” is out of dateD.the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic in Britain was more serious than what was disclosed问题5选项A.public disclosure of privately funded researchB.profit-driven private fundingC.the cooperation of universities and hospitalsD.the increasing commercialization of the campus【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.文章第一段some of the other new features of commercialized campus life do, however, constitute a serious threat to things we rightly revere提到商业化正严重威胁学生的校园生活,选项C符合题意。2.文章第二段with the commercial interest in secrecy overriding the publics interest in free, shared knowledge; and an attempt to run the university more like a business that treats industry and students as clients and ourselves as service providers with something to sell提到商业利益的保密性凌驾于大众的知情权之上,他们试图把大学变成一个商业场所,作者对这种做法是表示批判的,因此可以推断出作者认为应该给予大众知情权。选项B符合题意。3.文章第三段提到这位研究者与公司是签订了保密协议的,但是她却将公司生产有害药品的事情公之于众(made public her findings that a particular drug was harmful),因此她违反了当初签的协议,所以被解雇了。选项C符合题意。4.文章最后一段of course, we must not be too naive about this. Governments can unwisely insist in secrecy, too, as did the British Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food in the work they funded in connection with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic提到政府同样会对安全信息保密,然后举了这个bovine spongiform encephalopathy 这个病,言下之意是政府报道出的内容没有实际的严重,选项D符合题意。5.作者在文章中是支持把信息公开的,对那些剥夺民众知情权的做法是表示反对的,所以选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ( )on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.问题1选项A.configurationB.constitutionC.condemnationD.contamination【答案】D【解析】考察名词词义辨析。 Configuration “布置,结构”;constitution “建立,组 成,宪法”; condemnation “谴责”; contamination “污染,玷污;污染物”。句意:最近在科学杂志上发表的一篇文章认为,岩层大部分有有机化学物质来自于地球上的污染而不是火星上的细菌。选项D符合题意。9. 单选题Although women are as competent as men in managing people and organization, they still do not attain the highest positions in corporations. Their(1)seems to be(2) by an invisible barrier. At some point, they(3) whats called “the glass ceiling.” Failure to attain the topmost jobs in some cases is(4) lack of experience or(5) education. Because gender(6) has kept women out of management until recent years, they have not had time to(7)the years of experience that are(8) of most high-ranking executives. Also in earlier years, women were(9) from entering graduate schools of engineering, science, business, and law which have been(10) to corporate management. Even as those barriers have been lowered, though, women remain(11) at executive levels. As a group, they have not yet(12) the glass ceiling to become chief executive officers or board chairpersons. Something continues to hold them back.In one authoritative study, women executives(13) three kinds of pressures that complicated their professional advancements: the day-to-day, year-in-year-out demands and the hectic(忙乱的)(14) of executive work; their(15) role as “first woman executive” and the special need to prove themselves to others; and the strain of meeting family(16) .In other words these women managers faced all of the normal demands of executive work that men, experience plus two additional requirements(17) to their customary roles in society. Having proven managerial talent was not enough. Psychologically, they had to prove themselves the equal of men. Socially, they found themselves carrying a(18) share of family responsibilities. These psychological and social(19) can hold back the most skilled and dedicated manager, even in companies where gender prejudice is(20)a minimum. 问题1选项A.accessB.ascentC.lubricatedD.restrained问题2选项A.blockedB.prohibitedC.lubricatedD.restrained问题3选项A.collideB.knock downC.coincideD.bump into问题4选项A.on account ofB.thanks toC.accounting forD.due to问题5选项A.intactB.inadequateC.incapableD.undesirable问题6选项A.dispositionB.differentiationC.displacementD.bias问题7选项A.elevateB.acquireC.disperseD.overestimate问题8选项A.typicalB.peculiarC.exemplaryD.indispensable问题9选项A.avoidedB.discouragedC.deprivedD.restricted问题10选项A.pathwayB.meansC.tracksD.trails问题11选项A.underratedB.underpopulatedC.underprivilegedD.underrepresented问题12选项A.broken throughB.turned downC.made outD.cut off问题13选项A.recognizedB.verifiedC.discernedD.identified问题14选项A.rateB.paceC.velocityD.step问题15选项A.pioneeringB.prevailingC.preliminaryD.preceding问题16选项A.choresB.obligationsC.responsibilityD.challenges问题17选项A.indifferentB.noticeableC.traceableD.distinguishable问题18选项A.disproportionateB.irregularC.inappropriateD.indecent问题19选项A.brakesB.spursC.frustrationsD.malfunctions问题20选项A.inB.atC.withD.on【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:B第6题:D第7题:B第8题:A第9题:B第10题:A第11题:A第12题:A第13题:A第14题:B第15题:A第16题:A第17题:C第18题:A第19题:A第20题:B【解析】(1)考察名词、形容词词义辨析。access “进入,使用权”;ascent “上升”。选项C与D是形容词,空格处前面是物主代词 their, 可知空格处应该填入一个名词,所以选项C与D排除。前文提到女性在管理和组织方面的才能跟男性一样优秀,但是她们仍然得不到公司的高位,因此空格处应该填入的单词与升职有关,选项B符合题意。(2)考察动词词义辨析。block “妨碍”;prohibit “禁止”;lubricate “润滑”;restrain “抑制”。前文提到女性升职困难,空格处后面的barrier 是“障碍物”的意思,因此空格处应该填入一个含有“阻碍”意思的动词,选项A符合题意。(3)考察动词、动词词组辨析。collide “碰撞,冲突”;knock down “撞倒,击倒,拒绝”; coincide “与一致”; bump into “撞上,偶然碰见”。空格处所在句子的句意是:在某种意义上,她们撞上了所谓的 “玻璃天花板”。选项D符合题意。(4)考察词组辨析。空格处所在句子的句意是:在某些情况下,不能获得高位的原因是经验和受教育不够。选项D符合题意。(5)考察形容词词义辨析。intact “完整无缺的,未受损伤的”;inadequate “不充足的”;incapable “无能力的”;undesirable “不受欢迎的”。空格处所在句子的句意参考上一题。选项B符合题意。(6)考察固定搭配。gender bias 性别偏见。选项D符合题意。(7)考察动词词义辨析。elevate “举起,提升”;acquire “获得,学到”;disperse “(使)散开”; overestimate “高估”。空格处所在句子提到女性没有时间获得多年的经验,选项B符合题意。(8)考察形容词词义辨析。typical “典型的,有代表性的”;peculiar “奇怪的,独特的”;exemplary “可效仿的”;indispensable “不可缺少的”。空格处所在句子的句意是:具有多年经验是大多数高职位者的典型特点。选项A符合题意。(9)考察动词词义辨析。avoid “避免”;discourage “阻碍,使气馁”;deprive “使丧失,剥夺”;restrict “限制”。空格处所在句子的句意是:早些年女性被阻碍进入工程、科学、商业、法院研究院深造。选项B符合题意。(10)考察名词词义辨析。pathway “小路”;means “方法,手段”;track “轨道,足迹”;trail “踪迹”。空格处所在句子的句意是:进入工程、科学、商业、法院研究院深造是通向公司管理的途径。选项A符合题意。(11)考察形容词词义辨析。underrated “低估的”;underpopulated “人口稀少的”;underprivileged “贫穷的”;underrepresented “未被充分代表的”。空格处所在句子的句意是:甚至当那些障碍降低了,女性的水平依然被低估。选项A符合题意。(12)考察动词词组辨析。break through “突破,突围”;turn down “拒绝”;make out “理解”;cut off “切断”。空格处所在句子的句意是:作为一个群体,他们还没有突破障碍,成为首席执行官或董事会主席。选项A符合题意。(13)考察动词词义辨析。recognize “承认”; verify “核实,证明”;discern “辨别”;identify “鉴定, 识别”。空格处所在句子的句意是:在一个权威的研究中,女性执行官承认面临三种压力。选项A符合题意。(14)考察名词词义辨析。rate “速度、进度”;pace “速度,(喻)工作节奏快”;velocity “速度,速率”;step “步的距离”。空格处所在句子的句意是:三种压力之一就是常务工作的快节奏。选项B符合题意。(15)考察形容词词义辨析。pioneering “先驱的,开创的”;prevailing “盛行很广的”;preliminary “初步的,预备的,开始的”;preceding “在前的,在先的”。空格处所在句子的句意是:作为首位女执行官的开创角色,她们需要向别人证明自己。选项A符合题意。(16)考察名词词义辨析。chore “讨厌的工作,琐事”;obligation “义务,责任”;responsibility “责任,职责”;challenge “挑战”。空格处所在句子的句意是:家庭琐事的压力。选项A符合题意。(17)考察形容词词义辨析。Indifferent “漠不关心的”; noticeable “显而易见的,显著的”;traceable “可追踪的,起源于”;distinguishable “可区别的,可辨别的”。空格处所在句子的句意是:这些女性管理者除了要面对男性管理者同样面临的工作外,还要面临两个出于她们在社会习惯性角色的额外要求。选项C符合题意。(18)考察形容词词义辨析。disproportionate “不成比例的”;irregular “不规则的”;inappropriate “不适当的”;indecent “下流的”。空格处所在句子的句意是:女性比男性承担的家庭责任要多。选项A符合题意。(19)考察名词词义辨析。brake “刹车;阻碍”;spur “刺激”; frustration “挫败”;malfunction “故障”。空格处所在句子的句意是:这些心理上和社会上的阻碍会抑制技术娴熟和敬业的管理者。选项A符合题意。(20)考察固定搭配。at a minimum 在最低限度。选项B符合题意。10. 单选题In their world of darkness, it would seem likely that some of the animals might have become blind, as has happened to some cave fauna. So, indeed, many of them have, compensating for the lack of eyes with marvelously developed feelers and long, slender fins and processes with which they grope their way, like so many blind men with canes, their whole knowledge of friends, enemies, or food coming to them through the sense of touch.The last traces of plant life are left behind in the thin upper layer of water for no plant can live below about 600 feet even in very clear water, and few find enough sunlight for their food-manufacturing activities below 200 feet. Since no animal can make its own food, the creatures of the deeper waters live a strange, almost parasitic existence of utter dependence on the upper layers. These hungry carnivores prey fiercely and relentlessly upon each other, yet the whole community is ultimately dependent upon the slow rain of descending food particles from above. The components of this never-ending rain are the dead and dying plants and animals from the surface, or from one of the intermediate layers. For each of the horizontal zones or communities of the sea that lie between the surface and the sea bottom, the food supply is different and in general poorer than for the layer above have been recorded for comparison with sounds heard at sea, and in many cases satisfactory identification can be made.During the Second World War the hydrophone network set up by the United States Navy to protect the entrance to Chesapeake Bay was temporarily made useless when, in the spring of 1942,the speakers at the surface began to give forth, every evening, a sound described as being like “a pneumatic drill tearing up pavement”. The extraneous noises that came over the hydrophones completely masked the sounds of the passage of ships. Eventually it was discovered that the sounds were the voices of fish known as croakers, which in the spring move into Chesapeake Bay from the offshore wintering grounds. As soon as the noise had been identified and analyzed, it was possible to screen it out with an electric filter, so that once more only the sounds of ships came through the speakers.1.Many underwater animals cannot see because( ).2.According to the text, which of the following is NOT a use for a hydrophone?3.Animals that live near the bottom of the sea are most likely to be carnivorousbecause ( ).4.Which of the following statements about the state of oceanographic research does the text most clearly support?5.The authors main purpose in the text is to( ).问题1选项A.the lack of light has gradually eliminated their capacity to seeB.they use sound waves instead of light to navigate in the darkness.C.They have learned to survive without seeing thei


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