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Offer your help. Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:第1页/共45页The kinds of volunteering workTranslate for foreign sports players.It is a good way to improve our spoken English.Help the sick people.Learn how to take care of the ill people.第2页/共45页Help the disabled people to watch the games.Work as a guide for foreignersIt is helpful for me to be a tour guide in the futureThe kinds of volunteering work第3页/共45页Do a survey about Guangzhou Asian Games.Help clean up the streets and parksThe kinds of volunteering work第4页/共45页Help the old people and child cross the roadThe kinds of volunteering work第5页/共45页PAIRWORK. Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:A: Id like to help the old. What could I do?B: You could give them the old medical service.第6页/共45页PAIRWORK. Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:A: Id like to help the old. What could I do?B: You could help them cross the street.第7页/共45页PAIRWORK. Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:A: Id like to help the poor children. What could I do?B: You could help set up a Hope School第8页/共45页PAIRWORK. Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:A: Id like to help the poor children. What could I do?B: You could help give out food in the food bank.第9页/共45页PAIRWORK. Talk with your partners about what kinds of volunteer work you could do:A: Id like to help the students. What could I do?B: You could volunteer in an after-school study program.第10页/共45页Hi, Tom. Im making some plans to work in an old peoples home this summer. 第11页/共45页several pron. adj.几个;数个几个;数个第12页/共45页feeling n. 感觉;感触;感觉;感触;感情感情e.g. He had to lower his voice to control his feeling. 他不得不压低声音来控制自己的感情。他不得不压低声音来控制自己的感情。第13页/共45页satisfaction n. 满足;满意满足;满意e.g. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 观看一幅美丽的图画总会使人心满观看一幅美丽的图画总会使人心满 意足。意足。 satisfy v. + action satisfaction第14页/共45页e.g. Its difficult to describe my joy in words. 难以用语言来描述我的快乐。难以用语言来描述我的快乐。joy n. 高兴;愉快高兴;愉快第15页/共45页owner n. 物主;主人物主;主人e.g. They decided to give the cat back to the owner. 他们决定将猫归还它的主人。他们决定将猫归还它的主人。own (v. 拥有拥有 ) + er owner第16页/共45页e.g. A thousand-li journey begins with the first step. 千里之行始于足下。千里之行始于足下。journey n. 旅行;旅程旅行;旅程第17页/共45页Read the article. What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do? Students Who VolunteerMario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can3a第18页/共45页help him to get his future dream job. “Its hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.”Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.第19页/共45页She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”第20页/共45页Read the article and answer the questions. He loves animals. Mario volunteers at an animal hospital and Mary helps kids learn to read. She loves reading books.2. What does Mary love?1. What does Mario love? 3. What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do?3a第21页/共45页Read the article again and answer the questions.1. Why does Mario volunteer to help others?2. Why does Mary volunteer to help others?4. What does Mary say about volunteering? 3. What does Mario say about volunteering?3b第22页/共45页1. Why does Mario volunteer to help others?Because he believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 2. Why does Mary volunteer to help others?Because she can do what she loves to do and help others. 第23页/共45页Volunteering is a dream come true for her.He gets such a strong feeling of satisfaction when he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.4. What does Mary say about volunteering? 3. What does Mario say about volunteering?第24页/共45页Use infinitives to complete the sentences below.1. Mario would like _ an animal doctor.2. Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _ about how _ for animals. to knowto beto care3c第25页/共45页3. Mary decided _ for a job at an after-school reading program last year. She still works there now _ kids learn to read.4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves _. to helpto try outto help others第26页/共45页to help others 作目的状语。是作目的状语。是“每每周拿出几个小时周拿出几个小时”的目的。的目的。1. Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. from River High School 为介词短语为介词短语作后置修饰语,翻译时应提前。作后置修饰语,翻译时应提前。第27页/共45页2. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 马里奥相信这会马里奥相信这会帮助他获得他的梦想职业。帮助他获得他的梦想职业。help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事;帮助某人做某事; help后的不定式符号后的不定式符号to,可以省略。,可以省略。e.g. Mike called on his sister to help him look for his lost keys. 迈克叫上他妹妹帮助他找钥匙。迈克叫上他妹妹帮助他找钥匙。第28页/共45页3. but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. 但是我想学习更但是我想学习更多关于如何照顾动物的事。多关于如何照顾动物的事。want to do sth. 想要做某事。想要做某事。to不定式不定式做做want的宾语。的宾语。e.g. Grandpa wanted to lend us some money to buy a new car. 爷爷想借给我们钱去买一辆新车。爷爷想借给我们钱去买一辆新车。第29页/共45页e.g. They dont know where to build the new house. =They dont know where they can build the new house. 他们不知道在哪里可以建新房。他们不知道在哪里可以建新房。how to care for animals 是复合不定式结是复合不定式结构,作介词构,作介词about宾语。相当于:宾语。相当于:特殊特殊疑问词疑问词+ to不定式,构成复合不定式结不定式,构成复合不定式结构。构。(how he could care for animals).第30页/共45页4. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 她决定去参加一个志愿者课外阅读选拔她决定去参加一个志愿者课外阅读选拔活动。活动。decide to do sth. 决定去做某事;决定去做某事;to不定式做宾语。不定式做宾语。e.g. He decided to get married. 他决定结婚。他决定结婚。第31页/共45页to help kids learn to read 不定式短语作目的状语;不定式短语作目的状语;learn to read是是help的宾语。的宾语。5. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. 她仍旧在那里一周工作一次来帮助她仍旧在那里一周工作一次来帮助孩子们阅读。孩子们阅读。 第32页/共45页6. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. 我可以做我所喜欢的事情,同时还我可以做我所喜欢的事情,同时还 可以帮助他人。可以帮助他人。从句从句what I love to do在句子中作在句子中作do的宾语。的宾语。第33页/共45页I. 从方框中选择适当的短语完成句子,每个短语限用一次,每空词数不限(如果需要可变化形式)。put off, give out, clean up, put . to good use, be sure 1. When are you going to _ the newspapers? give outExercises第34页/共45页2. Miss Green will _ her experience _ in the new job.3. Dont _ what we can do today till tomorrow.4. Tell your sister to _ the living room.5. This girl _ not _ what she should do next.putto good useput offclean upissure第35页/共45页1. The kids would like to establish a school laboratory. The kids would like to _ a school laboratory. 根据上句完成下句,使两句在意思上相同或相近,每空一词。set up Exercises第36页/共45页2. It usually takes me ten minutes to wait for the bus. I usually _ ten minutes _ for the bus. 3. My birthday is in two weeks time. My birthday is _.spendwaitingtwo weeks from nowExercises第37页/共45页4. We should think up a good way to prevent air pollution. We should _ _ _ a good way to prevent air pollution.5. I can both speak and write Japanese. I can _ _ speak _ write Je up withnot onlybutExercises第38页/共45页I. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.several, feeling, owner, journey, satisfaction 1. I only want to sleep for _ minutes.2. The _ from London to Oxford takes about an hour and a half. journeyseveral第39页/共45页3. The next morning, the _ of the house prepared the breakfast for us.4. He looked at his work with a smile of _. 5. She enjoys the _ of freedom. ownersatisfactionfeeling第40页/共45页II. Complete the sentences.1. My brother wants _ (be) a pilot.2. Youll never learn _ (ride) a bike if you dont practice. 3. Mike taught his grandpa how _ (use) the computer.to rideto beto use第41页/共45页4. Mr. Smith helped the young man _ (find) a job. 5. The students decided _ (work) out the problem by themselves. 6. He volunteers _ (work) on the farm.to findto workto work第42页/共45页HOMEWORKMake sentences with these words.help (to) do, want to do, learn to do, decide to do, how to do, volunteer to do第43页/共45页The end of this period!第44页/共45页感谢您的观看。第45页/共45页


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