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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试点睛提分卷1. 单选题 The following question is taken from the June 2012 exam paper.An investor has the choice between two investments. Investment Exe offers interest of 4% per year compounded semi-annually for a period of three years. Investment Wye offers one interest payment of 20% at the end of its four-year life.What is the annual effective interest rate offered by the two investments?A Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.00% 4.66% B Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.00% 5.00% C Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.04% 4.66% D Investment Exe Investment Wye 4.04% 5.00% 考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 The question relates to study guide reference C5d The correct answer is C. The answer can be arrived at by calculation (Investment Exe annual effective return = 1.022 - 1 = 0.0404 or 4.04% and investment Wye annual effective return = 1.20025 - 1 = 0.0466 or 4.66%). Alternatively the answer can be reasoned out: investment Exes semi annual compounding must result in a higher effective annual rate than 4% (2 x 2%) and a 20% return over a 4 year period must have an effective annual rate of less than 5% (20% + 4 years) when the compounding effect is allowed for. Just over 32% of candidates incorrectly selected option D. This suggests that although most candidates can convert a sub annual interest rate into an effective annual rate, many find it difficult to convert a multi year rate into an effective annual rate.2. 论述题 This objective test question contains a question type which will only appear in a computer-based exam, but this question provides valuable practice for all students whichever versionof the exam they are taking. While a drag and drop style question is impossible to fully replicate within a paper basedmedium, some questions of this style have been included for completeness. A brand new game is about to be launched. The game is unique and can only be played onthe Star2000 gaming console, another one of the businesses products. Which of the following pricing strategies could be used to price the game? Students areentitled to a small discount. Drag the correct options into the box below: Penetration pricing Price skimming Complimentary product pricing Product line pricing Price discrimination Variable production cost + % 考点 Chapter5Pricingdecisions解析 The correct options are price skimming, complimentary product pricing and pricediscrimination. Without brand loyalty or a long shelf life then a strategy of penetration isunlikely to work. Additionally the uniqueness of the product prevents low prices.3. 单选题 The following statements have been made about cost classifications. (1) Repairs under warranty are an external failure cost (2) Lower selling price for sub quality goods is an internal failure cost Which of the above statements is/are correct? A 1 onlyB 2 onlyC Both 1 and 2D Neither 1 nor 2考点 Chapter2eEnvironmentalaccounting解析 Both statements are true. Repairs after the products have left the factory are an externalfailure cost. Having to reduce the price before the products leave the factory are an internalfailure cost.4. 单选题 In the context of partnership law, a partners actual authority to bind the partnership in a contract is determined by which of the following?A What is agreed between the partnersB The perception third parties have of the purpose of the partnershipC The actual purpose of the partnership考点 Chapter11Partnerships解析 Partnership authority is based on agency law. Actual authority is determined by what the partners agree.5. 单选题 The term secondary stakeholders describes which group of stakeholders?A Stakeholders who conduct transactions with the organisationB Stakeholders who have a contractual relationship with the organisationC Stakeholders who do not have a contractual relationship with the organisation考点 Chapter1Businessorganisationsandtheirstakeholders解析 Rationale: Secondary stakeholders are stakeholders who do not have a contractual relationshipwith the organisation.Primary stakeholders are stakeholders who do have a contractual relationship with the organisation.6. 单选题 The following statements have been made in relation to activity-based costing: (1) A cost pool is an activity which consumes resources and for which overhead costs areidentified and allocated. (2) The overhead absorption rate (OAR) is calculated in the same way as the absorptioncosting OAR, and the same OAR will be calculated for each activity. Which of the above statements is/are true? A (1) onlyB (2) onlyC Neither (1) nor (2)D Both (1) and (2)考点 Chapter2aActivitybasedcosting解析 Statement (2) is not correct. Although the OAR is calculated in the same way asthe absorption costing OAR, a separate OAR will be calculated for each activity.7. 单选题 Which term is used to describe the type of company that has its shares traded on a public stock exchange?A Listed companyB Public companyC Private companyD Unlimited company考点 Chapter12Corporationsandlegalpersonality解析 A public company does not have to have its shares traded on a public stock exchange. If it does so, then it becomes known as a listed (or quoted) company.8. 单选题 A person who is held out by a company as a director and performs the duties of a director without actuallybeing validly appointed is a:A Shadow directorB De facto directorC Non-executive directorD Executive director考点 Chapter18Companydirectors解析 The description is of a de facto director.9. 材料题 材料全屏 Sid is a director of two listed public companies in which he has substantial shareholdings: Trend plc andUmber plc. The annual reports of both Trend plc and Umber plc have just been drawn up, although not yet disclosed.They show that Trend plc has made a surprisingly big loss and that Umber plc has made an equallysurprising big profit. On the basis of this information Sid sold his shares in Trend plc and bought shares inUmber plc. He also advised his brother to buy shares in Umber plc. Vic, who is also a shareholder in both companies, sold a significant number of shares in Umber plc only theday before its annual report was published. 36 【论述题】 State whether Vic has any right to claim for the increase in share price that he missed out on when hesold his shares 考点 考点:Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 Vic sold his shares willingly and it is unfortunate for him that the share price subsequently may have risen.He has no right of action.10. 材料题 Suggest one other course of action that AB might follow, explaining what you consider to be itsmerits and demerits when compared with your answer at (a) above.考点 考点:Chapter6Short-termdecisions解析 Alternative course of action(i) Produce enough units of X in the next 13 weeks to use up existing inventories of directmaterials.(ii) Start sales of Y as soon as possible, and offer customers the choice between X and Y. SinceX is an inferior compound, it would have to be sold at a lower price than Y.Merits of this course of action(i) The workforce would be usefully employed for the next 13 weeks and then production of Ywould begin at once. Although redundancies would still seem inevitable, the companywould be creating as much work as it could for its employees.(ii) ABs customers would be made aware of the superiority of Y over X in terms of price, andof ABs commitment to the new compound. ABs marketing approach would be bothhonest and would also give customers an attractive choice of buying the superior Y or, fora time, an inferior X but at a lower price. This might well enhance ABs marketing success.Demerits of this course of action(i) It is unlikely to be a profit-maximising option, because selling X at a discount price wouldreduce profitability.(ii) Customers who get a discount on X might demand similar discounts on Y.(iii) Some customers might query the technical differences between X and Y, and question whyAB has been selling X at such a high price in the past this might lead to some customerrelations difficulties.(iv) AB must decide when to reduce the price of X, given that Y cannot be made for 20 weeks.The timing of the price reduction might create some difficulties with customers who buy Xjust before the price is reduced.11. 论述题 What are the main elements of an environmental management system per ISO 14001?考点 Chapter2eEnvironmentalaccounting解析 An environmental policy An assessment of environmental aspects and legal and voluntary obligations A management system Internal audits and reports to senior management A public declaration that ISO 14001 is being complied with12. 单选题 In the context of employment law, which of the following is an AUTOMATICALLY fair ground for dismissingan employee?A Unofficial industrial actionB RedundancyC Refusal to join a trade unionD Legal prohibition考点 Chapter9Dismissalandredundancy解析 Taking part in unofficial industrial action and being a threat to national security are automatic fairreasons for dismissal.13. 单选题 Listed below are some possible causes of difference between the cash book balance and the bank statement balance when preparing a bank reconciliation:1 Cheque paid in, subsequently dishonoured2 Error by bank3 Bank charges4 Lodgements credited after date5 Unpresented cheques not yet presentedWhich of these items require an entry in the cash book? A 1 and 3 onlyB 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5C 2, 4, and 5 onlyD 4 and 5 only考点 Chapter15Bankreconciliations解析 Dishonoured cheques and bank charges must be entered in the cash book.14. 单选题 Which of the following is true regarding the content of model articles of association?A The content of model articles of association is the same for all types of companyB The content of model articles of association includes clauses relating to the remuneration ofemployeesC The content of model articles of association includes clauses relating to the ethical treatment ofsuppliersD The content of model articles of association includes clauses relating to communication withmembers考点 Chapter14Constitutionofacompany解析 Communication with members is covered by model articles of association. Model articles differdepending on the type of company. They do not contain clauses on remuneration of employees orethical treatment of suppliers.15. 单选题 LT is an accountant who works for Tapa Ltd, a company owned by SP. LT has devised a scheme where TapaLtd can illegally disguise certain revenues so that the companys tax charge is reduced. Any tax that thescheme saves is paid to SP as a dividend. Which TWO offences has LT committed? (1) Tipping off (2) Failure to prevent (3) Laundering (4) Failure to report A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 3 and 4考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 LT has assisted SP in laundering money from a criminal offence (tax evasion) and is also liable forfailing to report SPs money laundering activities.16. 材料题 Explain whether Eden can pursue the third party in relation to the patent contract考点 考点:Chapter13Companyformation解析 In the situation described involving the patent, there is no contract involving the company because thecompany did not exist when the contract was formed. If the other party does not wish to proceed with theagreement, the directors of Eden plc will be unable to show any obligation for them to do so.17. 单选题 UK Courts must interpret legislation in a way that is compatible with the Convention on Human Rights.A TrueB False考点 Chapter2Sourcesoflaw解析 True. UK courts must interpret legislation in a way that is compatible with the Convention and where thereare two possible interpretations, and one is incompatible, they must choose the one that is compatiblewith the Convention.18. 单选题 The profit earned by a business in 20X7 was $72,500. The proprietor injected new capital of $8,000 during the year and withdrew goods for his private use which had cost $2,200. If net assets at the beginning of 20X7 were $101,700, what were the closing net assets? A $35,000B $39,400C $36,400D $180,000考点 Chapter5Ledgeraccountsanddoubleentry解析 I =P + Ci - D=$(72,500 + 8,000 - 2,200)=$78,300Therefore, closing net assets = $(101,700 + 78,300) = $180,00019. 材料题 The statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 October 20X7考点 考点:Chapter20Preparationoffinancialstatementsforcompanies解析 MALRIGHTSTATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 20X7 Ordinary Share Retained Total shares premium earnings $000 $000 $000 $000Balance at 1 Nov 20X6 650 80 130 860Total comprehensive 100 100income for the yearDividends paid (30) (30)Balance at 31 Oct 20X7 650 80 200 93020. 单选题 Which TWO of the following statements regarding contractual terms are correct? (1) The principle of freedom of contract states that parties may include in their contract any terms thatthey see fit (2) To be valid, a contract must be complete in its terms (3) Third parties may not determine an essential term of the contract (4) Where a term is classified as a condition, the only remedy to an injured party if it is breached is toclaim damages A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter5Contentofcontracts解析 The principle of freedom of contracts states that parties are generally free to form a contract as theywish, but to be valid, a contract must be complete in its terms. Parties may include a term that allowsa third party to determine an essential term. Where a condition is breached, the injured party mayclaim damages or treat the contract as discharged.21. 单选题 An ex-director of X company has commenced an action against the company claiming substantial damages for wrongful dismissal. The companys solicitors have advised that the ex-director is unlikely to succeed with his claim, although the chance of X paying any monies to the ex-director is not remote. The solicitors estimates of the companys potential liabilities are: $ Legal costs (to be incurred whether the claim is successful or not)50,000 Settlement of claim if successful500,000 550,000 According to IAS 37 Provisions, contingent HabHities an statements? A Provision of $550,000B Disclose a contingent liability of $550,000C Disclose a provision of $50,000 and a contingent liability of $500,000D Provision for $500,000 and a contingent liability of $50,000考点 Chapter11Provisionsandcontingencies解析 As the claim is unlikely to succeed, the potential settlement of $500,000 should be disclosed asa contingent liability note.However, given that the legal costs of $50,000 must be paid whether the claim is successful or not, this amount should be provided for in the companys financial statements. 22. 单选题 Which of the following statements concerning public companies reducing their share capital is correct?A A public company can reduce its share capital to below 50,000 and remain a public companywithout restrictionB A public company that wishes to reduce its share capital to below 50,000 must re-register as aprivate companyC A public company that wishes to reduce its share capital to below 50,000 must obtain permissionfrom the stock marketD A public company that wishes to reduce its share capital to below 50,000 must pass a writtenresolution of the members考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Public companies must have a minimum share capital of 50,000. If any reduction takes the value tobelow 50,000 then the company must re-register as a private company.23. 单选题 BCD Co is a large trading company. Steve is the administration manager and is also responsible for legal andcompliancefunctions. Sheila is responsible for after sales service and has responsibility for ensuring that customers who have purchased goods from BCD Co are fully satisfied. Sunny deals with suppliers and negotiates on the price and quality of inventory. He is also responsible for identifying the most appropriate suppliers of plant and machinery for the factory. Sam is the information technology manager and is responsible for all information systems within the company. According to Porters value chain, which of the managers is involved in a primary activity as opposed to a support activity? A SteveB SheilaC SunnyD Sam考点 Chapter2Thebusinessenvironment解析 Examiners comments: The examiners commented that only 31% of students chose the correct option. Steve, Sam, andSunny all have support roles and the words administration and information technology should have immediately indicateda support role for Steve and Sam. Sunnys procurement role was not so clear cut but the responsibilities for dealing with thesuppliers are sufficient to conclude that Sunny also has a support role.24. 单选题 _constitutes any financial transactions whose purpose is to conceal the origins of the proceeds of criminal activity. Which word(s) completes the sentence?A FraudB Money launderingC Teeming and ladingD Misrepresentation of results考点 Chapter10Identifyingandpreventingfraud解析 Rationale: The statement is the definition of money laundering.25. 单选题 Mr Smith has a limited income which restricts the number of different goods he can buy. Which one of the following bestdescribes the position at which Mr Smiths utility from purchasing different goods is maximised?A Marginal utility from each good is equalB Marginal utility from each good is 0C Ratio of marginal utility to price is equal for each good考点 Chapter4Microeconomicfactors解析 Rationale: Imagine you can buy a second car for $10,000 or buy a bike for $100 and they both give you the same extra utility. You wouldnt choose to buy the car as youre paying much more to achieve the same utility as you could get from buying the bike. If you get 10 times more utility for one thing compared to another youd be prepared to pay 10 times more for it26. 材料题 材料全屏 Five years ago, Del and Rod formed a limited company, Trot Ltd. The pair were the companys only directorsand shareholders. The company was initially profitable but sta


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