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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试点睛提分卷1. 单选题 You have been provided with the following information relating to three products: Product X Product Y Product Z Demand (units) 1,000 2,000 3,000 Selling price $15 $20 $30 Profit per unit $2 $5 $2 Actual sales for the year showed the following results. Product X Product Y Product Z Units sold 1,100 2,050 2,800 Sales value $17,050 $38,950 $86,800 Profit $3,080 $10,455 $6,160 What is the sales quantity variance? A $150 adverseB $50 favourableC $1,208 adverseD $1,695 favourable考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 The sales quantity variance is the difference between the actual sales volume in thestandard mix and budgeted sales, valued at the standard profit per unit:2. 单选题 PQR sells one product. The cost card for that product is given below: $ Direct materials 4 Direct labour5 Variable production overhead 3 Fixed production overhead 2 Variable selling cost3 The selling price per unit is $20. Budgeted fixed overheads are based on budgeted production of 1,000 units. Opening inventory was 200 units and closing inventory was 150 units. Sales during the period were 800 units and actual fixed overheads incurred were $1,500. What was the total contribution earned during the period? A $2,000B $2,600C $4,000D $2,500考点 Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Total variable cost= $(4 + 5 + 3 + 3) = $15Contribution per unit= $20-$15 = $5Total contribution earned= $5 x 800 = $4,0003. 单选题 Zee plc is a retailer of sportswear. Last year its turnover was 3 million and its balance sheet total was1.5 million. Zee plc is exempt from audit. A TrueB False考点 Chapter19Othercompanyofficers解析 Although its turnover and balance sheet total suggest the company is small and exempt from audit,the company is a plc and therefore the exemption does not apply. Zee plc must have an audit.4. 单选题 In the context of debentures, which of the following must be created using a debenture trust deed?A Debenture stockB A single debentureC Register of debenture holdersD Series debentures考点 Chapter16Loancapital解析 Out of the options, only debenture stock must be created using a debenture trust deed. Single and series debentures may use a debenture trust deed but this is not compulsory.5. 材料题 Explain whether Mo is entitled to payment from Katch Ltd in respect of the contract entered into byLen考点 考点:Chapter18Companydirectors解析 The circumstances in which Katch Ltd finds itself are very similar to that of the Freeman & Lockyer vBuckhurst Park Properties (Mangal) Ltd 1964 case. Len has been allowed by the board to act as if he wereChief Execute Officer and therefore as a third party Mo is entitled to assume that he has the implied authorityof one. This authority permits him to bind the company in commercial contracts, so the company will bebound by the advertising contract entered into by Len. Katch Ltd therefore has a liability to pay Mo or besued for breach of contract.6. 单选题 Which of the following only contains essential features of useful management information?A Accurate, understandable, presented in report formatB Timely, reliable, supported by calculationsC Regular, complete, communicated in writingD Understandable, accurate, relevant for its purpose考点 Chapter2Sourcesofdata解析 Useful management information does not necessarily have to be presented in report format, supported by calculations or communicated in writing.7. 单选题 An extract from a statement of cash flows prepared by a trainee accountant is shown below.Cash flows from operating activitiesNet profit before taxationAdjustments for: DepreciationOperating profit before working capital changesDecrease in inventoriesIncrease in receivablesIncrease in payablesCash generated from operationsWhichof the following criticisms of this extract are correct? 1Depreciation charges should have been added, not deducted. 2Decrease in inventories should have been deducted, not added. 3Increase in receivables should have been added, not deducted. 4Increase in payables should have been added, not deducted. A 2 and 4B 2 and 3C 1 and 3D 1 and 4考点 Chapter22Statementsofcashflows解析 The depreciation charge and the increase in payables should both have been added.8. 单选题 The neighbour principle was established by the landmark caseA Caparo v Dickman 1990B Anns v Merton London Borough Council 1977C Donoghue v Stevenson 1932D The Wagon Mound 1961考点 Chapter7Thelawoftortsandprofessionalnegligence解析 Donoghue v Stevenson 19329. 单选题 Which type of dividend is paid by the issue of additional shares?A Scrip dividendsB Equity dividendsC Capital dividends考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Scrip dividends are paid by issuing additional shares.10. 单选题 Which of the following statements is true?A Strong values improve corporate performanceB Strong values can replace rules and controls in an organisationC Strong values minimise conflict within an organisationD Strong values are dangerous if they filter out uncomfortable environmental information考点 Chapter6Organisationalcultureandcommittees解析 Rationale: This is a problem with strong cultures (and ultra-cohesive groups).Pitfalls: The other statements are plausible: you need to come up with counter-arguments to show that they are not always true. B is most plausible because it makes a limited claim that values can replace rules: think of health and safety or financial controls, however, to disprove the claim. Ways in: You could rule out two of the statements because they are dogmatic (so that just one counter-example wouldmake them untrue).11. 单选题 Which of the following statements concerning administration is correct?A A liquidation order may be granted against the company if the company is in administrationB To commence administration always requires a court orderC The official receiver is put in charge of a company subject to an administration orderD If the company cannot be rescued as a going concern, the next objective of administration is toachieve a better result for creditors than an immediate liquidation would考点 Chapter21Insolvencyandadministration解析 If a company cannot be rescued as a going concern then the next objective of administration is toachieve a better result for creditors than an immediate liquidation. Liquidation and administration aremutually exclusive, a liquidation order cannot be made if an administration order is already in place.Administrations may be made by certain parties without a court order. An administrator is put incharge of a company in administration.12. 单选题 Sand Co acquired 80% of the equity share capital of Sun Co several years ago. In the year to 31 December 20X4, Sand Co made a profit after taxation of $120,000 and Sun Co made a profit after taxation of $35,000. During the year Sun Co sold goods to Sand Co at a price of $40,000. The profit mark-up was 40% on the sales price. At 31 December 20X4, 25% of these goods were still held in the inventory of Sand Co. What profit is attributable to the parent company in the consolidated statement of profit or loss of the Sand Group for the year to 31 December 20X4? A $144,000B $148,000C $144,800D $151,000考点 Chapter23Introductiontoconsolidatedfinancialstatements解析 13. 单选题 A companys management accountant is analysing the reject rates achieved by 100 factory operatives working in identical conditions. Reject rates, Y%, are found to be related to months of experience, X, by this regression equation: Y = 20 - 0.25X. (The correlation coefficient was r = -0.9.) Using the equation, what is the predicted reject rate for an operative with 12 months experience?A 17%B 19%C 20%D 23%考点 Chapter14Forecasting解析 Y = 20 - 0.25XX = 12 Y = 20 - 0.25(12) = 17%14. 单选题 Which of the following MUST be created using a debenture trust deed?A A single debentureB Debenture stockC Series debenturesD Register of debentureholders考点 Chapter16Loancapital解析 Out of the options, only debenture stock must be created using a debenture trust deed. Single andseries debentures may use a debenture trust deed but this is not compulsory.15. 填空题 This objective test question contains a question type which will only appear in a computer-based exam, but this question provides valuable practice for all students whichever versionof the exam they are taking. Mr. Green makes salads. The standard plate of salad has 30 g of lettuce (L), 50 g of peppers(P) and 80 g of beetroot (B). The standard prices of the three ingredients are $0.2/kg,0.4/kg and 0.8/kg respectively. The actual prices were $0.22/kg, $0.38/kg and $0.82/kg. Mr. Green has been experimenting and so in July he changed the mix of vegetables on theplate thus: 1,500 plates contained 62,000 grams of lettuce, 81,000 grams of peppers and102,000 grams of beetroot. What is the cost difference between the actual mix and the standard mix to the nearestcent? 考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 16. 材料题 If there had been a normal process loss of 10% of input during the month what would the value of this loss have been?A NilB $450C $600D $1,050考点 考点:Chapter11Processcosting解析 There is no scrap value available for any losses therefore the normal loss would have a zero value. The normal loss does not carry any of the process costs therefore options B, C and D are all incorrect.17. 单选题 Diane carries out routine processing of invoices in the purchasing department of L Co. Joanne is Dianes supervisor. Lesley is trying to decide how many staff will be needed if some proposed new technology is implemented. Tracey is considering the new work that L Co will be able to offer and the new markets it could enter, once the new technology is well established. Which member of L Co carries out tactical activities? A DianeB JoanneC LesleyD Tracey考点 Chapter6Organisationalcultureandcommittees解析 Rationale: Diane and Joanne work at operational level as they are concerned with routine activities. Lesley is at anintermediate level and is managing resources. She is therefore part of tactical management. Tracey is concerned withdirection setting for the business and is therefore part of strategic management.18. 单选题 Using data from twelve European countries, it has been calculated that the correlation between the level of car ownership and the number of road deaths is 0.73. Which of the statements shown follow from this?(i) High levels of car ownership cause high levels of road deaths(ii) There is a strong relationship between the level of car ownership and the number of road deaths(iii) 53% of the variation in the level of road deaths from one country to the next can be explained by the corresponding variation in the level of car ownership(iv) 73% of the variation in the level of road deaths from one country to the next can be explained by the corresponding variation in the level of car ownershipA (i) and (ii) onlyB (i) and (iii) onlyC (ii) and (iii) onlyD (ii) and (iv) only考点 Chapter14Forecasting解析 (i)High levels of correlation do not prove that there is cause and effect.(ii)A correlation coefficient of 0.73 would generally be regarded as indicating a strong linear relationship between the variables.(iii)The coefficient of determination provides this information and is given by squaring the correlation coefficient, resulting in 53% in this case.(iv)The coefficient of determination provides this information and not the correlation coefficient. Remember that you must square the correlation coefficient in order to obtain the coefficient of determination.Statements (ii) and (iii) are relevant and the correct answer is therefore C.19. 单选题 In the context of data security controls, are records showing who has accessed a computer system and what operations he or she has performed.Which word or phrase correctly completes this definition?A PasswordsB Audit trailsC Archives考点 Chapter9Control,securityandaudit解析 Rationale: Audit trails enable system administrators to maintain security, check transactions (in order to identify errors and fraud), recover lost transactions and monitor the use of network resources. Passwords are access controls and archives are long-term back-up storage: both are good system controls.Pitfalls: There is lots of terminology in this area: get to grips with all the basic terms and procedures. 20. 论述题 The transfer pricing system operated by a divisional company has the potential to make a significantcontribution towards the achievement of corporate financial objectives. Required Explain the potential benefits of operating a transfer pricing system within a divisionalised company. 考点 Chapter17Divisionalperformanceandtransferpricing解析 Potential benefits of operating a transfer pricing system within a divisionalised company include thefollowing.(a) It can lead to goal congruence by motivating divisional managers to make decisions, whichimprove divisional profit and improve profit of the organisation as a whole.(b) It can prevent dysfunctional decision-making so that decisions taken by a divisional manager arein the best interests of their own part of the business, other divisions and the organisation as awhole.(c) Transfer prices can be set at a level that enables divisional performance to be measuredcommercially. A transfer pricing system should therefore report a level of divisional profit that is areasonable measure of the managerial performance of the division.(d) It should ensure that divisional autonomy is not undermined. A well-run transfer pricing systemhelps to ensure that a balance is kept between divisional autonomy to provide incentives andmotivation, and centralised authority to ensure that the divisions are all working towards the sametarget; the benefit of the organisation as a whole.21. 单选题 A fire on 30 September 20X2 destroyed some of a companys inventory and its inventory records. The following information is available: $ Inventory 1 September 20X2318.000 Sales for September 20X2 612.000 Purchases for September 20X2412.000 Inventory in good condition at 30 September 20X2214.000 Standard gross profit percentage on sales is 25% Based on this information, what is the value of the inventory lost? A $96,000B $271,000C $26,400D $57,000考点 Chapter17Incompleterecords解析 $Opening inventory 318,000Purchases 412,000Closing inventory (214,000) 516,000Notional cost of sales(612,000 x 75%)(459,000)Inventory lost57,00022. 单选题 A company has the following details extracted from its statement of financial position: $000 Inventories 1,900 Receivables 1,000 Bank overdraft 100 Payables1,000 The industry the company operates in has a current ratio norm of 1.8. Companies who manage liquidity well in this industry have a current ratio lower than the norm. Which of the following statements accurately describes the companys liquidity position? A Liquidityappears tobewell managed asthe bankoverdraft is relatively lowB Liquidityappears tobepoorly-controlledasshownbythelarge payables balanceC Liquidityappears tobepoorly-controlledasshownbythecompanys relatively highcurrent ratioD Liquidityappears tobepoorly-controlledasshownbytheexistence of a bank考点 Chapter26Interpretationoffinancialstatements解析 Current ratio is 2,900 : 1,100 = 2.6: 1 ie high compared to the industry norm.23. 论述题 Returning to the question above, now assume that the company operates a marginal costing system. Required Recalculate any variances necessary and produce an operating statement. 考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 (a) There is no fixed overhead volume variance.(b) The standard contribution per unit is $(20 6.60) = $13.40, therefore the sales volume variance of250 units (A) is valued at ( $13.40) = $3,350 (A).The other variances are unchanged, therefore an operating statement might appear as follows.Note. The profit here is the same as the profit calculated by standard absorption costing because therewere no changes in inventory levels. Absorption costing and marginal costing do not always produce anidentical profit figure.24. 论述题 An investment centre with capital employed of $570,000 is budgeted to earn a profit of $119,700 nextyear. A proposed fixed asset investment of $50,000, not included in the budget at present, will earn aprofit next year of $8,500 after depreciation. The companys cost of capital is 15%. What is the budgetedROI and residual income for next year, both with and without the investment? ROI Residual income Without investment . . With investment . . 考点 Chapter17Divisionalperformanceandtransferpricing解析 ROI Residual incomeWithout investment 21.0% $34,200With investment 20.7%


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