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总复习第34时 Unit8 It must be long to Carla . 班级 小组 姓名 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握本单元单词、短语及重点句型。2. 能力目标:掌握情态动词表示推测和可能性。教学重点、难点:情态动词表示推测和可能性。【预习导航】一导学部分1. 翻译下列单词和短语谁的 卡车 野餐 出席贵重的 敌人 任何人 噪音 男警察 狼 不安的 实验室在野外 外套 困倦的 着陆外星人 西服 表达 圈出大不列颠 奥秘 收到 历史学家领导 仲夏 医学的 目的阻止 能量 位置 埋葬尊重 祖先 顺利 辛勤的追逐 同时 属于 某个温暖的地方捡起 没什么事 逃跑 不寻常的事物赶公交车 指出 以特定的方式 阻止某人做某事【合作、探究、展示】翻译下列句子。1. 这是谁的书?2. 它一定是玛丽的。3. 它不可能被偷。4.我认为一定有人已经捡到了它。5. 一定有什么东西在光顾我们居民区的人家。6.这个噪音制造者正在享受在邻里间制造恐惧带来的太多乐趣。7. 你认为这个男人为什么在跑?8. 他可能是在跑步锻炼。9. 巨石阵不仅是英国著名的历史遗迹之一,还是英国最大的谜团之。10或许我们可能不知道,但我们知道他们一定很勤劳而且是伟大的规划者。【学后训练】一.用合适的情态动词填空。 1Who is the man over there? Is it Tom?No, it _ be him ,Tom is much taller.2. When you cross the street , you _be careful.3. Must they come to the party at 5:00? No, they _.4. May I use your dictionary? No,you _.5._you be happy!6. You _ get up so early, Its Sunday today, and we have no classes.7._ I speak to Miss Green ,please? Speaking.8. You _play with fire , Its dangerous.9. You _be more careful next time.10. Cars, buses ,and bikes _ stop when the traffic light is red. 11.Since the road is wet now, it _( must rain )last night.12. What is Tom doing? He_( must write)a letter.13.Sorry,I _(must sleep)this time yesterday, so I didnt hear you. 14. The textbook _be his ,It has his name on it.15. The football _ be Toms or Johns, they both play football.16. The red bike _be mine, Mine is black.18. This kind of food _(must put)in cool, clean and dry places.二单项选择。1.There must be kids having fun, _?A. mustnt there B.isnt there C.mustnt they D.arent they2. Dont go out at night,_?A.do you B.shall we C. will you D.are you3. The pen cant belong to Sally,_?oesnt it6. She must have finished writing,_?A. mustt she B.hasnt she C.didnt she D. isnt she7. She must have finished writing last week,_?A. mustt she B.hasnt she C.didnt she D. isnt she8. The man could be running for exercise,_?A. isnt he B .couldnt he C. didnt he D.isnt the man9.-_ football is this ?-I think its Loras.A. Who is B. Whos C. Whose D. Wha10-Have you bought _ for Lindas birthday? A. something unusual B. anything unusual C. unusual something D. unusual anything11.Not only Jam but also his sister a few interesting places since they came to China. A. will visit B. has visited C. have visited D. visited总第35 课时 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 班级 小组 姓名 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握本单元单词、短语及重点句型。2. 能力目标:掌握定语从句。教学重点、难点:复习定语从句。【预习导航】一导学部分1. 翻译下列单词和词组更喜欢 澳大利亚的 电子的 推断平滑的 导演 战争 对白纪录片 有才智的 感觉、意识 结局悲伤 疼痛 反映 动人的表演 一生 大师 表扬回想起 伤口 令人疼痛的 怜悯既然那样 坚持、固守 关闭 偶尔地总计 使振奋 尽力做某事 查阅出生 赚钱 和某人结婚 到末为止【合作、探究、展示】翻译下列句子。(1) 我喜欢能随之歌唱的音乐。(2) 我宁愿写也不愿读。(3) 卡门喜欢能演奏不同类型乐器的音乐家(4) 当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更爱看那些能使我高兴起来的电影。(5) 遗憾的是,一共只有六首曲子被录了下来得以传世。(6) 它是我曾听过最感动的乐曲之一。(7) 那二胡听起来如此悲伤以至于我几乎边听边要哭出来了。 8它悲伤的美不仅画了一幅阿炳自己生活的图画而且使人们回忆了来自他们自己悲伤或痛苦经历的最深的伤口。【学后训练】I根据句意,用正确的关系词填空。1. He is the man is ready to help others.2. The girl I spoke to just now is my friend.3. The second dress you bought in the city mall is made of silk.4. Bill likes the city and the people he is visiting now.5. Every village I used to live in is changing greatly.6.I still remember the day I first came to Beijing.7.I shall remember the days we studied together.8.This is the place he works.9.He wanted to know the reason I was late.10.I know a place _ we can swim.11.I know a place _is not far from here.12.I will never forget the days we spent together.13.I will never forget the days _we spent our holidays together.14The boy _ is playing ping-pong is my classmate.15The e-mail _ I received yesterday was from my sister.16.The car _ my father bought last month is very beautiful.17.This is the very novel _ weve talked about so much. 18. Is there a student _ father is a business man?19. This is the house in _ we have lived for 10 years.20.Ive never heard of the people and things _ you talked about just now.21.Say all _ you know.22.Is there anything _ I can do for you?23.This is the first play _ I have seen since I came here.24. This is the best novel _ I have read.25.Who is the girl _is standing under the tree?26. Which is the machine _ we used last Sunday II单项选择。( )1. What kind of music do you like? I like music I can dance to. A. who B. where C. that D. when( )3. There are many volunteers are helping the children in Yushu. And most of them are college students. A. who B. which C. when D. whose( )3. There are lots of things I need to prepare before the trip. A. who B. that C. whom D. whose( )4. I prefer . Would you like to sing with us? Yes, Id like to. A. to singing to dancing B. to sing to danceC. singing to dance D. singing to dancing( )5. I love people _ are friendly to others. A. which B. whose C. what D. who( )6. I like to live in a house is big and bright. A. that B. who C. how D. why( )7.-He looks unhappy today.-Lets _ A. cheer him up B. help out him C. look after him D. argue with him( )8.Catherine got married _ a policeman twenty years ago. A. with B. for C. to D. in总第36 课时 Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands.班级 小组 姓名 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握本单元单词、短语及重点句型。2. 能力目标: 复习运用be supposed /expected to do 表达应该做和不应该做的事。教学重点、难点:掌握中外文化习俗差异,做到入乡随俗、尊重他人。【预习导航】一导学部分1. 翻译下列单词和词组风俗 鞠躬 接吻 和打招呼放松的 珍视 首都 努力护照 粉笔 黑板 北方的海岸 季节 敲打 东方的值得 礼仪 空的 基础的交换 表现 逐步地 建议习惯于 顺便访问 毕竟 在中午大动肝火 做出努力 把擦掉 脱下特地 使某人感到宾至如归 握手应该做 伸出 被期待做 一就对宽松 奔波忙碌 计划做某事 准时尽可能 把插入 在餐桌前 不同于切碎 与我年龄相仿 值得做 过得愉快做某事顺利 正如你能想象的那样 对感觉良好【合作、探究、展示】翻译下列句子。1、 当你第一次和人见面时应该做什么?2、 你不应该握手。你应该鞠躬。3.你应该什么时候到?4.我应该穿牛仔裤吗?5.我伸出手站在那儿。6在我们那个地方,我们对时间比较宽松。7当我见朋友时,我会努力做到准时。8让别人一直等是不礼貌的。9. 守时重要吗?10.他们格外努力地使我感到宾至如归。11. 我现在法语说得非常流利。12. 我发现记住每件事情很困难。【学后训练】I单项选择:1.All of went to the zoo _ Wang Hai. He had to look after his grandma .A. besides B. with C. except D. beside2、_ is really hard _ them to climb such a high mountain.AThis; to BIt; to CThis; for DIt; for3、Its very kind them to pick me up and drive me home. A . for B . to C. it D. of4 .All of us find necessary to take exercise every day. A . this B . that C . it D. them5. Fruits in the bridge. A . are supposed to put B. are supposed to be kept C . suppose to be kept D. suppose to be6. You son was supposed here an hour ago. A . to be B .to coming C . arrive D. to go7. The teacher also mentioned an article by Zhu Ziqing A .supposed to have been written B. supposed to be writingC. supposing to have written D. supposing to be written8. Im new here and I dont know anyone here. I hope to make friends as I can.A. as much B. as more C. so many D. as many9.Dont be angry with him. , he is a kid. A. After that B. At all C. After all D. Since then 10. He is mad. He left saying anything. A. of B. to C. with D. without11.The little boy ran to his house, his mother. A. call B. to call C. called D. calling12. Oh, my pen dropped onto the floor. Could you please for me ? A. pick up it B. pick it up C. take up it D. take it up13. I to get there before seven tomorrow, so Ill have to get up early. A. told B. have told C. will tell D. was told14.She used to _ in the morning, but now she is used to _ at night.Aread; read Bread; reading Creading; read D reading; reading15.Daisy is such a good daughter that she _ most of her spare time with her parents.Aspends Bcosts Ctakes Daffords16.George was heard _ just now. What happened?People was telling a joke.Ato cry Bcry Cto laugh Dlaugh


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