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word二十六次Issue13/46/70/102/112 (Old4+94) 教育(3)46. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the students field of study.大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the remendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the remendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.1every subject does not exist independently对学好本学科有说明,因为知识在逻辑体系上是互通的,各个学科之间的相互交织。研究经济学的适当学习数学知识有利于对经济学的更深理解,如 philosophy is the foundation of all subject达芬奇Da Vinci即是科学家也是艺术家,他对人体解剖anatomy的深入了解,才使得他的油画十分优美,传神。Since various disciplineswere interrelated, the study of courses outside the students own field may benefit the study oftheir own major.如:力学中的理论可用于美术;如:公共行政学生需要了解心理学、管理学、政治学的开展2 在全球化进程的今天,只学习某个专业内的知识已经不能满足需要了In todays technologically advanced society it is impossible for those who focus their attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs for the future society.首先,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野。(broaden our vision | cultivate full-blown market of ideas | a broad spectrum of opinions | get closer to the truth | e to the best judgment.) True education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in ones major course of study and in ones professional career.其次,可以让学生发现她真正感兴趣的研究方向。By exploring subjects outside their own major, students may find new academic fields where lie their real interest and potential gift.3过分强调学习其他学科的重要性可能会导致学生无视主要知识的学习3、但是,不能放弃对主要科目的深入研究,这也是高校设置major的目的所在,浅尝辄止be satisfied with a smattering of knowledge对个人和社会都无裨益;unduly emphasize the importance of studying the course outsider may lead the students neglecting the knowledge of certain fields of study, and thereby have no capability to engage any realm of employment or research work. On the other hand, pel student to place most of the attentions on the professional fields also may falls into another extreme and eventually make the students impossible to catch up with the development of the science and technology4、总结,在保证深入学习钻研专业的前提下,扩大知识面,才能获得真正的教育二十二次Issue 28/85/94/113/120/121/127/145/147 (Old170)社会(1)28.The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.一个国家的伟大表现在国民的安乐上,而不是表现在统治者、艺术家或科学家的成就上。Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.1、肯定伟大国家的第一要素是人民生活好福利好the overriding imperative of any democratic state is to enhance the general welfare of its citizenry Great nation 的定义,prosperous in economy, democratic in politics , affluence in cultures. The welfare of the people, including the living conditions, the social security system and the charity of developed country is人民生活都保障不了的国家绝对不伟大,即使elite有成就也毫无意义For example, India .we have to admit that it is fast development of India during the past century and even it has owning nuclear weapon . However, focusing on high technology and weapon does not ameliorate the situation that much Indians are still living in the lowest level of society. And The peace is still a dream in this country because of divergence between people in religion and nation. India can not be called a great nation.2、 社会繁荣社会整体的成功统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就也是伟大国家的重要因素(a) Scientific and technological achievements serve in the first place to enhance a nations general welfare.(Advance in medical treatment, transportation, munication, etc)(b) Artistic achievements could not be neglected, though. They help to make a nation a better place to reside. (Provide inspiration, life peoples spirit and bring about creativity and imagination, all of which spur us to make more acplishments.)(c)The military and diplomatic acplishment of its leaders could neither be ignored in the general welfare of a nation. (The War of Independence)伟大国家中的统治者、艺术家、科学家要为人民谋福利For the rulers or the politicians, they should improve peoples living standards, safeguard the nations integrity and peoples safety, in a word, they should make their nation more stable, peace, and prosperous; With respect to artists, they should exert their creativity and imagination to make more classic artworks in order to reflect the inner connotations and impulse of a society and ultimately improve peoples spiritual life and bring with them entertainment; When it es to scientists, what they should is to make the research results conduce to peoples study, life, and work while avoid the potential negative impacts their research may produce.Issue 16/50/86/114/115 (Old54) 历史(8)86. Some people believe that government officials must carry out the will of the people they serve. Others believe that officials should base their decisions on their own judgment.有些人认为政府官员应该遵从大众的意愿。也有人认为政府官员依靠自己的判断做决定。Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.1、不能盲目的坚持,如果我们坚持的东西是错误的话,否如此必将走向失败;如:希特勒Blind adherence indicates nothing but ignorance and imprecise, which is a sign of foolish stubbornness:(a) Cause self-placence which leads to the neglect of ones defects.(b) If everyone sticks to his or her beliefs, that would cause the conflicts in our daily life.The most egregious example to illustrate this point involves Hitler, whose belief that the Jews presented potential harm to him and his countrymen was pletely ridiculous and fantastic, which ultimately resulted in the tragic mass persecution and even genocide.2、有时,为了成功我们也需要暂时的妥协;如卧薪尝胆的故事,就是在力量弱的时候妥协争取生存和开展的机会,以期待日后的崛起Long march of Chinese armyChinese great leader-Xiaoping Deng are famous for not only great contribution to the founding of Peoples Republic of china but also his unprecedented stratagem of reform. His theory of reform is based on the objective observation of the developing trend on the whole world and the masses will of and obvious efficiency upon the situation of china.3、坚持信念可以走向成功Only through firm adherence to some of ones beliefs could one make unique acplishments, especially when you are only one step away from the truth, promise means total failure. (Martin Luther King, The independence of America, Copernicus)Mary Curie adhere to her belief; Beethoven; heron Keller Marie Curies belief-there must be some new matter with the feature of radioactive concealing in the industrial wastes-had enabled her to work arduously and tenaciously, and eventually given birth to the discovery of Radium, which wan Marie Curie the Nobel Prize and meanwhile contributed significantly to the progress of medical science.3. Blind promise is also detrimental:(a) Concerning the decent interests of a country(b) The loyalty to truth and the respect for individual self as well as the society. 通常政治家是the outstanding individuals in the society.如:Roosevelt 在经济危机时能与时挽救美国 不能保证政治家做出的决策总是对的。A理论上说,他们可能为了自己的私利。 B实际上说,历史上有很多例子,关于政治家作了错误决策的。The cultural revolution 不能无视普通人群的判断力和决策,尤其在一个某某国家,因为政治家了解到的情况可能不那么真实,而the public 才是真正的利益相关主体The political issues are highly professional and requires expertise to tackle, political leaders should rely on their judgmentPolitical leaders, on general assumption, should be well-trained to handle highly professional issuesGeneral public, on the other hand, can only follow rather than leadIn democratic nation, and to ensure no bias or political discriminations soil the basic interest of the general public, the voice of the people should be taken into considerationConstitutionally legitimate for people to participate political affairs and defend their own rights十八次Issue59新增科技(20)59. Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people.科学家和科研人员应该研究更容易造福大众的领域。Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the remendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the remendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.当确定一些领域的优先权时,比如科学、教育等,最需要考虑的问题是:有多少人会从中获益?Partly agree1. 能够解决现在最urgent 社会问题科理所当然的应该给予优先权。如:通信,经济,商科,法律、医学。A哪些人会受益。B实际证明这些学科也是最兴旺兴旺的。最优秀的学生通常都去了这些地方。医学、生物研究,对治病的作用;农学研究对根本生活需要的满足;工程研究对建设的作用2. 有一些看起来没什么用的长期看会很有用。哲学、文学、历史、数学、物理其它科的根底。一些科学不要反对3. 在研究成果没有出来之前,我们很难判断哪些是能给最多人带来利益的。因此,让其平衡开展。按照经济学的观点,那些已经兴旺兴旺的学科,政府不需给予太多关注,否如此几年后供大于求;而那些现在默默无闻的学科今后可能是很有用的学科,需要给予扶持。一些已经很好的学科或许不能太过于投入,而一些不是很兴旺的如此需要大力支持。I agree insofar as areas of research certain to result in immediate and significant benefits for society should continue to be a priority. Yet, strictly followed, the speakers remendation would have a harmful chilling effect on research and new knowledge.1. Admittedly, scientific research whose societal benefits are immediate, predictable, and profound should continue to be a high priority.2. However, this is not to say that research whose benefits are less immediate or clear should be given lower priority. First of all, if we strictly follow the speakers suggestion, who would decide which areas of research are more worthwhile than others? Researchers cannot be left to decide.3. Secondly, to pel all researchers to focus only on certain areas would be to force many to waste their true talents.4. Thirdly, it is difficult to predict which research avenues will ultimately lead to the greatest contributions to society.十三次Issue12/25 (old53) 教育(13)12. Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.对任何被大学录取但无法承当学费的学生,政府应该为他们提供免费大学教育。Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.(1) College and university attracts the students with its inparable advantages:教育的重要性(a) Peerless faculties and advanced facilities(b) Atmosphere for studying(2) Due to its high tuition, many talented, earnest and industrious students could not afford it and thus may be deprived of the opportunity to study in college and university. Thus some people propose the above suggestion. However, it is impracticable and irrational:(a) Too ponderous a burden on the finance of government.(b) The quality of education could no longer be assured(c) The students might lose the impetus to study as diligent as they do at the time.(3) Other auxiliary projects could help to solve the problems:(a) Scholarship, stipend, interest-free loan.City and country library, and correspondence course.Issue 19(old3)(40)It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.与其花钱进展可能有助于后代的长期性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上。花钱解决现在的问题很合理,特别是很紧急的问题。如:Tsunami有些问题不是现在就能解决的。需要长远的规划。贫困问题、犯罪问题,有关human nature的问题从历史上看从来没有真正得到解决过。我们对未来负有责任。 A一方面,我们的行为造成了他们的损失。能源上,环境上。B从道德上说,人与动物的区别在于我们会感情上认为应对后代负责。When we enjoy the fruits of industrialization and democracy, we are, on the other side, confronted with social problems brought by as another consequence of this process.Firstly, immediate, existing social problems that baffled us deeply need to be resolved as quickly as possible so to restore a sound society and improve its healthy development.However, many present social problems cannot be resolved immediately as we hoped. Furthermore, neglecting long-term researches that may help future generations, overemphasizing to focus on the present problems, may result in inplete resolution to these social problems, which can merely be an expedience rather than a resolution.Issue31/63/67(Old121+242) 行为(10)63.There is little justification for society to make extraordinary effortsespecially at a great cost in money and jobsto save endangered animal or plant species.特别是考虑到花费代价和精力,对于任何社会,投入巨大的努力拯救濒危的动植物是不合理的。Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.Position: disagree.1 诚然,过去很多的动物都是因为自身不能够适应自然条件或者竞争法如此而灭绝的。The first is essentially the Darwinian argument that extinction results from the inexorable process of so-called “natural selection in which stronger species survive while weaker ones do not.然而,professional agency of species protection公布的数据明确,目前动物因为人类灭绝的数量是自然灭绝的100倍。人类对环境的污染导致很多生物不能够适应剧变的环境而灭亡;人类的大量开发土地和deforest导致生物的生存空间越来越小。人类正在成为leading killer,所以,我们有责任去保护那些濒临灭绝的动物。我们有责任去保护那些因我们而身陷危险的动物和植物,它们也是地球的一员。没有了它们,我们将会变得很孤单。我希望,未来的孩子们问起大熊猫长什么样的时候,我们可以带他们到动物园去看而不是仅仅在电视或书本上。2 保护那些濒临灭绝的动物对我们的生态系统有好处。一方面,保护那些濒临灭绝的动物就是保护生态平衡,比如在一个小岛上,如果某种鸟类灭绝了,那么田鼠之类的动物就没有了天敌,他们的过度繁殖会大量破坏植被,造成生态系统紊乱;另一方面,保护濒临灭绝的动物可以保持生态系统多样性,对我们的科研很有有帮助,科学家可以采集动物的基因进展研究,从而找出它们进化上的弱点,从而为我们人类和其他动物提供数据。从这个意义上说,我们应该保护那些濒临灭绝的动物.It is time for human beings to now.如果我们现在去保护那些濒临灭绝的动物,可以积累大量关于治理环境污染和保护动物的经验,从而用来保护那些目前没有濒临灭绝的动物。等到地球上的动物越来越少的时候就来不与了。我们现在帮助大熊猫配种繁殖,产下更多后代,未来就可以防止更多的物种因为生殖问题而灭绝;通过研究亚马逊森林的物种减少问题,我们可以知道酸雨和砍伐造成的,我们就可以采取相应的措施去减少这种损失,以防止更多的生物濒临灭绝。这些经验是宝贵的,他们可以帮助我们防止悲剧发生在其他生物的身上。我们的行动越早,悲剧就越少。3、一个国家的人类财力是有限的,不能一味的全用来保护濒危物种。保护濒危物种与社会的进步,经济的开展不应该对立。人类不能违背自然规律antagonize the nature and cannot betray the rules of universeIssue104/107(Old43)政治(9)104. To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.想成为一名有效力的领导如此,政府官员必须坚守最高的伦理和道德标准。Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most pelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.Position:partly agree1、(+)官员,who 对社会负责为人民服务,应该保持高的道德和伦理标准。作为公众人物,自然就应该受更多的限制,比如不能随便说脏话,要注意自己的行为举止等等。不道德的官员是不可能有很长的政治生涯的2、(+)不遵守political morality的政治家无法成功地领导,最终forfeit leadership,be doomed to failureHitler, NixonTake Richard Nixon for example, his abuse of power irritated the masses, as a result, he became the first president who was impeached in his tenure. Another example es from Bill Clinton who was investigated for his sexual scandals. Although he was not impeached at last, his dignity and reputation was damaged as a result. Apparently, a public official with low ethic and moral standards lose his public basis which is one of the key factors to be a leader.3.(-)In the business realm, successful leadership is generally defined as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firms shareholders or other owners.also society BILL GATE LIKAI-SHING 三菱an effective leader。we should not equate moral behavior in politics with the simple notions of honesty and putting the other fellows needs ahead of ones own-or other ways that we typically measure the morality of an individuals private behavior.一个成功的领导者还应该具备其它方面的特征special knowledge, insight, management ability, creativity and so forth可以举Bill Gates 创造微软神话的例子Moreover,只具有伦理和道德修养对于一个有效的领导者来说是远远不够的,领导能力,协调能力,处理危机的能力更重要。政治和道德不能混为一谈有道德的政治是理想化idaelization的现实中的道德政治是为了更好的获得利益最大化道德需要法律予以确认An effective leader should maintain highest moral standardsA political system built on morality and trustworthiness is cost-effectiveSociety as a whole progress to the ideal directionThe leader, as a person, cannot be trusted to exercise highest moral standardsA impersonal system is a must to reassure that the best part of a humans heart is well-protected and encouragedPolitics, as a ground famous for its muddiness and chaos, is not the field to only emphasize on moralityThe essence of politics is nothing about the struggle for power and balance of interestPolitical craftsmanship is also needed to survive十一次Issue73(old50) 教育(24)73. Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.学院和大学应该要求所有的教员拿出时间,参与学术界以外与教学科目相关的领域工作。Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.(1) Advantages:(a) Better understanding of the courses: practice is the only test of theory.(b) 世界开展速度太快To keep pace with the quick development, while the knowledge in the books somewhat lags behind.fresh insights and contagious excitement about the issue at hand.(c) experience in the field can help a professor ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues(d) Better perception of the requirement of the society.(e) Better help the children prepare for the society.帮助学生更了解书本知识实际的应用(2) Problems that deserve attention:(a) Some influence on the teaching process.(b) The main time and energy should still be on the education.(c) However, the teachers in some disciplines such as mathematics, literature, history, philosophy, etc., may find it difficult to bine their teaching with relevant professional fields.(3) Well balance十次Issue65(old17) 社会(30)65. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.有两种法律:公平的和不公平的。社会中的每个人都应该遵守公平的法律,更重要的是,不遵守或者违抗不公平的法律。BEGIN: The argument that people in a society should obey just law and disobey unjust law seems relatively sound, while after considering the intricate definition of law, the statement above is oversimplify the influence of the law upon the human world.1、 首先,把法律归类为正义和非正义太过于简单 (First of all, the items just and unjust are too simple to be used to categorize the kinds of laws because some laws may not be defined as either just or unjust.) 克隆、原子弹2、 法律并不像人们想象的那样是一成不变的 (The laws should not keep constant, as many people think, on the contrary, they should be challenged and mended in the progress of social development.)3、 首先,正义的概念是随着传统和其他条件而变的 (In the first place, the item just is going to vary greatly according to different traditions, costume and other conditions.)价值观:堕胎abortion4、 同样的非正义也是随着因素而改变的 (While, it is precisely the same when it es to the unjust law.) 时间:违抗政府的命令;计算机犯罪(puter crime)5、 同样的过分强调人们遵守正义和抵制非正义的东西,也会造成一些问题 (Unduly emphasizing people to resist the unjust laws also spell certain risks. In the first place, unjust laws are not constant concept but may ) 首先,阻碍社会某某进程(For one thing, pelling all the people unconditional accept and obey the just laws may in some sense impede the process of the democracy in the nation.) 其次,忽略了传统价值观念在社会中的作用( In addition, it may also undermine the fundamental influence of the traditional value systems upon the human society. As is so often pointed out that the regulations and laws is just a manifestation of the value and standard of the human civilizations. In this respect, inculcating people with the traditional value systems are far more important than pel them within the bound of the law.)END: In summary, as one of the crucial elements of modern society, the laws have to be served as the guidance for almost all the citizens t


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