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天津大学21秋大学英语在线作业三答案参考1. The questions will help you to discover whether the interviewee (被接见者) has all the necessary abilities and qualities to match your _ picture of the ideal person for the job.A、mentalB、localC、stationD、asleep参考答案:A2. The most widely found suprasegmental features are stress, intonation, tone and voicing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. -How tall is your sister? -_A、She is not very well.B、She is 28 years old.C、She is very nice.D、She is as tall as I am.参考答案:D4. The experiential function (sometimes also referred to as ideational function) is realized by the transitivity system of language.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B5. There is _ in todays newspaper.A.new anythingB.new somethingC.anything newD.something new参考答案:D6. A social dialect is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. Therefore, she judges she can&39;t count on him to do the right thing or honor his ( ) to others.A.commitmentB.embankmentC.preachedD.glared参考答案:A8. Children usually _ excitement, something new.A.look forB.long forC.call forD.search for参考答案:B9. He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own _.A.thingB.matterC.dutyD.business参考答案:D10. Field is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties according to use.”( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11. If so, our sense of the true and the _ is too easily cheated or deceived.A、energyB、falseC、seedD、prisoner参考答案:B12. -May I use your bike for a moment? -_A.Its well.B.It doesnt matter.C.By all means.D.I have no idea.参考答案:C13. Its reported that a new hospital _ here next year.A.would be set upB.was going to set upC.will be set upD.is going to set up参考答案:C14. discard means to get rid of something because it is useless.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. -Is that seat taken? -_A、Please dont worry.B、I dont think so.C、Why not?D、Its very nice.参考答案:B16. The garden _ while the Greens were away from home.A、took good care ofB、was taken good careC、was taken good care ofD、was taking good care参考答案:C17. _ adequate preparations, they thought it better to postpone the journey till next week.A.Not to have madeB.Not makingC.Not having madeD.Having not made参考答案:C18. While _ for the bus at the bus station, I met an old friend of mine whom I havent seen for 10 years.A.being waitedB.waitingC.having waitedD.waited参考答案:B19. Chinese is an agglutinating language.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. charitable is concerned with giving help to the poor.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B21. -Secretary: Hello. _. May I help you? -Caller: Yes, this is Albert Cordell. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?A.Ultimate ComputersB.Who are youC.Who is speakingD.Im the secretary参考答案:A22. When we speak or write we usually confine ourselves to single phrases or sentences.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A23. morality is principles of good behavior.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24. egoist is being selfless.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A25. jealous means feeling angry and unhappy because someone has sth. that you wish you had.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26. A _ boy was the only survivor in the plane crash.A.two years oldB.two-year-oldC.two-years oldD.two-years-old参考答案:B27. A green bottle is a kind of fly.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28. -Susan is absent from todays writing class. -_? As far as I know, she has never missed a class.A、How comeB、So whatC、WhyD、What for参考答案:A29. Do you often hear _ your brother?A、ofB、fromC、out ofD、with参考答案:B30. genetic means connected with genes.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B31. Morphologically, Chinese is a(n) _ language.A.analyticB.syntheticC.agglutinatingD.inflecting参考答案:A32. Therefore, other things _ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.A.isB.areC.beingD.having参考答案:C33. -Jenny (Treading on someone&39;s foot): _. I hope I haven&39;t hurt you. -John: It&39;s all right.A.Oh, Im sorryB.Oh, Im regretfulC.Oh, excuse meD.Oh, forgive me参考答案:A34. -Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. -_A.Great, I am very art-conscious.B.Dont mention it.C.Thanks for your compliments.D.Its fine.参考答案:C35. tyrant is kind king.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A36. -Where is Miss Smith? -_A、Shes from England.B、Shes at home.C、Shes not back.D、Shes very well.参考答案:B37. brute means physical strength rather than thought and intelligence.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B38. In education there should be a good ( ) among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment.A.distributionB.balanceC.combinationD.assignment参考答案:B39. Excuse me, would you please tell me _?A.when the sports meet is taken placeB.when is the sports meet going to be heldC.when is the sports meet to beginD.when the sports meet is to take place参考答案:D40. Simon: Is there any chance of my borrowing your type-writer? Cindy: _? Simon: Until the end of the week.A.For how longB.How comeC.Whats the matterD.Pardon参考答案:A41. Martin stood _ his shirt by the window.A.withB.atC.inD.at参考答案:C42. continuant specifies all the fricatives.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B43. -Jackson: I&39;ve just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out! -Maria: Oh, no! _.A.I was looking forward to itB.It doesnt matterC.Its not at all interestingD.I knew it already参考答案:A44. Carl: I&39;d like a haircut, please. Barber: Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well? Carl: _. A haircut will be just fine.A.No, thanksB.Yes, pleaseC.Its very kind of youD.Im glad you can think of it参考答案:A45. Conversion is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46. With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased _ he was a man of action.A、whichB、thatC、whatD、whether参考答案:B47. -Excuse me, how much is the jacket? -Its 499 Yuan. _.A.Oh, no. Thats OK!B.How do you like it?C.Which do you prefer?D.Would you like to try it on?参考答案:D48. Relational processes are linguistic processes that represent a relation being set up between two separate entities.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B49. _ exists in the Quebec Province, Canada.A.PidginB.MultilingualismC.CreoleD.Bilingualism参考答案:D50. In compounds, the _ morpheme determines the part of speech of the word.A.leftmostB.rightmostC.centralD.initial参考答案:C51. wrench means to twist and pull with force.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B52. profit is money that you give by selling things or doing business.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B53. I dont think this hat big good enough for me. Please show me _.A、the othersB、the otherC、another oneD、other one参考答案:C54. -Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? 皮特,这药一日服两次。 -Do I have to take it? It _so terrible.A、tastesB、is tastedC、is tastingD、has tasted参考答案:A55. May I take your order now? _A.No, Im in trouble now.B.Yes, we take orders.C.Yes, Id like a dish of chicken.D.No, I dont have an order.参考答案:C56. -Peter, dont step on the grass. -_.A.It doesnt matterB.I cant do itC.Dont worryD.Sorry, I wont do it again参考答案:D57. The road _ to the left as you go up the hill.A.tucksB.curvesC.splitsD.broadens参考答案:B58. John: Hurry up! We don&39;t have much time left. Peter: _ We still have two hours. Jone: Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don&39;t want anything to go wrong.A.Go onB.Look outC.All rightD.Take it easy参考答案:D59. In most museums, there&39;s no shouting and no running. But the Science Museum in London is _.A.quietB.noisyC.emptyD.crowded参考答案:B60. What kind of pre-sequence is A&39;s first utterance in the following discourse? A: DoWhat kind of pre-sequence is As first utterance in the following discourse? A: Do you know what I want to tell you about Mr.Smith? B: What? A: I saw him flirting with a lady at a party. B: Does his wife know that? A: Of course, she does. The lady is his wife.A.Pre-invitationB.Pre-requestC.Pre-announcementD.Pre-apology参考答案:C


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