2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module2 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版

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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module2 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版_第1页
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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module2 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims: Using adverbs to express frequencye.g. I always tell her about school.Using the simple present tense to describe habitual actionse.g. I usually show her my homework.Using pronouns to identify peoplee.g. I never play football with her.Key Points: I always tell her about school.Difficult Points: I usually show her my homework.Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming upPre-task preparation1.Reading2.Daily talk:1.Revision: 2. adverbs of frequency.3.Look and readPsTPWhat is the relationship between your father and mother?What is the relationship between your grandmother and your sister?1.Family trees.2.Calling game.3.What are you?1 Invite different students to tell you about the activities they do with different relatives.2 review: always, usually, sometimes and never3. Listen and repeatWhat does Kitty do with her aunt? to elicit: She always tells her about school./She sometimes washes the dishes with her.日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。复习巩固,为新授做准备。 While-task procedurePost-task activitiesAssignment1. Look and read. 2. Do a survey.1.ExerciseRead and write.1.Pair work: Ask and answer.talk about more activities.Invite a few pairs to ask and answer questions in front of the class.Photocopiable page 40conduct a survey to find out which activities each student in their group does with different relatives. They follow the modeled dialogue (but they do not need to mention the frequency of which they do each activity).2 Invite a student from each group to tell the rest of the class which activities the students in his/her group does with different relatives. For example, a lot of students may go to a restaurant with their aunt.1. Grammar Practice Book 6B pages 20.1. Look and say.2 .Copy the new words.3. Photo talk 结合自己的生活体验,来操练,让学生学以致用。说说做做练练中,让学生掌握关键句型。通过do a survey来交流和亲戚间的活动,找出异同点,注意频度副词的使用。附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module2 Unit2(1)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims: Using the simple present tense to express preferencese.g. They like to share their food.Using adverbs to indicate positione.g. They like to walk to school together. Key Points: They like to share their food.Difficult Points: They like to walk to school together. Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming upPre-task preparation1.Reading2.Daily talk:1.Revision: 1.Look and read. PsTPWhat do you usually do with your father?What does your mother usually do with you?How many aunts have you got?How old are your grandparents?1 Invite different students to tell you what they enjoy doing with their friends. Write the activities on the board.2 Play the recording: Look and read. The students listen and follow in their books. Play the recording again. The students listen and repeat.3 Invite different students to answer questions about the passage. Ask: What do Kitty and Alice like to do together? to elicit: They like to walk to school together, etc.日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。复习巩固,为新授做准备。先讨论,再学习课文内容,较自然,分散难点,降低难度,同时也激发了学习兴趣。 While-task procedurePost-task activitiesAssignment1. Read and act a rhyme. 2. Photocopiable page1.ExerciseRead and write.1 In groups, the students talk about what they like to do with their friends. 2 Photocopiable page 41 write a few sentences about what they like to do with their friends. Then they draw a picture showing the two of them doing something they like to do. 3 Play the recording: Read and act a rhyme. The students listen and follow in their books. Play the recording again. The students listen and repeat.4 In groups, the students practise reading the rhyme aloud, adding actions where appropriate. Invite a couple of groups to read and act the poem in front of the class.1. Grammar Practice Book 6B pages 21.1. Look and say.2 .Copy the new words.3. Photo talk 结合自己的生活体验,来操练,让学生学以致用。说说做做练练中,让学生掌握关键句型。通过小组练习,在互动中掌握诗歌


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