2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module4 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版

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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module4 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims: Using prepositions to indicate placese.g. In the market, at the fish stall.Using formulaic expressions to make suggestionse.g. Lets goAsking Wh- questions to find out specific information about somethinge.g. What kind of food would you like to have?Using modals to indicate preferencese.g. Id like to have _.Key Points: What kind of food would you like to have?Difficult Points: Id like to have _.Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming upPre-task preparation1 Daily talk1.Revision: 2. Look and sayWhat would you like for dinner tonight?What kind of vegetable dish would you like?1 Review the names of the food items e.g. fried chicken wings, cream of mushroom soup, etc. Introduce new food items, e.g. roast goose, sushi, shrimp dumplings with the help of pictures or photos.2 Show pictures, photos and menus of different kinds of restaurants, e.g. sandwich bar, sushi place, pizza caf, etc. Explain to students that different restaurants serve different food 日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。复习巩固,为新授做准备。While-task procedurePost-task activitieAssignmentLook and say 3. Photocopiable page 69 4.Photocopiable page 701.ExercisesRead and write.3 Play the recording: Look and say. 4 Play a matching game orally in class. Call out a food name and invite a student to say what restaurant serves the food, for example, sushi and sushi bar. 5 Photocopiable page 69. match the food items with the places where the dishes are served. 1 work in pairs to practise the dialogue in Photocopiable P70. S1:What kind of food would you like to have? S2: Id like to have _. The pair writes down the dishes their partner likes to eat.2 Then they have to find out the dishes they both like to eat and match each dish to a restaurant where the food is served.1.Grammar Practice Book 6B pages 54 to 571. Look and say.2 .Copy the new words.3. Make a dialogue of going out for dinner 通过游戏,新旧知识结合,较好地掌握各restaurant里的食品。通过情境表演来进一步巩固句型,并学以致用。联系生活实际巩固所学。Notes附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Unit 2 Do more exercise(第一课时)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词和词组faster, problem, earlier, be good at, do well in, do more exercise 2 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Thats true. Jim is not as strong as the other boys. Mike runs as fast as Ben. 3 能听懂、会说主要句型 Ben runs faster than Jim. 重点难点:初步了解掌握副词比较级的构成及用法。 2. 掌握课文内容并加以运用。教学步骤:一、 重难点突破1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you in Unit 2. 很高兴和大家在第二单元中见面。Do you remember the song in Unit 1? Yes, its called I wish I was taller. Lets sing together. (播放Unit1 歌曲动画)2. T: Good! In this song, we all wish that we could be taller and stronger, but how? Yes, we should do more exercise. (PPT 2 教课题) 只有多做运动多锻炼我们才能越来越强壮。Now I have some questions for you. Lets have a look. (PPT 3)Q1: Are you good at PE? Q2: Do you run fast? Who runs faster than you in your class?Q3: Do you jump high? Who jumps higher than you in your class? T: Now lets talk about these questions in groups. 先请你看一看以下几位同学的示范。 T: OK. You can talk like this in your groups, too.3T: OK! I think some of you run very fast, some of you jump very high. Here we can answer like this. (PPT 3 显示答句)A1: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. (教be good at 擅长于)A2 &3: Yes, I do./ No, Im not. runs/ jumps faster/ higher than me in my class. (教句子)T: Here we know these words. 再这里我们遇到了这样几个词组,请看屏幕。(PPT4-5讲解 PPT5 以考一考的形式问答显示)4T: OK, now lets go on talking. Now please talk about these questions. (PPT 6显示4个问题) T: OK. Its your turn now. 请你来练习对话吧!二、 课文学习1T: Now boys and girls. Look at this boy, please. (PPT 7 ) Whos he? Do you remember? Yes, hes Bens classmate, Jim. Jim is a boy. Usually, boyslike PE very much. How about Jim? Does he do well in PE? (教 do well in ) Lets listen. (播放课文前言录音)2. T: OK. Does Jim do well in PE? No, he doesnt. Now I have some more questions for you. ( PPT 8 ) What is he good at? Is he strong? Does he want to do better? Lets listen again. (再听完一遍回答问题,带读句子) T: Well, now please read this short passage. (PPT 9 )But before that, first read the phrases after me. (带读短语) 请自己来练读课文前言。3T: Good! Now we know Jim is not happy. Because he thinks he doesnt do well in PE. What is his problem with his PE? ( PPT10显示问题 教problem ) Jim 在体育方面到底遇到了什么问题呢? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放2/3课文动画) 4. T: Whatre Jims problems? Lets watch again and this time try to choose the right answers. 请再看一遍课文动画,选出正确的选项。5T: OK. Have you got the answer?(PPT 11) Now lets find the right answer together. Jims problems are: He cant run as fast as Ben and Mike. His friends swim faster than him. 6. T: OK. Now we know Ben is not good at running and swimming. But he does other things better. Jims good at English, Maths. What else is he good at? And whats his plan? Listen again and plete the table. 请你听课文完成表格填空。(PPT 12 )7. T: OK. Some of you have finished. (核对答案,教jog)8. T: Good. (PPT 13 )Now suppose you re Jim, can you say something according to this table? 现在你能根据表格里的内容帮助Jim完成他所说的话吗? 首先我们一起来听一听这位同学的示范吧! (学生示范)9T: OK. Its your turn now. 请你也来说一说吧!10. T: Now lets listen and repeat. (PPT 14-16 教Thats true. )11. T: Please read the text in pairs. 请2人练读对话。 三、 巩固练习。1T: In this text, we know Jim is not good at PE. But hes doing better and better. We all should try to do well in PE. 我们每个人都有自己擅长或不太擅长的的体育项目,下面请参与小组讨论。 (PPT 17 显示topics ) 请你结合今天学到的语言知识在小组内进行话题讨论。首先我们来听一听这一组同学是怎么讨论的。 (学生示范对话)2T: 好,请你也来说一说吧!结束语:今天我们一起讨论了有关体育和健康计划的问题。希望你在后面的学习和生活中能真正做好,变得更加健康强壮。I wish you taller and stronger. Bye.


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