2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module1 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版

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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module1 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims: Using “going to “ to describe events that will occur quite soon.Using modals to express obligations.Using imperatives to give instructions.Using imperatives to express prohibitions.Key Points: We must be careful. We must not start fires. Dont play near a fire.Difficult Points: Put your rubbish in the bin.Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming upPre-task preparationWhile-task procedurePost-task activityAssignment2.Daily talk:Language learning activity.2. Look and read. 3. Do Photocopiable Page 5.ExercisesHow is the weather?How is the fire danger?Do you like to have a picnic in the countryside?Do you see any signs of fire-safety?What are they?Draw the eight signs from the poster on fire-safety in the countryside and at home from Page 6 of the Students book.T: What does it mean?P: Dont smoke! No barbecues!Play the recording: Look and read.Listen and repeat.Point at the signs that you have draw on the board. Ask the students to say what each item means. Ask some students to e up and write the correct answer under each sign.Erase one sign (with sentence) while the students have their eyes closed. The students must then guess which rule has been erased. Continue this until all the rules have been erased from the board.Have students work in pairs to try to write rules of keep fire-safety at school and recite them to each other.Grammar Practice Book 6B page 4.2. Workbook page 4.日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。图示帮助学生理解祈使句的含义及基本用法。通过快速反应,来激起学生的求知欲。逐渐培养学生问答的能力。让学生学会灵活运用,学以致用。Acplishment DegreeMeasures for InpletionReferenceObjects(pictures or photos), tape recorder, etc.Teachers book 6bBoard designWhen the fire danger is highIn the countryside, dont smoke. No camp-fires. At home, do not smoke. Dont play with matches.At School 附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B Module1 Unit1(6)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims: Using simple past tense to talk about past activities.Using modals to express obligations.Asking “Wh-“ questions to find out information.Using imperatives to express prohibitions.Key Points: He talked about fire-safety.What must you do when you hear the fire bell?Difficult Points: We should/ should notTeaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming upPre-task preparation1.Sing songs2.Daily talk:1.Review the signs.How are you?Do you like raw meat?How does it taste?What do you like to eat?Which do you like better, blue or purple?What do you like to cook with?What does this sign mean?Who will take the role of Marks father?日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。复习signs为新授作准备。While-task procedurePost-task activityAssignment1. Look and say. 2. Look, read and think.ExercisesLook at the picture of Ben and his dad in Look and say.T: What else did Marks father say? P: He said we must not smoke. *P: We should not Listen to the tape.Listen and repeat.T: What are the fire rules in our school?Elicit the responses and write them on the board.Play the recording.Listen and repeat.Ask the students to look at the pictures and write thee rules.Match the cut-out pictures with the rules.Grammar Practice Book 6B page 7. Should的用法可与must作比较, 找出其异同点。联系实际来找出fire rules in school.也可以根据实际情况来说说自己学校中的fire rules让学生学会灵活运用,学以致用。Acplishment DegreeMeasures for InpletionReferenceObjects(pictures or photos), tape recorder, etc.Teachers book 6bBoard designHe talked about fire-safety.What must you do when you hear the fire bell?We shouldWe should not


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