2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版

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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版_第1页
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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(5)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Aims:Basic Aims:Basic Aims:1. Using adjectives to show quantities.2. Using prepositions to mdicate position.3. Asking simple questions to obtain yes/noresponses.Developing Aims: Using prepositions to indicate position.Teaching Aids:a cassette player,word and picture cards,some fruit,a box.Teaching Procedure.Pre-task 1.Review the names of different.Procedure Kinds of fruit. T:Look!Whats this/What are these?P:Its/Theyre. T:Do you like(the name of fruit)?P:What do you like best?. T:Have you got any(the name of fruit)?2.Review inside,outside,behind,in front of,beside.T:Ive got a ball.Please guess where it is?You can say“Is it?”P:Is it in the box?Is it behind the box?Is it beside the box?3.Review the pattern.Where are they?TheyreT:Oh,I cant see my books.Where are they?P:Theyre on teachers desk.While-task 1.Play the cassette,Look and say.Produce The students listen and follow in their books.2.The students listen and repeat.3.The student read the dialogue in pairs.4.Read:Ask and answer.The students practise the model dialogue.5.Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue.Post-task Divide the students into groups.Activity 1.T:Suppose were in the fruit shop.There are many fruit in it.Please make a new dialogue which is similar withlook and say.2.Invite some groups to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.Consolidation: Work book 4B P5 and Grammar Practice Book 4B P5.课 后 随 笔附送:2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Module1 unit1(2)教案 外研版l Teaching taskHave the pupils learn the different life between present and past.l FunctionTalking about the changingl Difficult pointsWords: life, different, ago, televisionSentences: There is a. There are . There was a . There were.l FocusThere is a. There are . There was a . There were.l Teaching procedureStep Warmer1. Greeting 2. T: How are you?S: I am fine, thank you. And you?T: I am fine, too. Whats the weather like today?S: Its raining.T: What day is it today?S: Today is Tuesday. T: What day was it tomorrow?S: It was Monday.Step Presentation1. T: Yesterday was Monday. 为什么这里我们要用”was”呢?S: 因为这里是过去式./.T: Yes, very good. 如果事情发生在过去,就要用过去时。Now listen carefully and answer my question. What did you do in winter holiday?S: .T: Please pay attention to the verb. 请大家注意动词的时态,因为我问的是你寒假做了什么事,这些都已经发生了,都是过去的事情了,所以我们的动词要用过去式。So, you should say,” I played football. I went shopping. I watched TV.”2. T: There is a bag. Can you guess how many pencils are there? For example, you can guess: there are two pencils. (The teacher lets the pupils to guess the things in the bag with the structure.)T: Now look at the blackboard.当你要说某地有某物的时候要用“There be”句型。For example, there is a book in the bag. There are pens in the bag. Please read after me.3. T: 刚刚我们从袋子里面拿了很多东西出来,现在袋子已经空了。但之前它是装有很多这些物品的。那如果我们想说,那个袋子里曾经装有这些东西,应该怎么说呢?袋子里装过一个玩具。应该怎么说呢?S: There was a toy in the bag./T: Wonderful. We should change “is”. 我们要把is 和 are 改成过去式。用There was 和There were。Read after me please.Step PracticeT: Use the structure “there was” “there were” to make sentences.Step DevelopingListen to the tape and read the sentences of “listen and say”.Step Homework Write the new words.


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