2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(3)教案 广州版

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2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(3)教案 广州版一、教学内容分析:本单元包括Unit 1 Dims Age,Unit 2 My Birthday以及Unit3 Lets go further。 话题谈及人物年龄与现在进行时的内容,学习How old ? He / She looks / 动词-ing 形式等语言知识,其中dialogue和work with language 均为教学重点。本单元的一些语法知识已在四年上册学过。本单元内容是上册内容的复习,也是为学习四年级下册做了一个很好的过渡。二、教学对象分析:1. 四年级学生经过半年的四年级英语学习,有了一定的口语表达能力及理解能力,但对语法知识的理解运用有一定的难度,在谈及假期,因为和学生们的生活实际很贴近,也是学生们感兴趣的话题。2. 本单元中的词汇量不大,教学中应通过从旧引新的学习方法,进行学习,同时帮助学生进行音节归纳,加深记忆。3. 在对话中出现的现在进行时动词变化规则是本单元的重难点,让学生在学习中初步感知。三、教学目标:1. 语言知识Can talk about ones age.How old is she / he?He / She is years old.He / She looks 现在进行时动词ing形式2. 语言技能掌握四会单词能正确理解并运用以上句型。能理解对话,并流利朗读,语言语调和和停顿正确,基础好的学生就复述,表演对话。 3. 情感态度通过探究性学习,让学生在学习过程中培养创作精神、自信心。四、教学策略:根据学生年龄特点,认知规律及兴趣爱好,教学中,充分利用插图、歌曲、游戏等资源,寓教于乐,通过大量的句子输入,产生信息图,创设语言情景,会话主题,让学生大量的输出,从而增强学生的口头表达能力。并注意在教学中培养学生的创新精神。五、教学重难点:重点:本单元的四会词汇,利用本课有关描述年龄的句子,对课文的正确理解难点:词汇的正确拼写,对课文部分新句子的正确理解和运用。六、教学媒体:图片、实物、电脑第一课时 教学内容:Dims Age教学过程:(一)Revision:Free talk:T: How is your holiday? Is it good?What did you do in your winter holiday?(二)Presentation 1. 通过Free talk,引入Unit的话题,初步教授-ing形式:T: I spent my holiday T: And here are some holiday photos.(Show some photos.)T: (指着照片上的自己) Whos that tall and handsome young man?Ps: Its Mr. Zeng.T: Yes, its me. But, what am I doing?(学生能说出play basketball,老师引导出playing basketball并板书)2. 老师做出动作,让学生操练动词-ing形式T: Am I playing football? P: Yes. T: Am I playing tennis?P: No. T: I am playing table tennis. (引导学生说playing table tennis)学生操练playing football / basketball / tennis / table tennis / badminton3. 教授“He / She looks ”“How old is he / she? He / She is years old.”T: I knew some new friends in my holiday. Now, let me introduce them to you.(Show some photos)T: This is He looks (引导学生说出其特征,如tall, young, handsome )T: How old is he? Can you guess?P: He is T: Yes, he is years old. (强调突出years old, 并板书句型)(利用photos重复呈现句型,对学生进行大量输入)(三)Practice1. Playing gamesShow a big picture with a lot of people, let a student describe someone, the other students must choose the right one that he describing.如:P1: (挑选照片中的某一个人)He looks young and tall.How old is he?Maybe he is 23 years old.P2:(选出P1所描述的人)2. 分小组进行活动操练3. 小组个别抽查、反馈(四)Development1. 呈现课文、听录音2. 复述对话及全文3. 小组、全班朗读课文4. 评价、小结本课所学内容(五)Homework 附送:2021-2022年四年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(3)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching Contents: P2P5Teaching Aims: 1. Learners develop their range of stationary vocabulary 2. Learners collect objects and talk about what belongs to whom 3. Learners in groups play a miming game to guess what others are doing 4. Learners act as a boss or a secretary in a role-play and talk about what the staff members are doing in the office 5. Learners prepare a slide show and write about where people are in school and what people are doing Teaching Focus:Using predictive adjectives to describe objects and nouns to identify objectAsking wh questions to find out specific information about a person Using demonstratives to refer to objectsAsking wh questions too find out which person sth belongs toE.g. whose pens are these?Using the present continuous tense to describe an action at the time of speaking. E.g. what are you doing? Im drawing.Asking wh questions to find out the place. E.g. where are Peter and Betty?Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking.E.g. whats he doing?Teaching Time: 4 periods3rd lessonTeaching Contents: P4Teaching Aims:1. Learners in groups play a miming game to guess what others are doing 2. Learners act as a boss or a secretary in a role-play and talk about what the staff members are doing in the office Language focus:Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time ofspeaking. E.g. what are you doing? Im drawing.Teaching Type: NewMaterials: cassette cassette player picturesProcedures:Warming upAnswer the questions:Whose book is this? (Dannys)Whose felt pen is that? (他的)Whose crayons are these? (我的)Whose brushes are those? (他的) While-task procedure:1) Look at the pictures. What are the children doing? Child children 2) T: What are you doing? Im writing, drawing, painting, reading.3) Are you talking? No, Im4) Practise in two:What are you doing? Im Look at the picture.Whats he /she doing? Hes/ ShesAre you painting? No, Im drawing.3. 1) Listen to the cassette and read after it.Answer the question:What are you doing?Whats he doing?What are the children doing?Are you running?Are you jumping?4要理解学会小诗-现在进行时关键在动词,前面有个be后加ing , be,be,be不要漏掉be, ing千万别忘记!Blackboard design:write writing read-reading talk-talkingsleep-sleeping paint-painting draw-drawingWhats he/she doing? Hes /Shesing. 5. Assignment. Oral work: Recite “ Say and act” “ Look and say” Written work: Copy it.教学效果反馈: 1.教学目标基本达到, 其中现在进行时的掌握需要坚持不懈的操练和讲解。2.教学环节上要多点时间操练现在进行时。3.学生练习中现在进行时的习题错误率较高。


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