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Unit 1 Linda comes to LondonLin da: Hi,Kare n!Where are you? Karen: I m in the coffee bar next tothe Arrivals exit.I m waiting for you,a ndI mhaving a cup of coffee.Karen: Where are you,a nd what areyou doing?Linda:l m in the Baggage Hall.I m waiting for my suitcase.Linda:Ah,l can see it!It s comi ng round now!There it is!Lin da:Oh,Karen!Is Paul withyou?Karen:Yes,of course he is.He s standing here beside me.I m giving him my phone now. Karen:Here you are,Paul!Talk to your mother!Paul:Hello,Mum! Linda:Hello,Paul!I v got my suitcase,a nd I m comi ng out now!琳达来到伦敦琳达:嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿?卡伦:我在进港口旁的咖啡馆。我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。卡伦:你在哪儿?在做什么?琳达:我在行李领取厅,在等我的皮箱。琳达:啊,我看到箱子了!马上就转过来了!到了!琳达:哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗?卡伦:当然在。他就站在我身旁。我现在把电话给他。卡伦:给,保罗!和你妈妈说说话!6. 来至U附近 come round保罗:你好,妈妈!琳达:你好,保罗!我拿到皮箱了,马上就出来!Lessord1. (机场的)进港处Arrivals2. 出口exit3. 等待 wait for4. 行李领取厅 BaggageHall5. 手提箱,皮箱suitcase7. 电话phone8. 出来come out9. 坐sitLesson2.三明治 sandwich2. 扶手椅 armchair3. 起立,站起来 stand up4. 读read5. 听listen toUnit 2 Good luck on Sunday!Reporter: Myname s TomFren ch.I m speaking to you from theExCel Centre in London s Dockla nds.We are visiting this year s Ma rath o n Expo.Reporter:This is the Trade Fair of the London Ma rath on.It s very noisy!There are hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here. Reporter:This is a big international event.But it s like a village!People are talking and laughinglike old friends.Reporter:I m standing with one of the competitors.Let me introduce Paul Bruce.Hi,Paul!Paul:Hi,Tom!Reporter: Paul,pleasetell ouris your first Ma rath on,isn t it?Paul:Yes,it is.祝你周日好运!记者:我是汤姆弗兰奇。我现在在伦敦多克兰的卓着中心为 您报道。我们正在参观今年的马拉松展览。记者:这是伦敦马拉松贸易博览会。这里人声鼎沸,有几百家参展商和成千上万的参观 者。记者:这是一国际盛事。但这里却像一个村镇,人们像老朋友一样说说笑笑。记者:站在我身旁的是一位参赛者,我来介绍一下保罗布鲁斯。你好,保罗!你好,汤姆!记者:保罗,请告诉我们的听众, 这是你第一次参加马拉松吗?保罗:是的。Reporter:Are youlooki ngforward to Sun day?Paul:Yes,l am.Reporter:That sthespirit,Paul!Good luck on Sun day!6. 嘈杂的,喧闹的 noisy7. 数以百计的hundreds of8.参展者exhibitor9.数以千计的thousands of10.参观者visitor11.村庄village12.大笑laugh13.竞争者,参赛者competitor14.听众liste ner15.盼望,期望 lookforwardto记者:你很期待周日吗?保罗:是的。Lesson31. 运气 luck2. 记者 reporter3. 中心centre4. 参观,访问 visit5. 贸易博览会 trade fair16. 电影 film17. 说 say18. 市镇,城镇 town19. 城市 cityLesson4记者:这就对了,保罗! 祝你周日好运!1.收音机radio2学习learn3新闻n ews4.回家come home5.安静的quietUnit 3 Is this yours?Jack:That s strange.What s this note in my pocket?It isn t mine.Is it yours,Daisy?Daisy:No,it isn t mine.Let me see.Oh,it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.Jack:So why is it in my pocket?Daisy: I don t know.It looks like Paul s to-do ” list.Let me read it.Wednesday, 18 April8 . Drive to the airport withKare n10 . Pick Mum up and drive to Barnet1 . Training run5 . Pick Clair up from college Jack: it to me,Daisy.Yes,it is Paul s,isn t it? Daisy:Yes, it back.Jack:But why on earth is it in my pocket?这是你的吗?杰克:真奇怪,我衣袋里的这张便条是什么? 这不是我的。是你的吗,黛西? 黛西:不是我的。让我看看 哦,这是保罗的。是他的笔迹。杰克:那它为什么在我的衣袋里? 黛西:我不知道。看上去像保罗的工作清单。 我来读一下。“4月18日 星期三早上8点和卡伦开车去机场早上10点 接妈妈,开车去巴尼特下午1点练习跑步下午5点去学校接克莱尔。” 杰克:嗯,给我吧,黛西。是的,这是保罗的,对吧?黛西:是的,杰克,把他放回去吧。 杰克:可是它究竟为什么会在我的 衣袋里呢?Lesson 51. 奇怪的strange2. 便条 note3. 口袋,衣袋 pocket4. 属于 belong to5. 他的(所有物)his6. 任务清单to-do list7. 飞机场 airport8. 接 pick up9. 长跑训练 training run10. 回原处 back究竟,到底 Why onearth.?Unit 4 The top three percentVolu nteer:C on gratulati ons!Two hours andfifty-nineminutes.That s fantastic!What s your n ame?Paul: Bruce.Volunteer:Well done,Paul!How are you feeling?Paul:l m .Volunteer:Good!Now,Paul.Here s your foil jacket.Put it on.You mustn t get cold.Paul:.Volun teer:Justa hun dred andseventy-nine minutes!Paul,you re a hero!Paul:Thanks!Volunteer:Now, Paul,walkthisway.Pick up your medal.It s yours!Volunteer:Thereare thirty-fivethousa ndrunners in thisrace, a ndyou re in the topthree percent!Congratulations!跑在前面的百分之三志愿者:祝贺你!2小时59分。太棒了! 你叫什么? 保罗:保罗。保罗布鲁斯。记者:做得好,保罗! 你感觉怎么样? 保罗:不错。谢谢!志愿者:很好!保罗, 这是你的保暖夹克。穿上吧,你可别感冒了。保罗:好,谢谢!志愿者:只用了 179分钟!保罗,你是个英雄!保罗:谢谢!志愿者:好,保罗,来这边领取你的奖章。这是你的!志愿者:这次比赛有 35000名选手参加,而你是跑在最前面的百分之三! 祝贺你!Lesson71. 小时hour2. 做得最好! Well done!3. 穿上 put on4. 英雄 hero5.走 1walk6.这边this way7.奖章medalLesson81脱下take off2.打开turn on3.信letter4.扔掉throw away5.挂起put up6.拿下take down7.高兴的,满意的pleasedUnit 5 All about ants!Robert:Lookatthiswebpage,Mum.It s about ants.Kare n:Ants?Why are you looking up ants?Robert:Why not?Ants are really interesting.They do really in teresti ng things.Karen:What kind of things?Robe rt:Well,they usually live in dry places.But they can survive under water for two weeks.Kare n: Really?Karen:Do they breatheun derwater?Robert:lt doesn t say.Robert:Oh,Mum,how about this?Ants always stretch their legsin the morning.Karen:You re joking!Robe rt:N o,really!Karen:Do they usually yawn in the morning,too?Robe 比 Well,fu nnily eno ugh,they do!关于蚂蚁!罗伯特:看这个网页,妈妈。 是有关蚂蚁的。卡伦:蚂蚁?你为什么在查蚂蚁的信息?罗伯特:为什么不?蚂蚁真的很有趣。它们做的事也很有趣。卡伦:它们都做些什么?罗伯特:嗯,它们通常生活在干燥 的地方。但能在水中存活两个星期。卡伦:真的吗?卡伦:它们在水下呼吸吗?罗伯特:这儿没说。罗伯特:哦,妈妈,这条信息怎么样? 蚂蚁总是在早晨伸展腿。卡伦:你在开玩笑吧!罗伯特:没有,是真的!卡伦:那它们在早晨也打哈欠吗?罗伯特:嗯,有意思的是,他们确 实是这样!1.网页webpage2.查阅look up3.地方,地点 place4. 幸存,生存下来survive5. 呼吸 breathe6. 伸展肢体stretch7. 打哈欠 yawn8. 用,使用use9. 网站 websiteLesson 101. 至U达 arrive2. 准备 prepare3. 去散步 go for a walk4. 写 writeAnnie:Yes,l m on my way to my accountant s.I always put on a nice outfit for him.Annie:So I m going by bus 。 Polly:What do you mean,Annie? Annie:Well,l usually walk into town.But today I m going by bus.It s my shoes,you see.Polly:Your shoes?Ann ie:Yes,my shoes.They re size six.Polly: They re perfect with your outfit.Annie: like them too.Annie:But I can t walk in themin the morning.They re fine in the after noon.Polly:What do you mean?Annie:My feet are size five in the morning,Unit 6 An elegant sizeand size six in the after noon.I can t walk in these shoes波莉:安妮,你今天看上去很优雅!2.完美的perfect安妮:是的,我要去我的会计那里。3.穿,戴wear在他面前我总要穿漂兄的套装。4.衣服clothes安妮:那我乘公共汽车去。 波莉:什么意思,安妮?5. 一双a pair of安妮:哦,我通常走着去城里,但 今天我要乘公共汽车。6剧院,剧场theatre你瞧,是因为我的鞋。 波莉:你的鞋?Less on 12安妮:是的,我的鞋。 是6号的。1银行经理bank波莉:这双鞋和你的套装很配。 安妮:谢谢,我也喜欢他们。man ager安妮:但我早上不能穿着它们走路,2.休息rest它们在下午合适。波莉:什么意思?3停留,留-卜stay安妮:我的脚在早上是 5号,4.躺 lie下午是6肓。午饭前我不能穿着这双鞋走路。5锻炼,运动exercise1. 大小,尺寸size Robert:How about this,Dad? Twenty-two percent of people in Britain never eat breakfast.Sixteen percent eat breakfast at work.William:lt s true.My assistant has her breakfast at work every day.It s a waste of time,really.Karen Poor girl!She works very hard.William:She goes out with friends nearly every night.Then she gets up late, and rushes to work late.William:Then she has breakfastat her desk!It doesn t look good.Karen:She works late twice a week,too.William:Well,we all do ,is that the time?William:l must rush.Karen: But what about your breakfast? Unit 7 A good example好榜样罗伯特:听这个,爸爸。 英国有22轴勺人从来不吃早饭,William:That s all right.I can get some breakfast at work.有勺人在工作时吃早饭。威廉:是这样的。我的助手每天都在工作时吃早饭。 真是浪费时间。卡伦:可怜的姑娘! 她工作真努力。威廉:她几乎每天晚上都和朋友出 去,然后很晚才起床, 很晚才冲去上班。威廉:然后她在办公桌前吃早饭!这样并不好。卡伦:她每周也加两次班。威廉:哦,我们都这样。天啊,几点了? 威廉:我得赶快走了。卡伦:那你的早饭怎么办?1. 例子 example2. 浪费时间 a waste of time3. 努力地 hard4. 几乎,差不多 nearly5. 晚地 late6. 冲,奔 rush7. 两次 twiceLesson 141. 一次,一回 once2. 海边,海滨 seaside威廉:没关系。我可以在上班时吃点东西。3. 药 medicineUnit 8 A nice quiet afternoon


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