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wordI. Chinese Cultural Terms :1. 绿茶green tea 2. 红茶black tea3. 乌龙茶oolong tea4. 黑茶dark tea5. 花茶scented tea6. 茉莉花茶 jasmine tea7. 八大菜系eight major schools of cuisine /8 Regional Chinese Cuisines8. 茶道tea ceremony 9. 茶具 tea set10. 紫砂壶 boccaro teapot 11. 烤鸭Beijing roast duck12. 清蒸鱼steamed fish 13. 狗不理包子Goubili steamed buns 14. 佛跳墙Buddha Jumping the Wall 15. 论语 The Analects16. 诗经The Book of Songs17. 道德经 Classic of the Way and Virtue18. 道家 Daoism19. 汉字 Chinese character20. 象形文字pictograph21. 甲骨文 oracle-bone inscription/ oracle-bone script 22. 篆文 seal character/ seal script 23. 文房四宝 four treasures of study 24. 丝绸之路 the Silk Road25. 海上丝绸之路 the Maritime silk road26. 一带一路倡议The Belt and Road Initiative27. 西域 the Western regions28. 敦煌石窟 the Dunhuang Grottoes29. 春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period30. 方块象形文字 the square-shaped pictographic character 31. 颜(真卿)体 the Yan style 32. 民间艺术 folk arts 33. 年画 New Year pictures34. 剪纸paper cutting /papercuts35. 皮影戏 shadow play 36. 绣 Suhou Embroidery37. 造纸术 paper making 38. 印刷术 printing 39. 佛经 Buddhist scripture40. 行书 running script /semi-cursive script 41. 草书 cursive script42. 楷书 regular script/standard script43. 隶书 official script/ clerical script 44. 砚the ink slab/ the ink stone; 墨ink stick45. 六艺:礼乐射御书数 “six arts” : ritual,music,archery, carriage driving , calligraphy , and mathematics46. 毛笔 the writing brush 47. 宣纸 xuan paper/ rice paper48. 中国书法Chinese calligraphy49. 简体字: simplified characters50. 繁体字 plex characters/ traditional characters 51. 中国结 Chinese knots52. 佛教 Buddhism53. 国徽 national emblem54. 国旗 national flag55. 国歌 national anthemII. Multiple choices (每题三个选项中选一个最佳答案)1)Which of the following is irrelevant to the pictographic symbols of Chinese characters? (下列哪项与汉字的象形符号无关?)_Al Aspiration. 吸lll2) Which of the following statements is true of the name of Fudan University(关于复旦大学的名称,下列哪个述是正确的?)_Dl The characters both stand for the sun rising on the horizon.这些字符都代表着“太阳在地平线上升起”lll3) Which of the following languages mostly consists of language pictures(下列语言中哪一种主要由语言图片组成?)? B_l Mandarin Chinese. 普通话ll Oracle-bone inscription. 甲骨文l4) The symbol for “swimming” is closest to(“游泳”的符号最接近的是) _.Cl oracle-bone inscription甲骨文l Mandarin Chinese普通话l seal characters 篆书 l none of the above没有选项5)The symbol for “athletics” contains the ingredients of (“运动”的符号包含了)_.Al dancing and running跳舞、跑步l running and swinging 跑步和摆动l dancing and swinging 跳舞和摆动l triathlon and football铁人三项和足球l an educator一个教育家l A biologist 一个生物学家l A scholar 有识之士l A philosopher一个哲学家7)The expression “filial piety” most probably means being (“孝”l Loyal to the state忠于国家l Obedient to sister(s) 听姐姐的话l Responsible for the family 对家庭负责l Dutiful to parents孝顺父母8)Which of following can best describe Confuciusl Brothers兄弟l Husband and wife 夫妇l Doctor and patient 医生和病人l Mother and son母子l Nature is lifeless so it will never die自然是没有生命的,所以它永远不会死。l Individuals life can be everlasting by joining nature 人的一生可以通过自然的延续而持久。l They should be grateful to their parents for giving them lives他们应该感父母给了他们生命。l Individuals lifespan is short,so they should enjoy life as much as possible每个人的寿命都很短,所以他们应该尽可能地享受生活。10)Which of following is the most important part of Confuciusl Music音乐l calligraphy 书法l virtue 美德l Mathematics数学11)Zi Lu ,Ran You and Gongxi Chis aspirations represent _,while Zeng Dianl Personal ambition;selfishness个人的野心;自私l Lofty ideals;meaningless pursuit 远大的志向;毫无意义的追求l Personal struggle;generous contribution 个人奋斗;慷慨的奉献l Individual contribution to society; harmony个人对社会的贡献;和谐l calligraphy美术字(体);书法,笔迹l penmanship 书写艺术,书法,书写技巧l handwriting 书法,手书l None of the above以上都不是l By dance通过舞蹈l By script 通过剧本l By music 通过音乐l By brush用刷子l He did nothing but practice his running-cursive script all day他整天只练习行书。l He learnt calligraphy by copying other calligraphers of his time 他模仿他那个时代的书法家学习书法。l He often watched sword dance to learn from it for his calligraphy 他经常看剑舞学习书法。l He made fast progress when he discovered the genuine beauty of calligraphy当他发现书法真正的美时,他进步很快。15)How is the “energy”of”one-stroke character”achieved (“能量”l By pressing the brush harder通过用力按压笔刷l By writing the character with only one stroke 只写一个笔画l by writing the strokes at one go写那些笔画的时候一气呵成l By connecting the strokes in the interior通过连接部的笔画16)Which of following words can best summarize the characteristic of “ink pig” (下面哪个词最能概括“墨猪”l vigorous有力的l cumbersome 笨重的l heavy 重的,沉重的l Dense密集的,稠密的l Wang xizhil Wang xianzhi l Wang xun l Zhang xu18)What can we learn about wang xizhil His handwriting looks like a dragon他的笔迹像一条龙。l His hand writing is heavy but vigorous 他的笔迹重而有力。l Preface to the lanting pavilion collection is his first work 兰亭集的序言是他的第一部作品。l The original of preface to the lanting pavilion collection is missing兰亭集序的真迹已经不见了19)How did the criterion of “being hidden”in yan style occur (颜体的“隐”l It dawned upon yan zhenqing accidentally颜真卿偶然发现的l Yan zhenqing learnt it from former masters 颜真卿从它原先的主人那里学到的l Yan zhenqing got the idea from zhang xu 颜真卿是从旭那里得到的想法l It was passed down from yans ancestors它是颜真卿的祖宗传下来的III. Translation 英译汉 , 汉译英(英汉互译都要掌握)重要提示:请各位同学务必复习这些段落的英译汉,以及汉语段落回译成英文。翻译复习 1. Unit 1, Page 7 , para. 18Before Confucius,only the nobility had the right to education.He was the first figure in Chinese history to initiate private education.According to historical records,Confucius taught for many years and trained 3000 disciples.A total of 72 of them excelled in the ”six arts”,i.e.(也就是),ritual(礼),music(乐),archery(射),driving(御),calligraphy(书),and mathematics(数).A great educator,Confucius has been admired by later generations as the “sage of sages”.在孔子之前,受教育的权利为贵族阶层所垄断。孔子在中国历史上首开私人讲学之风气。他长期从事教育工作。据史书记载,他有弟子三千,其六艺的有七十二人。孔子是伟大的教育家,被后人尊称为“至圣先师”。2. Unit2 , page 18.para.11 Laozi said,”The greatest virtue is like water”.He pared his philosophy of ”non-contention” to water, to distinguish it from the law of the jungle.He said, “Water nourishes everything but contends for nothing”.To Laozi,humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places.Driven by desire,humans like whatever thy think is superior while despising whatever they think is inferior.Yet water always flows downward.As the source of life water nourishes all living things on Earth.老子说“上善若水”-水具有最高的善。老子以水比喻他的“不争”哲学思想,与恶意争斗的丛林法则相区别。老子说, “水善万物而不争。”在老子看来,人往高处走,水往低处流。人情受欲望驱动,好高而恶下,而水却永远往下流淌。水是生命之源,可以滋润万物,给带来生命。3. Unit 5, page43,para. 1Protection of the eco-environment is capturing wider international attention today.Eco-ethics and eco-philosophy have arisen in the face of the increasingly serious ecological crisis facing the whole world.Scholars in the field point out that human damage to the natural environment has accelerated to such an extent as to threaten the very existence of human beings themselves.今天,全世界都普遍关注生态环境的保护问题,面对日益严重的生态危机,国际上出现了生态伦理学和生态哲学。学者们强调指出,人类对自然环境破坏已经达到从根本上威胁人类自身生存的地步。4.Some pictographic symbols of Chinese characters express peoples keen observation and experience of the world.This is why some European poets have found Chinese characters inspiring to their imagination. Ezra Pound,for example,was well known for his admiration of Chinese characters,from which he was able to draw creativity.When he saw the character “旦”in the dictionary,he was reminded of the morning sun.汉字中的象形符号包含了中国人对世界敏锐的观察和丰富的体验。这也是一些西方的诗人发现汉字能激发他们的想象力的原因。比如,美国诗人庞德以推崇汉字而著名,汉字的象形符号激荡起他的创造力。他在字典中看到汉字“旦” 时,他即联想到早晨的太阳。5. Unit 7 page 62 ,para .3The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route,but also as a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations of China,India,the Mesopotamian plains,Egypt,and Greece.It also helped to promote the exchange of science and technology between east and west.The Silk Road served as the main channel for ancient China to open up to the outside world, as well as for fresh impulses from other cultures to enter the country,which contributed a significant share to the shaping of Chinese culture.丝绸之路不仅是一条古代通商的道路,它更是连接古代中华文明,印度文明,埃及文明,希腊文明和美索不达米亚文明的纽带。它也为东西方的科学技术交流起到了促进作用。丝绸之路是古老的中国走向世界,接受世界其他地方文明营养的主要通道。中国文化性格的塑造与丝绸之路息息相关。6. Unit 8 page71 , para .1&2Para1The Analects begins with the Confucian edict(教诲):”Is it not a pleasure to meet friends from afar?”Afar” implies different ways of life and philosophies,Confucius attitude shows that the Chinese have always highly respected friends from a long way off and aspired to learn from them.At the same time,there existed the wish to present a good image to outsiders.There is another useful quotation from The Analects:”Magistrate(地方行政官)Zigao of the Ye County asked about governance.Confucius replied,Good governance makes ones neighbors happy and attracts people from faraway places to e and learn from you.”论语一开头就记载这孔子的教导:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”“远方” 提示着生活方式和思想观念的差异。孔子的态度也表明了中国人向来把来自远方的人当作可尊敬的朋友来看待,并乐于向他们学习。同时,中国人也希望在域外人面前展示好的形象。论语中还有一段记载: “地方官子告问孔子如何治理国家时, 孔子答曰:近者悦,远者来”。Para2The prosperous Tang Dynasty best exemplified the open and inclusive spirit of Chinese culture as advocated by Confucius.Instead of denial or confrontation, the Tang,from the reign of Emperor Taizong onwards, tolerated and absorbed elements from all cultures that it came into contact with,leading to prosperity in all aspects of social life.由唐太宗开启的大唐盛世,正体现了孔子所表述的这种中国文化精神。大唐盛世在文化上显示了开放和包容的姿势。 没有拒绝和冲突,唐代包容吸纳了所接触的外来文化的众多元素,促使社会各个领域呈现繁荣景象。7. Unit9 page82, para .4pared with these explorers,Zheng Hes voyages took place much earlier and on a much larger scale. On each of the seven voyages to the Western Seas,his fleet consisted of more than 100 ships, with 62 large and medium-sized ships forming the main body.Crews and other personnel added up to more than 20000. Columbus fleet had only three ships and an 88-member crew.Obviously,Zheng Hes fleets were unparalleled during his time in terms of size,navigation technology,organization and amenities(便利设施),in order to be capable of making those successful long trips.与这些人类航海史的创举相比,和下西洋,时间上比他们早,规模上也比他们大得多,和每次下西洋,船队都由一二百艘船组成,其中以62艘大中型宝船组成船队主体。船上船员及其他人员总共两万人以上。而后来哥伦布的船队只有3艘船,乘员只有88名。和远航的规模之大,技术之先进,组织之严密,设施之便利都是同时代其他远航活动无法比拟的。8. Unit 15 page129,para.1 Today,anyone who knows a little bit about Chinese culture usually knows about Chinese calligraphy.This unique art is related to writing, but speaks of much more than simple,even attractive, penmanship. Actually, although we use “calligraphy” to refer to this art of writing,this English word is unable to cover all its connotations.今天,对中国文化少有了解的人,都或多或少地知道中国书法这种独特的艺术。书法艺术与写字有关,但不等于说,将字写得好看一些,就是书法艺术了。事实上,尽管我们使用英语calligraphy 一词来指书法艺术,但calligraphy 一词还是无法涵盖书法艺术的涵。9. Unit 19 page171 ,para.2 ;Cloisonne is a traditional art widely known in and outside China.It is a kind of superb local expertise from Beijing,which bines the skills of bronze art,porcelain,carving,and other types of folk arts.It is deemed valuable in the eyes of collectors, as well as providing refined ornaments for daily use.景泰蓝是驰名中外的传统工艺,集青铜艺术,瓷器和雕刻诸种工艺制作技巧于一身,是一门道地的绝活。它是收藏家收藏的佳品,又是人们居家使用的精美物品。page .172, para .7Spring Festival(or Chinese New Year)is the most important traditional festival in China.People celebrate it with lanterns and streamers,no matter where they live, in the countryside or in the city.New Year pictures are an indispensable part of this celebration for each and every household.People put up New Year Pictures in their homes to enhance the lively festive atmosphere.春节是中国最重要的传统节日,一到春节,无论城市农村,人们都要灯结彩庆贺,贴年画,是家家户户春节必不可少的节目。人们用年画将家里布置得热热闹闹,增添过年的气氛。page .172, para .8Most New Year pictures feature designs symbolizing good fortune,auspiciousness(吉利)and festivity.A popular New Year picture entitled Surplus in Successive Years depicts a cute plump baby holding a big carp(鲤鱼)in his arms and a bouquet of lotus flowers in his hand.”Fish”and”surplus”in Chinese have the same pronunciation (yu).Through the homophony(同音异义)of the two words, people express their wishes for affluent(富裕的) lives.年画在容上多表现为祝福,吉祥和喜庆之意。如一幅广为流传的年画连年有鱼,画一个可爱的胖娃娃,怀里抱着一条大鲤鱼,手里拿着一束莲花。“鱼” 和 “余”在汉字中读音相同,通过谐音,以表示生活富足,年年有余。10.It is widely acknowledged that from Ming and Qing dynasties onwards,there are eight major schools of cuisine based on regional cooking.they came from Shandong,Sichuan,Guangdong,Fujian,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Hunan,and Anhui provinces.In addition to these traditional cuisines,the culinary industry in China has undergone great changes,as almost every place has its own local specialties,and the different cuisines gather in big cities such as Beijing.说起中国饮食,明清以来,公认的有八大菜系,这它们分别是:鲁菜,川菜,粤菜,闽菜,菜,浙菜,湘菜,和徽菜。除了这些传统菜系,当今中国,美食地图发生了很大的变化,几乎全国各地都有自己的拿手菜,在这样的大城市汇聚了各种地方名菜。11. Unit23 page215,para.1 Tea is a wonderful beverage originally produced in China about 4000 years ago.During the Tang Dynasty,Japanese monks introduced tea seeds to Japan,and by bining tea with Zen Buddhism,created the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony.In the 17th century,the Dutch took to Europe the Chinese habit of tea drinking,which then became a tradition of the Europeans.In England in particular,people developed the custom of afternoon tea.Prior to the 19th century,all the tea in the world was grown in China,and even the English word “tea” was a transliteration(音译)of the pronunciation of “tea” in the Fujian dialect of China.Tea is an important contribution of the Chinese people to the world.茶,这一美妙的饮品原产地在中国。 四千多年前,中国人就开始有饮茶的习惯。唐代时,日本的僧人从中国引入茶种,与同时引入的禅宗思想相结合,形成了闻名世界的日本茶道。17 世纪时荷兰人将中国人饮茶的习惯带到欧洲,进而形成了欧洲人喝茶的传统。尤其在英国,下午茶的习俗由此而生。 在19世纪之前,世界各地饮用的茶叶都来自中国。英文中茶叶译为tea,就是根据中文的音译(方言“茶”的读音)。茶,是中国人对世界的重要贡献。IV. Short Answer questions1. How did the ancient Silk Road influence Chinese culture?/ What is the significance of the ancient Silk Road?The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route,but also as a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations of China,India,the Mesopotamian plains,Egypt,and Greece.It also helped to promote the exchange of science and technology between east and west.The Silk Road served as the main channel for ancient China to open up to the outside world, as well as for fresh impulses from other cultures to enter the country,which contributed a significant share to the shaping of Chinese culture.丝绸之路不仅是一条古代通商的道路,它更是连接古代中华文明,印度文明,埃及文明,希腊文明和美索不达米亚文明的纽带。它也为东西方的科学技术交流起到了促进作用。丝绸之路是古老的中国走向世界,接受世界其他地方文明营养的主要通道。中国文化性格的塑造与丝绸之路息息相关。2. What does filial “piety” mean according to Confucius(孔子认为孝是什么意思?)? Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty” as the essence of ren. The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) quotes Confucius as saying,“The greatest love for people is the love of ones parents.”孔子把“孝与兄弟的责任”视为仁的本质。中庸援引孔子的话:“人最伟大的爱是父母的爱。”How do you understand it(你是怎么理解的?)?I think filial piety is the basis of being a man, and parents are the most important people in the world. Our life is given by our parents, and we should always be grateful to our parents.我认为孝顺是成为人的基础,父母是世界上最重要的人。我们的生命是由父母给予的,我们应该永远感激我们的父母。3. What is emphasized in the Confucian philosophy of “life”? Please illustrate it with an example(儒家“生命”哲学强调什么?请举例说明。).In the Confucian philosophy of “life”, love for and kindness toward all living things are emphasized.在儒家的“生命”哲学中,强调对一切生命的热爱和善待。4. What is the attitude of the Tang Dynasty toward other cultures(唐代对其他文化的态度如何?)?Tang Dynasty tolerated and absorbed elements from all foreign cultures.唐代对外来文化宽容和吸收。5.Why are Zheng Hes voyages to the Western Seas considered to be the greatest ones pared with the European explorers of his time (为什么和的西洋之旅被认为是与他那个时代的欧洲探险家相比最伟大的?)?Because pared with those explorers,Zheng Hes voyages took place much earlier and on a much larger scale.And Zheng Hes ships were also constructed with advanced technology and craft.因为与那些探险家们相比,和的航行时间更早,规模更大,和的船只也是用先进的技术和工艺建造的。6. What s the meaning of “ren” (仁)(benevolence) according to Confucius(根据孔子,“仁”是什么意思?)?Confucius interpreted ren as “love of people”, which begins with the “love for ones parents”.孔子把仁解释为“对人民的爱”,从“爱父母”开始。7.What are important factors when making and drinking tea(沏茶和喝茶的重要因素是什么?)?The Chinese attach great importance to the water,tea leaves,tea set and fire,when making and drinking tea.中国人在沏茶和喝茶的时候非常重视水、茶叶、茶具和火候。8. Why was Tang Capital Changan considered to be the largest and the most prosperous international city in the world at the time(为什么唐代长安被认为是当时世界上最大、最繁荣的国际城市?)?The Tang capital Changan could be said to be the largest metropolis in the world at the time because of its enormous size, large population and large number of foreign visitors.唐代长安城规模巨大,人口众多,外来游人众多,可以说是当时世界上最大的大都会。9. How do you understand “ the great virtue is like water” (你是怎么理解上善若水的) .“Water nourishes everything but contends for nothing”.To Laozi,humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places.Driven by desire,humans like whatever they think is superior while despising whatever they think is inferior.Yet water always flows downward.As the source of life water nourishes all living things on Earth.“水善万物而不争。”在老子看来,人往高处走,水往低处流。人情受欲望驱动,好高而恶下,而水却永远往下流淌。水是生命之源,可以滋润万物,给带来生命。10. What qualities do Chinese calligraphy and dance share(中国书法和舞蹈有什么共同点?)?Both Chinese calligraphy and dance involve movements which are swift, smooth and elegant,slow,gentle and enchanting.中国书画和舞蹈都是动作迅速、流畅、优雅、缓慢、柔和、迷人。11. According to Confucius ,what qualities are “persons of virtue” supposed to have(根据孔子的说法,“品德人”应该具备什么素质?)?“persons of virtue” should have sound character and uplifted minds.Such persons should be able to shoulder important social responsibilities and to make contributions to society. Confucius regarded lofty ideals,great virtue,love of people, and the “six arts” as the general principles of education.Of these,virtue was the most important.“品德人”要有健全的人格和清醒的头脑,这样的人才能承担起重要的社会责任,为社会做出贡献。他认为崇高的理想,伟大的美德,对人民的热爱,和“六艺”作为教育的基本原则。其中,美德是最重要的。12. What are the purposes of Zheng Hes missions to the Western Seas(和下西洋的任务是什么?)?When Emperor Yongle sent Zheng He on the missions to the Western Seas, he expected to show off the prosperity of the Ming Empire as well as to put his ideals into practice, of making friends with and spreading peace to other countries near and far.永乐皇帝派和下西洋,一方面是为了在世人面前显示大明帝国的强盛,另一方面也是为了实现和顺万邦,与远近各国相安无事,以共享太平之福的外交理想。13. What does the ancient silk road refer to(古丝绸之路指的是什么?)?The Silk Road refers to a transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia, West Asia,Africa, and the European continent.It appeared as early as the second century and was traveled mainly by silk merchants.丝绸之路是公元前2世纪开始出现的一条联系中国和欧亚大陆的交通要道,由于这条道路开始时以丝绸贸易为主,所以人们便称它为丝绸之路。14.What do you know about Chinese Calligraphy(你对中国书法了解多少?) ? Chinesecalligraphyisauniqueart.Thelineisthefoundation,isalsothecalligraphercalligraphyemotion,spirit,temperamentandself-cultivationtorevealthemedia.CalligraphyisaveryimportantpartofChineseculture.Throughcalligraphy,wecanalsoseetheChineseoutlookontheworldandthevalues. 中国书法是一种很独特的艺术。线条是书法的基础、也是书法家表情达意,精神、气质和学养得以流露的媒介。书法是中华文化中非常重要的一员,通过书法也可以看出中国人的世界观和价值观。What makes the writing of Chinese character an art(是什么使得汉字的书写成为一门艺术?)?The evolution of Chinese calligraphy has benefited from two factors: one is the square shaped pictographic characters, whose beautiful forms provided preliminary conditions for the art of calligraphy;and the other is the writing brush, an important invention in the history of Chinese culture and the basis for calligraphy to germinate and develop.中国书法的发展得益于两个因素:一是方形的象形文字,其美的形式为书法艺术提供了初步的条件; 另一种是毛笔,是中国文化史上的一项重要发明,是书法得以萌芽和发展的基础。15.Why can Suzhou embroidery stand out(刺绣为什么能脱颖而出?)?1.In the early 20th century,Portrait of an Italian Queen by the celebrat


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