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会计学1高中英语必修四高中英语必修四unit4第1页/共43页第2页/共43页第3页/共43页happycryswimplay basketballIm thinking!第4页/共43页surprisetelephone/callflyBe quiet.Come here!第5页/共43页第6页/共43页Eye contact ( touch) I love you ! 第7页/共43页Well-doneOk stopquietvictory!第8页/共43页 anger fear happy sorrow contempt 轻视轻视 surprisedisgust厌恶厌恶恐惧恐惧悲伤第9页/共43页Me?I dont know!What are they trying to tell us?第10页/共43页Nice to meet you!I give up.Pray/ Please! Im listening carefully!第11页/共43页How are they feeling?happy第12页/共43页How are they feeling?sad第13页/共43页How is he feeling?angry第14页/共43页Body language is one form of _(交流交流) without using words, including eye contact , facial_, gestures, and _ (姿势姿势).communicationexpressionspostures第15页/共43页Same body language has the different meanings.第16页/共43页Postures that have different meanings:JapanmoneyFranceZeroBrazil & GermanyrudeUSNigeriaGermany & JapanGreat & good jobrudeNumber one第17页/共43页Different body languages has the same meaning.第18页/共43页MeaningGesturecountriesNo, no, dont do that.Moving the index finger from side to side.USAChinaI dont knowShrugging ones shoulders. France RussiaChina Waving ones hand (s)Shaking ones heador hand第19页/共43页Different ways to greet handshakea loving huga kiss on the cheeknose- kisstwo palms togetherbowing第20页/共43页第21页/共43页Six 第22页/共43页u Tony Garciau Julia Smith u Akira Nagatau George Cook u Ahmed Aziz uDarlene Coulon ColumbiaBritainJapanCanadaJordan Francepeoplecountry第23页/共43页Match the right main idea of each part.I went to the Airport to meet the international students.People from different countries have different body language.Summary of body language.Part 1(Para. 1)Part 2 (Para. 2-4 )Part 3(Para. 5 ) ABC第24页/共43页Detailed reading : Para1When: _Who: _Where: _What to do: _yesterdayanother student and I,the Capital International AirportTo meetthis years international students.第25页/共43页Mr. Garcia (Columbia)Julia Smith (Britain)Visitor (Japan)George Cook (Canada)Madame Coulon (France)Matching the people and the different ways of greeting Matching the people and the different ways of greeting (para2&5)(para2&5)shakes hands and kisses others twice on each cheekBowsshakes handsapproaches others closely and touches their shoulder and kisses them on the cheek does not stand very close to others or touch strangers第26页/共43页Find out the two cultural mistakes in Para2Tony Garcia Julia SmithThe first mistake(Columbia )(Britain)He approached Julia, _ _ _and _ her on the _.She _ _ appearing _ and put up her hands, as if _ _.shouldertouchedherkissedcheekstepped backsurprisedin defenceThe second mistakeAkira Nagata(Japanese)George Cook(Canada)He _ his hand _ to the Japanese student.He _ so his nose _Georges _ _.bowedtouchedmovinghandreached outRead it by yourself.第27页/共43页第28页/共43页1.How do men from Muslim countries greet others ?Is the author male or female? How do you know?3. How did Tony and Darlene greet each other? Why?Para3:They shook hands and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since this is the French custom when adults meet people they know.To men:To women:stand close, and shake handsnoddingMale.Because Ahmed Aziz only shakes hands with men.第29页/共43页People in the country/area Ways to greet each otherEnglish peoplePeople from Spain, Italy and South American countriesJapanese Most people around the world_others closely and are more likely to_.Do not stand _to others or touch _ when they meet. BowShake handsFill in the table according to Para4:Read it together.very closestrangersApproachtouch them第30页/共43页None of these actions is eitherNot allStudying international customsgood or bad.Para5:Read it silently.第31页/共43页Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing .Japanese will bow to others as greeting.People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries body language are bad.Post-reading:Post-reading: Read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements Read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). are true (T) or false (F). TFT FFdontshaking hands.E.g. Ahmed AzizNone of these actions is either good or bad.第32页/共43页Fill in the blanks:followedtouchedkissedreachedbowedapologized第33页/共43页 These are examples of learned or cultural “body language”. Not all cultures _ each other the same way, nor are they comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away. In the same way that people _ with spoken language, they also _ their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance, actions or _. expresscommunicategreetpostureFill in the blanks:第34页/共43页When in Rome, do as Romans do.When in Rome, do as Romans do. (入乡随俗入乡随俗) Travel around the world Jordan France China Britain Japan Colombia Your best friend Li Lei is going to travel abroad, please write a letter to tell him some tips about the different greeting ways in those foreign countries.第35页/共43页Dear Li Lei, Im so excited to hear that you are going to travel abroad. And Id like to tell you something about the greeting ways. In Japan, people prefer to People in Colombia like English people do not usuallyThe French custom is Men from Jordan will oftenWish you a good journey! Yours, 第36页/共43页1 Learn the new words by heart2 Finish the exercise on the work book.第37页/共43页Goodbye! Many thanks!第38页/共43页第39页/共43页Postures that have different meanings:JapanmoneyFranceZeroBrazil & GermanyrudeUSNigeriaGermany & JapanGreat & good jobrudeNumber one第40页/共43页Different ways to greet handshakea loving huga kiss on the cheeknose- kisstwo palms togetherbowing第41页/共43页Find out the two cultural mistakes in Para2Tony Garcia Julia SmithThe first mistake(Columbia )(Britain)He approached Julia, _ _ _and _ her on the _.She _ _ appearing _ and put up her hands, as if _ _.shouldertouchedherkissedcheekstepped backsurprisedin defenceThe second mistakeAkira Nagata(Japanese)George Cook(Canada)He _ his hand _ to the Japanese student.He _ so his nose _Georges _ _.bowedtouchedmovinghandreached outRead it by yourself.第42页/共43页 These are examples of learned or cultural “body language”. Not all cultures _ each other the same way, nor are they comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away. In the same way that people _ with spoken language, they also _ their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance, actions or _. expresscommunicategreetpostureFill in the blanks:第43页/共43页


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