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英语)高一英语动词的基本方法技巧及练习题及练习题 ( 含答案)一、单项选择动词1 Many optimistic teenagers owe their personalities to their outgoing parents.It makes sense. As we all know, a happy parent a happy child.A makes out B makes into C makes up D makes for【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查动词词组。 A. makes out明白,理解; B. makes into制成;C. makes up由-组成,编造; D. makes for 有助于。句意: 许多乐观的青少年把他们的个性归功于他们外向 的父母。 它是有意义的。我们都知道,一个快乐的父母造就了一个快乐的孩子。故选 D。2All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he badly wounded and that he at once.A should be; be operated on B were; must be operated on C be; was operated on D was; be operated on【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:考查 insist 的用法。句意:医院里所有的医生都认为他受伤很严重,要求他立 即动手术。 insist 作 “坚决要求做某事 ”讲时,要用虚拟语气;当 “坚持说,坚持陈述某事实 解时,用陈述语气。考点 : 考查 insist 的用法3. 100. -I have bee n watch ing I am a sin ger ” and G邓邓紫 棋an gs(my favorite star. Me, too. Her new album is said to be next month. By then, we , fans, will buy some. Arelieved B delivered C produced Dreleased【答案】 D【解析】D考查动词。句意:-我一直在看我是一个歌手”而且邓紫棋是我最喜欢的明星。-我也是。她的新专辑将于下月发行。到那时,我们的粉丝们会买一些。A减轻,解除;B递送;C产生,制造;D发行,发布。故选 D。4Briggs will as general manager when Mitchell retires.A get awayBtake overCset offDrun out【答案】 B【解析】when Mitchell试题分析:句意:当米切尔退休的时候,布里格斯将接管总经理的位置。retires 这是时间状语从句,不能用将来时,而用一般现在时来代替; get away 离开; take over 接管; set off 出发; run out 用完,耗尽。根据句意故选B。考点:考查动词短语辨析。5 The event that in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 yearsold. It has never escaped.A stood out B stands outC would stand out Dhas stood out【答案】 B【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:在我的记忆中最突出的事件发生在 1983 年的一个早晨,当时我 14 岁。 它从未逃出过我的记忆。此处指目前的一种客观事实,所以要用一般现在时态,故选B。6 It s obvious that getting these historic sites recognized by the world is helpful for preserving and repairing them , as it their extreme importance and value.A associates B symbolizesC stresses D abolishes【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查动词辨析。句意:很显然,这些历史遗址得到世界的承认对保存和修理它们是有帮助 的,因为它强调了它们的特别重要性和价值。 associate 联系; symbolize 使成为象征; stress强调;abolish清除。故选C。s Howard7The main issue at the APEC meeting was a climate-change plan by Australiaand backed by Bush.A put outBput offC put awayD put forward【答案】 D【解析】考查短语辨析。句意“ APE会议的重要议题是一项气候改变计划,是由澳大利亚的霍华德提出的,并得到了布什的支持。”A扑灭” B推迟” C收拾起来,放好”;D提出”故选D。8Although the ring is not made of real diamonds, its shape and design still many younggirls.A appeal toBfit forC attend toD apply for【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:尽管这个戒指不是用真的钻石做成的,但是它的形状和设计依然吸引了许多年轻的女孩。appeal to对有吸引力;fit for适合;attend to处理;apply for申请, 选A。考点:考查词组辨析9. As most parents know by now, we shouldour kids screen time or they willbecome couch potatoes who tend to be lazy.A. assessB. limitC. arrangeD. apply【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像很多家长知道的那样,我们应该限制孩子看电视的时间,不然他们会变成很懒的电视迷。A. assess评估;B. limit限制;C. arrange安排;D. apply应用。根据句意可知,是限制看电视的时间,故选B项。10. Though Tom was physically challenged, he did nothimself to his fate.A. resistB. reserveC. resignD. rescue【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查动词辨析及固定搭配。动词resist反对,抵制;忍耐,抵抗; reserve预约;保留;储备;resign辞职;放弃;屈从;勉强接受; rescue救援;动词短语resign on eself to.听从,顺从;句意:尽管 Tom生理有缺陷,但他没有顺从命运的安排。上下文 之间为转折关系,根据句意可知C正确。考点:考查动词辨析及固定搭配11. Learning another Ianguage is like stepping out of a door, through which I canandsee more clearly my own Ian guage.A. take backB. look backC. turn backD. get back【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语。A. take back收回;B. look back回顾;C. turn back (使)往回走;翻起;D. get back回来,找回,报复。学习另外一种语言就好像跨出了一扇房门,通过它,我可以回顾并且更加清楚地明白自己的语言。故选B。考点:考查动词短语12. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can his actions atall.A account forB call forC send forD reach for【答案】 A【解析】考查动词短语。account for解释” ;call for需要;“要求”;send for派人去请(拿);召唤”; reach for 伸手“去拿”。由题意可知 A 项正确。13The patient was still in danger, because after the transplant, his body the new heart.Arejected BreservedCreleased Drefreshed【答案】 A【解析】【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:病人仍然处于危险之中,因为移植后,他的身体排斥新的心 脏。A. rejected拒绝,排斥 B. reserved储存,预留 C. released释放 D. refreshed更新。根据 句意,可知选 A。14When youre done, throw it all away and yo u r new assignment.Abreak into Bturn intoCdive into Dfit into【答案】 C【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。 A. break into 闯入; B. turn into 变成; C. dive into 钻研、投入; D. fit into 符合、适应。句意:当你完成的时候,将它抛开,投入到你的新任务中去。根据句意 可知此处表示 全心投入”,故C项正确。15Why to go abroad to study, when there are so many good universities athome?AimaginesBbotherCconsiderDprevent【答案】 B【解析】动词辨析。A想象;B麻烦;C考虑;D假装;结合句意可知 B正确。句意:为什么如此麻 烦要出国学习?国内就有很多好大学!16The recent cold weather has prevented residents from going out, which may thedecline in customer flows at the shopping mall.Amake upBaccount forCapply forDtake up【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:最近的寒冷天气使居民们无法出门,这可能是购物中心客流量下降的原因。A. make up编造,化妆;B. account for对作出解释,说明的原因;C. apply for 申请; D. take up 拿起,开始从事。结合句意故选 B。17 The level of the river _ 20 centimeters over the security line and must be taken tocontrol the flood.A is measured; measuresBmeasures; measurementCmeasures; measuresDis measured; measurement【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查动词用法。句意:这条河的水位比警戒线高 20 厘米,必须采取措施控制红色。 measure 作不及物 +长度,高度,宽度,面积,等等数字及其单位,注意:可译为:长宽高多少。第二空考查短语 take measures to采取措施,故选 C。18My mother s health under the pressure of a big project and she had to see thedoctor.A broke upBbroke awayCbroke outDbroke down【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我母亲在一个大项目的压力下身体垮了,不得不去看医生。A.broke up 分手,打碎; B. broke away 脱离,放弃; C. broke out 爆发; D. broke down 打破, 出故障,精神拖垮。根据 under the pressure 可知,此处指 “精神拖垮 ”。故选 D。19You can t predict everything. Often things dont as you expect.A run outBwork outCbreak outDput out【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:你不可能能预测一切事情,事情经常不会像你预料的那样发 展。 A. run out 用完; B. work out 发展,计算出; C. break out 爆发; D. put out 熄灭,出 版。 work out “发展,计算出 ”符合句意。故选 B。20The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to peoples needs for aesthesis andenjoyment.Aresult inB serve forC work atD cater to【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:一个艺术家的责任是去创造艺术作品以迎合人们的审美和享受的需要。 A. result in导致;B. serve for为服务;C. work at从事于;D. cater to设法迎合(的需要)。创造艺术作品的目的是为了迎合人们的审美和享受的需要。所以caterto设法迎合(的需要)符合句意。故选 D项。21. When I said that some one did n t work hard in ouwclassotl you.A. picking outB. referring toC. taking outD. sticking to【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我说我们班里有人不努力学习时,我指的不是你。A. pick ingout挑选;B. referring to指的是;C. taking out取出,得到;D. sticking to坚持,根据句意, B项符合题意。故选 B项。22. -What happened to her?-She wasto hospital with a soari ng temperature.A. adaptedB. adjustedC. admittedD. adopted【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:-她怎么了 ?-她因高烧而住院。A. adapted适应;B. adjusted调整;C. admitted准许进入;D. adopted采纳。sb be admitted to sth 某人被准许进入某处”。故选C项。23. In Britain today women44% of the workers and nearly half the mothers withchildre n are in paid work.A. go upB. bring upC. hold upD. make up【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查up系列动词短语辨析。句意:在当今的英国,女性占了工人总数的44%,将近一半的妈妈们从事有报酬的工作。A. go up增长,上升;B. bring up养育,培养;C. hold up举起,阻拦;D. make up组成,构成。本题中,女性构成了工人群体的44%,故选D。24. If you have any doubts about your health, you d betteryour doctor at once.A. convinceB. consultDaffectC avoid 【答案】 B【解析】【分析】【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你对你的健康有任何疑问,你最好立刻向你的医生咨询。A. convince 说服; B. consult 咨询; C. avoid 避免; D. affect 影响。健康有问题应该咨询医 生。故选 B。25 Although the long sentence and difficult structures in this novel have been , it stillkeeps much of the charm and favor of the original.A occupied B polishedC simplified D recited【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然这部小说的长句和难句结构被简化了,但仍然保留了原著 的许多魅力和偏爱。 A. occupied 占用 B. polished 修改 C. simplified 简化 D. recited 背诵。 根据句意可知,选 C。26An energy ministry official says all of the countrys nuclear plants have been andare capable of standing natural disasters.A arrangedB appreciatedC inspectedD performed【答案】 C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一名能源部官员表示,该国所有的核电站都经过了检查,能够 承受自然灾害。 A. arranged 安排; B. appreciated 感激; C. inspected 检查; D. performed 执 行,表演。结合句意故选 C。27 What do you think of the jacket and the hat I wear today?I don itntkhthis jacket you and that your hat this jacket perfectly.A suits; fitsB meets; fitsC matches; suitsD fits; matches【答案】 D 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词辨析。句意: 你认为我今天穿得夹克衫和戴得帽子怎么样? 我认为这件 夹克衫不适合你,你的帽子与你的夹克衫不匹配。 meet 指满足。 fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。suit指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、款式等与某人的皮 肤、气质、身材或身份相称。match多指大小、色调、形状、性质等的搭配。夹克衫是大小、形状是否适应某人,帽子和夹克衫是搭配,故选D。28. You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways,thesituati on they are in.A. bringing aboutB. depending onC. getting intoD. leading to【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:你可能会发现人们会用不同的方式表达相同的观点,这主要取决于他们所处的情景。A. bringing about带来;B. depending on取决;C. getting into进入;D. leading to导致;根据情景和词义,故选B项。考点:考查动词短语29. When ever Ian in teresti ng article on li ne, I will share it with friends on WeChat.A. figure outB. put forwardC. get acrossD. come across【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:每当我在网上遇到有趣的文章时,我会与微信上的朋友分享。A. figure out 找出;B. put forward 提出;C. get across跨越;D. come across 偶然遇到。分享 文章通常是先遇到好文章再分享,没必要特意找好文来分享,所以A错,B、C选项明显和句意不搭,故选Do30. It s n atuthat a man can hardly a smile whe n he is in formed of some good n ews.A. hold up B. hold backC. hold off D. hold on【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:当一个人听到一些好消息时,他会抑制不住的笑,这是很自然的。A. hold up 举起;B. hold back 抑制;C. hold off 拖延;D. hold on 抓牢。hold back 符合题 意。故B选项正确。31. That sound doesn tin his native Ianguage, so it is difficult for him to pronounce it.A. owe B. occurC. take place D. happen【答案】B【解析】【详解】A. owe欠 B. occur存在,出现 C. take place发生 D. happen发生。句意:那个声音在他的母语中不存在,所以对他来说很难发音。occur v.存在,故选B。32. The two men werewith receiving stolen property, which would probably result intheir impris onment.A. suspectedB. accusedC. arrestedD. charged【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。 A. suspected被怀疑的;B. accused被控告的;C. arrested被逮捕的;D.charged带电的。be charged with sth .意为 关于被控告”句意:两个男人被控告偷了财物,这让父母极为担忧。故选Do33. It is bey ond awkward whe n every one around youlaughi ng at a joke thatyou do not find funny, especially if its a joke told in a foreign Ianguage.A. run intoB. bursts outC. yells outD. falls into【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语的词义辨析。A.run into快速进入,碰撞; B. bursts out爆发;Cyells out大声说出来;D. falls into落入,分成。句意:当你身边的人因一个你不觉得有趣的 笑话尤其是用外语来说的笑话而突然爆笑时,你是非常尴尬的。故选Bo考点:考查动词短语的词义辨析34. You ll have to pay an extra amount to_ the cost of in sura nee.A. coverB. spendC. fillD. offer【答案】A【解析】A考查词义辨析。cover the cost支付费用”符合题意。spend花费” fill填写,填满 offer主动提供”故选Ao35. Success only those with courage and determ in ati on.A. favorsB. requestsC. reflectsD. instructs【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:成功只青睐有勇气和有决心的人。A. favors支持;赞成;B. requests要求;C. reflects反射;D. instructs指导。根据句意,有勇气有决心的人会成功,成功青睐 有勇气和有决心的人。故选A。36. The early pioneers had tomany hardships to settle on the new land.A. go along withB. go back onC. go throughD. go into【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析:句意:先民不得不新土地上经历很多艰难困苦才能定居下来。A. goalong with 和相处,B. go back on 背弃,C. go through 经历,检查, D. go into 染上。由“ many hardships to settle on the new land 可知, go through经历”符合句意。故选 C。37. The researchers say they willmore studies to confirm the results.A. give awayB. make outC. carry outD. put up【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些研究人员说他们将进行更多的研究证实这个结果。A. giveaway泄漏;赠送;B. make out理解;辨认出; C. carry out进行;完成;D. put up张贴。根 据句意可知,进行研究来证实结果的准确性。故选Co38. I d like to go to see the film with you, Dad.Sorry, my son, but on ly the grow n-ups areinto the cin ema.A. requiredB. intendedC. admittedD. supposed【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一爸爸,我想和你一起去看这部电影。一对不起,儿子,只有成人才被允许进电影院。A. required要求;B. intended打算,计划;C. admitted允许进入;D. supposed认为。根据句意可知,C项符合题意,be admitted in to.被允许进入 ”故选Co39. Mike has played a lot of computer games recen tly.Yes, that mighthis failure in the mid-term exam in atio ns.B answer for D stand forA Account for C ask for 【答案】 A 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意为: Tom 最近玩太多电脑游戏了。 是的,这也许是他期 中考试失利的原因。A项表示 是的说明(或原因)”,符合语境。B项表示 対负责, 因受到谴责”;C项表示 要求,请求”;D项表示 代表”。40 Did Jackson mend the computer himself?He, because he knows nothing about computers.A mended itBhad mended itChad it mendedDhas it mended【答案】 C【解析】【详解】考查时态和非谓语动词。句意: Jackson是自己修的电脑吗?他找人修的,因为他不懂电脑。根据后一句 because he knows nothing about computers. 可知, Jackson 不懂电 脑,所以他请人修理电脑,根据上文的Did判断为一般过去时,it和me nd之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补,had it mended让电脑被修,故选 C项。【点睛】本句考查 have 作为使役动词的用法,其搭配通常为 have sb/sth do/ done/doing 其中 do/doing/done 是宾语的补语,例如1. You should have your teeth pulled out. 你应该拔牙。(牙齿和 pull 之间是被动关系,故用 过去分词)2. The teacher had Mary clean the classroom. 老师让玛丽打扫教室。( Mary 和 clean 之间是主 动,且是一次性动作,故用动词原形)3. His joke had me laughing for a whole afternoon 。他的笑话让我笑了一下午。( me 和 laugh 之间是主动,且表动作延续了一段时间,故用 doing)


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