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九年级英语上册 Module 5 同步教案九年级英语上册 Module 5 同步教案一、学习目标:知识目标:能正确使用 Module 5 中的单词和短语; 能力目标:能简单介绍一个博物馆;能发出指令, 提示别人不要做某事。情感目标:培养对博物馆的兴趣;引导学生注意在 公共场所的提示标语上中外文化的异同,并提高自觉遵 守公共规则的自觉性。二、重点、难点:重点: 1. 应用本模块交际用语,如: No shouting!;No wonder it 等;2. 掌握下列短语 pay aas well, work ouut, aboveall, dasas的用法;能使用祈使句禁止某种行为; 能初步了解复合词。难点: also, too 与 as well 的区别;2. be familiar with和 be familiar to 的辨析;表示禁止某种行为的祈使句以及合成词的构成。三、知能提升:(一)重点单词单词学习 amiliar【用法】 adj. 熟悉的be familiar with和 be familiar to 的区别:be familiar with对熟悉be familiar to(主语)被所熟悉【例句】 (1) We are familiar with Liu Dehua.(2) Liu Dehua is familiar to u【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】 familiar 的拼写及错用和它搭配的介词。 【考题链接】 Iame familiar you?Yes, I m veryfamiliar A. to, at B. to, wat D. w答案: B解题思路:此题考查 familiar 的用法,第一个人问 的是“这个名字被你所熟悉吗”,因此用 be familiar to,从而排除C和D第二个人回答的是“我非常熟悉 它”,因此用 be familiar with ,故选 B。2 【用法 1】adj. “(两者之中)任一、任何一个” ( either 作定语时,只能修饰单数名词)【例句】You can pad可以构成短语 either or, 意为“或者或者、不是就是”,在句中连接两个并列成分。女口: u or Tom has done it.(连接并列主语)You maay agwith us. (连接并列谓语)注:在连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词必须在人称 和数上与最靠近的主语保持一致。如: uas madake. 不 是你就是他犯了这个错误。 u have madake. 不是他就是 你犯了这个错误。【用法 2】adv. “也(不)”(放在否定句的句末) 【例句】 Peter can t go and I can 【考查点】 either 的用法。【易错点】either -or连接两个并列主语时,谓语 动词的单复数形式易弄错。【考题链接】 u or he leavA. are goingto B. is going to C. go to D. were going答案: B。解题思路:此题考查 either -or的用法,由于最 靠近谓语的主语是he,因此谓语动词要用单数形式,故选 B。即学即练It doesn t matter. I think wawA.both B If you don t ggw, .A. he will, too B. he wondD. he doesn 我对附近这一带熟的很。I ghborhood.This neighborhood me.二)重点短语短语学习 ay a 【用法】表示“集中注意力于” 注意: to 是介词,后跟名词,代词或 v-ing 形式。 a是一个抽象名词,没有复数形式。【例句】 Tom askedwhauld pay awd 【考查点】短语 本意。【易错点】 to 后错用动词不定式。【考题链接】I wish evuld pay a the envABg C.dg答案: B解题思路:此题考查 pay a 的用法,此句的意思是“我希望每个人都能注意保护环境”,由于 to 是介词, 后跟 v-ing 形式,故选 B。2. as well【用法】“也,还有,而且”【例句】 He is an inventor as well.【考查点】 also, too 与 as well 的区别以及 as well as 的用法。( 1) also, too 与 as well 的区别 : 都有“也”的意思:“也(不)”,放在否定句的句末。如: He isn ta walso :通常置于be动词,助动词和情态动词之后,实 义动词之前,一般不用于句末。女口: He is also a worker. He can also swim. He alsolikes swimming :多用于口语,通常置于句末,前面常 有逗号隔开。如: He can swas well :多用于口语,只用于句尾。 如: He can swim as well.( 2)as well 与 as well as 用法的区别:都有“也, 还有,而且”的意思as well :相当于 too ,是副词短语,一般放于句末。as well as :用来连接两个相同的成分,通常不位于 句首。此外, as well as 连接的虽然是两个并列成分, 但强调的重点在前面,不在后面,意为“不但而 且” “除了之外,还有”,翻译时要先译 后面,再译前面。【例句】生物不仅需要水,还需要空气和阳光。Living things need air and light as well as wa 【易错点】 also, too 与 as well 易混淆以及 as well as 的翻译。【考题链接】 udies French .A. too Bas well D. also答案: C。解题思路:此题考查 also, too 与 as well 的辨析, 由于此句是肯定句,因此排除B;由于是在句尾,所以排除D;又由于没有逗号隔开,所以排除A选C。workout【用法】“设法弄懂,计算出,制定出”【例句】Can you tellanswblem? I cant wut myself.你能告诉我这道题的答案吗?我自己解不出来。 【考查点】短语本意。【易错点】错放代词的位置。【考题链接】Dont worry. Things will .A. wlves out B. work oulves C. work ou 答案: A。 解题思路:此题考查 work out 的用法,由于 work out接代词时,代词需要放在短语中间,故选A。ut【用法】尝试,试验【例句】 I really want youuw produ 【考查点】短 语本意。【易错点】错放代词的位置。【考题链接】这个主意不错,但我们需要在实践中去检验一下。The idea soundbut we need to in pra 答案: ut 。解题思路:此题考查的是 try out 的用法,在这里要翻译的是“检验一下”,是指检验一下这个主意,用代 词 it 代替即可,由于 try out 接代词时,代词需要放在 短语中间,故填 ut 。 above all【用法】 首先,最重要的是 (在句中作状语,可置于 句首或句中)【例句】地震中受灾的孩子需要很多帮助,但最重要 的是爱。The children who have sufferedarthquake need pllp, but above alld love.【考查点】短语本意。【易错点】不明确 above all 的意思。【考题链接】Dont waste anything, and , youcant waste youA. in all B. after all C. above all答案: C。解题思路:此题考查的是由 all 构成的短语的辨析, 此句意为“不要浪费任何东西,最重要的是,不要浪费 你的时间。” in all 意为“总共 , 共计”, after all 意 为“毕竟”,故选 Co d【用法】“顺便来访,到家 来”,常构成“ drop in at a place ( 顺便走访某地 ) ” ,“db.(顺便拜访某人)”。【例句】他们路过本镇时,顺便来看我们。They dropped in on us as they were passing througwn.【考查点】短语本意。【易错点】错用介词。【考题链接】Would you when you awn?A. drop in at B. dd答案: A。解题思路:此题考查 drop in 后的介词的用法,此句 意为“你到城里来时顺便来我家玩好吗?”, drop in 后接地点时要用介词 at,故选A。asas【用法】同一样(中间可以接形容词和副词的原 形,引导比较状语从句)【例句】他跑得和我一样快。He runs as fast as I.【考查点】短语本意。【易错点】asas中间错用比较级或最高级。【考题链接】He speaks English as as I do.A. good B. well C. better D. b答案: B。解题思路:此题考查的是 as as 的用法,此句意 为“他英语讲得和我一样好。”由于修饰的是动词 speak,要用副词,排除 A;而asas中间要用原形,故 选 B。即学即练 Dont just believe the advThat kind of camera is it saA. as good as B.not as good aas well as2. The digital camera lan I andsee wwA. try out it Buu, I waank all myfauA. Above all B. After all C. First allan we Uncle Matt on our way to New York?A. drop in B. ddrop in aLi asked us to pay a the word.All Bllinglling Excuse me, but do you know thewaal, please?Sorry, I don t know, .A. too B. as wellWe have a planfor our holiday.A. worked out B. tried out C. found out (三)重点句型句型学习 No shouting! 【用法】“不要喧哗”(相当于 Dont shout! )No 名词或 No v-ing 是一种常见的指令性的表达 方式,有“禁止”“不能做”或“规劝”的意思。【例句】 N! 禁止拍照 !No parking ! 禁止停车!Ng! 禁止吸烟!【考查点】表示“禁止”指令的表达。【易错点】不理解 No+名词或No+ v-ing的意思。【考题链接】 May I put my b?u mustn t. Please look agn. It says,a”A. NO PHOTOSB. DANGERC. SLOW DOWND. NO PARKING 答案: D。解题思路:NO PHOTO意为“禁止拍照”, DANGER 意为“危险”, SLOW DOW意 为“减速”,NO PARKING 意为“禁止停车”,根据上文应选 D。2. No wonder it 【用法】“难怪它”No wonder “难怪,怪不得”,有时也说It s nowonder,后接由that引导的从句。【例句】 No wonder you are so exd. 难怪你这么有 经验。【考查点】 No wonder 的意思。【易错点】不理解 No wonder 的意思。【考题链接】 you are tired, youvebeen walking for houA. I don t thinkB. No wonderC. I a 答案: B。解题思路:此题意为“难怪你累了,你一直走了好几个小时呢。”故选 B。语法:合成词构词法【用法】合成词就是将两个独立的单词合在一起,构成一个词,这种构词法就是“合成词构词法”。合成词 有合成名词,合成形容词,合成动词以及合成副词。 合成名词:一般由“名词+名词”合并而成。如: homewball 等。 合成形容词:一般由“名词+形容词”或“形容词+名词”合并而成。如:home-made (家里制作的),deep-sea (深海的)等。 合成动词:一般由“副词+动词”,“名词+动 词”等构成。如: download , overthrow (推翻) 合成副词:一般由“副词+副词”,“副词+名词”等构成。如: upstairs , downsta 【考查点】合成词 构词法【易错点】不懂得各种合成词是怎样构成的。【考题链接】I boug( 明信片 )amily andds.答案: postcards 。解题思路:此题考查合成词构词法。明信片是一个合成名词,由 post + card构成,由于前面有 some,要用 复数,故填 postcards 。即学即练 The (蓝眼睛的) babyis very cu2. Dont go (楼上) , Daddyis sleepingW (下载)muIDon(烟花) Please look outside. Look at the blackboard.A. don t B. aren t C. can It s you are so angry. He broke your favourite bA. OK B. a wondwonder 预习导学上册 Module 6 Save our world 一、预习新知重点单词: waste, envduct重点短语: throw awaad of, do haake a d重点句型: It s adj. to do sth.二、预习点拨思考问题一: for example, such as 与 like 的区别? 思考问题二: instead of 和 rather than 的区别? 思考问题三:前缀、后缀构词法是怎样的? 同步练习(答题时间: 40 分钟)一、单项选择: ( ) The children are still upstairs. Go and g for breakfaA. todownstairs B. from downstairs C. downsta2. ( ) You mustnt take pictuLook agn“”.A. NO SMOKING B. NO PARKING C. NO PHOT( ) Be polite. You talld like that.A. mustnt B. couldn dn( ) The claclean it waday. Sorry. I forgot to cleaA.as, as B. so, aa( ) You can buy everything that youwant, , that s youA. above all B.after all C. all tog*6. ( ) Speak so that evan heaA. as loudly as possibleB. muchloudly C. as more loudly as you ca( ) I dont knowmuch about computer, .A. too B( ) Liu Xiang is familiar us.A. to B. with C. b( ) Weare familiar compuA.with B0. ( ) No . Its agaule.A. talk B. to talk C. talking( ) She was payinga TV.A. watch B. watching C. watched12. ( ) Dont the door. It s cold outside.A. open Bg( ) What would you like, tea or milk?I don t mind. _AB. NB( ) You can findworks foreign wA. as well B. also C. as well a( )Pollublem is vus. Can we ?A. work out B. work ouwut( * )二、完形填空:Evds friends. We all llIave a friend to talk, laugh, and to do things with. 2we need to be alone. We dont always want people 3 . But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.No two people are juame. Friends 4 dont get on well. It doesn t mean thalonger 5 eawill make up (重归于好) and bds agads move away. Then we feel vWvery much, but we caand wAndwe can makenew friends. It is surprising to find out _8_ we like new people when we gwTgoodle who have friends. They live longer than people who don t, Why? It 10 be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay welluld just know thaares. Iares about you, you take better caurself.( ) 1. A. watch B. feel C. look D( ) 2. A. NearlyB. Hardlainly D. Suddenly( ) 3. A. around B. alone C. away D. above( ) 4. A. always BD. usually( ) 5. A. know Bate D. l( ) 6. A. angry B. sadC. happy D. surprised( ) 7. A. ask B. call C. tell D. order( ) 8. A. how muchB. how long C. how manyD. how( ) 9. A. confidence B. thougwledge D. news( ) 10. A. must B. should C. could D. need(* )三、阅读理解:(A)g is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E.in a middle school. He wears a long beard (胡子) and takes goodIt was Sundaday. There was a big football maalaygroundg lgame very much and of course he was going to waWds help he got aa few days ago. After breakfast he hurriedbubut a lle were waitingA bus came and he hardly got on. There were plland it was difficuluHe had to grip (抓住) a baair. Axt stop a boy gbus. He waand couldn t grip anything.Suddenly the bud and the boy hardly fellloor. Hel ooked around and sawg s beard and gThe man found it at once and called out, “Let go of (松开)mybeard, boy!”“Are you going to g? ” asked the bg is a _.A. player B. ruacher D. driver2g was going to waatch because _.A .he teaches P.E. in a middle school B. he lballvery muad already got aD. he didn tgo to wdaIt wasdifficulg to stand because _.A. he had druuch B. the bus waallgbus too lateD. it was very crowdedbuThe boy grippedgs beardbecause _.A. he was afraid to fall agaB. he wanted to maan angd the mad a seaDd the man to gg was afraid_utedaA. the boy would pull him down B. the boy would hurt his beardboy could be hurt again D. the boy would borrow(B)There was little ralawo years and a lle died of hunger. So a mada famine (饥荒) to aal (官员) . Tal asked,“How much wheat have you harvested? ”“Talyield (正常产量的30%), ” the manreplied.“How mu?”a -|- ”“Tw”“How much rice? ”a -|- ”“Tw”Tal got mad,“Youve already had sevarvest,how dare (敢) you trump up (谎报) fa? ”The man said,“Ive nevuch a terrible falifeof a hundred and severalars.“How could you have lived so long?” askedal.“Look, I m over seventy years old. My eldvanddvThe total (总数) is a hundred and severalars. ” Allle hearing thi s had a good laugh over thaA great happenedlaA. flood B. diseaseC. drought D. waThe man said .A. people had a bad harvest Bwere badle larms D. people had little foodThe word“mad”ans .A. sad B. angry C. happy D. excitedTal didn .Ale were hungry B. the drought was serious enougle had to be helped D. the famine was terrible enough10. Hearing the clever answle laughed at .A. the old man Balungry people Dlarbad 四、单词拼写:根据下面各题的句意及首字母提示,写出恰当形式 的英语单词。 There are ma sidad.2. Tany saldier was on g all nigHel but I can t remembaLook agn “Noe”u can see maHarbin in w Where aainting room and the livinglease? The paintingu and thelivingdldiers have to oordThe students always do elaHe paysa lot of adetail0. It s quiteube coolummer.五、完成句子:题目太难了,算不出来。The problem can t because it s too hard.2. 最重要的是,科学博物馆是免费的。 useu 下次来佛山时,顺便来看看我们。 and see us when you re in Foshan nex 数学和英语同样重要。Maths is Engl 他们正在检验火箭。They are 箱子里全都是书,怪不得这么重。The whole box book. it s so heav 他会说英语也会说 法语。He can speak French Engl 试题答案、1. C 2. C 3. ABA 解析:此题考查 as as possible的用法,asas possible 意为“尽可能”,也可以写为 asas sb. can , 由于 asas 中间要用原形,所以 排除C; much后要跟比较级,应为 muloudly,所以选A。A 9. A 10B 12. A 13. A 二、 15 BCACD 610 BBADC三、15 CBDAB 610 CABDB四、2. guard 3. familiaulptures 6. upstairs, downstabey 8. exa0. unusual五、1. be worked out 2. Above all 3. Daant agouull of, No wonder 7. as well as


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